When everybody knows

I love you, cheater

Guys!! first of all, i just wanna tell u i'm so happy reading all your comments, got that giddy feeling when i know u guys like kitty stal and mouse-ber, 


i love you, not just cheater , but u all subs and commenters!!! :D


back to the story...

AMber's POV

'You made out with Kryst?' 

'NO!!!' i had with her...


'yes, i idid make out with her once.' and it leads to somthing more, i sighed as i looked at Sulli's sad face.

'How did it happen...?' 


i started figeting my fingers, i dt know how to tell u this, Sull, but looking at everyone's face now can u believe what could have happened if i had said '' instead of make out? u,u


i think i should stop thining inside my head now, what if i blurt out again??!!! stupid brain!!! >,<


'If it helps, i didnt know she got a girlfriend when we did that.' Krystal still talk in her carefree way and shrug.

'But u got no problem goofing around with Amber so closely all the time either rite?' Sooyoung snapped.


i make a mental note not to stayt with Sooyoung alone from now on. She might go violent with that look on. Damn , whats wrong with me, i should be worried about my relationship!!! Focuz, Amber, FOCUS!!!!


i turned to look at Krystal to see how she recovery from Sooyoung's words. She sighed and put on her serious face


'Guys, if you need an explanation, i have one. I got drunk on the day you guys have a party.'

'Which party?' Yuri asked? 


lately we been partying too much or sth , Yul? u,u

'The party you throw for my arrival.' Krystal said, 'I was drunk and she was drunk, i didn tknow she had a girlfirend and she didnt know what she was doing?'

'where did you do that? we didnt even get to see you' Yuri blurred out again.


and now everyone is giving Yuri a YOU-WANNA-BE-KIllED look u,u 

'You wanna tell the story instead?' Krystal said sarcastically, 'anyway, what i'm trying to say here is that the kiss is purely an accident, it doesnt mean anything to both of us.' Krystal said sincerely.



'Kyrst, i gotta say its really hard to take you seriously with kitty-stal on your face....' Yuri barked 


and now everyone is glaring at Yuri and giving her dirty look except me




It really doesnt mean anything to you, Kryst?





 'i don't know why you go around acting like nothing happen, Krystal.'


Sulli's voice bring me back to my senses, as i here her continue : 'But it is a big deal to me. And i dont need your explaination. i will just talk to Amber. Now if u guys excuse me'


And with that Sulli grabbed my hand and drag me along with her. She was running and i was having a hard time with one hand she was holding i only have one hand to cover my masterpiece face u,u


Sulli push me down to sit  on one of the bench near by a mini mart where she just bought suju. 


My cute sulli is drinking now....? =="


But she just dip it on some cotton pad in her little mini first aid box that she retrieve from her sling bag. then She proceed on rubbing the suju on my face.


'it get rid of permenent marker.' She explained. 


my girlfriend is knows alot more than Krystal huh...
















'you're a jerk, Amb' Sulli said, and i can feel the pressure of her cleaning is becoming more and more severe....

cute girls can be scary, see??? >,<

'Sulli-ah, you;re kinda hurting me...' i said softly hoping to get some sympathy

'You think??!!!' She said with her teeth bared, and the pressure of her cotton on my face is getting harsher, 

'Hmmm, sull...'

'is it true?'

'Yes.., everything...' and i had with krystal jung.

'You know i dt believe in all the drunk excuse, rite?' Sulli stop rubbing on my sore face and look at me 

'Sulli, i was drunk, i miss you, you know you were barely there since you';re always busy and i feel so lonely,'

'Are you trying to make this my fault?' Sulli quainted her eyes dangerously at me, and i suddenly remember my sore pain as she tear my face apart with those little cotton balls 

'No, sul, listen, i was crazy i was drunk and i was lonely, i could have fall tripped and fall from a 3 story building and still not knowing what i'm doing'

'Yet you choose to crush on a random hot girl instead.' Sulli spatted.

'I'm sorry, Sull....' i tried to give out my most pitiful look in case it help me to get out of this with my face still recognizable u,u


'You really don't feel anything for her? ' Sulli asked after some long pause

'i love you, sulli,'


'Fine. i'll just let it slide this time.' Sulli finally utter after another pause....i hugged her tight in relief, and gulped in nervousness as Sulli whisper another sentenced in my ear while m still hugging her.....








'If i find out there is something more, i'll put that 'cheater' on your face back where it belongs.  but not with a marker, i'll ink it deeper with a tatoo, remember that, Amber Josephine Liu, ' 



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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o wow.wow...wow...amber what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))