Chapter 8

Circle of trust


It had been 6 days since Norma had seen her mother. Since then she was not bothered with Kim Jaejoong’s presence or contact of any sort. Jihoon kept his mouth shut still knowing he had a plan in his mind for mental satisfaction. Right now she was home with Jihoon who was bathing now. Norma had planned a surprise for him at the orphanage where the others have decorated by now along with the cake which Norma had baked herself the day before.

She was impressed inside. As Jihoon came downstairs Norma just put the phone down which she had never received.


“Who was that ma?”    Jihoon asked.


“Its Granny…She said Mimi’s sick. We should go don’t you think?”    Norma asked.

Jihoon seemed worried now. He cared about Mimi a lot; so of course he would see her.


“Of course. We can go now. We should take something on the road.”    Jihoon suggested. Norma nodded and took her scarf and headed out.

Then she remembered…it wasn’t entirely true that Kim Jaejoong didn’t bother her…she knew Jihoon wasn’t going to be happy.



Jihoon stepped out quickly with his packet for Mimi and stepped inside while Norma shut the door. As soon as Jihoon stepped in…


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!”    all of them yelled while Mimi clapped loudly. Jihoon goggled at then for few seconds while Norma stepped in and patted his head.

He looked at her raising his eyebrow but then ended up laughing loudly for the first time. He looked at the others while they beamed at him. Not all of them were here. Taeyeon, Tiffany, Tacyeon, Jangwoo were not in Korea right now. Taeyeon has finally settled in China as a domestic lawyer while Tiffany in USA. Tacyeon is in Dubai in real estate business while Jangwoo in Japan.


“Happy birthday little tyke.”   Ga-in started smothering him.


“Choking. Not breathing…”    Jihoon gagged under her chest.


“You’re killing him Ga-in.”   Narsha stated and she finally let loose.


“I know. Im surprised he didn’t realize this was going to happen. Nice work Norma.”    Ga-in complimented. Norma in turn smirked at the lady before her. Jihoon quickly ran to other children and Mimi and started scolding her using hands and she was trying to calm him down.


“Ahh…young love. Look at those two.”   Hyuna teased.


“Don’t say that in front of his school mates. One of his girl mates might get jealous. I bet he attracts a lot of girls in his class.”    Alexander stated. Norma immediately thought of Jumi…Norma didn’t see anything like that in her.


“Well don’t put tension on the boy. It will just adjust to mine. My work just became harder.”    Ga-in complained. Alexander merely shrugged and joined the children party.


“Why so darling?”   Narsha asked and Norma stared. She never interrupted these two. These two were similar to her and Jessica.


“Well this celebrity acts all high and mighty so I kicked him out. but I’m still looking for someone efficient.”


“Who’d you kick out?”   Norma asked this time.


“Park Yoochun. He seriously needs to get over himself.”


“You kicked the influential actor from your job? You did a good job! I never liked that jerk!”   Narsha overjoyed. Norma merely stared at the two not even knowing who the man was. But she didn’t ask.


Instead she joined the children while Kevin started the music and Hyomin gathered the cake.



The sun almost set and all of the children were tired. Norma took Jihoon home but she still had the chance to tell everyone about Kim Jaejoong which she didn’t. jihoon, after arriving home, quickly freshened himself up and went to his room not wanting to have any more food. Norma merely made herself some coffee and relaxed on the couch.


 Then she recalled that Kim Jaejoong did contact her through and employee…it wasn’t a pleasant talk of course. The memory just flashed back at her.


She was still working at the kitchen with few other women and men. She has just finished making the dough when the main chef came in and called Norma.


“Yes Chief?”


“There’s a man waiting in the lounge saying he’s calling for Jin Norma. He’s calling for you.”     He said.


“Did he say his name?”    Norma asked.


“No but he did say he comes from…the Kim corp.”    he said causing Norma’s eyes to pop out. She nodded not making it seem suspicious and went out of the kitchen. She walked to the lounge and saw a blond boy waiting alone. She wasn’t sure whether such a flamboyant boy would be an employee of Kim corp. however Granny did say that a blond boy came to her.

She stood there with her kitchen apron and her hair tied required by the kitchen. The boy bowed and introduced himself.


“I’m Kwon Jiyoung.”


“Norma Jin. How may I help you?”   she expressionlessly asked

Jiyoung took out a cell and handed it to her.


“My boss wants to talk to you. Since he had business that’s why he sent me to contact you with him.”    Norma took the phone as he spoke.    “Just dial 1.”    He added further.


