Old memories

We were meant for each other.

A/N: Guys, I'm sooo sorry for updating so late! I'm kind of depressed the last few days. My boyfriend is going to Australia for 6 months (that's the other side of the world for me...) and I'm really busy with school right now, so I wasn't really in the mood to write. But I know I can't keep you waiting too long, so here I am again. 

Hope you enjoy and once again sorry!



Key's POV:

Confused I opened my eyes and looked right into Jonghyun's face. Shocked I shot backwards and almost fell of the bed. Oh yeah, that was right. We were lying in my bed. Suddenly I remembered everything from yesterday and I felt a chill go down my spine. I studied Jonghyun's face and grimaced.

His bruises had turned black and purple during the night and he looked like an evil clown right now. Still he was incredible beautiful. His nose was still really big and I realized we had to go to the hospital as soon as possible. 

I carefully touched his shoulder and saw his eyelashes trembling. Slowly he opened his eyes and his big brown eyes looked up at me. My heart skipped a beat and I blushed. 

The next moment he flinched when he felt the pain coming back form the sleep. He growled and closed his eyes again, frowning.

"Jonggie, we need to get you to the hospital." I said softly. I noticed I didn't really have any difficulty calling him that. It felt familiar and right, so I decided to just call him that from now on.

He smiled when he heard his nickname and opened his eyes again. "You're calling me Jonggie?" He asked amused and I blushed even more.

"O-Oh, you don't like it?" I asked timidly, but smiled when he shook his head. 

"No, I like it a lot. I'll call you Bummie, okay?" He asked teasingly and I softly slapped him.

"Yah! I don't like that name!" I said and I frowned. 

Jonghyun chuckled but flinched again when he felt his broken ribs. 

I immediately bent over him in great worry and sighed. "Okay, let's get you dress. You need to get to the hospital right now." I said and I stepped out of bed. I picked up his jeans and came over to the bed again.

Jonghyun looked surprised for a moment, but then grinned. "You undressed me last night? You naughty boy..." He chuckled and I flashed bright red again.

"I-I..." I stammered, but Jonghyun put his finger on my lips. I looked at him shocked.

"Don't worry, Bummie. If anyone may undress me, it's you." He said in a husky voice and I felt really aroused strangely enough. He must have noticed, 'cause he smiled and glanced at my crouch for a few seconds.

Embarrassed I threw his jeans on the bed and turned around. "You can do it yourself now, pabo!" I said and I crossed my arms. 

I heard him laugh, cough and then growl from the pain. Quickly I turned around and looked down on him. His face was twisted in pain and I sat down next to him worried.

"Okay, let me do it. Here you go." I said softly while I carefully put on his jeans. He smiled weakly and thanked me.

When he was finally dressed, we headed to the hospital. Coming there we were helped immediately by a really nice nurse. She led us to an empty room and sat Jonghyun down carefully.

"So what's the problem here? You've really been beaten up good." The nurse said while she carefully touched his nose. 

Jonghyun flinched in pain and I just watched in worry.

"That will have to be set right." The nurse mumbled. "You broke a few ribs probably. You're still very handsome." She said and she smiled seductive.

I frowned. Was that lady flirting with my Jonghyun? I took a deep breath. This was stupid. He wasn't mine at all and he wasn't even gay. Neither was I, right? I wasn't, 'cause I had just banged a girl yesterday, right? I was really confused now and I just shook my head. 

Jonghyun chuckled and softly touched the nurse's hand. "Thank you. You're not bad yourself." He said smoothly and I couldn't believe my ears. Was he flirting back? What the hell... You've got to be kidding me... I rolled my eyes and sighed irritated. 

The nurse giggled and blushed. She smiled warmly to Jonghyun and just nodded to me. Then she walked out of the room to get the doctor and we were left alone. I was very careful not to look him in the eyes. That bastard...


Jonghyun's POV:

I chuckled softly. I studied Key and saw he was irritated. The only reason I had flirted with the nurse was to see his reaction and it was more than worth it, I realized now. 

