Chapter 2

If That's What You Want




“So, the wedding will commence tomorrow at 4pm, am I right?” Grandpa Hyuk Soo said while we eat our dinner at a 5-star restaurant dad reserved.


I was in between Heechul and this Hyuk Jae, and I can feel my mother giving me small glances every now and then. Well, I did agree to this marriage thing maturely but that doesn’t mean that I’m not freaking out since I met my soon-to-be husband, and I’m pretty sure Chul and mother can sense it. Grabbing the fork, I started to eat my desert; a double layered chocolate cake and as soon as its taste reached my taste buds, I have to restrain from squealing from the sweetness, but instead, I gave a sigh of happiness and my brother looked at me with a smile.


“You are such a sweet tooth. How can you eat that---disgusting thing?” Heechul said, in a bit hushed tone, not wanting to disturb the grown-ups from their conversation, and I am glad he talked to me, since I wanted to tune out their talk about the wedding.


“Shut up, it’s not disgusting. What’s disgusting is you and your addiction to coffee. Yuck.” I stuck my tongue at him, before eating another piece of my cake.


“It’s not my fault you love milk instead of coffee, besides, you need milk because you still need to grow,” he teased me.


“Ya!” I shouted, momentarily forgetting where we are and who we’re with; I looked at our companions and all their eyes are on me, their facial expression clearly states that they’re asking what’s wrong. I waved at them, “Sorry,” I whispered, and they went back to their own business, as I glared at my brother.


“What are you glaring me for? It’s not my fault that you’re sensitive about your height,” he said, trying hard to contain his laughter. I turned my face away from him and looked at the opposite direction, in which I don’t know it it’s the right decision or not, since I was greeted by Hyuk Jae’s face, who’s eyeing me. I swallowed an imaginary lump in my throat.


“Dong Hae, right?” He whispered, in a voice so low that it’s only the two of us who can hear it. I nodded curtly.


“Oh. Okay,” he said shortly before turning away and I gave a sigh of relief. Whatever, I’m being stressed out by this whole wedding thing, I should just finish my cake and worry about anything later.




“Okay, so Hyuk Jae, you’d be staying at the guest room beside Dong Hae,” mom informed him as soon as we entered the house. One thing I can’t understand though is why he is staying in our house while his parents and grandpa are staying at a 5-star hotel, where we ate. Why can’t he just stay with them?


“Thanks but, why can’t I stay in his room?” Hyuk Jae asked my mother in a very polite voice; I turned my face at him, my eyes wide, dad suddenly chocked at his own spit and Heechul had his jaws hanging. The only person who had the most normal response is my mother.


“Sorry dear but we can’t let you two stay in a room,” mom told him with a kind smile. It’s amazing how she can’t seem to lose her cool on situations like this.


“You’re thinking that I’ll touch him, aren’t you?” Hyuk Jae retorted, and again, the tense atmosphere, if possible, became much more tense.


“Oh no, I am not thinking of that. I just think we should wait for the wedding before you two share a room,” mom answered and this time, he chuckled.


“Don’t worry, Mrs. Lee, I won’t touch him,” he said with a teasing, yet polite voice.


“You better not, or else you’ll regret you’re ever born,” Heechul whispered menacingly.


“Hush, Chullie. Now, let us all go to bed; Hae, honey, you have to be up at 9, okay? We need to do your preparations and the rest of you be up before lunch time,” mom said her final reminders for the day before grabbing dad and entering their room. The three of us are left and not one is planning to break the silence so I just took the first step and climbed the stairs, when I realized no one’s following me, I looked back and saw how frighteningly Heechul is glaring at Hyuk Jae and how Hyuk Jae seem unaffected by it, he’s just smirking at my brother.


“Chullie, let’s go. You too, Hyuk Jae,” I called them, before Heechul start killing the other. Chul broke the glare and walked towards me, grabbing my hand in the process as he drag me upstairs.


“Yah, Chul, what’s wrong?” I asked him.


“What’s wrong? You’re asking me what’s wrong? It’s that guy!” He answered, lowering his voice so as to not wake our parents.


“Calm down, he hasn’t done anything wrong,” I tried to calm him down by rubbing at his arm up and down.


“Well, not yet. I don’t trust him, Hae. And I sure don’t trust him to you,” he said and I just smiled at my brother lovingly.


“Chul, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. You’re showing signs of brother complex,” I teased and he chuckled.


“I know. You can’t blame me, I love you so much,” he said as his hand went to my cheek and caressed it, I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of his hand on my face; his hands are cold and I love the feeling of it on my skin, it helps me calm down.


“I love you too,” I answered, then someone coughed. Chul and I looked to the right and saw Hyuk Jae standing at the edge of the stairs, with his luggage at his right hand, and his phone on the other, he’s looking at us with an uninterested eyes.


“Sorry to disrupt the moment, but where is my room?” he asked.


“Oh, right. Follow me,” I said as I motioned for him to walk towards us, because I can’t let my brother show him the way, he might just let him sleep on the porch. I nodded at Chul, who just stayed quiet and followed us with his eyes as I lead Hyuk Jae to his room. I opened the door next to my room and switched on the light.


This room is somewhat like a music room; I spend most of my time here, but since we have a guest, the room is fixed and the piano and other music stuff that was here was placed in my room, which is the biggest one in the house. So now, a queen sized bed is situated at the center of the room, at the right wall, there’s a table and a laptop, then it has a veranda too. It’s pretty cozy.


“Nice,” I heard him say and I am on my way out.


“Dong Hae,” he whispered, but I heard, so I stop before I even reach the door knob.


“Yes? Do you need something?” I asked, spinning around to face him, and found him looking at me intently, all the teasing in his eyes gone, it was replaced with nothing but seriousness; honestly, I would be afraid if only not for the fact that Heechul look more scarier than him, but that aside, he is a bit frightening.


“I don’t want this,” he said with a deep voice, I raised my eyebrow. He doesn’t like the room?


“Oh. I’m sorry but the other guest room is---”


“That’s not what I meant,” he cut me off, annoyance clear in his voice and I flinched. Heechul, where are you?


“I don’t want this marriage thing. Call it off before it brings more damage,” he said, commanding me like a king.


“There’s nothing I can do,” I told him honestly.


“What? And why? Do you want to be married to me that desperately? Sorry to break it to you, but I am straight. Straight as a pole and this kind of thing, people like you creeps me out so do. something.” he emphasized the last two words.


“Do you think I asked for this? Don’t be so full of yourself, because even if I am gay, I never dreamed to be married to some jerk like you,” I spat at him, “if you don’t want this, why don’t YOU do something,” I finished my sentence glaring at him. It’s unusual to feel this anger. I’ve always been the calm Dong Hae, but his words earlier made something in me snap and I just can’t not say something.


“I tried. I tried tons of times but they just won’t listen,” he said, he became silent for a while, he looked like he’s thinking of something then a few minutes later, he smirked. “I know.”


“What?” I said, still a bit annoyed.


“Let’s make a deal,” he informed me, and went to the bed side table and produced a paper and a pen. I watched him as he sat down infront of the study table and he motioned for me to come closer so I did. He started writing something in a messy Korean letters but I can read it easily.


“DIVORCE AGREEMENT,” I read in a whisper, and I looked at the person whose continuously writing.




Short update...


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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god