Chapter 1

If That's What You Want




I tossed around my bed as I recalled the conversation with my parents awhile ago.


“Hae, honey, we need to talk. You too, Chullie,” my mother said, ever-so lovingly.


Heechul and I looked at each other, having a conversation with our eyes. Nothing good ever comes every time we have The Talk; well, most of the time. If Chul and I are asked to stay after dinner, all they have to tell us is that we have to move. Again. In my 16 years, we’ve been in, like, ten countries and this is where we stayed the longest, New York. Our dad is a well-renowned lawyer and mother is a run-way model, so we’re pretty much loaded, and to add to that, our ancestors are bloody rich in our homeland.


Chul sat down beside me and placed his arm on my shoulder and I leaned my head in his. I saw my parents smile at the show of affection we display. My brother is---crazy. But I love him to bits. Heechul is 2 years older than me but he ordered that I should call him without honorifics. They say that if one of us dresses as a girl, we’ll be, no doubt, mistaken as a very lovely couple. He also baby me a lot. He loves to tuck me to sleep when we were young every time our parents are late from work; but most of the time, he sleeps and cuddles with me. He also shield me from bullies from the schools we transferred into; but since he is 2 years ahead of me, he sees to it that he’ll talk to my adviser and ask them to take a close watch on me, in which all of them agreed; my brother can be so intimidating if he wanted to. And also, though it is a bit shameful, I cry easily. I cry over the littlest things. I know men are supposed to be lean and muscular and they say that they don’t cry, but I am more on the slim and sensitive and crying is my second nature, according to Heechul. He said he hated seeing me cry, so yeah. And I guess you can call me a daddy’s boy. Father loves playing with me every free time but he loves me and my brother equally; he says I look like him so he likes to carry me more, while Chul is always pampered by my mother, since they look so alike too. But in my opinion, I am the mixture of both, and mother, of course, agreed.


“We’re moving,” father started.

“Okay. Nothing’s surprising about that,” Heechul said as he brush my hair and that made me feel drowsy, I yawned.


“Dad, can we go to bed, now? Hae’s sleepy,” he asked.


“Not yet. Let your father finish, Chul,” mother chimed in, who’s beside dad.


“We’re moving, but we’ll be living separately---” father started again.


And of course, was cut off by my brother, “What?” he asked, but closed his mouth when dad gave him a look that said Shut Up.


“We’ll be living separately with Donghae,” he finished.


“What?!” Heechul and I said at the same time, both standing up in the process, and I hit my knee on the table so O crouched down to massage it, “Ow,” I whispered by Chul heard, and he replaced my hand with his.


“What are you talking about father? If this is a joke, stop. You know lawyers are not suitable to joke,” Heechul said without looking at dad, since he’s busy checking my knee.


“Do I look like I’m joking, Lee Heechul?” dad said in english and Chullie looked at him; more of like, stared at his eyes. My brother has this weird---talent; he can easily tell if a person is joking, lying or telling the truth just by looking at their eyes. Mom said he got it from dad. It was silent for a while as the two continued to look into each other’s eyes; Heechul trying hard to search daddy’s eyes. And after a few more seconds, he groaned.


“But why?! Why does my baby brother need to live separately from us?! It’s not like he’s getting married or something!” Heechul said with a slightly raised voice.


“Yes.” Father simply answered.


“Yes what?”


“Yes, Donghae is getting married,” father said and I looked at him.


Did I hear him right? Did dad just say what I thought he said? My ears must be playing tricks on me. There’s no way he said I’m getting---


“Donghae, son,” father’s voice made me return to reality and was reminded that I was suppose to say something.


“Daddy---I, please stop making jokes, it’s not funny,” I said, but the dejected look on dad confirmed that he is freaking serious about this.


“You---I, dad---” I stuttered, not knowing what to say next as I felt tears starting to form at the corner of my eyes. Heechul, who’s been eyeing me for the whole time noticed and wrapped me in his arms, and I laid my cheeks on his shoulder, and hid my face from my parents. I controlled my breathing, willing the tears to disappear. How can I get married? How can they do this to me? How can they decide something as important as that? How can they plan my fate without me knowing? Don’t I even have a say in this?


