Chapter 17 – Dense Dork + Immature Idiot = Bboe Bboe~

The Old Fashioned Princess

-Your Pov-

I cannot explain to you how anxious and stressed I am…but I didn’t show it. Reason for my anxiety and stress was…was all because of the spoiled brat Lee Taemin. The hospital wouldn’t let him out because of his condition so he had to stay in the hospital for about 5 days…because of that he begged and pleaded me to stay with him. Today Taemin was let out because he had completely recovered.

-Academy –

-Key Pov-

Everyone was studying really damn hard in the dorm, we were all in the living room surrounded by millions of books and papers. I was surprised to see that Jonghyun was also working his off…ha I guess Kahi has a great influence on him.

Knock knock

‘I’ll get it’ I said, getting up

It was rare for us to have a visitor since after all it was near the mid-year exam.

‘Must be Taemin and Byul finally deciding to visit’ I thought

Since after the visit to the Shrine, Byul and Taemin haven’t been seen…of course Byul told all of us her study plan…which I found totally too insane. I went and opened the door…. Oh hell how I wished I didn’t.

‘Hi Key Oppa!’ Boa greeted me with a big smile

My face was stoic and expressionless ‘Shouldn’t you be studying.’ I stated

Boa smiled ‘I’m having a break right now, so I decided to come and visit Taemin Oppa’ She said

I mentally rolled my eyes ‘right~ more like you got bored of your boyfriend, so you want to see Taemin.’ I thought

‘Or is he not here?’ Boa asked

Like hell was I going to tell her where Byul’s tree house was OR even let her see him.

‘His in his room with Byul right now. Their both are really in the heat of studying, so its best not to bother them.’ I lied and was about to close the door but then looked at her again ‘Oh, and don’t come here again, we’re all studying hard. You should be too’

I closed the door and smirked proudly to myself. Phahaha that was the power of the Almighty Key. I returned back into the living room, getting everyone’s attention.

‘I bet that wasn’t Byul and Taemin huh?’ Onew questioned

I nod ‘it was the B****’ I said

Everyone rolled their eyes at hearing who it was…gosh how I love it when we all have the same hate towards someone.

‘I bet she’s real pissed off that she didn’t get to see Taemin’ Jonghyun said smirking

I grinned ‘I lied and said that Taemin and Byul were in his room studying.’ I said proudly

‘Nice blow.’ Minho said smirking

‘It would be nice though…if Taemin and Byul actually did come and visit us.’ L.Joe said, not looking away from the textbook.

Everyone nod agreeing, but knew that Byul and Taemin were really studying hard…are they? Well, neither way, I am just proud and glad that they are together.

-Boa Pov-

Key closed the door without letting me say anything else, which pissed and fuelled my anger even further. I stomped back to my dorm angrily….

‘That B**** is studying with MY Taemin in HIS ROOM?!’ I thought angrily

That B**** was slowly stealing my Taemin away, but I won’t let that happen.’re going to wish you never came here.

No more playing around.

I'll break your Pride.

I'll Crush your Hope.

I'll Take your Happiness.

I'm taking Taemin.


He. Is. Mine.


-Key Pov-

Everyone was in their zone of studying…

‘BYUL-A-NA MILK~ Let’s just get back to the tree house and study~’ a loud whining voice said…belonging to who we all know very well

‘I’m not stupid to make the same mistake again!’ We heard Byul’s voice said annoyed

Everyone looked at each other questioningly. The sound of the dorm door opened and closed as Taemin and Byul’s voices got louder…then…there they were…standing in front of us. The girls were first to react as they went and hug Byul and the guys just wave or greet from where they were. Taemin stood beside the hugging girl group with his arms crossed and was pouting.

