Chapter 35

If That's What You Want









“Would you stop it?” I grumbled, closing my eyes to hide the annoyance but the tone in my voice pretty much shows it.


“Stop what?” came the teasing voice followed by a light chuckle.


“Stop hugging me! Can’t you see I’m cooking?!” I finally snapped, slamming the bowl on the counter and turning my head on the right where HyukJae’s chin is resting on my shoulder. “I can’t cook breakfast and I am hungry,” I added, glaring at this primate.


“I am hungry too,” he said.


“Good. Now let me go so I can cook us food.”


He shook his head, “I don’t want that.”


“What do you want, then? I’ll cook you a different dish,” I sighed before picking up the bowl once again, mixing the egg with the flour thoroughly.


I felt HyukJae tightening his hold around my waist, his face inching closer to my ear until I felt his lips lightly brushing against my ear lobe before he huskily whispered, “I want to eat you.”


And then, the bowl on my hand disappeared as it landed its way to HyukJae’s head, soaking his hair with the sticky substance that went down until his neck.




We didn’t do it.


Thank heavens we didn’t. Even if I was into it that night on the river, I still had a slack hold on my sanity which is enough to bring me back to my senses and push HyukJae away as he successfully ed my upper garment, and I was surprised to find him already shirtless; his shirt lying messily on the dirty ground. There was that uncomfortable silence surrounding us as we both evened our laboured breathing, looking at everywhere but each other. But when I was about to make my way towards the car, he caught my wrist that successfully made me look back at him in the eyes.


“I meant what I said,” he said.


I didn’t reply; afraid that I might say something incoherent or the tears would just fall because I was so happy. Damn, I can’t explain how happy I felt hearing him say those words; hearing him say it and knowing that he means it this time, that it’s not just some stupid act because we have no one to fool; we’re all alone and he say the words I’ve been dreaming to hear him say. I am so happy I thought I’d get a cardiac arrest due to how hard my heart is pumping blood to supply my body that I can literally hear my own beat; or was it HyukJae’s? I was so happy---so happy that I did not reply...I did not utter a word but I took a step forward, closing the distance between our faces and letting our lips touch and share a sweet innocent kiss before I pull away almost immediately; but he understood what I meant that he pulled my body and wrapped me around his arms.


That night, we slept in my room; not touching, but just enjoying each other’s warmth as I fell asleep immediately with HyukJae’s arms securely around me and my face on his chest, his heart beat serving as my lullaby.


The next morning however, was a totally unexpected situation. Sure, we woke up on the same bed, arms still around each other but what’s weird is that it doesn’t seem unusual at all. It was as if we’re used to it; as if we’ve been doing it for a long time even if the only time we shared the same bed was during that one week honeymoon and that night when he accompanied me. What’s more is that HyukJae transformed into this cheesy-slash-erted person but with a touch of sweetness. I’m not used to him being like this, but it’s not as if I don’t like it either.


“Now my hair smells like pancake,” Hyukjae complained, sitting still on the floor.


“Whose fault is it?” I answered, sitting on the sofa as I dried his hair with the towel.


“Yours. Who the hell dumps food on another person’s hair?” he continued grumbling.


“I just did it, didn’t I?” I answered cockily and he snorted.


“That’s because you were shy,” he said.


“Shy for what?”


“For what I said.”


“It did not affect me, you monkey.”


“Oh yeah?”




All of a sudden, HyukJae’s already up, his knees on my sides and his hands trapping me as I felt drops of water from his hair dropping on my face as I looked up at him and saw a smirk playing on his lips.


“Still not affecting you?” He challenged.


I smiled before I leaned my back comfortably on the sofa, my arms going around his neck as I pulled him with me; it’s a good thing his arms are supporting his weight, if not he’d be crashing down on me with force. He was watching me, and I did the same as I slowly brought his face closer, my fingers playing with his soaked hair, and when our faces are only centimetres apart, I chuckled and said,


“Still not affected,” then I planted a soft peck on his lips before pushing him off the sofa with his landing first, and then I laughed at how ridiculous he looked and how girly he sounded when he shrieked.




“Is this really necessary?” I asked, as HyukJae forced me to sit down on the chair and he went to sit on his; there is a piece of paper in front of us both and a pen ready on the side. I let out a sigh.


“Of course it is. We’re making amendments, so we have to make it legal,” he reasoned out.


“Fine. What should we change?” I asked, gingerly picking up the pen and clicking it, reading the paper at the same time.


“This part...the thing that says we’ll pull it off when we reach 18. Let’s change it with, ‘we’ll call it off when one wants to’.”


“I want to change the thing about cooking. You should help me with the kitchen stuff,” I countered, not really listening to him as I made a re-run of the rules we put on ourselves ever since day 1.


“What about, I’ll do the other chores and you do the cooking?”




