
Meow-ve you [EDITING]

(Jieun’s POV)

I finished getting ready for school. I rested pretty well last night. PRETTY WELL. Yoseob kept meowing. I have no idea why… *sighs dreamily* I dreamt about Taeyang… hmph! Pabo Yoseob! He interrupted my sleep in the middle of the night!

I went downstairs to fix breakfast and our bentos. I’m thinking…omelet? I peeked at the couch. Yoseob’s not there…weird. I usually need to wake him up. I just continued cooking. Meow… Did I just hear a meow? No…Its probably in my head. Yoseob’s in the shower... I think. I don’t hear the shower.

I put the plates full of bacon, tomato and cheese omelet on the table. Yoseob should be done showering by now… I peeked at the couch again. There’s a small bump underneath the blanket. Oh no…wasn’t he supposed to change back last night? I removed the blankets and revealed a…pillow. Phew…I thought we were going to have a problem there. Hehe… Why am I even worried? I’m NOT worried. Where is he?

“YOSEOB!” I called out. No answer. “YOSEOB! COME OUT NOW! THIS IS NOT FUNNY!” I checked the bathroom. Not there. My bedroom? Not there… Where is he?! “YOSEOB!~~~” Psh! Why am I worried? He’s probably…umm…at Kikwang’s?

I ate my omelet and packed the other one along with Yoseob’s lunch. I can’t let it go to waste. I checked the house one more time, to make sure. He really isn’t here… I went outside and locked the door. Then, I opened it again and called out for Yoseob. Then, I locked it again. *sigh* What am I doing?

“MORNING!~~” I jumped up and almost slipped on the stairs, in front of my house, but I was caught in... heaven? Im joking…it was a pair of arms. They’re so… oh great. I got on my feet and kicked the person in the shin.

“OUCH! What was that for?” Yoseob said. I ignored him and started walking to school. “Yah! Wae geure?” he whined. I still ignored him even though that whine was a little tempting. He tried his best to keep up with me. I was walking quite fast. “Did you eat breakfast?” Ignore. “Is your head still aching?” Ignore “Don’t your feet hurt?” Ignore “Here. You should take this. It’s supposed to ease your headaches.” He held out a plastic bag that had medicine in it. “I woke up early and remembered that your head was aching and you weren’t awake yet…you were kind of stirring in your sleep though. So I thought I should buy you some medicine… Im sorry for worrying you…”

“I wasn’t worried!” He just smiled cheekily and handed me the bag. “Drink that. I don’t like being worried about your health” I took the bag and thanked him.

“Why were you meowing so much last night?” I asked him.

“I don’t remember meowing a lot last night… It probably wasn’t me”

“Yeah… I guess”

“Here… let me get that” He took my bag off my shoulders and carried it. I tried to get it back from him but he held it up high. He may be short but Im still shorter than him.

“Thank you…”

“Welcome!” He took my hand and we skipped to school. Well, he skipped. I… was trying to pull my hand away the whole time.


“Are they dating?”

“Why is he with loner girl?”

“She’s even making him hold her hand!”

“Whoa! How come I never noticed that chick?”

“What’s her name?”

“Why is she with the monkey guy?”


Yoseob ignored the comments while I was confused and angry at the same time. The guys actually liked me?

“Jagiya! Stay away from those guys, okay?”

“Im NOT your jagiya! How many times should I say it?! And why SHOULD I stay away from them? They are, actually, pretty good looking.”

“I’m pretty good looking…”

“You’re pretty. The end” We got to our class and sat down.

“Hey guys! I got to switch places with the nerd who sat here.” Kikwang said from his new place which was right in front of me. He winked at me. “You guys should have gone to that party! It was DAEBAK! We had water balloon fights in the pool! It was SICK!”

“Why are you talking like that?” I said

“What’s wrong with the way I talk?”

“It was SICK!” I tried to copy the way he said it.

“Owh… I don’t see anything wrong with that…”

“It doesn’t suit you”

“OKAY! Whatever my angel says!”

“MY ANGEL?!” Yoseob and I shouted out.

“Lee Jieun! Yang Yoseob! Why are you guys so loud in the morning?!” Mrs. Yeon said as she entered the room.

“Chesohamnida!” Yoseob and I bowed. We glared at Kikwang.

“What?” Kikwang said.

“She’s not YOUR angel!” Yoseob growled through his teeth.

“Maybe not yet…” Kikwang teased. Yoseob growled again. “Whoa!... Im just kidding! Sheesh! You look pretty today by the way Jieun-ah.” Kikwang winked at me again. Yoseob kicked Kikwang’s seat. “Okay! I’m done now!”

“You better be!” Yoseob growled.

“Do you three want detention!?” Mrs. Yeon said.

“Chesohamnida!” We bowed. Yoseob and I glared at Kikwang, again. He held his hands up and looked to the front.


*Night time*



"*sigh* Now how can I kick you?!" I said. We were having another argument because Kikwang came over today and started flirting with me to piss Yoseob off. It worked... but not the way Yoseob wanted it to happen. keke

I sat down on the couch and Yoseob sat on my lap while I pet him.

"I like you more when youre a cat" I said


"You should stay like this more often :)"

"Meow..." he said sorta sadly

"Im kidding" We watched Cat in the Hat (A/N: You guys know that movie, right?). Yoseob's lucky he didnt transform into that kind of cat... it would be disturbing....*shivers*


(Author's POV)*The next morning*

Jieun woke up with puckered lips.

"WAAAAH!~~~" She started knocking her head. "How can I dream of THAT!?" She touched her lips and mumbled. "We almost kissed..."


*her dream*

"Jagiya!" Jieun was running into someone's arms.

"Jagiya? Does that mean you love me too?" Yoseob was grinning widely.

"hehe...Eo..." Jieun said shyly. Yoseob lifted up her chin and moved closer and closer but


*end of dream*

"Crazy dream..." she mumbled


Jieun did her morning routine and fixed breakfast. The she went to check on Yoseob.

"YOSEOB! WAKE U.....p"


Sorry if the chapter's still a bit short :) like yoseob kekeke

"Waah! Yoseob's so cute and pretty!"

"Why 'cute and pretty' !?"


Have you guys watched Yoseob's Teaser yet? *wiggles eyebrows* KYAAAAAAAH!~~~

Caffeine- Yang Yoseop

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3