Seeing old friends

We were meant for each other.

Key's POV:

Slowly I opened my eyes. My head was hurting like hell. What happened?

Confused I blinked a few times. I was lying on the floor, but I wasn't on the streets anymore. It was really dark and the only light came from a tiny window in the top corner of the room. By the sunlight I saw coming through that I knew it must have been the next day. 

Before I could figure out more about the room, the door behind my back opened. Quickly I turned around and immediately I regretted doing that. It felt like my eyes were being popped out from inside my head and I closed my eyes for a few seconds. 

When I opened them again, I saw a figure standing before me, arms crossed. My sight was a little blurry, but I immediately recognized the person standing before me. My heart sped up and I suddenly had trouble breathing. I let out a squeal, but the person only let out a low chuckle.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite stepson..." The person then said and I felt a shiver go down my spine when my guess was confirmed.

Right before me stood the man I hoped never to see again. The man that had tortured the living daylight out of me and was now probably going to do it again.

"There, there. That's not the way to greet a family member, Kibum." He went on and I gagged.

"You will never be my family." I croaked and I coughed. When was the last time I had something to drink?

"You're thirsty, aren't you? We can fix that, but first..." He came closer and grabbed my wrist.

I let out a scream and tried to free myself, but he was too strong for me.

"Let's get you out of here. There's someone who has been literally dying to meet you." He said and only the way he said it made me feel nauseous. 

He dragged me out of the room and through a dark hallway. In the meanwhile my sight had improved, but now it was blurry again by the tears that were dripping from my eyes. 

A few minutes later we stopped before a door and I heard him chuckle again. "First I want you to meet a good friend of mine. It's someone you'll probably already know, but I think you'll be surprised by how little you know about her."

After he had said that, he opened the door and shoved me inside. Confused I looked behind me and took a deep breath. I had a feeling I knew who he meant, but I hoped I was wrong. 

I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears and turned around to face the person in the room. I had already felt her presence before even seeing her. The moment I saw her I knew my guess was right unfortunately.


With tears in her eyes Jessie looked at me, but something in eyes also gave away the anger she felt. I didn't know if it was towards me or to someone else. I sincerely hoped it wasn't towards me, 'cause she looked pretty scare.

"Key... I'm so sorry." She began and then she broke down. 

Although I knew she was the bad one here, I immediately rushed to her side and carefully put my arm around her shoulder. While she cried in my shoulder, I couldn't help but think about the crazy position I was in now. There I was: hurt and kidnapped, but comforting the person that had helped my kidnapper. 

After a while she calmed down and we sat on the floor together. For the first time I looked around and saw that this room was bigger than the room I came from. It was totally white and lighted with bright TL-lamps. 

"Where are we, Jessie?" I asked curious and I looked at the girl sitting at the opposite of me. 

"W-We're still in Busan, but where exactly I don't know. It's some kind of storage house. It's really big." She answered and she also looked around the room.

"I think it's time for you to explain what just happened." I then said. Suddenly I was done waiting and I wanted to know what she had done and why she had done it.

"I-I... I'm sorry, Key. Remember I told you about the friend of mine I fell in love with, but didn't return my feelings?" She began and I nodded. Suddenly the pieces fell in each other. I looked at her with eyes big of shock.

"You.. You don't mean... him, do you?" I whispered, but the look in her eyes told me enough. I turned away and took a deep breath. This was unbelievable. I wanted to stand up and just... walk away or something. This was killing me. 

But Jessie didn't let me. "Key, please listen. I know I hurt you, but I want to explain to you it was all just a misunderstanding."

I hesitated, but when I looked down in her desperate blue eyes I decided to give her a chance and I sat down again. I nodded she could go on and she smiled at me for the first time since I had come into the room. Somehow I still couldn't help but feel little butterflies in my stomach. I sighed.

"I didn't know he had done something like this, Key. I honestly didn't know. If I had known, I would have never helped him. He said he wanted to meet you because you were the son of the love of his life and he missed you. He said your mother had committed suicide, but-"

"That's not true! He killed my mother, that bastard!" I then screamed, but Jessie gestured me to be silence.