I coughed softly and flinched when I felt the pain in my ribs shooting through my body again. Strangely enough I couldn't really remember what had happened yesterday. All I could remember was that Key had been in danger and then there was one big black hole. The next thing I could remember was something warm snuggling up to me and feeling really familiar and comfortable. 

"Bummie, what's the matter? You look so sad." I said nonchalant, but Key still didn't look at me. He looked out of the window pouting and I blushed. He was so cute when he pouted. I just wanted to hug him so bad right now. 

Confused I shook my head. It wasn't right of my to think that way. Still I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat when I looked at the perfect blond boy standing by the window.

The morning light shone from behind him through the window, so he looked like some saint. His blond hair seemed to be on fire and his big brown eyes stared into the distance while he was biting his lip. Man, what was that boy y...

On that moment the door opened and the doctor came walking in. It was a young man and he smiled warmly. "Good morning, mister Kim. I realized you had some unfortunate meeting last night?" He asked and his warm voice made me smile inside.

I nodded slightly and looked at Key again. He stared at the doctor like he was seeing a ghost. What was the matter with him? I frowned. I wasn't used to this kind of behavior from him.

The doctor looked at Key and smiled at him. "Hello Key. Long time, no see." He said and he walked to Key. He took him in a big hug and he held him for a few moments.

Stunned I watched the scene. What the heck was happening? I really didn't get it. Apparently Key and that doctor knew each other well enough to hug each other. Still I couldn't help but thinking Key was feeling really uncomfortable right now. His big brown eyes started at me over the shoulder of the doctor. 

When the doctor finally let go he smiled again. "You look really good, Key. A little thin, but that can be fixed. When I'm done with my work, let's get something to drink and talk about things." He said to Key and then he turned to me again.

I just looked at Key questionable. He shrugged and looked away. It didn't seem like Key wanted to tell me why he knew that doctor.

While the doctor was treating my injuries I was still trying to figure out what had just happened. 


Key's POV:

I-It can't be... No, not him! 

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I'm in Denmark right now and my internet is not that great, but when I have time and interneylt I'll update.


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Mawyna #1
Chapter 38: Don't worry author-nim.. Just update when you have time & inspiration.. I won't forget this story easily especially my poor Jongkey. I will only be satisfied with the dead of KwangDae.. Yah! Why is evil spirit always stronger that love? I hope Kibum will stay strong and never forget Jonghyun. Maybe Kibum should tell Jinki, Minho & Taemin his problems and with their caring and love, can defeat KwangDae..
Thanks for updating, author-nim.. See you soon..
Chapter 38: ohhh!! you're here!!! missed you and your story~~~ ^^ welcome back...? ^^ i was so happy when i saw this update ^^ i actually thought that i won't find it interesting anymore but i still love it!!! this whole thing is making me worried though :/ poor boys can't be just happy :/ but there's still a hope! i wish Kibum will help Jjong to come back ^^ thank you so much for update I loved it! ^^ you did great job once again and i'm looking forward to next chapter~ good luck~
Chapter 37: Oh! Angle tae~ so nice to key^^ Plz kwangdae go away from jjong's sprit^^ I want happy jongkey ^^ I hope it'll be come soon^^ Thankkie for ur update:)
Mawyna #4
Chapter 37: Poor Key..he must be very tired and sad.. That Kwangdae guy, I feel like to slaughter him.. Now, what happened to Jonghyun? I hope Eric can help him again and this time kill Kwangdae..
Yah! Here comes the trio..Glad that Taemin was so persistence to help Key or else he would be lost alone in the new neighborhood..poor Jongkey.. Come on author-nim, give them a break..a bit of fluffy moment will do..kekeke..
Great update, author-nim.. Thanks..
tokeyy #5
Chapter 37: omg.....this is kinda like supernatural story...it freaks me out especially when I read this at night but I really like this story though
Chapter 36: KangDae have now in Jong's body... so poor Jjong :'( Thank u for ur update^^
Chapter 36: its good u had fun.chp was nice.i liked it
Chapter 36: Lol if my bf was foaming at the mouth i wouldn't just stand there watching.
Chapter 35: God damn. Just when I thought he was dead, he attached himself to Eric.... stupid Kangdae just won't die!
Chapter 34: nice chp thanks for the update.update soon