Chapter 16

If That's What You Want




How I wish the bell would ring to indicate the next class, because right now, I want nothing else but to escape this tensed atmosphere I am in. 


The moment HyukJae sat down on our table; Kibum's been wearing that smile. Suddenly, Kyuhyun stood up.


"Donghae-hyung, do you want something?" He asked.


"Huh? Umm---No, tha---"


"Get him anything that's chocolate, thank you," Kibum cut me off and gave Kyu a sweet smile in which the younger just scoffed before going to get the food, leaving me with the two. Why did Kyu have to leave at a time like this?


"Um---Bummie, I'll go help Kyu. I'll get your food too," I told me and tried to escape from his hold but he lightly shook his head.


"That won't be needed Hae. I'm sure Kyuhyun could manage," he said.


I sighed.


"So," Kibum turned to HyukJae who is now munching his food slowly, "we meet again, Donghae's cousin."


"Yes indeed, Donghae's bestfriend," Hyukjae hissed, without bothering to look up.


I saw Kibum smirk at his response.


"I see you and Hae aren't classmates. Must be hard for you?" Kibum said.


"Why would it be hard for me? It's not as if I need to babysit him just because we're related," Hyuk answered, and I can feel my heart slowly bleeding.


"Oh, no worries. You won't have to look after him, since that'd be my job from now on. You can go do whatever you want without worrying about Hae. He'd be safe with me as always," Kibum told him with a serious voice.


The other did not respond, and I can't be more thankful when Kyuhyun came back with a tray filled with chocolate treats and flopped down beside me.


"Thanks," I smiled at Kyu who returned the gesture and I started eating.


"Kibum, what made you transfer here? You were from States too, right?" Kyu asked.


"I transferred because of our business that I am looking after right now, we just opened our branch here," Bum answered, as he too, started getting food from the tray.


"What business?"


"We had tons, but right now I am managing our restaurant, and it just happened that Hae went back here, the same time that I was assigned by my father to manage our new branch, so now, I have a new reason of staying here," he ended, munching at the cookies.


"Aren't you a bit too young to manage a business?" Hyuk was the one that asked.


"I may be young, but I am a good entrepreneur. I manage people well, and take care of them the best way I can," he answered.


"Don't you have a girlfriend back in States?" Kyu asked.


Bummie shooked his head.




"I'm gay."


The two stopped eating to look at my best friend with big eyes, and I tried so hard to hide the chuckle erupting from my lips.


"I'm surprised Hae didn't tell you that," Bum added and turned to me, as well as the two other people.


I shrugged my shoulder, "Must have slipped my mind," I said.


Again, Kibum smirked.


"And I assume you didn't tell them I was your first love?"


I choked on the bread I was munching and I felt someone patting my back as I reached out to grab the bottle of water, chugging down its contents before breathing normally again, and I looked up to see the people on the table looking at me. Kyu was the first to speak.


"He is?"


Looking down at my shoes, I stayed silent, and an arm s its way around my shoulders.


"No worries. Donghae's my first love too," Kibum announced not too quietly that made the cafeteria look in our direction.


From a distant, I can hear squealing and not so silent whisperings ensured the entire hall, and I did one thing I do whenever I feel extremely embarrassed; I dove to Kibum's chest and hid my face, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, clutching at his shirt, and his arms engulfed me in a warm embrace instantly, before whispering 


"Good job, Hae."




I was restless for the rest of the day, receiving giggles wherever I go, and when I say wherever I go, that meant that Bummie was with me, holding my hand or his arm around my shoulder, and even if I know that that's exactly the reason why we're being the center of attention, I did not swat his hands away, but instead I buried myself in them, because I'd feel really embarrassed without the other's presence.


Biology did not even bring me the excitement I was feeling, since I share that class with Hyuk, and Bummie; it's not a mystery to me anymore that I have all my classes with my best friend, I mentioned it before didn't I? What he wants, he gets.


And as usual, he easily got the seat beside me just by asking the teacher sweetly and of course, he complied; sheesh, Kibum and his charms. I can’t even remember what we discussed, as I was spacing out, luckily the teacher did not notice until the bell rang, the same time as my phone rang.




Getting my bag to retrieve my phone, I looked at the caller I.D. : Chullie :)



Smiling, I answered the call, “Chullie.”