“Now, let’s sign these new contracts and seal it with a kiss,” he said.


“I’m out of here,” I stood up and made a run to my room and I can hear HyukJae trying to run after me, but failed as I successfully locked my door before he even reached the top stair.


I like this. This new experience, this feeling of being wanted back by the person you want. I like it.


And I want this to last.






But who am I kidding, really? Of course. How could I even forget this part of the story? How could I be so stupid enough to forget about HyukJae’s girl friend. Stupid, stupid DongHae. As soon as Hyuk parked the car on the school’s parking lot, he removed my seat belt before he went out and I followed. We were having a conversation about getting pets when a girl’s voice interrupted what HyukJae’s about to say about getting chickens, and I turned to my right to see IU-ssi walking towards us with her friends in tow.


“I have to go,” I whispered to HyukJae and did not wait for his reply as I sped walk inside our building, heading to my first class. But before totally disappearing, I let myself have a last glimpse of the couple behind me and when I did, I found IU’s eyes on me as she was hugging HyukJae. And there was something the way she looked at me that made me uncomfortable that I looked away almost immediately.


I held my calculus book closer to my chest as I continued walking towards my class, not even noticing I was about to fall on the stair if not for someone yanking me back and my back landing on the person’s sturdy chest. Realizing what could have happened, I sighed and turn to look at my person to say my thanks.


“Hey, thank you---”


“Morning,” YunHo replied with a smile, picking up the book I dropped and handing it back to me. I smiled back at him.


“Morning too.”


“So, what’s up? Seemed like you were spacing out,” he started a conversation and walked with me to my class since his is just beside mine.


“You could say that. I’ve got a lot on my head lately,” I answered.


“Yeah, I could relate to that,” YunHo replied.


“Why? What’s on your head?” I asked, and finally turned to face him as we reached the door to my class. He smiled before he leaned down a bit before he whispered,


“You,” then he kissed my forehead before he entered the other door for his own class, leaving me standing like an idiot, if not for another person yanking me inside the room. Is it me, or am I being yanked in all placed today?


“I saw that,” was the teasing comment that left KiBum’s lips as he pushed me towards my chair with KyuHyun waiting for us.


“Saw what?” I asked, when I finally sat down on my chair and laid my things on my table. KyuHyun and KiBum were already in front of me, dragged their chairs so that they’ll be facing me.


“Stop acting innocent, Hae. That kiss the YunHo kid gave you. I saw that, and I saw you standing like an idiot afterwards that’s why I pulled you in,” KiBum informed me with a smirk.


“It was nothing,” I rolled my eyes, getting my notebook and a pen to prepare for the lecture for today.


“Sure it wasn’t,” my best friend replied and rolled his eyes and thankfully, the professor entered the room which made the two go back to their own tables.


It’s been on my mind since I woke up, but I have to tell KiBum what happened between me and HyukJae last weekend.


“Okay, class, before we start we have a new transfer student for today and he’d be in this class. Come in now,” the teacher motioned for someone on the door and the students started whispering as the figure finally became clear, and I was rendered speechless as I took in this new student’s face.


“Good morning. I am Choi Siwon and I hope we get along well.”


A chair falling down brought back my attention to the guy on my right; KiBum.


“Is something wrong, Mr. Kim?” The teacher asked, but my eyes stayed glued to my best friend’s paling face.




“KiBum-ah,” I heard Siwon say, and the murmurings in the classroom doubled but died down when KiBum raised his face, no emotion in his face as he reached out a hand to hold mine tightly and forced me to stand up too and I have no choice but comply.


“Sir, may DongHae and I be excused? I am not feeling well and I would like my best friend to accompany me to the infirmary,” he said with that business tone so the teacher just gave a curt nod and both of us are out of the room.




“How could he---” KiBum hissed as he slumped down the floor, releasing my wrist. I let out a sigh and sat down beside him.


“He---how dare he show up in our school? I clearly told him not to show his face again? Damn it! He has no right to follow me here! He’s getting married and he was---”


“Wait. How’d you know that?” I asked, surprised by those words that left KiBum’s mouth.


“Last Saturday, he---he was in my restaurant. And so was his fiancé and their families,” he said. “He knew it was my restaurant. He freaking knew. He even asked one of my staff where I was because he said he wanted to speak with me. And when I did went out my office to greet these guests that came from Rome, what did I get? A surprise that my ex-boyfriend is there together with his fiancé. He was mocking me; showing me that he’s fine without me and he wanted me to witness that he moved on and---”


“He doesn’t love her,” I cut him off.


“How did went to...”


“I met him in Rome, Bummie and we chatted. He told me he doesn’t love her and he is still---”


 He brought up a hand to stop me, “Stop. Just---I know what you’re going to say but just don’t.” He pleaded and I gave a nod before I scooted closer and wrapped him around in my arms where he rested his head on my shoulder, letting me comfort him.


