Chapter 15 – Sleepover Arrangements + To the Shrine = The News Of Mid-Yearly Exam.

The Old Fashioned Princess

-Your Pov-

The first thing in the morning that happened was...the whole academy had to go to assembly.

'Wonder what this is about.' Onew said

Everyone took a seat and waited for the headmaster to come out on stage.

'Everyone we are now reaching close to mid-year...' the headmaster paused and looked around at everyone ' This means your half yearly exams is coming soon' he finished

Everyone started to whisper things to each other, there were also sounds of groaning and stress being heard from some of them.

'...half yearly exams...' Jonghyun cursed

'You have got to be kidding me!' Minho said annoyed

'So...for the next 2 weeks there will be no lessons, we will give you this 2 weeks to study and be prepared' the headmaster said

'damn it...2 weeks of nothing but books' Kahi said

'That is all, I wish you all the best of luck in your studies' the headmaster said leaving the stage

Everyone stood up and left, me and the others all went back to the main dorm.

'This is no fun at all' Kahi said pouting

'It's okay babe, I’ll help you study' Jonghyun said smiling.

‘I don’t want to make you look bad or anything…but…you at every subject…you basically buy your grads dude’ L.Joe said

'Yah! Don't say something like that!' Jonghyun pouted

Kahi sighed 'It was expected...' Kahi said

'Times like this the only thing we can do it help each other when we need it' Uee said

Everyone nod agreeing

'since it's 2 weeks off, why don't L.Joe, Kahi and Uee both stay in our dorm' Jungah suggested

L.joe looked at Jungah surprised that he was invited ‘really?’ he questioned

Minho nodded ' Since normal classes aren't on, it's allowed' he said smiling ‘its great to have another brain to help us out.

'Yay~ we can stay with BYUL~' both Kahi and Uee cheered

I laughed

'Yah! You’re supposed to be saying you’re happy that you’re staying with me!' Key said pouting

'phahahaha someone's jealous!' Nana laughed

Key shot me a joking glare, I held my hands up defensively

'Hey, don't drag me into your arguments' I said

Taemin suddenly popped out of nowhere and was holding on to my arm

'I know!, why don't Byul-a-na Milk stay over in our dorm too?!' He suggested

'I got a tree house which is just right behind the why would I stay here' I said blankly

' So we can have a sleep over!' he said happily

I raised a brow at him ' yea...that’s not gonna happen' I said

Taemin Pouted ' WHY?!!!!' he whined

'Because...staying here would mean having to stay with you 24 hours...I'm not stupid to deal with that' I said simply

Taemin stomped his feet like a child ' Byul-a-na Milk is so mean to Taeminnie!!!!' he complained

'Well good luck studying guys' I said, heading towards the door

'Taeminnie will have a sleepover at Byul-a-na milk's Tree house then!' Taemin suddenly suggested

I stopped in my tracks 'WHAT?! NO!' I said loudly

- Key Pov-

I grinned evilly at what Taemin had suggested

'That’s a great idea! Taemin go and pack your things' I said smiling

Taemin cheered and rushed to his room to pack his things. Byul on the other hand gave me a disbelieving look.

'You know, his going to be sleeping outside on the ground right?' Byul said giving me a glare

I grinned ' you wouldn't do that' I said in a mocking tone

'Trust me I will’ Byul stated

Taemin came running down with his luggage

‘I’M READY!’ He shouted excited

-Your Pov-


But Taemin was already out the door, everyone was grinning widely while I shot them a glare before leaving

‘GOOD LUCK~” they all shouted

I growled before going outside.

‘Yay it’s going to be so fun~’ Taemin said happily

-Tree House-

Taemin brought his luggage in and brought it up to my bedroom excited…it was as if he was going to a camp rather then studying…great.

I followed Taemin to my room and stared at him from my door as he was unpacking his things.

‘We’re going to be spending 2 weeks together!’ he stated full of excitement

‘Yah! We’re going to be studying not playing.’ I said

However Taemin ignored me as he started listing all the things we could do…that wasn’t studying. Unbelievable. When Taemin was done unpacking, I sat on my bed with him sitting in front of me.

‘Look. If you're going to stay here you're going to have to listen to me and follow some rules’ I said

Taemin nod with s bright smile…gosh why is he so excited?

