Dancing in the night

We were meant for each other.

Key's POV:

I was in bed and looked beside me. A blurred face looked at me, but I didn't feel scared. On the contrary, I've never felt so comfortable in my life. I smiled and felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. 

A husky voice whispered something in my ear, but I couldn't understand what he said. I felt my heart skip a beat when I felt his hands travel down my skin. His warm hands set my skin on fire when he touched my inner thigh. His hand travelled up and he bent in to kiss me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for his lips on mine. I felt something brush lightly against my lips and I smiled. I didn't know why but I had never felt so happy than in that moment. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked into the eyes of Jonghyun. My eyes grew big and for a few seconds he stared into my open eyes.

Then he jerked backwards and flashed bright red. 

"W-What were you doing?" I asked confused and I noticed my head was on his shoulder. I quickly took my head off his shoulder, but I did feel a little disappointed. 

"I-I did nothing. Nothing at all!" Jonghyun said and he looked the other way. He was still really red and I chuckled. Had that boy already fallen for my charms? I wouldn't be surprised.

"What you're laughing about?" He asked irritated and he folded his arms. This made me laugh even more. He looked like a lost puppy and was just too cute for words.

"Aaah, you look just like a lost puppy. How cute are you?" I cooed while I pinched his cheek.

"Aish! Keep your hands off me, filthy ert!" He yelled angry and he pushed me away.

At that moment the teacher came walking in. I must have already fallen asleep when he left, 'cause I couldn't remember him leaving. He looked extremely worried and barely noticed us.

"I can't believe this... This can't be happening...." He mumbled and we looked at him surprised. Something clearly had happened, but it didn't seem like he wanted to share it with us.

"Uhm, teacher? Is something the matter?" I asked carefully and he looked at us bewildered.

"Oh, right... You're still here. Uhm, no. Nothing's the matter. You can leave now." He said absently and he gestured us to go away.

We looked at each other surprised, but quickly got out of the classroom.

"Well, that was easy. We've only been there for forty minutes in stead of an hour. Something must have happened." Jonghyun said and he frowned.

"Who cares? I'm glad we're free now." I said and I stretched my back. "You wanna hang out?" I asked carelessly.

Jonghyun looked at me for a while and seemed to think about it. Then he slowly nodded.

"Okay, let's go! Do you know some nice place where we can pick up some chicks?" I asked and Jonghyun smirked.

"Oh yes, I do." He said and I followed him outside.

It was already getting dark and we decided to grab something to eat. 

While we sat down outside the McDonalds(A/N: they have that in Korea, right? XD), we looked at the girls walking by. 

Sometimes I whistled at one of them, but none of them really made me feel hot like Jonghyun sometimes did. Wait, did I just admit he was making me feel hot? Man, I was REALLY confused right now. I needed some girl to bang and fast! 

After we had eaten it was already night. Jonghyun took me to the Centre of the city and I looked around astounded. *Now this is what I meant by partying.* I thought while we walked past all the night clubs filled with hot chicks and drunk boys. 

It wasn't even past ten pm, but a lot of the people we passed by were already really drunk.

"Wow, they really know how to party here." I said and I grinned.

Jonghyun chuckled and looked at me. "Is it too wild for you, newbie?" He asked slyly and I jerked my head in his direction.

"You think that, hm? Well, I'll let you see how I party. Your life will never be the same again." I said and I smirked.

Jonghyun laughed and led us into a really busy night club. 

He greeted the security and was accepted right away. Because I was with him I was also directly accepted. 

"You're quite popular I see." I said frowning when he greeted someone for the sixth time in five minutes. He grinned.

"Well... Yes, I am. I can't deny it. I come here often, so they know me." He explained and he smiled at me.

I shrugged and just looked really annoyed. What did I care? Why did I have the feeling it didn't surprise me he was popular? And why did he suddenly feel so unattainable? Not that I wanted him, right?

I sighed confused. I had to focus myself on dancing and girls tonight or something would go really wrong, I realized.

We walked into the main hall and I gasped. It was HUGE and it was packed. Sweaty bodies against one another and hot chicks enough. 

Jonghyun looked at me and seemed content with my reaction. He gestured me to come with him and he walked to the bar.


Jonghyun's POV: 

I chuckled. That newbie was so easy to impress. I still thought about the moment I almost kissed him, but I quickly pushed away that thought. I installed myself at the bar and watched the ladies waiting for a drink. 

Key came standing beside me and said something. I couldn't hear him because of the loud music and I leaned into him.

His lips practically kissed my ear and I blushed, feeling his soft lips against my hot ear. What was the matter with me? I used to blush when a girl would do that to me. Not some random dude. 

"It's incredible here! I think we'll succeed here!" Key screamed in my ear and I saw him smirk. So he was really planning on getting an one night stand? Alright, if he wanted to... 

I nodded and turned to the girl next to me. She was giggling with her friend next to her and occasionally casted a glance at me. 

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked and I carelessly wiped the hair out of my eyes, knowing the girls would go mad about that. Indeed the girl squealed a little and she flashed bright red.

"I-I'm R-Rosie." She stammered and I smiled. 

