Chapter 3

If That's What You Want




“Do you, Lee Donghae, take thee, Lee Hyuk Jae, to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?”


I can hear my heart thumping loudly in my chest. As soon as I utter the two words, everything is decided; I’d be tied to him, and we’ll be together under the same roof. Am I really ready? Do I just throw away my liberty because of a pact my grandpa did with his grandpa? Is this the right choice? Well, even if we did sign that divorce agreement he wrote, I still don’t know if being married to him is the right thing to do.


“Okay, so here’s the deal, we’ll be married and pretend that we’re all that sappy and in love in front of our parents, and relatives but once they are out of sight, get away from me as far as you can. If possible, I don’t want to see you lurking around me and---”


“Are you stupid? We’ll be living together if you don’t know you jerk,” I hissed.


“Pretend you don’t know me when we’re outside, especially in school. I don’t want anyone to know you’re associated with me---” he continued talking.


“With pleasure. As if I wanted them to know I’m married to an ,” I replied.


“---and the marriage will be considered void the moment we both reach 18. We’re legal by that time and we can decide for ourselves and I’ll be getting my heritage when I reach that age, so I don’t have to worry about being penniless,” he finished.


“What do you mean by that?”


“My grandpa. He threatened me that if I don’t marry you, he’s not giving me a penny and won’t let me inherit the company,” he said, not looking up since he’s so busy scribbling at that paper.


“Oh. Okay,” I answered, a bit shocked at his lack of interest in this topic. So that’s why he didn’t push through cancelling the marriage, since he’s been threatened. I smiled to myself; for sure my grandpa would’ve done the same to me if he’s still alive.


“Done. Now, sign,” he ordered, as he handed me the paper and the pen.


Sighing, I signed the paper and returned it to him and made my way out of the room, but before that I heard him say, “I can’t wait to turn 18.”


My hands curled into fists as I stood outside his room, literally pissed. It’s as if he’s telling he’s the one being dragged into this, like he’s the only victim. Hating this anger boiling up in my chest, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and cleared my thoughts. I hate feeling angry, as much as possible I wanted to be rational and mature, I don’t want to face everything with an angry heart, even if I so wanted to puch that face of his, but I held it in.


Relax, Dong Hae. Just chill don’t let it get into you, breathe.


A nudge on my elbow woke me from my trance and I looked to my right, where Hyuk Jae was standing with a look on his face that clearly showed he’s waiting for something. I tilted my head a bit to the side, a bit confuse for a moment before remembering where I was. I looked at the back, and saw my parents and his, Chullie and his grandpa waiting for my answer. Right, I’m in my wedding. Stupid.


Taking a deep breath for the umpteenth time, I faced the pastor and let the words leave my mouth in a soft whisper, “I do.”


“You may now seal this with a kiss,” the pastor said, and I looked up a bit wide-eyed. I definitely forgot that we need to do this, I was just thinking of exchanging vows and wedding rings, the kiss never came in my mind but now that the pastor said that, I realized, of course there’ll be a kiss, it’s a freaking wedding! I looked to the person to my right, and realized he’s inching his face closer, eyes open, I froze on the spot. He moved his face to my right, whispering in my ear,


“Chill, it’s just a kiss. It doesn’t mean anything,” he whispered so softly even the pastor didn’t hear, but I did, I clearly did, and when he pressed his lips on mine lightly, his hand snaking their way to my waist while the other flew to my cheek, I decided to close my eyes and let him lead. But one thing I can’t explain is why is my heart beating ten times faster than before? And why did I feel disappointed when his lips left mine?




“Please fasten your seatbelt as we are nearing our destination,” the pilot’s voice said through the speaker and I put down the book I was reading to fix my seat belt.


Right after the wedding, we drove our way to the airport. According to the elders, the honeymoon would have to wait since I still need to fix some documents regarding school back in Seoul; not that I’m complaining about the honeymoon, if possible, I hope they’d forget about that and just leave us alone so that we can pretend like strangers. I glanced at the person to my right who is sound asleep. Our beloved relatives sat in front while they made us sit at the end, saying they’re giving us an alone time. As if. Sighing, I reached out to grab hold of his seat belt and fixed it for him. I know I am not obliged to do this, and whether or not he meets an accident by not securing his belt is none of my concern, but my conscience is not allowing me to leave him just like that, so I just needed to do what I need to do. After putting his belt, I took a glance at his sleeping face. He has single lidded eyes, perfectly shaped nose, and a plump slightly red lips. My face focused on his lips and I remembered the kiss. I looked away, face turned red as I recalled that embarrassing thing, and what’s worst, it reminded me of what I felt when he did that. Not wanting to think about it anymore, I just grabbed the book and continued reading.


An hour later, we are on our way to our house.