I chuckled and went to him ‘What happened?’ I asked

‘Byul-a-na Milk said she wanted to study in the dorm, but Taeminnie want to study in the tree house’ Taemin said pouting and frowning

I laughed ‘what did you do to her?’ I asked

‘Taeminnie didn’t do anything!’ he said

‘You even have the guts to say that?!’ Byul said glaring at him

Everyone looked at her ‘so what really happened?’ Uee asked

Byul let out a growl ‘That idiot since from day 1 would shut up about wanting a break every 10 minutes!’ she said annoyed

‘You actually put up with it for 10 days?’ Nana questioned with a raised brow

Byul shook her head ‘ I kicked him out on the 4th day. But that idiot was stubborn and waited outside while it was pouring outside. He got sick and I had to take him to the hospital. For 5 days I had to stay with him in the hospital’ Byul explained

Everyone jaws dropped in shock…was I hearing this right?

‘WHAT?!’ everyone exclaimed

Byul nod ‘yes. That happened…’ she said


Byul nod ‘yeah, He had a very bad fever’ she said

‘AND YOU DIDN’T CALL ME?!!!’ I exclaimed in my Umma Mode

‘Well, I did. But everyone’s phone was off’ Byul explained

Yeah…that was right…we had our own rules in the dorm as well…no phones or any distraction devices.

‘And So because of that I couldn’t study at all’ Byul said disappointed

I could tell that Byul was feeling anxious and stressed out…and I really did feel sorry for her.

‘Don’t worry about it! We’ll help you catch up!’ Uee said smiling while everyone nod agreeing happily

‘Since Science is first, I’ll help you study’ L.Joe said grinning

Byul happily went towards L.joe….But then was held in place when Taemin back hugged her…shocking everyone

Taemin sent a glare at L.Joe before pouted and look down at the ground frowning ‘Byul you can’t go to him! Why would you go with him when you said you love me!’ he stated

Was it possible to be even more shock right now? ‘WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!’ Everyone shouted in shock

Taemin looked at everyone and grinned widely ‘Byul confessed to me! She said she loves me!’ he announced proudly and happily

Everyone was still in their state of shock and was still trying to process the news they had just heard. I looked at Byul, who’s face was burning red...

‘Aww how cute she’s blushing!!!’ I thought squealing in my head

‘S-So…T-This…means your both…t-together?’ Jonghyun asked

There was a pause of silence

‘Ani, we’re not.’ Byul said getting out of Taemin’s hold

‘What?’ everyone questioned together confused

I was confused…Byul confessed to my baby…and my Baby was protective of Byul…but their not together?....

‘What the heck does this mean?’ I asked completely confused

‘Your so called ‘baby’ is a 2 timer Key Oppa.’ Byul said looking at me, before making her towards L.Joe and sat down beside him

Taemin didn’t seem to understand…or even cared what Byul had said…because it seemed like there was something else that had bothered him. Taemin frown since Byul had seated next to L.Joe and had left him, but he followed Byul and seated himself between Byul and L.Joe.

‘2 timer?’ I thought ‘ah…that B****…that’s right.’

How am I so damn disappointed in Taemin…that idiot just got a confession from the down right awesome girl, who is clearly his soul mate…and he couldn’t make her his girlfriend because he is still considering that other B****?! I looked at the others expressions as well…and I could see the disappointment that they had in Taemin just like me.

‘YOU ACTUALLY CONFESSED?!’ Uee, Nana and Jungah screamed

Byul nod ‘Neh’ she said

‘YAH! HOW COULD YOU NOT CONFESS TO HER BACK?!!!!!!’ Onew and Jonghyun shouted at Taemin

Taemin was about to answer…but I knew the answer.

‘You know what…don’t answer that.’ I said, stopping Taemin

I knew that his answer would hurt Byul and there was no need for that.

‘Let’s just get back to studying.’ Byul said

- Day 11 Studying Mid-Year Exam-

-Taemin Pov -

I was annoyed…why? Because I was being ignored. Yes, I was being ignored by Byul. So much for saying that she loves me…She had been doing nothing but listening, asking questions and studying with L.Joe, as if she had forgotten my existence…which was right next to her, I might have to add…since from yesterday.

