
Little Infinities


Several days after that, Myungsoo got a text from Sungyeol.

Woohyun is out of surgery. It went well. I mean, he’s blind. Unfortunately.”

Myungsoo went to the hospital to check on Woohyun. He found his way to his room and knocked.

“Come in.” A voice said.

“Hey, Woohyun.” Myungsoo said.

The nurse is doing something to the bandage on Woohyun’s eyes.

“Hey.” He said back. Then nothing for a while.

“How are you doing?” Myungsoo asked.

“Fine? Okay? I don’t know. I’m blind now. Am I supposed to be happy because I officially have no evidence of cancer or should I be sad because I’m blind now?” He said.

“You’ve got to give yourself time to heal.” Myungsoo said.

“I just want to get out from this place.”

“This place as in the hospital?”

“That, too. I just wish the whole thing hadn’t happened sometimes. The whole cancer thing.” Woohyun said.

“I’m sorry.” Myungsoo didn’t know what else to say.

“No need to. Sungyeol was here earlier. He was here when I woke up.” Woohyun said.

Myungsoo just nodded and realized seconds after that that Woohyun can’t see so he replied, “Yeah, okay.”

Myungsoo watched as Woohyun slowly closed his eyes, fading away from this world, into his dreams in which Myungsoo hoped that it’ll be full with sweet dreams.

A minute after that Woohyun is already in a deep slumber.

Myungsoo slowly got up from his seat, and put the flowers he bought earlier into a glass and put it next to Woohyun’s bed.

If Woohyun can’t see the beauty of the flowers, at least he can smell the sweetness odour from the flowers.

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Sumayeol #1
This make me crying eventhough i already know the ending im still crying but your gifs makes my day thank youu
Chapter 24: It is heartbreaking that it affected me.
Death is really a mystery, but so as life.
We will never know what will happen.
khasabat #3
Chapter 24: Oh sungyeolie baby!!
This is such a beautiful story. .and yet so heartbreaking. . It was a pleasure to read this..thank u so much for writing it♥♡♥
Sungyeollo #5
Chapter 24: Authornim. Why? Why? Huhuhu
Im crying right now. Sungyeol.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I cant.
Chapter 24: man i love angst like no tomorrow but that doesnt mean i still feel hurt reading it omfg. myungyeol is beautiful<3
Chapter 24: Oh my lord that was so heartbreaking ;A;
naznew #8
Chapter 24: oh my..i can't stop crying...
Chapter 24: Oh so beautiful and so sad, I'm in tears writing this post... Thank you for writing such a great story....