I am seated at the back seat, together with my jerk husband, while our driver took us to our destination. There’s an awkward silence in the car as Hyuk Jae and I looked away at each other, looking out of the window since everything is interesting than talking to him, honestly. I took in the surroundings, memorizing the roads in case I get lost, I still don’t have friends here and it’s most likely I can’t bring them in our house since no one else is allowed to know about the marriage, or, no one is allowed to know we are acquainted to each other, much more living together. I sighed, wishing intently that I could just live with Chullie and my parents; they are staying at our traditional house in Seoul, and I remember Chullie said that he bought me something as a present for my wedding.


“We’re here, masters,” the driver spoke and I realized the car halted, without looking at my companion, I opened the door and was mesmerized by the view that welcomed me.


To say that the house is amazing is an understatement. It is a master piece. I haven’t seen a house like this in Seoul, not even in the countries I’ve been. The garden is Japanese-themed, with a pond and inside are gold fish, there’s also a two-seater wooded chair facing the house, and a waterfall. The plants are also beautifully arranged according to their color which is mostly red, orange and yellow. I smiled to myself, Japan is one of my favorite countries that we’ve gone.


Taking the keys my mother handed me earlier, I unlocked the house. The living room is western-style, a mini-chandelier is hanging on the ceiling, and a flat screen TV is placed on the wall, facing the comfortable looking red sofa. There’s also a chimney. I made my way to the kitchen, and my smile, if possible, grew wider. It is all white, and I love how the color and the utensils’ color seem to blend together, it makes me want to cook something.


“Wow, they really put in a lot of effort,” a voice sounded behind me, but I ignored it, instead, I made my way to the second floor. I opened the first door and decided at once that this will be my room. The walls are painted light blue, with a queen sized bed in the center.


“I’m guessing this will be your room,” Hyuk Jae said and I looked at the door to find him leaning at the wall, eyeing the room.


“Yes,” I curtly answered.


“Why are you so cold to your husband?” He teased and smirked, but I just rolled my eyes as he entered the room, sitting at the chair on my desk, facing me.


“We need to talk,” he started with a serious voice. I knew this was coming.


“What?” I asked as I sat properly on the bed, folding my hands in front of my chest as I wait for him to answer.


“Our dads talked to me,” he started, and I nodded, knowing what he’s talking about. When we arrived at the Incheon airport, my dad and his dad talked while we waited for our vehicles.


“They told me that we need to pretend like cousins when we go to school,” he said and I cocked my head to the right, a bit confused.




“Because we can’t act like newlyweds so we’ll pretend to be cousins. I know I said we’d pretend like strangers but my dad said if I didn’t do what they said, they’ll be hiring an investigator and a maid to stay here together with us, and if they did that, we’ll have to pretend like lovey-dovey all the time, so I just agreed about the cousin-thingy,” he explained.


Oh well, we are both Lee’s, I guess its okay.


“Okay. Anything else?”


“Let’s make rules,”


“About what?”


“About staying together,” he said.


“You know, I think you’re watching too much drama,” I told him as I scoffed at his suggestion, but he already got a paper and a pen from the desk and started scribbling.


“Whatever. If you don’t want to, I’ll make the rules about it by myself and you have nothing to do but comply with them”


Ugh! This guy is really starting to get on my nerves. Giving up, I walked towards him as I saw the first rule.




“What about cleaning the house?” I suggested and he looked up at me, and then wrote that too.




“Ya! That is so unfair! Why am I the only one who’s going to clean?!” I complained and I heard him chuckle.


“Because you suggested it,” he simply answered, but I am not letting go of this subject just like that, so I snatched the pen, before he wrote a new one and amended the second rule.




“There. This is better,” I said and returned him the paper and the pen.


“As if you can make me clean this huge house alone,” he grumbled but didn’t attempt to erase or change it.


“Oh, I’ll be responsible for the food,” I offered, since the kitchen is like a safe haven for me, I decided to offer myself to be the chef of the house.


“You cook? Seriously?” He asked, teasing evident in his voice.


“Just write it down,” I hissed and he did.




“If you ever try to poison me, I’ll murder you in your dreams,” he threatened.


“Be good to me, so I won’t do that, though, now that you mentioned it, it is quite tempting to do just that,” I answered as I stuck my tongue at him. He rolled his eyes and continued writing.




I didn’t complain to that since it seemed rational.




“Yah, you think this is a joke!?” I said.


“I’m joking, I just thought it was cool if I wrote that,” he answered, smirking as he amended the sentence.




“Fair enough,” I whispered. “Are we done yet?”


“Last one,” he said and wrote down on the paper.




“That is ridiculous,” I said.


“You’ll never know, I’m just making sure because you might fall for me,” he said and signed the paper.


“You wish,” I answered back and signed the paper too, then he kept it in his jacket.


“Now, please leave,” I gestured my hand towards the door and he stood up, walking towards the door.