“Hae, it was decided by your grandfather,” dad’s voice came in closer, and I felt his hand rubbing my back.


“Can you just explain it clearly, dad?” Heechul asked, a bit harshly but I just heard dad sigh.


“Father and his friend, Uncle Hyuk Soo had this pact. They were best friends from the time they knew how to walk so they practically grew up together. Uncle Hyuk is also in the Lee Tribe; I told you this already, the Lee’s are powerful and the two best friends wanted to strengthen their bond, but it is only possible through matrimony. Unfortunately, their sons, Jung Won and I are already married and Heechul was already born at that time, so they decided to have my second son marry the first child of Jung Won and his wife which is you and Hyukjae.”


“Hyuk Jae? Isn’t that a guy’s name?” Heechul asked and now that he pointed it out, it is obviously a Korean guy’s name.


“Yes. He is a guy and Donghae will be married to him,” father said calmly, and this time, I released Heechul and looked at my father intently.


“But dad---” I stopped short.


“This is why I’ve been so supported with you and Chul being gay,” daddy said, so how am I supposed to reply to that? Even Heechul is tongue tied. One small detail about the Lee brothers is that, they’re both gay. Yay.


“I am so sorry, son, for putting you into something like this; for making you marry a stranger. But it was father’s wish. It was your grandpa and Uncle Hyuk Soo’s final wish. And it must be fulfilled, Hae. I am so sorry that I just informed you know,” dad told me as he reached out to hug me, and I allowed him. He hugged me tightly as the tears finally flowed.


I’ll be married. I’ll be away from my family. I’ll live with a stranger. How am I supposed to overcome this?


Mother joined father and hugged me, dragging Heechul in the process so the four of us are in the middle of the living room, hugging and mainly, the three are comforting me.


The scene can’t be erased from my mind; at least I wanted to have a good night sleep before I marry my soon-to-be-husband.


“The wedding will commence here and after, we’ll move back to Korea. Uncle Hyuk Soo and his family are arriving tomorrow afternoon and you’re wedding will take place the day after that,” dad finished The Talk with that.


Grandpa was the one who wished for this. He was the one who asked for this. And I love my grandpa so much that I can’t even bring myself to reject. Grandpa had always been close to Heechul and me, since we’re his only grandsons. One thing that can describe his personality fully is the word Cool. He loved travelling and always makes sure that Chullie and I are with him if he wants to go somewhere. He also played computer games and Wii, so Chullie and I loved him to bits. But when Chul was 12 and I was 10, we were in London, and grandpa became really ill and it was heartbreaking. I always made sure that I’m beside him, and every time I come and visit, he holds my hand and on the day he drew his last breath, I was the one with him. I can still remember that day clearly. It was something I will never forget.


“Hae-ah,” grandpa tried hard to speak and I held back my tears, because one thing that he and Heechul totally agree is that they hated seeing me in tears.


“What is it, grandpa?” I said, and leaned my ears closer to him to hear him clearly.


“You—my Donghae, you will be the seal,” he said weakly but I caught every word.


“Seal? Of what?” I asked.


He chuckled, “You’ll know when the time is right. Remember—you are the seal. And I love you so much,” his voice dropped and his hand that I’m holding became slacked. A tear escaped my eyes because I know what happened. I may be young but I know.


So that’s what he meant? The seal? The seal of the pack with his best friend? I was one of the two who’s chosen to fulfill it.




“Yeah?” I said and the door opened, revealing my lovely mother in his pink night gown. She’s holding a glass of milk and I sat on my bed, as mom set the glass on the side table before he joined me on my bed. She opened her arms, and I willingly went to her embrace. My mother is the epitome of the words beauty, brains and heart. Dad always said he’s lucky that he met her and we are lucky to have her as our mother. Her beauty is a sight to see. She’s slim, tall, fair, with a wavy brown hair, and eyes that shows all her emotions; I got her hair color, skin tone and eyes, while Heechul is like the photocopy of mom, except for the eyes. But I got her brains. Mother graduated with honors during her college days, and I am an honor student in all the school’s I’ve been. And her heart is so precious. She showers us with nothing love, appreciation and understanding.


“My baby’s so quiet,” mother spoke with that little, soothing voice.


