Chapter 18

If That's What You Want




"Seriously? That's your awesome way of deciding on things?" I eyed Hyukjae incredulously as he entered my room, carrying a dart set and a world map.


"What? Do you have other suggestions? Besides, this is awesome," he answered back, setting the world map, taping in on the wall, and walking towards my bed, handing me the darts.


Eyeing the darts, I took them with a sigh and stood up, positioning myself atleast  few feet away from the map before saying, "Hyuk, what if we ended up going to Iraq because of this?"


"Then that would be pretty cool!" He exclaimed, excitement in his voice.


"Really, tell me again why I agreed to this?"


"Because you've been in like, half around the world, and it would be boring to go travelling if you already knew the place," he quickly explained as if whining.


"Right, but what if I hit the country that I went to?" I asked.


"Then you'd have to do it again," he answered.


"That is unfair," I pouted.


"Nothing's fair. Now come on and throw your dart," he said and motioned towards the map.


Feeling completely lost from the argument, I half-heartedly threw the dart and Hyukjae, of course, ran to the map to see where it ended as I returned to my bed, sitting cross-legged.


"Have you been to Big Sur, California?" Hyuk turned to look at me and I shook my head.


"Okay, then. That'd be the first place," he said and took out a notepad and a pen, supposedly writing it down.


"Why do we have to go to five countries?" I asked, yawning in the process.


"We need to make the best out of it, Donghae. Our parents gave us the whole two weeks to use the private jet, why not use it well, right?" He said, as he prepared to take his turn, and when he did he hooted at the place he hit.


"Yes! I hit Rome! Woohoo!" He shouted and I chuckled at his childishness, but at the same time, I really want to sleep.


"Do the rest, Hyuk, I want to sleep," I said and he gladly compiled as I lied down my bed, pulling the covers until it reached my nose and silently watched Hyukjae having the time of his life. A small smile appeared on my lips at how adorable the other look; who would have thought he have this side? His constant shout of happiness immediately stopped as he threw the last dart, and it made me curious.


"What country did you hit?" I asked sleepily and he turned to me with a rather troubled expression.


"Umm---haha, it's a secret," he said before gathering his mess and made my way towards the door, but before he closed it, he peeked in and smiled, "Night, Donghae," then he shut the door.


"Night, Hyuk," I whispered and shut my eyes with a smile on my face.




"I'm bored." I said as Hyukjae was flipping some manga.


"Then go and sleep," he muttered, not lifting his eyes off the book.


"But I'm not sleepy~" I whined at him and he just chuckled.


I clicked my tongue and pulled out my phone from my pocket and started playing Temple Run 2.


After 10 minutes being engrossed with the game, my game console was snatched out of my hands, and I glared at Hyukjae who's smirking at me, his book on his lap, already forgotten.


"Give it back," I said.


"No can do. I'm bored now," he answered.


"Then go and sleep," I imitated what he said awhile ago.


"But I'm not sleepy~" he tried to whine, but completely failed to look, or even sound, cute, so I laughed at how awkward he looked, and soon he laughed with me.


"Aish. Why is this flight taking so long?" He complained after a fit of laughter.


"That's because we're going to California from Korea. Are you an idiot or what?" I said, flicking his forehead with my finger, and he hissed in pain.


"But it's boring," he stated again, rubbing his slightly red temple.


"Then what do you suggest we do?" I sighed.




"Hmmm---" I said, and chuckled at his annoyed expression.


"Let's play a game," he announced with a smiled.


"Depends. What kind of game?" I asked, looking at him curiously.


"We'll call it who-can-act-best game," he said and I cocked my eyebrow.


"What kind of a game is that?"


"It's a game to see how well we act as husband and wife," he turned to face me and smirked.


I blinked my eyes at him, not being able to process what he meant.


"Is this some kind of a joke?" I spoke, and he grinned widely, showing his mischievous gummy smile.


"Nope. I think it'd be fun. Well, I know you'd be advantageous because you're already clingy to guys and whatever, but I am willing to work hard to win this game. It's not like we'd actually do inappropriate things, we'd just act like a sweet couple, that's all," he explained.


My fist clenched at my sides as I listened to his words. How can he suggest a game that could play with my feelings? How can he say those hurtful words? Can't he see I am trying hard not to let my feelings show? Can't he even sense I am having a hard time to contain what I feel for him? How can he expect me to act like a sweet couple, when all I ever wanted was for us to be a real couple? How can he expect me to not get affected if I am getting greatly affected by his words now? How could he think I'd have the advantage if everything he does makes my heart beat erratically, unlike him who obviously doesn’t get affected by my presence at all? How could he say that this would be fun?


“So? Do you want to or not?” He asked wearing that smile that makes me want to hit him hard on the head.


Taking a deep breath, I ordered myself to relax before answering, “Why not? It could be fun,” and gave him a small smile that I hope would look real, even if I wanted so much to take it back.




“Would you hurry up with our bags, sweet heart?” I called out behind me and smirked.


Hyukjae is currently dragging two suitcases, three bags slinging on his shoulder and his manga in between his teeth. He replied with something but because of his book, it sounded like a gurgle.


“Come again?” I said, and smiled sweetly at him in which he replied with a roll of his eyes and walked towards me and I chuckled at his annoyed face.


Still amused that he actually obeyed me when I said he carry our bags, I strode past the airport doors to look for our service, which was easily spotted with the sharp features the guy was sporting, a long hair and a huge sign saying “LEE FAMILY”. I walked towards him.

“Hello,” I greeted him with a smile and he looked at me up and down, which was a bit creepy, before smiling warmly.


“Hello, sir. Are you perhaps Lee Hyukjae, or Lee Donghae?” He asked politely.


