Chapter 22

If That's What You Want


“So, the guy you were with last night is your cousin if I remember correctly?” Siwon asked, and I nodded; enjoying the whip cream from another drink we ordered. This would be my third drink and Siwon hasn’t finished his Americano yet.


“Oh. And here I am thinking---”


“That he’s a lover?” I continued his sentence without looking up at him.


“Yep. Well, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thinking like that; the way you two acted towards each other is just like how couples do,” he said, and I was reminded of why I was out here with him in the first place. Putting down the drink, I looked at Siwon and gave him a small smile.


“We’re just really close cousins,” I said and I was grateful that he changed the topic.


Caling Siwon had been the right choice because my mind drifted far away from the thoughts of Hyuk Jae. Wonnie and I are close during our stay in New York; you can say he is my other best friend after Bummie. He’s popular for his looks and the president of our Drama Club back there, and he is really very gentle; no wonder Bummie fell. The love story of this two idiots are chaotic, to say the least, but romantic in its own way; they bicker about the smallest things, get touched by the wrong words and they just complement each other that’s why when SiWon left, KiBum was heartbroken. It was the first time I ever saw KiBum completely shattered, the first I ever saw him withdraw from the society and the first time he ever tried to---


“Are you listening, Hae?” Si Won asked, reaching out to place his hand on top of mine.


“Sorry. What was that?” I replied, and urged him to continue.


“Donghae, I am asking if you can help me.”


“Help you for what?”


“Getting Ki Bum back,” he said as he looked into my eyes, determination evident on them. Without knowing, I was smiling and the feeling of excitement was taking over me as I gave him a ‘yes’. We were about to start planning when my phone on the table started ringing and I excused myself as I took the call.


“Hello?” I spoke, not looking at the caller ID before picking up.


“Donghae? Where are you?” Hyuk Jae’s sleepy voice sounded and I sighed, trying to control myself.


“Sorry. I’m at a coffee shop just across our hotel,” I answered. “Shout I go back?”


“Oh no, it’s fine,” he said and I heard footsteps and a door closing, “I’ll just take a bath and I’ll go follow there, okay? Order me a Strawberry Milk, please?” he pleaded and I chuckled as I gave him an okay before hanging up. I made my way to the counter to order the drink Hyuk asked before going back to the table where Si Won is waiting expectantly.


“I thought you’re a chocolate guy?” he said, brows rising as he looked at the drink I placed down on our table.


“I am. This is for HyukJae,” I answered.


“Oh, is your cousin coming here?” he asked and I hummed in reply, sipping my drink.


“Hae? May I ask a question?”


“Go ahead,”


“Is something going on between you and your cousin?”


“Why’d you say so?”


“Because, seriously, you didn’t look like relatives last night.”


“I told you, we’re just close, Wonnie.” I answered, avoiding eye contact and I heard him chuckle.


“If I am not mistaken, I can clearly see something else. And you know you’re bad at lying, right? So, listen because I know you are in love with him even if you try so hard to deny it,” he ended up whispering as I sensed someone walking towards us. I looked back and saw HyukJae eyeing our table before walking towards and sitting beside me.


“Hello, HyukJae-ssi,” Siwon greeted politely.


“Hi, Siwon-ssi. I didn’t know you’re here,” HyukJae replied, taking the drink form the table and putting his arm around the back of my chair, and I saw Siwon smirking at me for a second before it’s gone.


“Hae called me early in the morning to catch up with things, didn’t you Hae-baby?” Siwon cooed and I looked at him incredulously because he sounded so much like KiBum would when he pampers me.


“You did?” HyukJae turned to look at me.


“I---I,” I stuttered, mentally kicking myself for my display of idiocy and took a deep breath to calm my nerves, “Yeah, I did.”


As if on cue, Siwon’s phone beeped and he read the message with a frown before turning at us, “Well, I have to leave. I hope you enjoy your vacation, by the way,” he smiled as he stood up and walked but stopped in front of me and leaned down to whisper, “There really is something,” he said and planted a kiss on my cheek before standing up properly.


