"It is a good life to live in when you're in it."

Little Infinities


Myungsoo went over to Sungyeol’s house after he had eaten and puked up his breakfast.

Sungyeol is out from the hospital yesterday, after a very long time that feels like eternal for Myungsoo.

Sungyeol is no longer the cheerful, gorgeous boy who Myungsoo met at the stupid Support Group, but he’s still half smiling when he saw Myungsoo.

“How are you?” Myungsoo asked, sitting next to Sungyeol.

“I’m fine.”

Another lie, Myungsoo thought.

“What did you do last night?” Myungsoo asked.

“I slept quite a lot. The doctor said it’ll be better for me to be sleeping, it’ll lessen my chest pain.”

After lunch, they went outside to the backyard. They chatted for a long time before Sungyeol squeezed Myungsoo’s hand, saying “It is a good life to live in when you’re in it, Myungsoo.”

They went inside when Sungyeol needed to eat his medicines.

He was quiet for a while, zoned out. His mum wanted him to take a nap but he kept shaking his head when she suggested it.

He got into bed, sitting upright to prevent himself from sleeping. Myungsoo sat next to him and when Myungsoo looked into his eyes, he couldn’t tell Sungyeol was sick.

He looks perfectly fine to Myungsoo.

But the pain is eating him from the inside.




A/N ;




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Sumayeol #1
This make me crying eventhough i already know the ending im still crying but your gifs makes my day thank youu
Chapter 24: It is heartbreaking that it affected me.
Death is really a mystery, but so as life.
We will never know what will happen.
khasabat #3
Chapter 24: Oh sungyeolie baby!!
This is such a beautiful story. .and yet so heartbreaking. . It was a pleasure to read this..thank u so much for writing it♥♡♥
Sungyeollo #5
Chapter 24: Authornim. Why? Why? Huhuhu
Im crying right now. Sungyeol.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I cant.
Chapter 24: man i love angst like no tomorrow but that doesnt mean i still feel hurt reading it omfg. myungyeol is beautiful<3
Chapter 24: Oh my lord that was so heartbreaking ;A;
naznew #8
Chapter 24: oh my..i can't stop crying...
Chapter 24: Oh so beautiful and so sad, I'm in tears writing this post... Thank you for writing such a great story....