Chapter 8

If That's What You Want




The night in the Lee mansion continued and I was meeting more and more of my relatives who are really fun to be with.


Sungmin's been with me most of the night introducing me to our relatives who's been nothing but really warm to me and I'm kinda liking the idea of being a part of a big family. Sungmin dragged me into a circle of guys who's drinking red wine, and when we approached them, they all welcomed me with a hug, a peck on the cheek or ruffling my hair. At first I was weirded out at how they naturally touch me but I concluded that I do belong to a family who's into skinship; that explains why Chullie and I likes cuddling and why I'm so clingy. I returned their affectionate touches with a bright smile and I easily warmed up to them, I'm even getting comfortable with Sungmin and I found out the he has a big brother complex and I just happened to be the person who triggered that so he said he'd be spoiling me from now on in which I answered by hugging him, the incident earlier already forgotten.


There were 5 men in the table all in all, and all of them are the cousins I never knew since I didn't technically grow here. And take note, all of them are good looking. The first one introduced was Lee Min Ho-hyung, he's 20 and currently attending Seoul University to be a doctor, but he's also a model.


"I knew you look familiar," I told him, remembering how I saw some of his bill boards back in New York, "Who would've thought we're cousins. I have a few friends back in New York who are a diehard fan of yours," I informed him and he chuckled.


"Tell them I said thank you," he answered timidly, and sipped his wine.


The next one was Lee Hyun Woo, he's the same age as I but unfortunately, he's attending different school, same with Sungmin.


"I am so glad I finally met you. I've been annoying grandpa to tell me HyukJae's wife, and I can see now that he really is a lucky bastard to have you, I guess we're cousins now, eh? Since you're married to my idiot of a cousin," he said, showing that cheeky smile of his, he looks like a kid, really, a very cute one.


"Oh? You're cousins? I should have married you instead," I joked and everyone laughed; I admit, I am having fun with them, as if we've know each other for a long while instead of only a few hours. Every one's enjoying the night; Heechul is on the phone since his Hannie called, the elders are also having a chat of their own on the other table while the young one's such as ourselves are having our own discussion. HyukJae's also out of sight, his phone rang awhile ago and he excused himself, and since then, he hasn't come back, not that I am looking for him, though. I am glad to have some time away from him.


After the talk with Heechul, I started having these thoughts in my mind; thoughts entertaining of me liking Hyukjae. Well, it is not bad to like him since we are legally married and all, but isn't it too fast? It's not that it's impossible to like the guy, he is good-looking for one, no doubt about that, and even if he's a jerk at first, after being friends, I discovered something about him I never knew would exist. He's surprisingly kind, and funny. It's easy to be close to him, and it's kind of a mystery why he keeps that cold image of him in school, because I am sure if he acts the way he acts with Kyuhyun and I, more people would like him, and he'd be more popular. But I guess he have a reason.


"I leave for a moment and you're already flirting with my cousins?" A voice said behind me, and we all looked to the owner to find a HyukJae smirking, cell phone in one hand, and a glass of wine in another.


"Oh, monkey, he's not flirting with us. It is I who initiated it, am I right, beautiful?" Hyun Woo was suddenly beside me, placing his chin on my shoulder, and I chuckled at his childish behavior, he looked up and we were sharing the same teasing eyes, that's when I decided to join him; I caressed his cheeks with my hands and I can see it in his eyes that he's having a hard time hiding his laughter, and so am I.


"Of course, handsome," I told him in a bit low voice, since the laughter is threatening to go out so I answered lowly, trying to control myself, but luckily they heard my answer and heard some chuckle form our little audience.


Hyun Woo grabbed my hand and sat down on his original chair, and as I was about to grab for my own chair, he pulled me to him and I ended up sitting on his lap; I was a bit shocked, but the wink he sent me made me more determined for our little show, so I placed my arms around his neck, and smiled at him as he placed his arms around my waist. I can feel the eyes of our cousins on us, but a particular hard stare did not go unnoticed, but I chose to ignore it and continued playing with Hyun Woo and whatever it was we were doing.


