Chapter 14 – Don’t look back

I love you, cheater

Chapter 14 – Don’t look back

          Amber woke up with a smile, not knowing why, not knowing whom she dreamt of last night – not even remember if she had a dream. But she has a good feeling about today and she knew what she wanted to do first thing she got to school.


She came down to visit the school swimming pool. She was one of the few to come see their school team started selecting members to compete with other school. There is a long way to go till champion, they only need three players up at final but now they’re going to select the best 10 swimmers they have. She knew Krystal could easily make it. She made a perfect 10 meter dive. She would surely do well, if not, better than the others at swimming. And Amber was right as she watched Krystal swim across the pool along with the few others and finished before any of them. Amber doesn’t know why but she’s smiling proudly. Then she walked out of the swimming pool.


By the end of the day, Amber went to pick up Sulli from her class as usual. She glanced at Krystal who is looking in her way. And just like that, they exchange a short gaze at each other. No words. No talk. No nothing.


And days passed like that. Early in the morning when Krystal go to the swimming pool for her practice, Amber would look at Krystal from the door way. Mesmerized by how a demanding bossy girl could turn so focus and be so into what she is doing. Both of them are beautiful to Amber. When they see each other at school, they will just glance at each other. No words exchanged. Not that they need it anyway.


Afterward, things seem so normal to be like that. For Amber not to get irritated with Kyrstal behavior.  For Amber to look after Krystal from afar. For Krystal to glance at Amber expressionlessly and look away.  


They have lots of time they could have spent together. They could be together when their friends hang out. They could be alone together every time Amber got to wait for Sulli cheerleading practice. But they just do things separately. Krystal just does what she is supposed to do. Practice swimming. Party. Look pretty. Amber on the other hand, has developed a habit of checking on Krystal once in a while during Krystal swimming lessons. she somehow like to see Krystal swimming and don’t get her wrong, it’s not like she want to see Krystal hottie little body or anything (though it can be one of the reason XD), anyway, the main point is that Amber find it intriguing when Krystal look fierce in sport better than fierce at glaring at people or looking cold.  Other than that, during all the time she had to wait for Sulli, Amber spent most of her time reading manga, and listening to music. And that is when Amber discover her new obsession – hip hop music and rapping.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))