“I was just thinking,” I answered back, then she started my head.


“I know you’re worried. About the marriage,” she said.


“Yeah. Like—how am I supposed to act like a wife? I don’t know a thing about that,” I said.


She chuckled, “Just be Donghae, and for sure he’ll fall head over heels for you, like every one of your suitors.”


I blushed, “Mom~” I whined.


“What? It’s true. The friends you’re bringing here obviously have a thing for you. Why do you think Heechul and I ask you to study in the pool area or in the living room? Why do you think we don’t allow any boys to be with you in a room?” She said, and this time I laughed.


“You and Heechul really are something,” I said and she nodded in agreement.


“Honey, don’t worry. You’ll do great as a wife. You are an awesome cook, you are very kind and you are absolutely good looking,” mom said and I sighed.


“Thank you, mom. I just--- I don’t know how to react when I meet him,” I told her. And this time she cupped my face and looked at me intently; brown eyes, staring at brown eyes. She smiled.


“You don’t have to act someone you’re not. You, Donghae, are one of a kind and you are better than the rest. Whoever gets to know you is sure lucky that they have and this Hyuk Jae is absolutely hitting jackpot from marrying you. Remember, sweetie, being you is a proof that you are proud you’re my son. Now, are you, or are you not my son?” She asked.


“Do you even need to ask? Of course I am,” I answered with a smile and she kissed my forehead. She bid me goodnight and went out of my room.




“I swear, it’s like you’re the one who’s going to meet his husband-to-be,” I told Heechul when we were in the car. We’re on our way to the airport to fetch Grandpa Hyuk Soo and his family, which means I’ll be meeting my soon-to-be husband and my brother’s been clenching and unclenching his fist, his face painted with complete annoyance.


“I am going to meet my brother’s soon to be husband, of course, I must act this way,” he answered and I just chuckled.


“How can you be so calm?” He asked me.


“Because there is nothing I can do. Its grandpa’s wish and I must do it,” I answered him calmly, looking out the window. The rest of the ride was quiet after that and after half an hour we arrived, I went out of the car first and was about to walk towards the arrival section when my dad held me back.


“What is it, dad?” I asked him. Dad looked so worried, and I hate to know that I am the cause of that. I gave him a small smile.


“I’m fine, dad. Really,” I answered his unspoken question.


“I am so sorry about this, son,” he said, and wrapped me in a hug in which I returned.


“I am so proud that you’re taking this maturely,” he whispered and I smiled.


“Thank you. That’s all that matters,” I said and we made our way in.


SEOUL, KOREA-----------------ARRIVED


As soon as we read that, dad and mom made their way to greet our visitors, while Chul and I stayed behind, waiting.


“I wish I can do something about this,” Heechul whispered.


“No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine, don’t worry too much about me, Chullie,” I answered, and I felt hands holding mine.


“I promised I’ll protect you, and I will. If he ever do something to you, call me immediately, understand?” he told me seriously in English.


“I understand. I love you, Chul,” I answered back in English and his eyes softened, and his lips curled into a smile.


“I love you too, Hae,” he said.


“Donghae, Heechul!” Dad’s voice called our attention and when we faced him, an old man was standing beside him with a smile on his face. He asked something to dad and he answered, and the old man smiled more. Daddy motioned for us to come closer. When we reached them, the older man hugged me tightly and started patting my head. I was shocked at first, but this feeling is so familiar and I missed it; he feels like Grandpa Dong Hyun.


“I am so glad I finally met you, Donghae,” he said as he released me, and he eyed me from head to toe, “you look exactly like you grandfather,” he added.


“Thank you,” I said, shyly.


“Oh, and this one is my grandson, Hyukjae,” he said and he motioned his hand behind him, and that’s when I noticed a guy around my age standing behind him.


He’s wearing black jeans, and a black leather jacket, with red headset around his neck and shades. He’s good looking.


“Hi, I’m Lee Donghae,” I greeted him and gave a little bow. He eyes me first with a stern face, before giving a small, strained smile.


“Hello, I’m Lee Hyuk Jae"




Sooo... first chapter. :)


Do comment and tell me what you think. Ideas keep on popping on my mind and I just have to write this since my imagination is overflowing.


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Lovelots <3


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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god