"What a beautiful name. And what's your friends name?" I asked again and I carefully curled some hair of her around my finger. She swallowed and blinked a few times.

"H-Her name i-is Julie." She stammered again and her friend smiled at me a lot more convinced than her friend. I smiled back at her.

"What's your friends name?" I suddenly heard Rosie asking and I frowned. Did she just asked about Key while I was standing before her? What a witch! I managed to smile and turned to Key.

"This is the Almighty Key." I said sarcastically and the girls giggled. Man, even when that boy wasn't talking the girls were falling for him. What did he have what I didn't? 

Key smiled at the girls and waved. "Hello ladies. Having a good night?" He asked and I immediately noticed the change in his voice. He was using a lower and more huskier voice than when he would be talking to me. That bastard.... He knew perfectly well how to get a girl, i realized. 

The girls blushed furiously and Key smiled. "Wanna dance?" He asked at Rosie and she nodded numbly. 

Great.... There they went. Dancing... Well, dancing? That was no dancing! They were practically having on the dance floor! Hello? We're in a public place here! 

I growled.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" I suddenly heard beside me and I looked at the girl surprised. Julie was it? Well, Julie, I don't know where you got that idea, but I'm NOT gay! Come on, I'm not sick!

"NO! Why do you think that?" I screamed and she smiled.

"You look extremely jealous when you're looking at them." She said and she pointed at Key and Rosie who were 'dancing'. 

I grimaced. "I'm NOT jealous. I don't even know him that well." I snapped and I wanted to walk away.

"You can say that, but only people in love can look that way at another person." I heard her saying. I decided not to talk to her anymore and I walked away.

Angry I leaned against the wall. Every time a girl came to flirt with me, I brushed her off. I really wasn't in the mood to flirt or dance with some girl. All I could think of was Key 'dancing' with that girl. He could have just tore her clothes off. It wouldn't have made any difference. 

I sighed irritated. I was NOT jealous. I was NOT jealous. I was.... jealous, I realized and I swallowed.

At that moment I saw Key walking by. He had something hanging around his waist and after a better look I realized it was Rosie. They were kissing each others faces off and it looked like Key was planning to do a lot more than kissing her. They disappeared into the bathroom and soon after that I heard little screams and moaned of pleasure coming out of there.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. A single tear rolled down my cheek while I listened at Key making the girl moan. Why did my heart hurt so much? Why did I want to be the person who wanted to make him moan like the girl now did. 

I hated myself for having those thoughts. 

When I heard the girl coming to her , I couldn't take it any longer. I walked out of the club and ran back home, tears streaming down my face. I tried to stop them, but somehow they kept coming. 

Stupid tears...



A/N: Hi guys! How are you enjoying the story till now? Good, bad, alright? Let me know please!

I really enjoy writing these chapters. Although I'm really busy with school and stuff I try to update every day. I hope I will be able to keep doing that... 

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I'm in Denmark right now and my internet is not that great, but when I have time and interneylt I'll update.


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Mawyna #1
Chapter 38: Don't worry author-nim.. Just update when you have time & inspiration.. I won't forget this story easily especially my poor Jongkey. I will only be satisfied with the dead of KwangDae.. Yah! Why is evil spirit always stronger that love? I hope Kibum will stay strong and never forget Jonghyun. Maybe Kibum should tell Jinki, Minho & Taemin his problems and with their caring and love, can defeat KwangDae..
Thanks for updating, author-nim.. See you soon..
Chapter 38: ohhh!! you're here!!! missed you and your story~~~ ^^ welcome back...? ^^ i was so happy when i saw this update ^^ i actually thought that i won't find it interesting anymore but i still love it!!! this whole thing is making me worried though :/ poor boys can't be just happy :/ but there's still a hope! i wish Kibum will help Jjong to come back ^^ thank you so much for update I loved it! ^^ you did great job once again and i'm looking forward to next chapter~ good luck~
Chapter 37: Oh! Angle tae~ so nice to key^^ Plz kwangdae go away from jjong's sprit^^ I want happy jongkey ^^ I hope it'll be come soon^^ Thankkie for ur update:)
Mawyna #4
Chapter 37: Poor Key..he must be very tired and sad.. That Kwangdae guy, I feel like to slaughter him.. Now, what happened to Jonghyun? I hope Eric can help him again and this time kill Kwangdae..
Yah! Here comes the trio..Glad that Taemin was so persistence to help Key or else he would be lost alone in the new neighborhood..poor Jongkey.. Come on author-nim, give them a break..a bit of fluffy moment will do..kekeke..
Great update, author-nim.. Thanks..
tokeyy #5
Chapter 37: omg.....this is kinda like supernatural story...it freaks me out especially when I read this at night but I really like this story though
Chapter 36: KangDae have now in Jong's body... so poor Jjong :'( Thank u for ur update^^
Chapter 36: its good u had fun.chp was nice.i liked it
Chapter 36: Lol if my bf was foaming at the mouth i wouldn't just stand there watching.
Chapter 35: God damn. Just when I thought he was dead, he attached himself to Eric.... stupid Kangdae just won't die!
Chapter 34: nice chp thanks for the update.update soon