"Wow, you guys look natural together. And cute too," Min Ho-hyung commented, and I heard Sungmin snickering, same goes with everyone who started giving their approval of the previous statement. I can see it in Hyun Woo's eyes that he's enjoying it, and from the looks of it, I am enjoying it too, I've never fooled around in quite a while.


"Donghae-ah, what are you doing?" Heechul's voice suddenly sounded and I looked up to see him eyeing me, us, with a confused look, and it was Hyun Woo who answered him.



"Oh, Heechul-hyung, sorry, I'm just borrowing Donghae from his husband over there. You don't mind, hyung, right?" He ended with a cute voice matching it with his puppy eyes that would be too hard to resist, but since it's Heechul we're talking about, I know he won't give in with just Hyun Woo's puppy eyes, so I joined him and gave my puppy eyes to my brother, who instantly gave in at the sight in front of him.


"Damn it, Donghae, not your puppy eyes. Aish. I never allow my brother sitting in any person's lap besides mine, but since you are cute and my brother's using my weakness, I'd let this one go, arraso?" He said and patted Hyun Woo's head, and kissed my forehead, but before he stands up straight, he whispered to Hyun Woo and me, "Make the monkey more jealous. I'm counting on you, Hyun Woo." Then he bid us goodnight. Hyun Woo and I shared a look before resuming to our lovey-dovey act. He started rubbing my back in soothing circles, and I relaxed instantly, allowing my head to rest on his shoulders, my arms still around his neck. Hyuk Jae sat down beside Sungmin, but I can see him looking at our direction once in a while. It kind of hurt that he didn't make a move to take me away from Hyun Woo, he seemed unaffected; but I guess that'd be normal right? It's not like he likes me or anything. Okay, fine, I admit I have a little, but only a little crush on him, but nothing more. And I don't want to think about it right now, so I just let my body relax under Hyun Woo's touch.


"Donghae, are you in love with my cousin?" Hyun Woo suddenly asked in a hushed tone that only I can hear; everyone resumed to chatting, even Hyuk Jae joined them so I guess he really doesn't care.


"I don't know yet. The marriage was too sudden," I answered him honestly, feeling trust budding between us; I know it's just a short time but I guess it's because we share the same blood that it's making me trust him, and Hyuk Jae too.


"I understand, but do you think you'd like him? Like, really like him?" He asked again and this time I thought hard of the answer. Sure, I have a crush on him now, but will it grow into something more? Will I really like him, or, if possible, actually love him like what they expect us to feel for each other?


"Honestly, I don't know that too. I'm just happy being close to him bit by bit and I am getting used to the feeling of having you guys with me; it's overwhelming in a good way," I answered and lifted my head from his shoulder and gave him a smile. He stared at me for a moment before returning it, then I felt a hand on my head, pulling my head forward until my temple touched his, and almost our nose are touching; it would have been uncomfortable if it were someone, but this is Hyun Woo, he is family, so I felt oddly fine from the close proximity.


"Whenever you need someone to talk to, call me, okay? I'm starting to really like you, you know, and I guess it won't just be Sungmin spoiling you," he said with that childish smile of his.





Almost like a lightning, a hand pulled me away from Hyun Woo, and I looked at Hyuk Jae who has a frown on his face, and a strained smile, as he bowed a bit at our cousins, "I think that's enough for the night. We'd be taking our leave, then."


He dragged me out of the mansion after bidding the elders a good bye, and not less than five minutes, we're pulling out of the parking lot. There was no noise made, just the purr of the engine, nothing else. I am not in a talking mood, either, so I just looked out ad closed my eyes, suddenly feeling tired. As I drifted off to dream land, I heard his phone ring and he answered, so I just continued to close my eyes, pretending to sleep as he talked in a hushed tone, but since we're inside the car, I can hear him clearly.




I can hear the talking of the person on the other line, but can't really understand anything the person is saying.



"I am on my way home. I'll call you when I get there, Ji Eun. Give me around 15 to 20 minutes, okay, baby? I love you." Then I heard his phone being tossed at the back of the car, and I continued feigning sleep, pretending I haven’t heard his sweet voice talking back to the person on the phone earlier. I never knew he can talk in that tone.


That must be--no, that's absolutely his girlfriend.


Why the hell does my heart hurt?


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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god