‘Okay rule number 1. We are going to study. That means no games no messing around’ I said

‘But if we study too hard, it’s not healthy for us.’ Taemin said ‘can’t we at least play a little bit during breaks?’

I let out a sigh… ‘fine’ I said

I then held out my hand in front of him which made him gave me a confused look

‘Rule 2. No using phones. We will not be distracted by anyone’ I said

Taemin nod and handed me his phone…so his perfectly fine with giving me his phone but when it comes to play time his like a baby. Something is wrong with his head.

‘My study plan was to basically to stay inside of my tree house and just study with no interference from what so ever or who so ever.’ I said

Taemin nod.

 ‘So that means rule 3. is...your not allow to leave the tree house’ I said ‘so if you want to back out…now is the time’

I looked at Taemin, I was hoping that he would actually back out and go back…

‘Oh okay!’ Taemin said happily

I groaned…well that was a plan fail.

‘that’s all I guess’ I said letting out a disappointed sigh

But the next I knew, I was tackled into a bear hug. I was shocked of course…I mean…c’mon! The guy your in love with is hugging you! My heart was beating so fast, I swear it could pass out any time soon. Taemin let out a happy squeal while he was still hugging me.

‘Taeminnie is really really Happy~’ he said

I didn’t know what to do or how I should be reacting…of all times why is it now that my mind goes blank?

‘e-erm…’ I stuttered ‘T-Taemin…’

‘Hmmm?’ he questioned still hugging me

His hug was warm and very comfortable…I wanted to stay like this for as long as possible…but an exam was coming so this mustn’t go on.

‘Yah Stupid Dog Face Let go of me so we can start studying.’ I said

Taemin pouted but let go of me as I had told him

Knock Knock

I went and open the door

-Taemin Pov -

‘oh hey L.Joe Oppa’ Byul greeted the person who had knocked

I frowned ‘why is he here?’ I thought

I wouldn’t say I hate L.Joe. No, it’s far from that…it’s just I feel like he was stealing Byul away from me…so therefore I just dislike it when his with Byul.

‘The others suggested that we should all go to the shrine for good luck in studying for the exams. Are you guys in?’ L.joe asked grinning

Byul thought for a moment before nodding ‘Sure why not.’ She said

L.Joe then looked at me for my answer

‘Neh. I’m coming’ I said

L.Joe grinned wider ‘that’s great! Let’s go then’ he said happily before dragging Byul out

My eyes widened…HE JUST TOOK BYUL!

‘Yah! I Didn’t lock the door yet!’ I heard Byul exclaimed outside ‘DOG FACE LOCK THE DOOR!’

I frowned ‘I can’t believe this!’ I thought irritated

I locked the door and quickly caught up to them. Everyone was outside of the dorm ready to go.

‘YAY~ let’s go to the shrine!’ Uee and Nana said full of excitement

‘How are we going to get there?’ Kahi asked

‘We’ll take the public bus’ Minho said

Onew nod happily ‘less attention and besides…it’s been a long time since we had ride on a bus!’ he said

Byul smiled sheepishly ‘Phahaha…what’s a bus?…’ she asked

Everyone including me stared at Byul with our mouth open

‘Y-You don’t know what a bus is?’ L.joe asked her in disbelief

‘It’s a transportation that can carry a lot of people’ Uee explained.

‘You seriously didn’t know what a bus is?!’ L.joe questioned again still surprised

‘Well, buddy…I’ll give you a heads up. Our Donsaeng here…’Jonghyun looked at Byul and grin ‘She’s old fashioned…she lives in the medieval time’

Byul pouted and gave Jonghyun a light punch to his shoulder

‘I do not live in the medieval times!’ Byul complained

I smiled. I liked the fact that Byul’s knowledge is what Jonghyun had said ‘Medieval time’ because I would be able to show and explain to her what modern time has and can do…we can experience it together. I want to ride on the bus with Byul, sitting next to me.

‘Since your such a newbie, you’ll have to sit next to me then’ L.Joe said grinning


Byul frowned which made me grin happily

‘yes, YES SHE’S GOING TO REJECT HIM!’ I mentally shouted Happily

‘Yah! I am not a newbie! Whatever that is…but that’s not the point! Ask me more nicer!’ Byul complained

L.joe rolled his eyes ‘what a spoil princess’ L.joe joked and then grinned at Byul ‘Will the pretty princess sit next to me’

Byul laughed and nod ‘that’s better’ she said smiling


‘Let’s hurry or we might miss our bus’ Key said

On the bus, everyone was very excited and happy…well besides me...I was excited but...I was not happy…why? Because…

‘What's that?’ Byul asked pointed on the glass window

‘That’s a motor bike’ L.joe answered her

‘It looks funny’ Byul commented

I stared hard at the back of L.joe’s head because he had took my spot.