“I’ll contact you so we can talk about the thing, okay?” he reminded and I nodded then he was out of the coffee shop. I was in trance when HyukJae decided to slam his fist on the table, making me jump and look at him with questioning eyes, but he is looking down, staring intently at his fist.


“HyukJae?” I called and he snapped his head towards me, his eyes in a glare but soften as they landed on me; or that’s what I wanted to believe.


“Let’s---” he spoke and I waited as he took a deep breath.


“Let’s just go to Colosseum, shall we?” he offered and stood up, offering a hand in which I took reluctantly as he dragged me out of the coffee shop.


The car ride going to our destination was a quiet one; both of us are not uttering the word, just the radio filling in our quiet car as HyukJae drove and I looked out of my window, watching the city of Rome get filled with people. As we get lost into our own different world, my phone started ringing once again and I picked it up, checking the caller ID and was greeted by an unknown number.






The voice sounded utterly familiar, and I made a guess, “HyunWoo?”


“Ding dong deng! How are you, pretty?” he cooed at the other line that I chuckled, my mood getting lifted.


“I’m fine, handsome. Why did you call?” I asked with a smile and leaned back on my chair, eyes still looking on the window.


“I missed you. Hey, I heard you went on a honeymoon with HyukJae? Is he there with you? Where are you guys, anyway?” he asked in an incredible speed that I almost didn’t understand.


“Yeah, in fact, he’s driving right now. We’re in Rome and on our way to Colosseum,” I answered.


“Wow! Hey, take home a gladiator with you, huh? Please please~” he begged cutely on the phone that I let out a giggle.


“I’d try,” I said.


“Okay. Hae, Sungmin wanted to talk to you, here he is.”




“Sungmin-hyung,” I spoke and relief took over my body as I listened to the cousin I grew close with, his voice giving that calming effect on my mind and my heart.


“Honey, how are you? And don’t say you’re fine, tell me what you really feel,” he said, stern.


I sighed, “I can’t, hyung. I’d tell you later, okay? I miss you,” I said gently.


He sighed, “I miss you more, Donghae,” he answered and the line was cut. I looked at my phone and true enough, the call ended. My lips formed into a pout because I really wanted to talk to Sungmin-hyung more.


“You look disappointed,” HyukJae suddenly spoke, eyes not leaving the road.


“Well, the call got cut,” I huffed and slumping deeper to the seat, adjusting it so I’d be half-lying.


“Don’t sulk, sweetie, we’re here,” he spoke with a smile and I looked up to see that he’s right; the sight right in front is so nice that didn’t notice the car stopped moving. HyukJae went out of the car and opened my car door as he took my hand as I stepped out and we ran closer to the Colosseum, hands in contact.


“Take a picture, take a picture!” HyukJae chimed as he stood beside a gladiator and I happily snapped a photo with my phone, and he did the same to me as I acted as I was I was giving a kiss to the gladiator, but HyukJae put down his hands and dragged me away, not taking a photo.


“Hey, why didn’t you take a photo,” I whined as he, once again, dragged me inside the structure and remained silent.




“Daebak, are you serious?” I spoke, clearly amused, when he didn’t reply I continued to tease.


“Are you seriously jealous over a gladiator, Lee Hyuk Jae?” I asked, teasing and he halted from his tracks and it dawned to me that we’re the only ones inside the Colosseum and it’s a little dark, just a torch lighting the path way.




I was suddenly pulled toward, harshly and I landed on strong arms; my body pressed hardly on his as my hand flew up to separate our chest for a few inches. I felt arms wound around my waist as he brought me closer, making it hard to breath. I can hear his uneven breathing but I can’t clearly see his face from the poor lighting, but what shocked me the most was when plump lips landed on the corner of my mouth, and soon enough it was invading my lips and I just melted; letting him do what he wanted and a moan escaped my lips as he bit my lower lip and took that chance to shove his tongue inside my mouth.


My mind was blank.


My heart is going crazy.


Because even if I know that I love him, I am still aware that all of this is wrong.


And I hate myself for not doing anything to stop this.





I KNOW THIS BUT--- (sigh)

SORRY... -_-


xie xie


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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god