"Pardon me, but i prefer being honest rather than living inside a world full with lies."

Little Infinities


Myungsoo’s mother decided that he was depressed, because he rarely left the house.

Myungsoo spent quite a lot of time thinking about death.

Depression is a side effect of dying.

So his mother decided to enroll him in a weekly Support Group in which Myungsoo thought was a stupid idea and the Support Group is a total stupid group.

He’s not depressed. He just likes to spend his time alone, thinking and rethinking about life.

“I refuse to attend the stupid Support Group, mum.” Myungsoo complained.

“You have to attend it and it’s not stupid. It’ll help you overcome your depression.” His mum scolded back.

“I AM NOT DEPRESSED.” Myungsoo yelled.

“Myungsoo, you need to make friends, get out of the house and live your life.” She said.

“But I don’t want to.” Myungsoo snapped back.

“You deserve a life.”

So here’s Kim Myungsoo, sitting around with a bunch of awkward peoples, throwing glances to each other.

He knew that this Support Group is stupid in the very first place.

“Hiya, you’re new here?” A smiley guy greeted him.

Myungsoo frowned and said, “Yes.”

“It being here isn’t it?” That guy looked around.

Myungsoo nodded.

“So, my name is Woohyun. Nam Woohyun. What’s yours?” The guy smiled.

“Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo.” He smiled a little.

“You looked like a healthy person to me. So, what brought you here?”

“My mum thought I’m depressed. Even though I believed I am not. Weird isn’t it? She knows me better than myself.” Myungsoo said.

“At least yours isn’t that bad. I’m here because of my eyes.” Woohyun stared down, playing with his fingers.

“Your eyes?” Myungsoo frowned. His eyes look perfectly fine for Myungsoo.

“Yeah, I have this crap called eye cancer, you know. Currently waiting for that day my eyes will be cut off and my whole world will be black.” Woohyun tried to smile.

“That’s way too honest.” Myungsoo said.

“Pardon me but I prefer being honest rather than living inside a world full with lies.”

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Sumayeol #1
This make me crying eventhough i already know the ending im still crying but your gifs makes my day thank youu
Chapter 24: It is heartbreaking that it affected me.
Death is really a mystery, but so as life.
We will never know what will happen.
khasabat #3
Chapter 24: Oh sungyeolie baby!!
This is such a beautiful story. .and yet so heartbreaking. . It was a pleasure to read this..thank u so much for writing it♥♡♥
Sungyeollo #5
Chapter 24: Authornim. Why? Why? Huhuhu
Im crying right now. Sungyeol.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I cant.
Chapter 24: man i love angst like no tomorrow but that doesnt mean i still feel hurt reading it omfg. myungyeol is beautiful<3
Chapter 24: Oh my lord that was so heartbreaking ;A;
naznew #8
Chapter 24: oh my..i can't stop crying...
Chapter 24: Oh so beautiful and so sad, I'm in tears writing this post... Thank you for writing such a great story....