TOP = Annoying jerk

Meow-ve you [EDITING]

Okay... so I see some of you are confused...

Hope this chapter loosens some of the knots :)

(Jieun's POV)

"Wait... Kikwang? As in Lee Kikwang?" I asked to make sure.

"Yeah... " Dongwoon said

"What did you see?"

"Well... we actually didnt see anything... our senses are telling us its him..." Doojoon said

"Then that means your senses are wrong.... Kikwang cant be it..."

"Ah~ Wait! I see something~" Dongwoon said.

"Look here..." Doojoon said as he ushered a crystal ball to me. I hesitantly looked in it. It showed a scene of Kikwang clenching his fist.

"I dont get it"

"Look closely..."

Fine... I looked 'closely'. Oh $#!@! Kikwang clenched his fist at around the time Yoseob and I were acting all lovey-dovey.... and.... when he clenched his fist... a glass broke. It just cracked and shattered by itself. Kikwang...

"You see it now?"

"B-But... Kikwang's our best friend... its impossible... he doesnt have a tad of evil in him. He couldnt have done this"

"But he did..." Dongwoon said. I sobbed. How am I supposed to tell Yoseob? Im supposed to say 'Youre best friend in the whole wide world turned betrayed you and turned you into a cat'. A fight would break out for sure and Kikwang might make matters worse...


(Hyunseung's POV)

I was browsing some books for the spell to turn Yoseob back to a normal human being. HA~ Its not like he was ever actually normal. Maybe a spell to reverse a spell would do... but thats a secret spell. Only the elders know that one... How about this one? Nah~ Thats only possible if I turned him into a frog instead... why didnt I just turn him into a frog? I looked over to the couch to see TOP with his feet up, watching a soccer game. I looked back to my book but then I saw the picture on the TV change. What's he doing now?

The TV showed DooWoon's place. Jieun was there. They were talking about finding the cuprit who turned Yoseob into a cat. Oh gosh! They did that? I forgot to use a blur spell! Oh no! I cant do one now! The spell can only be performed at night! Is 5 AM now! WAAAH!~ Wait... why is TOP watching this?

"What's wrong?" Jieun asked

"We were wrong...." Doojoon said


"Its Kikwang" DooWoon said

Wait... what? Kikwang's not a wizard... if he was I wouldve known... and they said he turned Yoseob into a cat. Thats not it... I turned Yoseob into a cat. I looked at TOP who was smirking.

"What did you do?" I said

"What? Youre not grateful? I just covered you up"

"But you put the blame on someone who is not even related one bit to this"

"I actually think I put the blame on the right person... It would be fun to watch their friendship crumble to pieces over a little misunderstanding" His smirk grew bigger.

"Youre a jerk"

"Shut up and do your job. I have a game to watch"

Eottokhe? I need to help Kikwang. I cant let an innocent person get hurt because of me...


(Jieun's POV)

I walked to school with Yoseob. I havent told him about Kikwang yet...

"Hey guys!~" Kikwang greeted us with a smile. How can he decieve us like this?

"Oh~ Kwangie! Did you watch the game this morning? blablablalbalblablalblalba" Yoseob said. I couldnt really follow... its sports stuff. yoseob and Kikwang were soon engaged in an endless talk about how the goalie couldve gotten the ball if it wasnt for one of his teammates. Anger slowly rose in me. Why is Kikwang doing this? How could he act so... nice and be a cruel evil wizard when we're not looking. What's worse is that he's doing this because of me! That means its also my fault that Yoseob might become a cat for all eternity. I couldnt hold in my anger anymore. My hands acted by themself. *SMACK* I slapped him.

"Ah~ wae?" Kikwang held his red cheek with a schocked face.


"Jagi... Whats wrong?" Yoseob said as he tried to pull me away from Kikwang 'cause I was about to strangle him.

"Oppa!~ He's the one who turned you into a cat! I saw him! DooWoon showed me! He.." I sobbed.

"What?..... YAH! LEE KIKWANG! Is that true?"

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about..." Kikwang said.

"Dont act dumb with me!"

"I seriously have NO idea!~"

"Come on Jagi..." Yoseob and I walked away.


(Kikwang's POV)

What just happened? I approached them at lunch.

"Okay guys... this is really funny. Im laughing so much. Can we stop this now?" I said. They ignored me.

"Just leave us alone...." Yoseob said. Jieun looked up at me. Is she gonna hit me again? I covered my cheeks.

"I knew it from the start... YOU!" She pointed to me "You better fix what you did to Yoseob!"


"I cant believe I even became friends with you...."

"What are you guys saying?" They quickly took another bite and packed their stuff and left me. What? Never shouldve been friends with me? That... hurts. I feel like my heart is gonna drop out any second now... Whats worse is that I dont even know why they are so mad at me...

Okay!~ Did I clear up anything? If you guys are still confused, please comment!~ :) Ill be happy to explain :D


I started a new iuseob story!~

Check it out, please :)

The Composer

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3