“With pleasure, my wife,” he teased and closed the door behind him.




Our first day in our house was bearable.


I barely saw him the entire day since morning, and I don’t know where he is; not that I’m interested to know. Having the house all to me is nice, since it’s so quiet and the place is really a little piece of heaven if that jerk is not in it. After preparing a little breakfast for myself, I decided to look around the house, since I didn’t really look into all of the parts yesterday.


Climbing the stairs, I reached the 3rd floor, and started opening doors. So all in all, the house has 3 floors and an attic; amazing. Opening the first door, I saw a game room, the second room showed a dance studio, and the last room, my favorite, is a music room. I went in and started trying out the instruments; there are guitars, acoustic and electric, a grand piano at the center, drums at the left side of the wall, a violin, cello, a flute and microphones. Not that I’m boasting, but I know how to play all the instruments here, but my forte are the piano, guitars and drums; the others, I know them a bit since I was taught by some of my friends back in NY. Sitting in front of the grand piano, I let my fingers dance along the keys and created a serene melody. Closing my eyes, I let myself relax as I drowned into the music I was creating.


After quite some time, I decided to get out of the room, and go down and cook some food, when my phone rang.


“Hello?” I answered at the third ring.


“yah! Lee Donghae!” a very familiar voice shouted, that I put the phone away from my ear, I smiled.


“Well, hello to you too, Kim Ki Bum,” I answered in a teasing manner.


“Why did you leave without a proper good bye?” he asked, his voice dropping, and I felt my self getting guilty for his words, but I can’t tell him the truth, right? Even if he’s my best friend.


“I’m sorry, Bummie. It was emergency,” I answered, biting my lip.


I heard him sigh, “Everybody misses you, you know. Especially Henry. He’s been crying rivers since they announced you moved back to Seoul,” he informed me.


“I miss him too. I miss you all,” I said, trying hard not to cry.


“Okay, don’t cry you baby,” he joked and chuckled, “it’s not like we won’t be seeing each other again,” he said in a soft voice.


“What do you mean?”


“Oh, nothing. Fishy, I have to go, this call’s expensive, you know,” he said.


“As if. You’re rich, you wouldn’t mind,”


“Well, it’s not bad to try saving, you know. Bye, my Haehae,” he said, and I smiled.


“Kk, Bye my Bummie,” I answered and the line was cut.


A smile was plastered on my face as I placed my phone at the table. Ki Bum is my best friend in New York, and he understands me the most; well, next to Heechul, and I really treasure him. One thing about him is that he’s a bit sweet for a guy, but that’s what made us close, I guess, since we’re both clingy. Also, Henry is like our little brother; he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on and I treasure him too.


Because I was in a good mood, I decided to take a walk outside the house and to get some fresh air. At the ride going here, I know I saw a park somewhere near. I walked for just 10 minutes before spotting the place I was searching for. The place is not packed, only some couples taking a stroll, or some kids playing at the play ground; I looked around and the swing was unoccupied so I made my way there, but as I was about to seat, a cute little boy approached me.


“Ahm—Mister, are you going to play there?” He asked in his cute little voice.


I smiled gently at the boy, “Why? Do you want to play?”


He nodded cutely, “but if you’ll play, I’ll just go,” he said and was about to turn and leave but  stopped him


“No, it’s okay. Here, sit and I’ll push you, what about that?” I offered, and he showed me a full smile that made me smile in return. This kid is adorable.


“Yes!” He jumped up and sat down at the swing excitedly, I giggled and went behind him to push him gently, and he’s urging me to push harder, but told him it’s dangerous.


“Mister, this is the first time I saw you, are you new here?” He asked while he’s eating his ice cream; after playing with him in the swings, I offered to buy him ice cream, and here we are, sitting at the bench.


“Yeah, I just moved in yesterday,” I said, as I, too, am enjoying my chocolate ice cream, “By the way, I’m Dong Hae, Lee Dong hae,” I said, and offered my hand for a shake.


He gladly took it, “Nice to meet you Donghae-hyung, my name is---”




We both turned our heads to the loud voice and I saw a rather tall guy, with a dark brown hair going towards us with a basketball ball in his hands. He was waving at us, and I tilted my head to the side, and saw the kid waving back. He knows him.


“So, you’re name is Taemin, I assume?” I asked him, and he turned to me in a smile and nodded.


“I’ve been looking everywhere for---Oh, hello. Sorry, is my brother bothering you?” The tall guy asked as soon as he reached our spot. I shook my head, and smiled a little at him.


“I was just talking to him since I am new here,” I told him.


“Ah, I see. I’m Min Ho, by the way, his brother, and you are?” he asked, offering a hand.


“Donghe,” I smiled and took his hand for a shake, then let go.