Norma pressed one and the speed dialed. It rang once and was received immediately.


“Miss Jin.”


“Yes Mr. Kim.”


 “What is your plan for Jihoon’s birthday?”    he asked directly. She realized quickly what he wanted.


“I am taking him to the orphanage for a surprise party. He does not know yet.”    She answered honestly.


“Hmm…so I shouldn’t intervene that day. any further plans?”


“Yes I am inviting his school friends the next day after school at his campus.”    she wanted to ask why.


“I’ll visit his school to drop his gifts with your permission Miss Jin.”   


“Of course Mr. Kim. I will let Jihoon…”


“Do not tell Jihoon. I want it to be a surprise…”

Norma remained quiet few seconds.


“Yes Mr. Kim.”


“I’ll be visiting soon.”   The call hung up. Norma shoved the phone off her ear and handed it to Jihoon. He took the cell and bowed again then left.

 She came to an agreement about Jihoon’s birthday at his school and she didn’t refuse. In fact she didn’t even tell Jihoon knowing he might skip school. Yes he could be that stupid.


“Jessica would have killed me.”   She muttered while sipping on her coffee.



The next morning Jihoon was in a good mood because he got to spend more time with his orphan mates. He wished for them to be adopted by none other than his ma’s friends. That would mean they’ll be closer specially Mimi.

Norma dropped him off at his school and Jihoon smilingly bid bye to his ma and ran to his campus. Norma quickly headed off to her work.



Jihoon was greeted by Jumi with well wishes for his birthday. Many of his classmates shoved gifts on him and tackled him on the ground playing tickles. Jihoon tried not to laugh but he had to. Jumi finally managed to shove off those boys and fixed his hair like Norma would.


“Ooh look at Jumi…she Likes you.”   One of the boys teased high fiving the others. Jumi’s cheeks flushed red and Jihoon didn’t notice it. Somehow he found it ridiculous Jumi liking him that way.


“Class, settle down.”   The teacher entered and settled the kids.    “Ok we have a birthday boy here and I requested personally to the principle to have an after school party. Those who have to go may go with their parents but their parents are also welcome. So cheer for Jihoon.”    Teacher clapped along with the students cheering.


This was one of his best days.



The bell rang and the children started packing their things hastily however not too eager to go home because Jihoon’s party was still left. The teacher brought in food from the cafeteria and started celebrating along with some parents who entered. The teacher was suddenly called by another teacher in the midst of the celebration. She quickly walked out while the children were still having fun.


The teacher walked to the principal’s office and knocked. After she was permitted to enter she saw a beautiful rich looking man standing near the principal.


“Miss Lee could you please take Mr. Kim to your class? He is Jihoon’s uncle and has come to meet him.”


“Of course principal sir. Please follow me.”


“Oh I have brought in few things. Please bear the hindrances.”   Jaejoong said very sweetly melting the teacher’s heart. She led the way to her class while a trolley was brought in by the janitor filled with presents.     

She entered the classroom and led Jaejoong in. the children cheered more to see so many gifts.


“Children settle down. Jihoon your uncle is here.”   She called; he turned to see his uncle entering with so many gifts. He stood there stunned unable to think or to make out what was going on.


“Who is that Jihoon?”   Jumi asked cutely.


“That’s…my uncle.”   He mumbled while Jaejoong came to him and hugged him like a father. Some parents whispered how sweet it was. Jihoon heard the whispers of the mothers.


“This is his uncle?”

“But he’s Kim Jaejoong of the Kim corp.”

“How come I’ve never heard of him having a nephew?”

“This kid’s mother is foster so maybe she didn’t know and now this boy found his original family.”

“Perhaps they came to his custody agreements..”


And all sort of talks and Jihoon knew how to handle these. His ma taught him better of these things. He smiled at Jaejoong surprising his uncle.


“Thankyou…uncle. My mother told me to say she’s thankful that you managed your time despite your lack of time.”  

Jaejoong looked at the boy…he was so sensible for these things one thing his brother never had. It might have been from Jessica’s side. After all he knew that his foster mother never told Jihoon about his visit. He was clever…


“You’re quite well accustomed to these things.”   Jaejoong smiled.


“Well I…thank you.”


“Oh well I brought all the gifts that you left that day also some additional ones. Go see them.”    Jaejoong encouraged Jihoon and Jumi. Jumi blushed at the good looking man and walked to the gifts. Jihoon walked to his gifts and started opening them at other’s suggestions.


