Chapter 17

If That's What You Want




The silence is killing me.


Kibum's eyes are staring down the road, not sparing me a glance. or even uttering a single word. I know we went to Heechul and Hankyung-hyung, but right now, Kibum's driving me home, after calling his driver to bring his car to the restaurant we went, saying he needed to have an alone time with me. And that's exactly what I've been scared of happening; he needed to talk to me and I know what it would be about. It's all Heechul's fault!


"So, how was school?" Heechul asked as we ate our dinner, in a private room.


"It's fine, minus the stares we're getting," I answered.


"Omo, my brother's famous in school already?" Chul crooned and patted my head.


"Not really. But why don't you ask this person why that's the case," I answered back and pointed at Kibum who's happily munching his meal.


"Bum?" Chul said.


"Oh you know, the same old story. They thought Hae and I are together," Kibum answered nonchalantly.


"Again, huh? You two---I bet you're acting like lovers again. If you keep on doing that, of course people would think you're dating," Chul sighed and picked up his wine.


"Eh? I thought you said your brother's married, Chul. Why would he and Kibum date?" Hankyung-hyung suddenly said, pure curiosity in his eyes as he looked at Heechul, and the food I was eating stuck down in my throat, and I started pounding my chest, reaching for my glass of water.


"Oh, yes. By the way, how's that---"


Oh please, Heechul. Shut up!


"monkey husband of yours, Lee Hyukjae?" Heechul finished and I froze on the spot, feeling my best friend tensed at the same time. Slowly, I tilted my head towards Kibum and gulped. He's staring at me with that you-have-to-explain-everything-to-me look before he placed his utensils on the plate and wiped his mouth with the napkin, and then the smiling Kibum returned as he told Heechul, "Hee, I'd like to drive Lee Donghae home. You don't mind if we leave early, do you?"


Heechul looked at Kibum, then to me before realization hit his eyes, and he stared at me. Kibum never calls me out by my whole name. And if I say never, it meant he only calls me that when he is really annoyed, and I never annoy him. Well, not until now I guess. And Heechul is very much aware of that fact.


Oh my god! He doesn't know?! I'm so sorry, Hae! His eyes read and I just looked down, losing my appetite and Kibum called his driver.


And that's how I ended here, in Bummie's car, and everything is just so---awkward.


It's not like I never intended Kibum to know; I was planning to tell him sooner or later, but not this way; especially not in the mouth of my brother. I was seriously in a dilemma, because of the contract Hyukjae and I did.




I chuckled bitterly. What a wuss. I'm thinking hard because of that rule but I already managed to break the last and worse rule;




Well, it's not like he'll ever know that I love him. I will never tell that, because as stupid and pathetic it may sound, I want him to be close to me; even if it means I will just be a cousin to him.


"Donghae," Kibum's voice rang in the car and I looked at him. Why does he look like that? he's looking at me with so much tenderness, and he reached out to touch my cheeks wiping something; tears. Since when did I start crying? Immediately, my hands wiped my eyes for the uninvited tears flowed down, and I chuckled, wanting to sound casual and unhurt.


"What the hell? I guess the air condition was too much for my eyes," I said and my voice cracked as the tears endlessly flowed, in which annoyed me.


"That's the most lame excuse I've ever heard in my life," Kibum said before reaching out and wrapping his arms around me, his right hand resting on my head, making me rest my forehead on his shoulders and his left hand created soothing circles at my back, and he was humming a relaxing tune as I dried my tears.


He stopped humming and a chuckle was heard.


"I was supposed to get mad at you, but seeing you cry---aish, did you cry on purpose because you know that's my weakness?" He asked, not stopping his hands from what they were doing, and I lightly shook my head.


" know, I love you so much, Hae. You're like the brother I wish I have and the lover I dreamt of finding someday. When we first met, I knew at once that we'd be really close, so close that kissing each other lightly became so natural. Actually, I really wanted us to be lovers, you know? From the very start. It's just---you're so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off you, you're so wonderful that I wanted to be with you forever. It's because you Donghae."


I listened intently as Kibum talked.


"But I know we're not meant to be; well, maybe we're meant to be best friends, but as lovers? I think not. I can see it in your eyes, Hae. I've told you a thousand times, didn't I? I can read you like an open book, and your eyes aren't looking at me the way mine is. I'm actually very observant when it comes to this and I know, that's why i didn't push our relationship into something more, because if there's one think in the world I wanted, that's you true happiness with the one you love, Hae."


Everything around us seemed to freeze as Kibum pour his heart out at me.


"And I know you've found that someone," he whispered in my ear that I looked up, meeting is gentle loving eyes, he gave me a small smile before kissing my forehead, and staring back at me.