[     Kahi     ] [Jonghyun] [   Taemin ] [      Key     ] [     Uee     ]

[   Minho    ] [    Nana   ]                     [    L.Joe    ] [     Byul      ]

[   Jungah ] [   Onew    ]

I continue to watch as Byul was like an adorable curious little kid while L.Joe was acting like some smartass…okay well maybe the things Byul had being asking was the obvious but still!

‘He only has to answer her! So why is he getting so close to her!’ I thought annoyed

Each time Byul would point at something, L.joe would lean closer to the window to see what she was pointing at…which meant he was leaning closer to Byul as well

‘He doesn’t know what personal place is!’ I thought irritated

L.joe’s face was right next to Byul’s! If she just so happens to turn to face him, a kiss could happen!

‘Taemin…your eyes will drop out soon if you keep staring that hard…’ I heard Jonghyun’s teasing voice

I turned my attention away from Byul and L.joe, now facing a grinning Jonghyun

‘Taemin just ask for a change of seat if you wanted to sit with Byul’ Key stated crossing his arms

I pouted and light punch Key on the shoulder and shushed him…I didn’t want Byul…or worse L.Joe to hear us.

Key rolled his eyes ‘how many times had I told you. Their like brothers and sisters’ Key said in a quieter volume

I pouted ‘but look at him! His getting into her personal bubble! Bet she’s feeling uncomfortable!’ I whispered

Jonghyun smirked ‘I never knew you were the easily jealous type Taemin’ he teased me ‘you're finally growing up’

I also gave Jonghyun a light hit on the shoulder ‘Hyung! Don’t tease me right now!’ I whined

‘Well what do you want us to do about it’ Key stated

I looked down ‘I don’t know.’ I muttered

‘Well this will be a long trip for you then buddy’ Jonghyun joked grinning

I glance back at Byul and L.Joe, Byul was listening attentively to L.joe’s explanation of a telephone booth

‘So it’s just like the small phone we have…but this one is on the streets for public use?’ Byul asked

L.Joe nod ‘That is correct’ he said smiling

Byul blinked a couple of times ‘wouldn’t someone steal it then?’ she asked

‘They can’t steal it! It’s built stuck to the ground’ L.Joe explained ‘besides if someone does steal it, the phone booth automatically activates it’s defense system and shoot down the robber’


L.Joe burst into laughter ‘you actually believe that?! Phahahaha you're so cute’ he laughed

Byul frowned and shot L.Joe a joking death glare but L.Joe still continued to laugh. My chest was tightening, making it sting a little…why was I feeling like this?

‘I hate this feeling’ I whispered to myself

-Mountains –

-L.Joe Pov –

After 4 hours of a bus ride…yes 4HOURS! We finally reached the mountains where the shrine is…and hell it was damn beautiful. The air was fresh and the scenery were breathe taking, there was a whole completely different feel compare to the city.

‘Whoa~ ITS BEAUTIFUL!’ Jungah, Nana and Uee squealed in happiness

‘The air is really fresh’ Kahi commented

‘C’mon lets go into the shrine’ Onew said smiling

We walked as a group climbing up the long stairs, Byul who was walking next to me was looking at the scenery in awe…

‘Phahaha she’s like a child so adorable.’ I thought smiling

Then I remembered something…or someone. I looked in front of me to see that, that person was not in front so I looked behind…and there he was…walking behind everyone looking down at the ground instead looking around…

‘What's wrong with Taemin?’ I wondered to myself

I nudged Key who was in front of me

‘Hmm?’’ he questioned

‘What’s up with Taemin’ I whispered

Key looked at Taemin and then back at me with a smirk ‘don’t worry about him, his just sulking’ he said as if it’s nothing

I raised a brow ‘um…isn’t that a bad thing?’ I asked ‘he seems really down…what happened?’

Key chuckled ‘that kid is just jealous don’t mind him.’ He said

‘Jealous?.,’ I questioned ‘ why the hell is he jealous?’

