Chapter 33

If That's What You Want










“Ya, Lee HyukJae!”


Our cousins have been calling HyukJae’s name for the last couple of minutes as soon as we discovered that he is not moving from his position. We are all hovering over a stoned HyukJae and they are all trying everything to get him annoyed or something but nothing’s working. That was his exact same position when I asked him to come and join us watch the movie but now, he’s not even blinking an eye. If not for his chest rising and falling, I would have assumed he is dead.


“I think this is all due to shock,”MinHo-hyung spoke in his doctor-mode tone.


“What do you think made him like this?” HongKi asked.


“Not sure, but it must have been terrifying for him to be like this,” MinHo-hyung answered.


“Do you---” HyunWoo asked, clutching tightly at my hand, “do you think he saw a ghost?”


“Stop scaring yourself, idiot,” MinWook-hyung spoke and smacked the back of HyunWoo’s head before he looked at me with a smile, “Donghae-ah, why don’t you try calling him? Maybe he’d respond if it’s you,” he suggested with a wink and I can’t help but to blush as I gave him a meek nod.


“Hyuk…”I whispered and took a tentative step forward but there was no response. I can feel the eyes of my companions behind me.


“HyukJae,” I continued as I step closer.


“Answer me, primate,” I smiled and I can hear chuckling from the guys.


“Lee HyukJae,” I spoke in a soft voice once we are face to face, and I turned to his ear as I whispered,




I heard a gasp and I was pushed away with a brute force that I lost my balance and stumbled backwards. It is a good thing that Jung Woo-hyung caught me right on time and he smiled as he helped me up on my feet. My eyes searched for Hyukjae and I found him sitting on the counter, with his face on his hand.


“Hyuk, are you okay?” MinHo-hyung asked, placing a hand on Hyukjae’s forehead to check for his temperature.


“Y---yeah, I’m f---fine,” he answered in a low voice.


Worried, I walked towards him and placed a hand on his. There was that tingling feeling, a slight shock of electricity that run through my body as soon as my hand landed on HyukJae’s. It doesn’t hurt, as a matter of fact, it felt kind of nice.


“Are you really okay, HyukJae?” I asked him but he just nodded his head as he kept on hiding his face with his hand.


“Are you sure you’re---”


He swatted my hand away that it hit the table hardly, but I held in a whimper as my eyes met his glare. “I said I’m fine,” he hissed before hopping down the counter and walking out. I held my hand closer to me as I watched his retreating back. I wanted to run after him and ask what’s wrong but---


It’s obvious he doesn’t want me to.


“What the hell is his problem?”HyunWoo hissed and he was beside me in a flash. I can tell he saw my hand as he caught it gingerly in his hands and started shouting in a panicked voice, “MinHo-hyung! Donghae is injured!”


“I’m right beside you, idiot. Stop shouting,” MinHo-hyung said.




After MinHo-hyung bandaged my hand, they all dragged me to the basketball court just outside the house where they are playing with a bet. I stayed on the sidelines since they all insisted that I should not strain my hand even if it’s not that serious. So now, I am stuck as the scorer while the guys play. Well, staying in the sidelines while they play isn’t bad since I can see their bright smiles every time they can make a score. All of them are good even Hyun Woo who’s lacking a bit in the height department seems to be playing better than all of them. He always shouts every time he scores.


“2 points!” Hyun Woo shouted again that indicated that I have to change the numbers as the game ended. “We won! You have to treat ice cream!” He shouted and pointed at MinWook who’s wiping his sweat with his shirt, “That’s payback for hitting me!” Then he stuck his tongue out and run away as Min Wook-hyung chased him around the court.


“You make a good scorer,Donghae-ah,” SeungGi-hyung said as the other guys went to my direction and grabbed bottles of water.


“I can play too you know,” I answered.


“Oh really?” SeungGi-hyung answered with a smirk.


“Once my hand gets better, let’s play. You’d definitely lose to me,” I challenged with the same smirk he was wearing and my hair was ruffled into a mess. The sound of a ball going into the ring caught our attention and we looked back to see HyunWoo and MinWook-hyung frozen on the ground and looking with wide-eyes on the opposite direction so we followed their eyes. At the end of the court, a guy was leaning on the pole with a ball on his right hand. There was also a suitcase on the ground beside him and he was smiling at our direction.


“You guys are having fun without me, huh?” He spoke and flicked his right hand. My eyes are wide as the ball went in the opposite ring without a flaw.


“What? I get no applause?” The guy spoke again and opened his arms wide.


“This brat,” SeunGi-hyung hissed and I can see his fist trembling. What is happening?


“Jong Sukkie!” HyunWoo shouted and bolted to the other guy with a bright smile. Before I can even comprehend what is going on, I was pulled up and MinHo-hyung was dragging me towards that direction as well. He only let me go when they all tackled that Jong Suk guy and some were even putting him in a headlock but they were all laughing and everyone looked so happy that I can’t help myself but to smile at the happy scene right in front of me. But like a flash, Jong Suk’s eyes landed on me and I flinched.


“Is that him?” He spoke and the guys stopped messing with him and they all turned to look at me.


“Yep. That’s Hae,” HyunWoo answered with a smile.


He stood up properly and dusted his clothes before he walked towards me; wearing that smile of his that made me embarrassed so I decided to look down on the ground, instead. I can feel his eyes on me so I started fidgeting, silently wishing that my hyungs would come and rescue me. A hand appeared in front of me.


