"Would have been very, very happy to die just to end this painful pain."

Little Infinities


Myungsoo woke up with a throbbing pain from the unreachable center of his head.

He screamed to wake up his mum and she burst into the room asking what’s wrong but Myungsoo just couldn’t answer because the pain in stinging from inside of his head.

It’s like his head is going to blow into pieces just in a matter of time.

His mum drove him to the hospital. Glancing at Myungsoo every minute to make sure he’s still breathing.

Myungsoo wanted to scream because of the pain but it would make it worse. Even when he tried to shift his body from the seat makes he feels like there are fireworks shooting up his head.

Myungsoo would have been very, very happy to die just to end this painful pain.



Myungsoo woke up in the ICU. He could tell he was in the ICU because the ceiling and the walls are painted white, the smell of hospital, the clanking footsteps made by the nurses that are working outside.

And to his disgrace, he’s alone.

A nurse came in seconds later, “Hi, Kim Myungsoo. I’m your nurse.” She greeted.

“Hi.” Myungsoo croaked out. It’s just so tiring to be talking. So he just lies down on the bed, hearing to his nurse chattering about what happened when he’s out.

But Myungsoo woke up a bit when his mum came in, crying and holding his hand tightly, the one that’s free from all the complicated wires.

Myungsoo tried to reach up for them but every inch of his body hurts and it makes it impossible to even his mum’s hands.

His mum told him that he did not have a brain tumour, but his headache was caused by poor oxygenation.

Why in the world would he have a brain tumour? It was caused by his poor oxygenation?

Does it mean that something is wrong with his lungs? Does the depression really cause this?

Myungsoo tried to prop up his shoulder to sit upright but the pain is burning through his skin. It’s like someone is burning his whole body.

“No, Myungsoo. Sit still, you’ll be alright.” She tried to let out a smile that showed no sweetness at all, just full with bitterness.

Myungsoo just nodded. He’s too tired to even speak up.

“Getting tired? Sleep for a while. I’ll be right here, protecting you.” His mum gave him an assuring smile.

“Thank you.” Myungsoo mumbled out.

“You’re not going to ask about your boyfriend?” She asked.

Myungsoo frowned. “Don’t have one.” He told her.

“Sungyeol? Your boyfriend? Did you forget about him? Did the poor oxygenation infect your memory?” She stared at Myungsoo.

“He’s not my boyfriend, just a close friend.” Myungsoo said. He’s getting more and more tired with all the talking. He just wanted to sleep.

“Well, he hardly left the waiting room since you got here.” She said.

“He hasn’t seen me like this, has he?” Myungsoo asked.

“No. Family only.”

Myungsoo nodded and sank into a dreamless dream again





A/N ; 


121103 SIE+. Yeol looked at the camera and made a half heart then was telling Myungsoo to make a heart with him. At first he was all shy, covering his face with his hands. But at the end, he made a heart with Yeol. Myungyeol love ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

cr:  @namwooyu




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Sumayeol #1
This make me crying eventhough i already know the ending im still crying but your gifs makes my day thank youu
Chapter 24: It is heartbreaking that it affected me.
Death is really a mystery, but so as life.
We will never know what will happen.
khasabat #3
Chapter 24: Oh sungyeolie baby!!
This is such a beautiful story. .and yet so heartbreaking. . It was a pleasure to read this..thank u so much for writing it♥♡♥
Sungyeollo #5
Chapter 24: Authornim. Why? Why? Huhuhu
Im crying right now. Sungyeol.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I cant.
Chapter 24: man i love angst like no tomorrow but that doesnt mean i still feel hurt reading it omfg. myungyeol is beautiful<3
Chapter 24: Oh my lord that was so heartbreaking ;A;
naznew #8
Chapter 24: oh my..i can't stop crying...
Chapter 24: Oh so beautiful and so sad, I'm in tears writing this post... Thank you for writing such a great story....