“It still hurts you know? He left without a word, and it broke me. I thought---I thought I moved on from him. I thought I could go on with him not being a part of my life. I thought I was doing fine and I was glad that I came back here in Korea because I thought this place would be a stepping stone that would lead me away from the thoughts of him. I had a lot of thoughts, but it all shattered when I saw him. My resolve of moving on crumbled down when he smiled at me. Those thoughts I made sure would remain in my head got blown away when he uttered my name. Those thoughts of hating him meant nothing because no matter how much I deny it and no matter how much pathetic it seems, I still love him and it still hurts; it always have been hurting,” KiBum said, his hold on my shirt tightening as I felt tears starting to cascade down his face and I draw him closer.


“I am sorry, Bummie. I’m sorry for not telling you about this sooner,” I whispered in his ear.


“You should be. Just be grateful I can’t be mad at you or else you’d be hugging a pole right now,” he joked and let out a throaty chuckle.


We remained like that for a few minutes, letting KiBum relax with the silence as I continued comforting my best friend.


“Hey, Bum?” I spoke, a few more minutes later and the tears stopped.




“HyukJae said he likes me.”


In a flash, KiBum raised his head and stared me dead in the eyes, his orbs wide as saucers and his mouth slightly open. “Repeat that please.”


“I said, HyukJae told me he likes me,” I repeated and chuckled as he looked at me playfully before he pinched both my cheeks and made me howling in pain.


“I told you he’d fall for you!” He shouted, and laughed as he saw how red my cheeks are and I pouted, trying to sooth the pain in my cheek by rubbing my palm against it gently.


“And so? Are you guys together now?”




“You guess?” He replied, forcing me to look at him as he studied me with stern eyes. “Why?”


I sighed, “He’s got a girl friend, Bummie. And he said he thinks he likes me, that doesn’t mean he really does right?”


“Are you an idiot? You two are married legally; he’s your husband and you’re his bri---I meant, husband too so you two are much more official than that of his. So don’t worry about her, alright? Besides, it’s not as if she knows about it. That monkey could just break it off with her, and you two could have your happy ending.”






I turned my head to look at that person who called out for me. The singing practice ended a bit late since we are preparing for the prom and all and JaeJoong-hyung forced me to sing three songs whilst KyuHyun was absent since his father called him in the middle of rehearsals. I was walking at the school corridors, when I was called out.


“IU-ssi?” I asked, stopping from my tracks and waiting for her to reach me and when she did, she smiled and so did I.


“Why are you here so late?” I asked, when we walked together towards the direction of the building’s exit.


“Oh, I was waiting for you.”


“Why?” I turned to look at her and stopped walking once again when she did and I waited for her reply.


“Can I ask you something, DongHae-ssi?” she spoke, looking down on the ground.


“What is it?”


“Are you---”


I waited, but she did not continue.


“Am I what?”


“You like EunHyuk, don’t you?”


“What are you---”


She lifted her head and something on her face was not right. The sweet features disappeared and was replaced by that---devil physique. It seemed like its not her at all.


“Don’t you dare deny it, you disgusting creature. You’re gay, and Jae’s straight and good looking and smart and what’s more is that you’re both actually under the Lee regime. You got arranged to be married with him and so did he because of your grandparents and now you two live in the same house and are pretending to be cousins in school so as to not reveal that---peculiar marriage of yours. Everything seemed okay for me, but there’s one thing that bothered me---that feelings you got for my boyfriend.”


“Ji Eun-ssi, I---”


“Don’t you dare utter my name with that filthy lips of yours. You are not even worth the dirt under my shoes so just shut that gay mouth of yours and stay away from my boy friend. He’s mine, got it? And no matter how deluded you are thinking that he likes you in return, he doesn’t. Keep that in your head, will you?” she ended, smirking as she took another step closer and my body remained frozen as her words sunk in.


“And if you dare mention this conversation we had with HyukJae, I swear you’re going to regret it, got that?”


Then she was gone, the sound of her heels echoing thru the halls. And when there was silence, I started walking once again; her words running around my head. She’s right. She’s right and I was wrong. He just thinks he likes me, but it’s not the way I do to him. It’s not even close. They belong together, and we don’t. She’s right.




I looked up and found a car parked in front of me with HyukJae leaning against it with a smile on his face. When our eyes landed on each other, he jogged towards me and got my things for me and tried to plant a kiss on my cheek but I moved away.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, the care in his voice evident, or was it?


“I---I’m just tired. Let’s go home,” I answered, avoiding his eyes and mounting the car. When he got in the driver’s seat, I looked out my window and there was silence. I was afraid to have a conversation so I closed my eyes the entire ride, feigning sleep so as to get away from talking to Hyukjae. Instead, I kept repeating in my head---


She’s right.

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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god