Key didn’t say anything only grinning wider while looking at me…it creeps me out really…but then it hit me hard…

‘F***, you can’t be serious…’ I said my eyes twitching

Key let out a laugh’ ‘Phahaha you got it’ he said

‘Aishi…seriously that kid get jealous so damn easily! I only sat next to her and his sulking?...Gosh make me feel like the bad guy why don’t you.’ I thought shaking my head.

‘Don’t bother doing anything about it.’ Key said breaking my train of thoughts

‘Huh?’ I said confused

‘just let them deal with it somehow…’ Key said

I chuckled ‘if you say so…but if I get killed because of that Jelly monster…I’m coming after you!’ I joked

Key laughed and rolled his eyes ‘dude I totally don’t swing that way’ he joked back

I smirked ‘Hell like I would even check someone like you out. Oh and you may not ‘swing’ that way but you sure act that way’ I said grinning

‘YAH! YOU SON OF A COW!’ Key shouted angrily fuming

I laughed

- Taemin Pov –

I was hoping that Byul would have realize that I was sulking…but no she didn’t even realize it…I bet she had forgotten that I was even here…which only made me feel more sad and depress. We made it to the shrine and everyone was amazed at how beautiful it was. A monk came out greeting us, we all bowed showing respect.

‘What brings you all here today?’ the monk asked us

‘We wanted to pray for some luck for our mid yearly exam’ Minho said

The monk nod and smile ‘well then please enjoy your time here.’ He said ‘we also give free tarot reading if your interested’

‘Whoa really?! We’ll definitely have to try that’ Jonghyun said excited

‘Pabo, we have to pray first before that’ Kahi said

We took off our shoes before kneeling down and prayed silently for about 5 minutes, and then got back up

‘Well that’s done…what should we do now?’ Onew asked

‘TAROT READING!!!!!’ Jonghyun shouted

‘Geez why are you so worked up about it?’ Key questioned

Jonghyun grinned ‘because I want to know if I’ll get married to my Baby and have loads of children's!’ he answered

Kahi’s face went completely red from embarrassment and went to hit Jonghyun on the head

‘You ert don’t say something like that out loud!’ Kahi scolded

Everyone laughed while Jonghyun was pouting

‘Well we can do that later then, lets explore the place first’ Minho suggested

Everyone agreed. We followed Minho and Nana because they had the map…and once again I was behind everyone…

‘Why doesn’t she notice?’ I thought feeling upset

I looked at Byul who was still with L.Joe….She hasn’t even noticed me yet.

- L.Joe Pov –

‘We can trust Minho and Nana right?’ Byul questioned

‘Why are you doubting his and hers navigating skills?’ I  joked

Byul chuckled ‘a little’ She admitted

We both laughed, still following the group. I noticed that Taemin was far behind the group again…

‘Is he still sulking?’ I thought surprised…

How long does that boy sulked for? I then looked at Byul…who doesn’t seem to notice a single thing. Great…a moping child and a clueless  kid.

‘ For someone who’s in love with Taemin…she sure doesn’t notice when his sulking does she?’ I thought letting out a sigh

So I decided to at least hint out…or remind Byul of Taemin’s existence…

‘It’s so peaceful here huh’ I stated

Byul nod and smile ‘Neh, it’s nice’ she said

‘Back at the academy it’s always so noisy and sometimes annoying’ I added

Byul nod again ‘agree’ she said

‘luckily there’s no one to be such a pest here’


‘Someone’s that childish’


‘Someone’s that a complete chatterbox’


‘No idiots’


‘clingy people’

‘so true’

I was getting a little frustrated…I was finding out all of the words that could possible made Byul think of Taemin…But…NO. SHE DOESN’T GET IT! I was thinking of what else I could say…

‘But wouldn’t you miss banana milk?’ Key’s Voice suddenly came

Byul looked at Key and nod ‘that’s true…you can’t possible find banana milk here…’ she said ‘hey that reminds me…where’s that Dog Face?’

I gave Key a thankful look which he nod and smiled.

‘Oh my baby? His there’ Key pointed to Taemin

‘Why is he behind everyone?’ Byul questioned ‘and why the heck is he sulking’

Me and Key shrugged ‘who knows’ we both said

Byul then went to Taemin

I grinned at Key ‘I was about to explode soon’ I said

Key laughed ‘no worried, trust me I was about to snap just hearing how it had went’ he said

-Taemin Pov –

‘Have I already been replaced?’

