"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt."

Little Infinities


“You’re home already?” His mum flashed a smile.

“Well technically I am breathing right at this moment, in this living room, in our house so yeah, I’m home.” Myungsoo said.

“You’re home late. Did you have fun at the Support Group?” She asked.

“I went to a friend’s house and no, I did not have fun at the stupid Support Group.”

“A friend? Aww, and you said you didn’t have fun.” She cupped Myungsoo’s face.

Myungsoo brushed her hands away and said, “Yeah, I met a friend. And truthfully, I had fun when I’m at his house so basically I still did not have fun at the stupid Support Group.” Myungsoo answered.

His mum grinned and said, “I can tell you like her. I told you Support Group would be worth your time.”

“It’s a ‘him’ not a ‘her’. I’m not going to meet any girls, mum. I have no interest in them and they have no interest in me either.” Myungsoo rolled his eyes.

“Oh. It’s a ‘him’. Anyways, I’m glad you made a friend, you should invite him over someday.” She smiled.

“Yeah, maybe someday.”

 Myungsoo went to bed a little early that night, wanting to shut everything off because it gets really tired when your mind just can’t stop thinking and overthinking about everything.

The best solution to shut down the thoughts in your mind, is to sleep.

But if you want to shut down the thoughts in your mind forever, then being dead is the best solution.



The next day, Myungsoo went to the backyard and took out his phone and started to text Sungyeol.

“What’s up? This is the totally-not-depressed, Kim Myungsoo”

He replied a minute later.

“As I recall, you said you’ll CALL me, not text.”

So Myungsoo called him.

“Myungsoo.” He said upon picking up.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing much, by the way, did I tell you that listening to people howl in misery is not my favourite thing to hear?” Sungyeol said.

“Umm, why are you saying this?”

“I’m just saying. So that one day if Woohyun ever come to my house and started howling about his eyes, I know that I could always count on you.”

Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “Woohyun is not the type that’ll howl over his life, I’m pretty sure about that.”

“Whatever, I’m just saying.” Sungyeol said.

“All salvation is temporary, and I’m just saying.” Myungsoo pressed on the word ‘I’m just saying.’

Sungyeol chuckled and said, “You sure know how to get me, Myungsoo.”

There’s a moment of silence before Sungyeol voiced out, “Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them. And it causes the others to be in really deep pain.”

Myungsoo loved it every time Sungyeol will throw in some random thoughts or even quotes when he’s speaking with Myungsoo. He finds it very attractive, somehow.

“That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.”





A/ N ; the picture credit to - royalearthlings in tumblr. it's amazing :) xx and how is this story going on? is it read-able? hehe

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Sumayeol #1
This make me crying eventhough i already know the ending im still crying but your gifs makes my day thank youu
Chapter 24: It is heartbreaking that it affected me.
Death is really a mystery, but so as life.
We will never know what will happen.
khasabat #3
Chapter 24: Oh sungyeolie baby!!
This is such a beautiful story. .and yet so heartbreaking. . It was a pleasure to read this..thank u so much for writing it♥♡♥
Sungyeollo #5
Chapter 24: Authornim. Why? Why? Huhuhu
Im crying right now. Sungyeol.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I cant.
Chapter 24: man i love angst like no tomorrow but that doesnt mean i still feel hurt reading it omfg. myungyeol is beautiful<3
Chapter 24: Oh my lord that was so heartbreaking ;A;
naznew #8
Chapter 24: oh my..i can't stop crying...
Chapter 24: Oh so beautiful and so sad, I'm in tears writing this post... Thank you for writing such a great story....