New People

Meow-ve you [EDITING]

(Jieun's POV)

"Yoseob!" I picked him up and examined him just to make sure it was him. It could be just another cat. at least I hope so. I dont know why I hope so..."You're not Yoseob right?...If youre Yoseob, meow"

"meow" This could just be a coincidence...

"Umm...meoarf?" he did this before...


"OMO! Why didnt you change back? This could probably be some kind of glitch...maybe I woke up too early.." I checked the time. Its almost eight o'clock. Wait...ALMOST EIGHT O'CLOCK!? "I guess this problem is a bit more serious than I thought it would be...I'll try to find our who it is today, okay? In the mean time...TRY to change back. It could be something you didnt do for all we know." He nodded. Why am I so worried?

I rushed to school and the gates almost closed in on me. I wasnt that fast. :( The school guard had sympathy on me.

"KAMSAHAMNIDA!" I bowed to the guard.

"You better hurry miss!"

"Huh? OWH...KAMSAHAMNIDA!" I ran to class. BUMP!

"Oww...." I said. I stood up and said sorry to the person.

"Its okay..." I smiled and went to class but...the teacher closed the door on me. She always does that. It wasnt specifically 'on' me. Alot of my classmates come late.

"Got closed in?" I turned around and saw the guy I bumped into.

" too?"

"Nah! I skipped" he flashed a smile.

"Nice" I said sarcastically "*sigh* Im never late..."

"Why were you late?"

"Why do you need to know?" he shrugged. I walked away. I shouldnt mingle with delinquents.

"Yah!" he caught up to me. It didnt even take him a second. Im really slow... :( "Do you want to hang out in the mean time?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I wont do anything. I promise!"

"That means you WOULD do something" I stated

"Well...umm...I would think about it. I mean...How could I not? Youre hot...but no... I'm not like that even though I might SEEM like that"


"Maybe you should get to know me first before you assume things?" he said with a smile. He held out his hand. "Hi! Im-OUCH!" A guy passed by us and kicked the delinquent. That was my nickname for him. "YAH!" The delinquent was going to get back at the guy but he disappeared. "WTF! Anyway~~ Where was I? oh yeah I'm-"

"Jieun-ah?" Mrs. Yeon was outside our room taking a call. "Why didnt you come in?" I rushed to her side leaving the delinquent standing by himself with his hand out. Mrs.Yeon hung up her phone.

"The door was locked" I pouted.

"Why didnt you knock?"

"You told us before that no one was allowed to come in if he/she was late even if he/she knocked"

"I did say that didnt I? *sigh* be fair with the other students you'll just have to explain why you were late. Come on tell me. Why?"

"To be fair?"

"Yeah! Youre my favorite student!"

"Psh... I ummm...."

"That reminds me... Where's my nephew?"

"He...has problems"

"Is that why youre late?"


"Did you guys fight? or was it a rough night?"

"Mwoh?! Wh-what d-do you mean?"

"Heheh...I know I'm a teacher and I shouldnt be encouraging this...but...the sooner the better! And if you get pregnant you can come into our family sooner!" She clapped her hands. I looked at her with a what-have-you-done-with-my-resposible-teacher look.

"Yah! If we did that, I would be the one staying at home!"

"Nah! You both would. You both are so weak."

"Im not that weak!"

"hmm?" I sighed. "Tell me what's going on with Yoseob"

"Like I said... he has problems"

"What problems?"

"you wouldnt believe me...."

"Believe what? Come on! just tell me!"


"somsorofdosuorofsldajkdkfdfsdjg cat?"

"Yoseob's a CAT!" She burst out laughing.

"HAHA!~ I know you think he's cute and all but comparing him to a cat? HAHA!~~"

"Im not joking!"

"HAHA!~~ Come on! Your next teacher is coming soon" she shoved me into the classroom.

"JIEUN-AH!~~" Kikwang called out "No Yoseobbie?" I shook my head. I sat down.

"He didnt change back last night..."


"He's still a cat" I said so the Pabpkwang would understand.

"MWOH?! He didnt change back last night?!" I knocked his head.

"YAH! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY KIKWANGIE OPPA!?" A girl came up to me and pushed me off my chair.

"ouch~" I rubbed my .

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" Kikwang said as he helped me up.

"She hit you, oppa!~~" she said with aegyo. I feel like I want to barf.

"Its called joking! Are you THAT dumb to not know the difference?!"

"Oppa!~ She's not pretty!" she wasnt affected by Kikwang's insult.

"She's way prettier than you. Isnt that right guys?" The other guys in the room nodded.

"Oppa" she hugged Kikwangs arm in a seductive way. "You know you dont mean that" she winked and went back to her seat because the teacher came in.

"I'm sorry for that Jieun-ah" Kikwang said

"Gwenchana" I smiled. I tried to focus on the lesson but I kept thinking about Yoseob and his problem....


*After School*

I powerwalked down the hallway because we werent allowed to run. I wanted to get home as soon as possible to see if Yoseob changed back. I felt a hand grab my wrist as I got closer to the school gate.


"Hey!~~ Youre coming with me" Oh great...Its the delinquent.

"No! You cant!" I tried to get his hand off mine.

"Come on! Let me have you for the day!"

"MWOH!? ANDWAE! You cant have me!"

"I WILL have you" PUNCH! I looked at the guy that punched the delinquent.

"Jang Hyun...seung..." The delinquent said.

"Stay away from her Yong Junhyung" The guy named 'Jang Hyunseung' said

What do you think about the new characters? One of them could be 'the creepy stalker dude'. ;)


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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3