‘ Does that mean Byul likes L.Joe more then me?’

‘What if Byul actually like like L.Joe?’

These were the questions that were running around my mind and it was making feeling more and more down.

‘Yah Dog Face.’ I heard the voice I longed to hear

I snapped my head up and looked at Byul, who was walking beside me.

‘B-Byul….’ I stuttered

Byul gave me a funny look ‘Why were you sulking?’  she asked

I looked away from her looking back at the ground because I could feel my face was starting to heat up

‘T-Taeminnie wasn’t s-sulking’ I said

Byul only gave me a look which said she didn’t believe me

‘Whatever it is that’s bothering you…you should always let it out...if you can’t tell me, then at least tell someone so you’ll feel better’ she advised me

A small smile came onto my face…Byul was never the type to force an answer out of me…like how my Hyungs would.

‘Does Byul-a-na Milk really want to know?’ I asked her

‘if you're willing to tell me that is’ she said

I should tell her right? I mean even if I was to complain and whine to Key or the others…they wouldn’t know what to do…so I might as well just tell her straight out.

‘I was sulking because…’ I said pausing and looked at Byul ‘Because you didn’t notice me’

We both stopped walking and just stared at each other

‘Because I didn’t notice you?’ Byul questioned

I nod ‘you were always with L.Joe. You didn’t even notice me.’ I said ‘You sat next to L.Joe on the bus, you laughed and had fun with L.Joe’

‘Taemin…are you jealous of L.Joe Oppa?’ Byul asked

My eyes widened at her question…Was I jealous of L.Joe?...I couldn’t be right? Seeing L.Joe with Byul all the time together would make me feel uneasy and sad…when they were too caught up with each other it made my chest ache…when it seems like Byul didn’t even notice me and had all of her attention on to L.Joe…I felt envious…was this considered jealousy?

I looked down at the ground and nod ‘I’m jealous.’ I admitted ‘because it felt like…he was replacing me.’

I didn’t know what was happening but…I felt arms wrapping themselves around my waist before I felt warmth hugging my body…Byul was hugging me. My mind went blank as I couldn’t open my mouth to say anything…all I knew was one thing though…it was wanting to keep that warmth I was feeling. My arms that were by my sides wrapped around Byul and pulled her closer to me, I rested my head on to her shoulder.

‘Aishi…you’re an idiot’ Byul said smiling

I smiled ‘Why is that?’ I asked

‘You the most annoying, clingy, talkative and childish person in my damn Life. My World’s number one really.’ Byul said

I pouted ‘that’s mean’ I whined

‘Yah let me finish’ she scolded me

I chuckled ‘okay continue’ I said

‘Because of that…no one. And I mean no one can ever replace you’ she said ‘not in my world…no in my life’

My heart was pounding rapidly at a very quick speed that I thought it could pass out any moment now…but…but I was happy right now so very damn happy. I hugged Byul tighter making it impossible for even dust to cut in between us. She knows exactly what to say…to always make my heart race so fast, making my chest heat up, making me feel so happy…making me feel…that I was worth more then anything and everything.

- Your Pov-

I was surprised of course by the fact that Taemin was jealous of L.Joe and the fact that he actually admitted it as well. But it did made me feel happy…happy that he would actually treasure the place that he had earn…by my side. I let go of the hug and poked him on his forehead

‘Next time don’t sulk like that…it’s really depressing to watch’ I joked

Taemin laughed and nod ‘Neh.’ He said

‘C’mon let’s catch up with the others’ I said

Taemin Happily followed me.

-3 hours later-

We had being exploring the mountain for 3 hours and finally came back to the shrine to have our tarot read…so that Jonghyun would stop complaining and whining about his fantasied future. There was a room which one by one we would go in to have a monk read our tarot, so far everyone seemed really happy with theirs…and now it was my turn. I went in the room and closed the door behind me, I bow to the monk politely.

‘Please take a seat’ the monk said

I sat down in front of a table, facing the monk. The Monk spread out the tarot cards out on the table.

‘Please pick three cards’ the monk instructed

I did as he had told me and point to three different cards. He turned over the first card, there was a big image of a golden heart with a crown around it.