“Nice to meet you,” he said with a gentle smile; he is rather good-looking.


“Same here. So, I better get going, then,” I said.


“Oh, you wouldn’t mind if we offer to walk you home, right? So you won’t get lost just in case,” he offered and I gladly took the offer, happy that I made new friends.


“Hyung, my legs are tired,” Taemin complained before we even start walking.


“Come on, I’ll carry you,” Min Ho said as he spread his arms for Taemin to climb into, but he shook his head.


“But you stink, Hyung!” He whined and we chuckled, then I saw him eyeing me before turning away with a shy face.


“I’ll carry you,” I offered, and he looked at me with a shy smile, and accepted the offer; Min Ho watching in amusement as I carried Taemin in my arms.


“What’s with that look?” I asked, as we started walking, me patting Taemin’s hair as he rest his head on my shoulder, slowly slumping to sleep.


“Well, Taemin here is never good with strangers, much more let them carry him, even our relatives can’t carry him because he always ends up crying, but with you---”


“I guess because I bought him ice cream,” I stupidly reasoned out and we laughed.


While walking, we started sharing stories and I find Min Ho a good person, and a good friend, he offered to tour me around Seoul at the week end since school starts two days from now, and I told him about my life, my parents, my brother, and I told him I was living with my cousin. In return, he told me that his parents are in a business trip in Hawaii so Taemin and him are alone in their house, and he added he needed to order pizza for dinner. I offered cooking them dinner sometime since it’s bad to eat fast food all the time, and he happily agreed, after a few more minutes of laughing and sharing some stories, we reached my house.


“Wow, nice house you got there,” he commented, “and guess what?”


“What?” I asked, as I passed the sleeping Taemin in his arms.


“Our house is just infront of yours,” he informed me and I looked at him in surprise.


“Seriously?! Awesome!”


“I know!” he chuckled, trying hard not to wake Taemin, “We can hang out next time,” he said and I nodded before saying good bye.


It feels nice to have new friends; smiling as I opened the door, the car parked in the garage became unnoticed, signaling that someone is home before me, before I even close the door behind me, I was greeted by a stone-faced jerk.


“I see you’ve made friends,” he said in an uninterested tone.


“Yeah,” I answered as I made my way towards the kitchen, looking inside the fridge, and decided to cook some Spicy Chicken. As I was preparing the ingredients, the door bell rang and I heard the jerk walking towards the door to open it. After a few minutes of silence, I heard him say, “Yah! Cousin! Visitor!” Then, he went upstairs and shut his door closed. Curious for the visitor, I made my way to the entrance door and saw Min Ho holding a crying Taemin.


“Min Ho, what’s wrong with Taemin?” I asked, worried as I cupped the crying boy’s face.


“Sorry, but he sort of threw a tantrum when he woke up and find you gone. I think he’s starting to like you more than I,” he teased and I smiled, taking Taemin in my arms and telling him to go inside. I went back to the kitchen carrying Taemin, and Min Ho following me. I pulled a steel chair and let the boy sit down, he was rubbing his red eyes and I reached out for it and kissed his temple, “Hyung will cook something for you, okay? So behave and wait, arraso?” I told him sweetly and he nodded, smiling.


“You’re cooking Chicken?” Min Ho asked, looking over my shoulder as I started making the sauce and I nodded.


“Wow, it smells good,” Min Ho commented as I placed the finish product in a plate and told them to dig in.


Eyeing Taemin who’s not making any move to touch his food, I sat beside him and took his utensils. I decided to feed him, and he happily obliged when I told him to open up, and started chewing the food with a smile on his face.


“This is better that take out,” Min Ho said, enjoying his food.




When they finished eating, I promised Taemin that we’ll see each other soon so he needs to go home and rest, so I bid them goodnight, giving Taemin a kiss on the cheek as his brother watched the scene lovingly.


As soon as the left, I found HyukJae going down the stairs, on his way to the kitchen. Since I ate with Min Ho and Tae Min, I let him eat alone in peace, and decided to watch TV in the living room. But a few minutes of watching alone, I felt someone sitting beside me, and saw him, with his eyes on the TV while holding his plate of Spicy Chicken. I ignored him and turned my attention on the TV.


“You seem pretty close with those,” he started a conversation.


“Yes. They’re good to me,” I answered, not really wanting to elaborate.


“Good, now I won’t have to worry about you being all by yourself,” he said and that made me face him.


“You were worried?” I asked incredulously. And he choked on his food, he was pounding his chest with his fist as he coughed and I tried not to laugh at the sight. When he calmed down he answered.


“I was not worried. You’re hearing things. Good night.”


And with that, he’s gone. He place his plate in the sink and made his way towards his room, with me smiling at his dorkiness. If only he’s always like that.




Sorry if this is a lame update... :(


Not feeling well, lately.


Lovelots <3

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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god