“I’m Donghae, and he’s---” I looked back to find Hyukjae having a hard time dragging the luggage towards my direction, his sweat dripping down his chin.


“Sorry. That guy ever there is Hyukjae,” I told the guy and pointed at my companion for him to see.


I heard him chuckle.


“I’d get out car ready, sir Donghae, just wait for a few minutes,” he said.


“Oh, thanks. But please just call me Donghae,” I smiled.


He stared at me intently with serious eyes, before smiling slightly, “okay---Donghae,” he whispered before leaving.


“I swear you brought some whales in you bags!” Hyukjae exclaimed as he reached my side.


“Of course not. My bags are light, Hyuk,” I answered innocently.

“Light, my . If that’s the case, why don’t you carry it?” He said, massaging his shoulders as he dropped the bags on the floor.


“Didn’t you say we need to act like a sweet couple? Then do your job and act like a sweet husband if you don’t want to lose,” I told him.


“Then what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to act like a sweet wife and help your husband?” He answered back, smirking.


I chuckled.


“Oh no, Hyuk. I am the wife after all and all I have to do is stay cute and pretty to energize you,” I answered back, batting my eyelashes at him with a sweet smile on my face.


“That’s not enough to bring back my energy, you know,” he said, looking away.


Smirking, I closed our distance and planted a kiss on his cheek. He suddenly looked at me with a shock expression and I giggled at his hilarious face, “Is that enough then?” I whispered, before stepping away from him, a victorious smile on my face as he struggled to compose himself.


A white limousine parked in front of us, and our fetcher came out; I never caught his name. He walked towards us to get the bags and put them in, before motioning for us to go, but before I did, I said, “I never got your name.”


In my peripheral vision, I saw Hyuk turn his face to me, as the other guy did. He smiled before answering, “I’m Lee Jun-Ki. But you could call me Jun, Donghae.”


Feeling as if I made a new friend, I offered a hand shake, “Nice to meet you, Jun,” I said happily, smiling as he took my hand.


“Yeah. It’s nice to meet you too.”




“This place is daebak! Oh my! Hyuk look at the ocean! It’s so blue!” I squealed as I glued myself at the mirror-wall of our hotel room as soon as we settled in.



“Oh! They said they have a yacht in the shore, can we go there? Also, they have some kind of a spa on the top floor and I heard it’s awesome! I want to try that too! Then, we can go fishing, sunbathing and swimming! Hyukjae! Look! There are crabs crawling on the sand!” I shouted.


But I was answered by silence.


Frowning, I detached my eyes from the wonderful scenery to look at Hyukjae who lied down on the bed.


“Hyukjae?” I spoke quietly, but he remained unmoving, though he’s blinking his eyes, he’s just stared at the ceiling. Sensing that something’s up, I walked towards the king-sized bed, and sat down, placing my hand on his arm.


“Tired? Do you want to sleep first?” I asked him.


He shook his head slightly.


“What’s wrong, Hyukjae?”


Suddenly, he stood up and grabbed my hand, dashing out of the room.


“Hey, where are we going?” I said, as we passed the information desk, and are on our way to the hotel doors.


“You said you wanted to go to the yacht, so we’re going,” he answered, finally smiling.


“Really?!” I beamed.


“Of course, anything for my sweetheart,” he said in a gently voice that made my heart jump out of my chest.


As we reached the rental for yachts, I let Hyukjae choose which one we’d use even if he told asked me first; I used this as an opportunity to calm my heart, as I was sure he’d let go of my hand. But he didn’t. The whole time he chose between the yachts, he never once let go, as a matter of fact, he held me tightly and I can’t do anything but wish for my heart to stop pumping too much blood since I am starting to have a hard time containing myself.


After 10 minutes or so, he finally saw what he wanted and asked for my opinion, and it was just perfect; not too small but not too big either, for the both of us. As soon as he paid and got the keys from the caretaker, we we’re ready to set off, with him as the captain. Finally, he let go of me as he settled me down on the built-in couch, just beside the steering wheel.



“How’d you learn how to drive this?” I asked when he started the engine.


“A long time ago, when I brought Ji Eun to the ocean,” he answered back, too engrossed with the machine that he did not notice the way my happy face instantly fell.


So he got me in a yacht because he’s thinking of his girlfriend. I am sitting here with him but his mind is somewhere else. Wow. How romantic.


I mentally slapped myself.


What was I expecting anyways? That this so-called honeymoon would be just for us? That I’d be the only person he’d see? He’d think of?? Huh, of course not. Stop fantasizing and face reality, Donghae; he’d never really love you. Not when he feels happy with you two just being friends. With him being content with his girl friend. Just start accepting that all of this is just a game to him; a stupid, childish game.


Not wanting to get all emo about this, I stood up and walked towards the edge of the yacht, holding the railings and just looking forward the blue sea, enjoying the feel of cool breeze caress my skin, the soft spray of water on my face and the lovely orange glow of the sun. How lovely.


Too preoccupied with the lovely picture in front of me, I jumped slightly as I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder, followed by a low chuckle.


“Do you like it?” Hyukjae whispered; and I just realized that he turned off the engine of the yacht.


I hummed in response, feeling his warm body pressed against my back, his breath reaching my neck, and his arms wrapped tightly around me.


Happiness would be the right emotion I should feel right now because he is so close to me, because he initiated it, because he feels comfortable doing it. I should be filled with colorful thought as we enjoy each other’s silence and stayed in that position without any move of getting away. I should feel those.


But why is my head filled with nothing but a question? Question that greatly affect my heart in a bad way. A question that lingered on my mind as he kept me in his arms. A question that I know that the answer is yes.


Did he do this to Ji Eun, too?




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I would really love to read some long comments, to inspire me to update...ok? Teehee..Thanks!



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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god