‘Pestilential means relating to or tending to cause infectious diseases.’ L.Joe explained to Byul

Byul nod while writing down her notes

 I rolled my eyes ‘she could have just asked me! I knew what ‘pestilential’ was as well!’ I thought irritated

-Hours Of Studying Later-

‘Okay guys, time for break!’ Key said loudly

Everyone stretched their arms, back and legs from hours of studying. I grinned, break time means fun time with Byul. Without wasting time I jumped up and dragged Byul before she could even set down her notes, to the dinning room and seated her down next to me.

‘Yay~ Break time!’ I cheered

‘Why are you so happy for? You weren’t even studying’ Jonghyun stated smirking ‘You were caught up glaring holes into L.joe’s head’

Hearing this made L.Joe look at me and rolled his eyes ‘F*** me. Not again’ He muttered

Byul raised a brow and looked at me ‘Dog Face, do you have something against L.Joe Oppa?’ she asked

I pouted and shook my head ‘Ani! It’s not like that!’ I said

‘Well then what IS it like then?’ L.Joe retorted with his arms crossed

I open and close my mouth, because I didn’t what to say really…

L.Joe rolled his eyes again ‘Your just jealous that she likes to hang with me more then you’ he said smirking

I pouted and glared at him ‘Ani! Byul-a-na Milk Likes to hang with Taeminnie More!’ I argued

‘Yeah right’ L.Joe taunted

‘She does!’ I argued again

‘Yah, Yah Why are you two arguing’ Key said coming into the dinning room, with the others following behind him.

‘Your ‘Baby’ is jealous that my little princess likes to hang with me more then him’ L.Joe said

‘My Little Princess? Why would he say that!’ I thought irritated

‘Well…is it true.’ Nana said

‘Yeah. I think she enjoys her time with L.Joe more’ Jungah added, nodding in agreement

I growled but no one heard it, it can’t be true right? I looked at Byul, who seemed to not be interested or even listening to the conversation from the moment Jonghyun came, because she was reading the notes in her hand.

‘Yah~ Byul-a-na Milk!’ I called her

she looked up from her notes and looked at me, ‘Hmm?’ she questioned

‘Byul-a-na Milk likes to hang with Taeminnie more then L.Joe right?’ I asked her with a smile

Byul stared at me and blinked a couple of times, before she suddenly place her hand on my forehead ‘Your still not sick are you?’ she questioned

Hearing her repose caused the everyone to burst out laughing, L.Joe had a victory smirk on his face while I frowned with a pout.

‘ I thought Byul loves me! So she should side with me!’ I thought annoyed

To display my unhappiness I pushed Byul’s hand away from my forehead and face the opposite direction from her, crossing my arms and sulked.

‘Phahaha look at him! His sulking!’ Jonghyun said laughing really hard.

  -L.Joe Pov-

‘Well I’m making Lunch’ Key said, going into the kitchen

I shook my head at the scene of Taemin sulking in his seat…heck his being so immature. I looked at Byul, who seemed not to be really bothered or even noticed that Taemin was sulking…only continuing reading her notes. I let out a sigh…One Immature Idiot and A Dense Dork.

 ‘well this will be interesting…’Kahi commented

‘Don’t you think we should…hint to her?’ Uee asked

‘Nah, lets just enjoy the show for a moment’ Minho said smirking

the others nod agreeing. I watched as Taemin continue to sulk while Byul was reading her notes…I could tell that Taemin was waiting for Byul to cheer him up but that doesn’t seem like it was happening…which upset him. Key came back from the kitchen with large plates of sandwiches.

