Meeting new people

We were meant for each other.

Key's POV:

After I had eaten, I walked to my hotel room. I sat down on my bed and thought about the text I had read in the library today. What was I going to do with this? Now I knew enough to kind of understand my visions, but I still didn't know enough. It was so frustrating. I sighed and lay down. Maybe if I just closed my eyes I would have a vision again and things would become more clear. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. I waited for a few seconds and then opened my eyes again. This was not going to work. I stood up and decided to go look for more information. It was the only thing I could do here and it was the only thing it kept my mind of Jonghyun.

Back in the library I sat down on the same spot again. I saw the librarian smiling at me. She must have recognized me from this morning. I smiled back. I was a little embarrassed. I must look like a total nerd right now. You could still see I was going to school, so it was obvious she was thinking I was doing my homework or stuff. 

I tried to ignore her stare and went back to work. Now I knew where I had to look, I hoped things would go faster. But unfortunately it didn't go the way I wanted. I sighed irritated when I still hadn't found anything about the murder after an hour.

"Can I help you? It seems you're looking for something." I suddenly heard behind me. I turned around and saw the librarian standing behind me. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, thank you. I'm doing just fine on my own." I said, but she didn't move. She looked over my shoulder and saw the police report from the murder. I tried to shield it from her eyes, but it was already too late.

"So you're investigating the murder on Choi Eric? That's interesting... It's one of the few cases where the suspect committed suicide you know..." She said and she sounded a little dreamy. 

I looked at her surprised. "You know about the case?" I asked curiously and the woman smiled. 

"Yes, I do. I have been investigating it myself for a few years. You want to know more about it? I can tell you what I found." She offered and I gladly took the offer.

She sat down next to me and I finally had the time to study her face. Now I saw her from up close she seemed younger than I first had expected. And she was really beautiful. 

She smiled when she saw me looking. "You expected someone older?" She asked amused and I nodded confused. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I can go if you want." She said and she giggled.

I shook my head and smiled. "No, no... No need for that. I just.... You're really beautiful." I suddenly said and felt myself go red. 

The young woman laughed at my comment and her eyes twinkled. "Thank you. You're not bad either." She said and she winked.

Was she flirting with me? I was kind of shocked, but I realized I kind of enjoyed it. This was so wrong. I had just accepted that I was gay and loved Jonghyun and now I was flirting with some girl in a library. I was really confused.

"Now let's get to business." She said and I blinked a few times. "I have been interested in this murder for a few years already. I can remember I had to investigate it for school, but well... I kind of dropped out of school. But since then I had been interested in this case. Why did the suspect commit suicide and what happened with the girl? Her loved one was killed, so how did she cope with that?"

I listened closely and all the while I saw my visions flashing before my eyes. She was right. This case was strange. Why wasn't it solved? The matter that the suspect had committed suicide wasn't an excuse. The police should have at least found out why this Eric had been murder. The report didn't give an explanation. Suddenly I realized I was the only one who knew why the murder had been committed. 

I felt kind of afraid because of the burden of this information. Was I going to tell this girl about my visions? Maybe she could help me? But what if she thought I was weird and what if she would freak out...

I looked into her deep blue eyes and made a decision. 

"What's your name?" I suddenly asked and she stopped talking and stared at me for a few seconds.

"Uhm, you can call me Jessie." She said and she smiled. 

"You can call me Key." I said and Jessie nodded. 

"Jessie, I have to tell you something." I began and I told her all my visions. All the while she was quiet, but I saw her face changing from neutral to utter surprise. 

When I was finished, it was silent for a few moments. 

"Well... That was quiet a story. I do believe you, but it sounds really unbelievable." Jessie finally said. 

I nodded and coughed. My throat was really dry after telling so much. 

"You know what? I will help you search for information. If you get a vision again, just tell me. I'm here to help you." She said and she smiled reassuring.

I was still not completely reassured, but I decided to trust her, so I nodded. 

"Let's go eat somewhere. It's already dinner time." She said and I realized she was right. I stood up and stretched my back. Man, I was exhausted. 

"I have to go to the toilet now, but can you wait outside for me?" She asked and I nodded and walked outside.

After ten minutes Jessie finally came outside and we walked to a nice cozy restaurant. 

"So tell me something about your life." She asked when we finally sat down. She smiled, but I noticed she looked a little flustered and I wondered why. I decided not to ask about it and I sighed. I just told her some randon stuff about my life, but avoided the story about him. I didn't trust her enough to tell her about that already. 

When I was finished, Jessie smiled and nodded. She started to ask question and soon we were talking about all kind of things.