"I now know, Key. I heard him talking to your unconscious body just a few hours ago. Let me talk please. Well, he had told me that, but he still hadn't told me where he needed me for. Then he told me that you had showed up in Seoul and therefor I had to go to Seoul. I went and we talked. First I was angry and disappointed that my love of my life had found someone else to love, but soon I felt pity for him. It looked like he really loved you. I decided to help him and I went back to Busan. He said that you would eventually come to me and it seems like he was right. 
I waited for you for months and when I was about to give up, you suddenly appeared in the library. I immediately recognized you from his description. From the moment I first talked to you, I knew you were special. You were researching a case that was rarely researched on, so that fascinated me. And I did know a lot about it, but I didn't researched it for school. He wanted me to research it and of course I did everything he said. I then didn't know why I had to do that, but now I know why. Somehow he knew you would try to find information about that case. It's quiet creepy actually..." Her voice died out while she looked into space.

I had listened patiently and I decided it was time to ask some questions now. "Okay, fine. You were lied to. But when you saw him standing behind me last night, why did you still help him?" I asked and she turned to me again. 

"I-I don't know. Maybe because I still wanted to prove to him that I loved him and I thought that was the only way to do it." She stammered and I slowly nodded.

Suddenly the door opened again and he came in again. Immediately I felt Jessie freeze. I looked at her and blinked. The look in her eyes had changed completely from guilt and sadness, to a mix between love and anger. I heard her taking a deep breath and I did the same. This was not going to go well...

"So Jessie... Did you have a good time with our little friend here?" He asked and he smirked. His short black hair had been glued to his head and made him look even more fishy than he already did. 

"I-I... Yes, sweetie." Jessie said and I was surprised to how sweet her voice sounded. 

"Good. It's time for him to meet someone else. You know who I'm talking about, right Jessie?" He said and I heard Jessie swallowing.

Who could it be that Jessie was so upset about? Confused I kept looking at her while he dragged me out of the room again.

"I'm sorry." Jessie mouthed just before I left the room and I managed to smile a little to her before the door shot before my eyes. 

We walked through the dark hallway again, although he was more dragging me along. I was just too tired and weak to really walk along with him.

"I'm sure you'll be glad to see this person again. I know how much he means to you, so I thought it would be good for you to have someone to talk to. And he is something special, just like you are, Kibum. I'm afraid he is a little damaged, but that couldn't be helped. If you won't do what I tell you to, that could happen. Here we are. Enjoy, Kibummie." He whispered in my ear and he threw me in another room. He closed the door behind me and I blinked a few times to get used to the dark. 

Then I heard it. The voice that made my world stop spinning and took all the air out my lungs. He wasn't supposed to be here, but still I heard his voice.

"Key... Key, is that you?"

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I'm in Denmark right now and my internet is not that great, but when I have time and interneylt I'll update.


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Mawyna #1
Chapter 38: Don't worry author-nim.. Just update when you have time & inspiration.. I won't forget this story easily especially my poor Jongkey. I will only be satisfied with the dead of KwangDae.. Yah! Why is evil spirit always stronger that love? I hope Kibum will stay strong and never forget Jonghyun. Maybe Kibum should tell Jinki, Minho & Taemin his problems and with their caring and love, can defeat KwangDae..
Thanks for updating, author-nim.. See you soon..
Chapter 38: ohhh!! you're here!!! missed you and your story~~~ ^^ welcome back...? ^^ i was so happy when i saw this update ^^ i actually thought that i won't find it interesting anymore but i still love it!!! this whole thing is making me worried though :/ poor boys can't be just happy :/ but there's still a hope! i wish Kibum will help Jjong to come back ^^ thank you so much for update I loved it! ^^ you did great job once again and i'm looking forward to next chapter~ good luck~
Chapter 37: Oh! Angle tae~ so nice to key^^ Plz kwangdae go away from jjong's sprit^^ I want happy jongkey ^^ I hope it'll be come soon^^ Thankkie for ur update:)
Mawyna #4
Chapter 37: Poor Key..he must be very tired and sad.. That Kwangdae guy, I feel like to slaughter him.. Now, what happened to Jonghyun? I hope Eric can help him again and this time kill Kwangdae..
Yah! Here comes the trio..Glad that Taemin was so persistence to help Key or else he would be lost alone in the new neighborhood..poor Jongkey.. Come on author-nim, give them a break..a bit of fluffy moment will do..kekeke..
Great update, author-nim.. Thanks..
tokeyy #5
Chapter 37: omg.....this is kinda like supernatural freaks me out especially when I read this at night but I really like this story though
Chapter 36: KangDae have now in Jong's body... so poor Jjong :'( Thank u for ur update^^
Chapter 36: its good u had fun.chp was nice.i liked it
Chapter 36: Lol if my bf was foaming at the mouth i wouldn't just stand there watching.
Chapter 35: God damn. Just when I thought he was dead, he attached himself to Eric.... stupid Kangdae just won't die!
Chapter 34: nice chp thanks for the update.update soon