‘Dig in guys’ Key said smiling

-While Eating -

‘Yah, Donsaeng~ Stop reading those notes’ Nana said looking at Byul

‘Hmm It’s fine Unni’ Byul responded without looking away from her notes

‘Yah, Taemin are you just going to sit there like that and not eat?’ Minho said looking at the still sulking Taemin

Taemin didn’t respond only shaking his head no. Sigh…this guy really knows how to look pitiful…

-After Eating –

We went back into the living room, sitting back into our original places and studied again…

‘I’m studying in my room’ Taemin said before walking up the stairs

We all…excluding Byul, watched as Taemin went and then turned to look at Byul…who was only studying.

‘Aishi…these two are too complicated…’ I thought shaking my head

- Day 12 Studying Mid-Year Exam-

-Key Pov –

You have no idea how frustrating it was…and it wasn’t the studying I am talking about...

‘Aishi!!! She still hasn’t notice!!!’ I thought irritated, glancing at Byul.

Since from yesterday Taemin is still sulking…in his room, He wouldn’t come down when we…excluding Byul, call him down to join us to eat with us. Sometimes he would come down but just for a drink or snack…this worries me. On the other hand…Byul had been focusing into her studies, she was always writing or reading notes…during breaks as well.

‘what are we going to do with them?’ Uee whispered

The others just as I were, worried about Taemin’s health and a little frustrated with how they both were acting.

‘Maybe we should hint to her’ I suggested

Uee nod and smiled widely…seems like my Honey~ knows what to say.

‘Hey where’s Taemin?’ Uee questioned pretending to look around

the others looked at her and caught on

‘Ah, His in his room’ Kahi said smirking

‘Why is he up there?’ Uee questioned

‘He said he wanted to study in his room’ I responded

‘Are you sure his even studying?’ Jonghyun questioned ‘he could be playing games or something up there’

Everyone glanced at Byul, who didn’t even look up or stop to hear our conversation…seriously this girl.

‘Hey I didn’t see him at breakfast or yesterday night for dinner…has he been eating?’ Nana asked

Jungah grasped dramatically ‘his not starving himself is he?’ she questioned worried

Glancing at Byul again…she was still the same.

-10 minutes Later-

!0 minutes of trying to hint out to Byul that Taemin wasn’t here and for her to go and check on him didn’t work at all. Everyone was being more and more frustrated.

‘Yah, Baby Princess. Taemin has a English book that I think will help you a lot.’ L.Joe said holding back his frustration in his voice

Byul finally stopped and looked at L.Joe ‘Really? Would it help?’ she asked

L.Joe nod ‘Neh, Why don’t you go and ask him for it’ he said

Byul nod and looked around ‘eh? Where is he?’ she asked

‘This girl…she didn’t even realize that Taemin wasn’t here?!’ I mentally exclaimed and face palmed

‘His in his room’ Onew answered

Byul nod and went upstairs.

‘Aishi…their so complicated’ L.Joe said

Everyone nod, couldn’t help but to agree.

‘Hey, let’s spy on them’ Onew suggested

We all looked at each other and grinned widely, and sneaked up the stairs towards Taemin’s room.

-Your Pov-

I went to Taemin’s room and knocked on his door, however there was no respond or sounds of movement

‘Yah, Dog Face I know your in there’ I said ‘open the door or I’m coming in on my own’

I waited outside for a few minutes and there was still no response or movement.

‘Is there something wrong with him?’ I thought

because I’ve waited for the door to open or his respond, I opened his door…which wasn’t even locked and went in. When I came into Taemin’s room, siting on his bed…facing the wall while hugging his pillow. Why the heck was he like that?

‘ L.joe Oppa said you have a English book that is really helpful. Can I borrow it?’ I asked

Taemin didn’t say or move for a few minutes before he just pointed to his bookshelf without looking at me. I gave him a funny look and went to his bookshelf, looking for the book.

‘Something is really wrong with him though…’ I thought as I glance at him. ‘His not sulking again is he?’

Aishi…why the hell was he sulking this time…

‘Hey…why are you sulking again…’ I asked

-Taemin Pov –

I was laying on my bed, glaring at the ceiling. I was between upset and angry because of 2 reasons. One, was because Byul agreed that she liked and enjoy hanging with L.Joe more then me…and two, was because I was upset and sulking yet she didn’t even try and cheer me up…she was too focus into studying.