“Hi, I’m Lee Jong Suk,” the guy introduced himself, “I am Sungmin’s brother.”


“What?” I looked up, clearly shocked and was greeted by cat-like eyes and a very nice smile as he looked at me.


“Yeah, too hard to believe huh?” He joked.


I chuckled, “A little. Nice to meet you, I’m Donghae.” I said and accepted the handshake with a smile.


“I know. Well, it’s good to know that my trip here didn’t go to waste. You really are a beauty just like Sungmin said,” he spoke and then, his eyes suddenly lose its mischievousness as he looked straight into me. I was even unaware that he’s still holding my hand tightly.


“I’ve decided,” he said and I tilted my head a bit to the side because what he’s saying makes no sense to me at all. Not until he uttered the next words, “I’ll steal you away from that ape.” And with that, he pulled me towards him and my eyes were wide as I felt pair of lips landing softly on mine. And one thing was stuck on my mind;


It is déjà vu.




“Ummm---can I ask a question?” I spoke softly, a little bit hesitant.


“What is it?” Jong Suk answered sweetly.


“So---ummm, are you and Sungmin really---”


“Brothers? Yeah we are,” he answered in a bored tone.


I shook my head, “No, I meant---Do you two---on the first meeting…do you guys really kiss people you meet for the first time?” I ended in a whisper.


He froze and slowly looked at me, “He kissed you? Sungmin?” he asked and I only nodded, blushing.


“Well, I guess that rabbit has to pay. He doesn’t have the right to kiss you,” he hissed and he started cracking his fingers menacingly that sent me shivering down to my spine.


“Hey, Jong Suk-ah, you’re scaring Donghae,” MinHo-hyung said.


“What do you mean, hyung? Am I scaring you, darling?” Jong Suk asked me in that sweet voice again.


“Umm---a little,” I said softly, looking down.


“Aigoo, you don’t have to be shy sweetheart. You’d be mine in no time, after all,” he said and planted a soft kiss on my cheeks.


After that kiss he gave me in the court, he carried me back in the house like bride in his arms and I can’t do nothing but be still from shock. Once he reached the living room, he asked one of the maids to prepare him a snack before he sat down on the sofa with me on his lap and I’ve been sitting here dejectedly since I can’t really leave with his arms tightly around me even if he’s talking with the other hyungs who followed us inside.


“How was France?” MinWook-hyung asked, picking up a donut on the plate.


“It was fine. You wouldn’t believe how pathetic my classmates are in the school I go to. Even I am better than them in English,” Jong Suk answered as he fed me his salad.


“What do you study in France?” I asked curiously.


He smiled as he brought a hand and wiped my mouth, “I’m a fashion design student.”


“Cool. So you’re college already? You’re older than me? So you’re my hyung, huh?” I asked again, completely interested that I didn’t mind my position anymore.


“Technically, he’s still a high school student,” SeungGi-hyung spoke.


“He just wanted to learn fashion,” MinHo-hyung added.


“That’s why he ran away from home 5 months ago,” JunWoo-hyung ended.


“Eh? You---you ran away from home?” I turned to look at JongSuk who is smiling at me.


“Yeah. Aren’t I cool?” he smirked and it kind of annoyed me so I smacked the back of his head.


“Cool? What is so cool about running away from home? Idiot is the right word for you. Didn’t you think your parents would get worried? What about Sungmin? You think he isn’t worried about you? You’re so selfish…you aren’t considering your family’s feelings,” I looked down, feeling tears in my eyes. Damn it, I am starting tobe emotional again. I sniffed.


“You---” JongSuk spoke but he stopped.


“What?” I asked.


“I am so in love with you right now,” he continued and hugged me tightly, placing my head down in his chest as he hugged the living daylights out of me.


“Why is it so noisy out here?” Someone spoke from behind.


“Oi,monkey-boy…awake already?” HyunWoo said with a smirk.


“Yeah. Have you guys seen Donghae?” I heard HyukJae spoke sleepily and I froze, unconsciously wrapping my arms around Jong Suk.


“Ah, you’re wife---he’s---” MinHo-hyung started but JongSuk decided to answer as he moved his head to look at hyukJae.


“He’s in my arms right now,” JongSuk said before he whispered in my ear, “Pretend to sleep.” And I did.


“JongSuk? When did you return? And what do you mean---” I heard HyukJae’s voice coming closer and I shut my eyes tightly, my arms doing the same thing.


“Let him go,” I heard HyukJae say in a different tone.


“Why should I? He’s asleep and he looks really comfortable in this position, don’t you think?” JongSuk answered.


“I said, Lee Jong Suk, keep your hands off him,” HyukJae spoke again, only this time his voice is closer.


“Make me,” JongSuk said and I felt myself being carried away off of JongSuk. I never dare open my eyes as I felt HyukJae carrying me away from our family. But then, I heard the door opened.


“Where do you think are you bringing Donghae to?”


That voice. Slowly, I opened my eyes and landed on the person on the door with his hands on his hips.


“Chullie,” I said.


Heechul smiled at me, before his eyes turned cold as he spoke to HyukJae who is still carrying me, “You. Give him to me,” Heechul ordered as he stepped forward and raised his arms for me. HyukJae didn’t answer and didn’t make a move to obey Heechul so I just went to my brother’s arms willingly instead; clinging onto him tightly as he kissed my forehead. We walked back to the living room but before that, I got to see HyukJae as he followed us.


His face looked so confused and something else---


His eyes met mine but I looked away.

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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god