My companions turned to my direction as I said the name; Kibum wearing a smile, HyukJae with an unreadable expression and Kyu looking confused.


“Who’s Chullie?” Kyu asked Kibum.


“It’s his brother,” I heard Bum answered.


“Why’d you call?” I asked my brother as I leaned my back on the chair.


“I missed you, of course. Didn’t you?” Heechul said with a mocked hurt voice.


“Of course I did, Chul, how could I not?” I chuckled.


“Oh, by the way, Hae, look out your window, just outside the gate,” he instructed me.


“What for?”


“Aish, just do it, Hae.” He said and I stood up and walked towards the window and opened it. And there, I can see my brother’s figure just outside the gate, waving a hand at me and another person was beside him.


“You’re here! And who’s that beside---it that Hankyung-hyung?!” I asked excitedly.


He chuckled from the other line.


“Yeah. We don’t have class today and I suggested we come and see you. Do you want to go eat dinner with us?”


“Do you even need to ask?” I answered back, smiling widely as I waved at them, then I felt Kibum beside me and he waved too, shouting in the process.




I heard my brother gasped form the other line before he said, “Is that---is that Bummie?”


Chuckling, I handed the phone to Kibum who took it eagerly.


“Hee! I missed you! Of course of course! Oh, I would love too! Give me a minute, Hae and I would be down in a bit,” Kibum said all too excitedly before handing me back my phone, as he went to fix his things quickly.


“Hurry, Hae!” I heard Chul said before I hang up, knowing all too well that my brother invited my best friend; Chul and Bum are close. Chullie treated him like a brother, mostly because he’s my best friend, and he has proven his loyalty by watching over me when Chul was not around, and the three of us would always hang out like this. It’s been so long. I missed this. Smiling widely, I fixed my things just in time when Kibum reached out for my hand, but before we even took a step, another hand stopped me from my tracks and I looked back to see Hyukjae.


“Where are you going?” Hyuk asked in a tone I can’t even describe.


“I’m going to Heechul,” I answered, struggling to free myself from his grip.


“And why is he going?” He looked at Kibum, before looking back at me.


“Because my brother invited him. Now would you please let me go, HyukJae,” I said.


“What time will you go home?”


“I’ll go home whenever I want.”


“I don’t want you out so late, you better be back before 8 p.m.”


“For goodness sake, Hyuk, I’m going with my brother, not some stranger.”


“But he is going with you. I don’t trust him, Donghae,” he pointed at Kibum.


That’s it. Stop acting like you care.


“Hyukjae, I’ve known Kibum for long. And I feel completely safe with my best friend. Besides, you don’t have to babysit me, remember? Aside from the fact that I am not a kid, I have Kibum with me. And it does not matter whether you trust him or not, because I trust him, and I trust him more than I trust you, so let me go,” I said coldly, finally releasing myself. I looked at Kyu, “Bye, Kyuhyun-ah,” I smiled at him before running out of the room, dragging Kibum with me.


I can’t believe he has the guts to order me around. What am I? A pet? And he’s what? My owner? The hell with that. I kept running and Kibum was just silent, in which I was thankful; he really does know when to speak and when to be silent at a times like this. As we reached the gates, my worries were forgotten as I jumped to my brother’s arms and he spin me around like a kid, before putting me down, both of us chuckling. I smiled at the guy beside my brother as Heechul turned to hug my best friend next.


“Hi, I’m Donghae. It’s nice to finally meet you, Hankyung-hyung,” I smiled at the guy who smiled back.


“Same here, Donghae. I’ve heard so much about you from your brother,” he said and I chuckled.


“I hope he hasn’t been telling you our stories together from when we were young,” I said.


“That’s exactly what he’s been doing. We’re at the part when you two were in Japan,” he said and I groaned.


“Chullie! What have you been telling my brother-in-law?!” I whined, and I heard Chul laugh silently, as he stood beside his boy friend and Kibum stood beside me.


“I’m just telling him how cute you are. Isn’t he, Hannie?” Hee looked at his boy friend who chuckled and nodded.


“So, where are we going, Hee?” Kibum asked.


“We’ll just go have dinner. We don’t want you two to be late to class tomorrow,” my brother answered, just as a car stopped in front of us and we went inside, going to the restaurant my brother instructed the driver to go.





Hoped you enjoyed!


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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god