‘I hate you, exams!’ I thought angrily

Knock Knock

I figured that it must be Key again trying to get me out of the room, so I didn’t respond or open the door…I wanted to be left alone to sulk.

‘Yah, Dog Face I know your in there’ the person outside my door said ‘open the door or I’m coming in on my own’

My eyes widened ‘IT’S BYUL!!!’ I mentally screamed ‘she must of finally realize and had decided to come and cheer me up.’

I grinned widely, just from the thought of it. I decided to be in my ‘sulking’ position, so I sat up on my bed and faced the wall while hugging my pillow. I didn’t respond or move for a few minutes, wanting Byul to come in on her own. After a few minutes, the sound of the door opened and I could hear Byul’s foot stops entering my room. I mentally smiled.

‘ L.joe Oppa said you have a English book that is really helpful. Can I borrow it?’ Byul asked

My body froze hearing Byul’s request…


I felt more upset and angry, so I just pointed to my bookshelf without looking or talking to her. There was silence, only the sounds of Byul’s footsteps going towards my bookshelf was heard.

‘Hey…why are you sulking again…’ Byul asked

‘Oh, so now she realizes’ I thought angrily

Byul on my bed next to me ‘Didn’t I say you shouldn’t sulk.’ She stated

I didn’t respond, only turning my head away from her.

I could hear Byul let out a sigh ‘Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?’ She asked

I couldn’t believe that she doesn’t even know the reason why I was sulking! She use to know so well what upsets me…maybe she really doesn’t love me. Well…that hurts.

‘Just go and hang with L.Joe’ I retorted with a frown

‘Why would I do that when your sulking here’ Byul stated

I hugged my pillow tighter, to crease my anger.

‘Because you said you’d rather hand with him then with me. His more fun and better.’ I said resentfully

There was a short silence…

‘When did I say that?’ She asked

‘Is she really going to pretend that she doesn’t know?!’ I thought

This time I turned to face her with a frown.

‘You said it yesterday!’ I said

Byul gave me a funny look ‘I don’t recall saying that I like hanging with L.joe more then you’ she assured

‘You didn’t say it but you agreed to it!’ I stated

Once again she gave me another funny look ‘I never agreed to that’ she said

‘I said ‘you like to hang with me more the L.Joe right?’ and then you said ‘Your still not sick are you?’. That means you like to hang with L.Joe more!’ I said, my frown deepened.

Byul blinked a couple of times before she started to laugh softly and poked me on my forehead.

‘Dummy.’ Byul said smiling at me ‘You really don’t get it do you.’

I was completely confused right now…and reading from my expression, Byul knew I was confused.

‘You’re the one that I love. So it’s obvious that of course I like to hang with you more…so for you to even ask me that question…your really must be sick in the mind or just a plain idiot.’ Byul explained

Surely my face right now must be burning red…from embarrassment. How could I be so damn stupid?! But nevertheless I was really happy…though…I really did feel great embarrassment, so I turned away from her.

-Your Pov-

I was seriously surprised that Taemin was sulking because of that reason…it was damn obvious…yet he doesn’t even know it. But he was so cute right now…I was 100% sure that he was embarrassed, because his face was red and he turned around from me.

I laughed a little ‘Taemin…your embarrassed right?’ I questioned grinning

Taemin remained facing away from me but nod.

‘You know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. So face me’ I said

Taemin shook his head ‘no’

‘yah, your making me feel bad for the fact that your embarrassed’ I said pouting.

‘Y-you should be!’ Taemin mumbled childishly

I smiled…who wouldn’t? when his being so adorable.

‘So your not going to face me anymore because it’s my fault?’ I stated

Taemin nod.

I shook my head ‘his so immature’ I thought

‘what do you want me to do then, to be forgiven?’ I asked

Taemin turned and face me ‘Bboe bboe’ he stated

[Bboe bboe - Kiss]

Did I hear Him right?