Jonghyun's POV:

It was a long ride, but eventually I got to Busan. I immediately fell in love with the city, but I didn't forget why I was here. I could still see the red letters that had been written on the wall in Key's house. I shivered when I thought about the message the words had given. I had to find him and soon.

I thanked and paid the taxi driver and went looking for a hotel. I suspected it would take a while to find Key. Soon I was settled in and I decided to walk around the city. The city was huge and it would be ridiculous to find him with just looking around, but I didn't know where to start else. So I started to walk and eventually I decided to ask people if they had seen a young boy with blond hair. 

After a few hours I realized this was not going to work. It was already getting dark and my stomach was growling. I quickly got something to eat and sat down on a bench in a beautiful park. I leaned my head backwards and looked up the the sky. The first stars were already appearing and I smiled. How I wanted to look at this with Key. Now I had realized I loved him I felt complete. The only thing that could make my life perfect would be Key next to me. 

I thought about my last vision and my smile faded a little. All the visions had seem to real, but still I couldn't believe it had happened or was happening right now. I was so confused, but I also felt something else. It was fear I realized shocked. I was never really scared, but now I was scared as hell. I didn't know what it meant or what it was doing to me. All I knew was that since I had those vision I had felt a rare attraction to Key. Or better: since Key had stepped into the classroom, I knew he wasn't normal. He wasn't just average and soon I had discovered that. And with his arrival, the vision had began to come. Was there a link between the two? 

I frowned and closed my eyes. No, it couldn't be that way. Although I had a feeling Key was also having visions I didn't know that for sure. I just knew we both had the feeling we knew each other longer than since the first day we had met.

Suddenly I opened my eyes. I was not going to sleep. I was afraid I would get another vision and I didn't want that. I had to focus on finding Key right now. I stood up and walked to my hotel. Soon I sank down on my bed and looked around. 

The room was small, but nice. It was enough to get me through the day. I lay down and tried to keep my eyes open. Would he already be on his way to Busan? Had he already found out about the visions from Key? 

Eventually I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and I fell asleep. 


A/N: So... I'm not dead. Let's begin with that. XD I haven't updated in ages, I know. It was all because of Christmas and school and stuff. I hope you'll forgive me. 

Beside that: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kind of a filler, 'cause I need to figure out how I'm going to work to my next big thing in the story. XD Still, enjoy and keep supporting me! ^_^

Oh yeah, almost forgot: HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

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I'm in Denmark right now and my internet is not that great, but when I have time and interneylt I'll update.


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Mawyna #1
Chapter 38: Don't worry author-nim.. Just update when you have time & inspiration.. I won't forget this story easily especially my poor Jongkey. I will only be satisfied with the dead of KwangDae.. Yah! Why is evil spirit always stronger that love? I hope Kibum will stay strong and never forget Jonghyun. Maybe Kibum should tell Jinki, Minho & Taemin his problems and with their caring and love, can defeat KwangDae..
Thanks for updating, author-nim.. See you soon..
Chapter 38: ohhh!! you're here!!! missed you and your story~~~ ^^ welcome back...? ^^ i was so happy when i saw this update ^^ i actually thought that i won't find it interesting anymore but i still love it!!! this whole thing is making me worried though :/ poor boys can't be just happy :/ but there's still a hope! i wish Kibum will help Jjong to come back ^^ thank you so much for update I loved it! ^^ you did great job once again and i'm looking forward to next chapter~ good luck~
Chapter 37: Oh! Angle tae~ so nice to key^^ Plz kwangdae go away from jjong's sprit^^ I want happy jongkey ^^ I hope it'll be come soon^^ Thankkie for ur update:)
Mawyna #4
Chapter 37: Poor Key..he must be very tired and sad.. That Kwangdae guy, I feel like to slaughter him.. Now, what happened to Jonghyun? I hope Eric can help him again and this time kill Kwangdae..
Yah! Here comes the trio..Glad that Taemin was so persistence to help Key or else he would be lost alone in the new neighborhood..poor Jongkey.. Come on author-nim, give them a break..a bit of fluffy moment will do..kekeke..
Great update, author-nim.. Thanks..
tokeyy #5
Chapter 37: omg.....this is kinda like supernatural freaks me out especially when I read this at night but I really like this story though
Chapter 36: KangDae have now in Jong's body... so poor Jjong :'( Thank u for ur update^^
Chapter 36: its good u had fun.chp was nice.i liked it
Chapter 36: Lol if my bf was foaming at the mouth i wouldn't just stand there watching.
Chapter 35: God damn. Just when I thought he was dead, he attached himself to Eric.... stupid Kangdae just won't die!
Chapter 34: nice chp thanks for the update.update soon