"You love him, Donghae. I know. Even if you don't tell me, I will always know because it is you I am talking about, and I know everything about you. I can see the way you look at him, the way you act when he's around, the way you smile and the way you eyes glitter when you spoke of him; I see it all, and as much as it to say this, I want you to be with him. What hurts me is knowing that you're married. How could you not tell me something as important as that, Hae? Don't you trust me anymore? Am I not your best friend anymore because you have that Kyuhyun and HyukJae? Am I not worth anything to you now?" He ended in a whisper, tears stating to form at the edge of his eyes.


"No, no---Bummie, it's not like that. It was never like that. I love you too, Bum--but, you see...he and I---yes, we are married, but we are against it from the very beginning but we can't do anything about it so we got married but made some rules just between me and him, even Chul doesn't know this," I explained.


"So, you not telling me is part of the deal?" he asked and I nodded.


"What else?"




He looked at me seriously, "Tell me the rest of the rules, Hae. I know there's more."


I looked down, "How can you say so?"


He snickered, "Because I know so. Now go ahead," he pushed and I sighed.




"Well, there's nothing to worry about, Baby," he chuckled.




He smirked, and kissed my cheek, "I told you, I'll make him love you, didn't I? So, for as long as you don't tell him that you love him, it's alright. We'll make him think that he's falling for you first, instead." And with that, he went ut of the car and opened the car door for me, and held my hand as he walked me inside the porch of the house.


"Just be Donghae, okay? I love you," he said and kissed my nose.


"Thank you, Bummie and I love you too," I answered back, smiling.


"I know," then he left.


Not wanting to stand here like some retard, I opened the door only to be greeted by a scowling Hyukjae, his hand on his waist and his foot tapping the floor in an impatient manner.


"Oh, hi," I said as I closed the door.


"Have you eaten?" I asked as I passed him and made my way to the kitchen; I can feel him following me.




"Are you hungry, then?" I asked again, after grabbing a chocolate bar in the fridge and turned to look at him.


"Yes. Cook me dinner?" He asked and I had to bite back my lips to prevent myself from laughing, because seriously, that was adorable.


I coughed before answering, "Um---sure."


Getting the apron and tied it around my waist, I got the ingredients for the bimbap. The stool screeched as Hyukjae settled on it, watching me prepare his meal.


"So, how was the dinner?" He spoke.


"It was fine. I met my brother's boyfriend, and he's really nice, not to mention, handsome. My brother chose well," I ended smiling, remembering just how perfect the two look.


"Oh, that's good. Glad your double date was fun," he said.


"It was not a double date, Hyuk. It was just dinner," I answered back.


"Hmm. Looks like one to me," he muttered and I sighed, letting the topic go. I don't know what's with him and dates, or Kibum in general; he was not like this before. Finishing the dish, I grabbed his strawberry milk and served it in front of him before sitting across him, as he started eating.


"Thanks for the food," he said and I nodded.


"Can I ask a question?" he spoke, looking down at his meal.




"Answer me honestly, okay?"


I hummed in response.


"Are you and Kibum really dating?"


Sighing, I replied, "No."




"Can I ask a question in return?" I cut him off, and he nodded.


"What is it with me dating Kibum? Why are you so curious?" I asked and he finally looked up, staring at me.


"I---well," he started.


"Well?" I prompted.


"As your friend, I want you to be happy with the person you love," he answered, looking down once again.


I chuckled. How ironic; you're telling me that but you're the one that I love. Really.


"What?" He questioned me.


"Nothing. How can you say I don't love, Bummie?" I asked again, feeling bold all of a sudden.


"I just know," he whispered.


"That's a lame answer," I said.


"Yeah. Lame is lame. Just let it go," he said, stuffing his mouth with the food in a rush manner I swear he's going to choke himself.


"Slow down, monkey," I chuckled and he looked at me, before smiling.


After a few more seconds, I said, "You know, I think you're developing some over-protectiveness over me, isn't that suppose to be Sungmin and Hyun Woo's job?" I joked.


"Nope, it's my job to protect you," he said.


"Oh really?" I challenged, relieved we're once again comfortable towards each other.


"Of course. I'm your husband after all, aren't I?" He answered with a smirk.


"Tsk. More of like, a primate husband," I stuck my tongue out at him, and the landline rang.


"I'll get it, monkey. Go finish your meal and here," I grabbed a banana and placed it beside his plate, "a little treat for you," I said and chuckled, running out of the kitchen as he tried to grab my hand.


"Yes?" I answered the ringing phone.


"Honey," mom's voice sounded on the other line and I smiled.


"Hi, mom. How are you?"


"We're fine, honey. Listen, you and Hyukjae have to pack your bags," she said, with excitement in his voice.


"Why is that mom?" I asked, and looked up to see Hyukjae walking towards my direction, a teasing smile on my lips appeared as I saw him eating the banana.


"You're going to your honeymoon tomorrow!" She squealed, as I froze on the spot.








Lovelots <3

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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god