-Taemin Pov-

Of course I was not upset or angry at Byul anymore after she explained to me, but I guess she thought that when I turned away…due to embarrassment, that I might of still been upset…so I’ll just take advantage of it.

‘what do you want me to do then, to be forgiven?’ Byul asked

I mentally grinned widely. Of course I was not upset or angry at Byul anymore after she explained to me, but I guess she thought that when I turned away…due to embarrassment, that I might of still been upset…so I’ll just take advantage of it.

I turned and face her ‘Bboe bboe’ I stated

Byul froze…she must be startled and her face started to turn pink…

I mentally smiled ‘Aww she’s blushing! Kekeke How cute~’ I thought happily ‘teasing her like this is fun’

My thought immediately went blank, when I felt something soft and warm on my cheek…

My eyes widened ‘OMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMO!!!’ my mind screamed crazily.

Byul had placed a quick kiss on my cheek…when she pulled away, she was looking away from me. I couldn’t face her myself…because my face was burning redder then before from shyness and happiness that I felt. There was a fuzzy feeling in my chest and a very sick feeling in my stomach…the good kind of sick. Unconsciously i was grinning like an idiot…thank goodness I was facing away from her.

-Your Pov-

I think my heart just exploded…I’ve gathered my guts and confidence to have manage to peck him on the cheek. I’m embarrassed but I was glad to have done so.

‘breath…breath…’ I told myself in my mind, to calm my heart down.

There was silence between us, which made me feel nervous…so I broke it

‘L-Lets…go back down and study with the others’ I said, standing up from Taemin’s bed.

‘Ani!’ Taemin said, which surprised me

I looked at him confused ‘Ani?’ I questioned

Taemin smiled at me ’Bboe bboe again and I’ll come down’ he said

My eyes twitched…’YAH DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!’ I exclaimed

Taemin pouted ‘Aww c’mon! Just one more’ he said

‘I just confessed a few days ago and now you have so many demands! You can just stay here!’ I said and went towards the door

Taemin jumped off his bed and followed behind me ‘Aww Meanie!’ he whined

-Key Pov-

Two Words…HOLY F***. That’s what me and the rest were thinking from the whole entertainment we were watching. We were blown away and in pure shock.

‘AM I DREAMING?! OR AM I HALLUCINATING? ‘ I mentally screamed

The girls were silently squealing in happiness and how cute the scene before us were, while the guys were grinning and feeling very damn proud.

‘Their first skin-ship aside from hugging!!!!’ Jonghyun whispered happily

I watched smiling to myself as I saw Taemin facing away from Byul, grinning to himself like an idiot. It was more shocking when Taemin asked for another kiss…

‘C’mon let’s go before we get caught’ Minho whispered

We all nod and went back down stairs and acted like nothing had happen. Byul and Taemin came back and sat down studying…well Byul was while Taemin…he was just smiling and watching Byul. His eyes that were looking at Byul had a pure, innocent, happy and sincere feeling in them.

‘Taemin-ah…what your feeling now, is the true feeling of happiness and love.’ I whispered to myself. ‘Realize this and cherish it.’

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Chapter 36: Totally awesome omgomg I read all in one go. Cried. And like omg

kjll9922 #2
Chapter 37: is it possible for you to continue chunji and l.joe's story? :") im a fan
carla23 #3
Chapter 36: wahhhhh..........thank you so much thor
Chapter 35: This is daebak really ♥♥♥ I've been looking for such an amazing jjangjjang fic like this~♡ thank you authornim! ~^^~
flyhigh09 #5
SawahTheSelecao #7
Chapter 35: Awe, I'm kind of sad its over but I'm really glad that it ended the way it did. I truely loved this story, thank you so so much for sharing it with us all. You are a very talented author, thanks again c:
carla23 #8
Chapter 35: wowww.... thanks verry story