The monk smiled ‘You’re a princess aren’t you?’ he asked

I nod ‘Neh’ I answered smiling

‘What this card says is... You have a heart of gold. Your responsible, reliable, honest and loyal to those around you. Your will is strong and you never let what others think or say to bring you down’ the Monk explained ‘You’ll be a great princess in the future’

I smiled hearing this, I was glad to know that I’ll be able to take care of my village well. The monk flipped the second card, his smile fell a little. On the card displayed a black crow in its nest.

‘The black crow signify loneliness.’ The monk said ‘ You have many people who are there for you and always love you as a friend and family…but still inside your heart you feel lonely. You long for your significant soul-mate’

As the monk had said that an image of Taemin’s face flashed in my mind…my significant soul mate. I nod, notifying for the Monk to continue. He turned over the last card and frowned…well this isn’t a good sign. The card had an image of a sad beggar that was really pale almost white, in their boney hands held a red stubbed heart.

‘Hurtful events will happen in the future, some you’ll be able to surpass while some still scar your heart. There will be people who will take advantage of your kindness, some may use you, while some others will take you for granted. The monk said

My hearted dropped for a moment…hurtful events? Being used? Taken for granted?...Those were thing I wish to avoid in my life.

‘Please take my advice for this’ the monk said

I looked at him attentively

‘Even when the most difficult moment is in front of you, even if after it seems like you have lost everything….’ The monk said pausing for a moment ‘Never. Never stop or change the heart of gold that you have. It may seem unfair that you’ve done many deeds but then to have bad karma come to you but…that’s what makes the good karma more special’

I smiled and nod ‘Neh. Thank you’ I said bowing

The monk smile ‘it’s a pleasure to have meet you princess’ he said

I left the room and join back with the others

‘How was it?’ L.Joe asked

I smiled and nod ‘it was good’ I said ‘lets get back to the academy now. We have a lot to study’

Everyone nod, we walked back to the bus stop.

- Taemin Pov-

The bus came and we all got on…well I ran in first dragging Byul with me

‘YAH! WHAT THE----’ ‘Byul-a-na Milk sit here!’ I said happily cutting her off

I pushed Byul down to sit in a window seat and I was next to her, the others came in and took their seats…when L.Joe came on I gave a victorious smile, but L.Joe didn’t seem to caught on….But all wells I got to sit next to Byul and that’s all that matters.

I grinned brightly facing Byul…who had an annoyed look on ‘Byul-a-na milk ask Taeminnie anything you want! And Taeminnie will explain them to you!’ I said

Byul groaned as a response.

-During The Bus Ride-

Byul hadn’t asked or said anything to me for 30 minutes…which I was disappointed about…

‘She talked so much to L.Joe! So what about me?!’ I thought, feeling that I was treated unfairly

Byul also hasn’t even looked at me…she was facing the window the whole time. Is she annoyed with me? Is she angry that I forced her to sit with me? Did she wanted to sit next to L.Joe instead? Many of those questions were running through my head and I was starting to feel anxious. So I decided to start a conversation with her….



The Bus rocked roughly from the rocky road before it was smooth again. But… from that Byul’s head landed on to my shoulder, her face was facing into my neck.

I laughed softly and quietly ‘ no wonder she was so quiet…’ I thought smiling

Byul was asleep…she had fallen asleep. She mumbled something which I couldn’t make out and nuzzled further into my neck… my face heated up, I felt a little ticklish but at the same time…there was warmth and a happy feeling in my chest. I looked around and saw that many of the others had also fallen asleep, I looked back at Byul’s sleeping figure and smiled warmly…she’s adorable. I could feel that my own sleepiness was starting to kick in, my eyes were starting to drop…so I laid my head on top of Byul’s.

‘This is better than talking.’ I thought happily before falling into my own slumber.


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Chapter 36: Totally awesome omgomg I read all in one go. Cried. And like omg

kjll9922 #2
Chapter 37: is it possible for you to continue chunji and l.joe's story? :") im a fan
carla23 #3
Chapter 36: wahhhhh..........thank you so much thor
Chapter 35: This is daebak really ♥♥♥ I've been looking for such an amazing jjangjjang fic like this~♡ thank you authornim! ~^^~
flyhigh09 #5
SawahTheSelecao #7
Chapter 35: Awe, I'm kind of sad its over but I'm really glad that it ended the way it did. I truely loved this story, thank you so so much for sharing it with us all. You are a very talented author, thanks again c:
carla23 #8
Chapter 35: wowww.... thanks verry story