He took out so many toys and games. His classmates were awed by such expensive things; not that they weren’t rich; it was just that their parents never bought them these despite having wealth because they were much more disciplined.


“Jihoon your uncle’s the best.”   One of his classmates said


“Yeah my dad never bought me these despite having loads.”   Another one checked and spoke


“Your mother is very considerate in allowing having these.”    A girl said


“Because she cant get him these.”   Another boy responded


“Yeah, you should move in with your uncle. He can provide you everything you want.”    A boy said checking out the car model. Jihoon stood there dumb founded hearing all of these.


He felt…uncomfortable with these statements.

Jaejoong on the other hand was smirking. He was getting his way…Jihoon was feeling bad about his reputation with his mother. Now just a few more days with Jin and he’ll come to him.


‘Just a few more moments’



Norma already informed the principal that she wouldn’t be picking up Jihoon today instead Jaejoong would and principal was quite satisfied with it. After all it was Kim Jaejoong, one of the coldest man in Korea yet so nice to children. Many rich kids come here but none of them are from the side of business or media. Kim Jaejoong was both.


Jaejoong was driving while Jihoon was resting after a long tiring day. Jaejoong didn’t say or ask anything; he let the feeling of slight humiliation of Jihoon to sink in. even though it was not a good thing but anything for this boy is legitimate.


The car stopped at the parking lot near Norma’s house. Both of them stepped; while Jaejoong took the gifts out Jihoon rang the bell. Norma opened lightly and wasn’t surprised to see his uncle. She let both of them inside and closed the door. Jaejoong had too many things in his hands.


“Jihoon mind if you show me your room? I have to take these up.”    Jaejoong smilingly said. Jihoon nodded and led him upstairs and opened his room door. Jaejoong entered and put the things down.


“Mind if I use your washroom?”   he asked.


“You can. I’ll go help ma with food.”    Jihoon said and left the room while Jaejoong went to the washroom. He looked at the bathroom carefully sparkling clean and cartoon like.


Jihoon was staring at his ma with no expression but it seemed obvious that he was pissed. Norma sighed.


“I’m sorry for not telling you about him.”   she said.


“Of course.”   He pointed out.    “I thought we were agreeing together.”


“What would you want me to do? Say no to him?”   she asked.


“Yes. You have no idea how my classmates were like today. They were talking about thing like I would move’ n with him, that he’s the best…I didn’t like that…I don’t want him coming back to my school again.”


“You don’t mean that. He’s your uncle…”


“And I’m your son. If you don’t do something I will run back to the orphanage and never come back also I will not go to school.”                    Jihoon said firmly but not loudly.


“You’re bluffing…”      Norma raised an eyebrow.


“No…I’m serious.”

Norma sighed again. She knew very well that Jihoon was not easily angered but when he was, he would be dangerous as Jessica at some point.


She knew this was his peak of tolerance.


“Alright. Run along upstairs and take a nap while I talk to him so he wont call you also I wont say anything about you not liking the party ok?”          Norma suggested. She didn’t want Mr. Kim to be disappointed at Jihoon rather than her.  Jihoon nodded and headed upstairs while Jaejoong himself opened the door.


“What’re you gonna do?”   Jaejoong asked.


“I’m gonna nap a bit. Too tired.”   Jihoon yawned while Jaejoong ruffled his head and let the boy go. Jihoon slowly shut the door.


Jaejoong came downstairs where Norma was waiting.


“Thank you for your cooperation today. I’m sure he liked the party.”   Jaejoong stated.


“You’re welcome Mr. Kim however I have a request…please don’t go again to his school.”   She bluntly said.

Jaejoong raised a brow.


“Excuse me?”    Jaejoong stood there with her blunt answer.


“Please don’t go to his school again. I talked to the teachers and they said something like Jihoon being happy with you than me. I didn’t like that.”   Norma straightforwardly said.


“Well it is true. I am better than you.”   Jaejoong stepped closer his head held high.


“But I raised him…I do not want you to go to his school. You are a bother to my son’s education life trying to spoil him with gifts.”    She was quite unsure whether she should say that but anything for Jihoon.


“Are you upset that you cant?”   Jaejoong pinpointed.


“Why should I be upset?”   she asked.


“You’re upset that I can provide a better life for Jihoon than you can? If you are then you’re nothing but selfish. If you loved and cared for him then you would have let him go ever since I came. You want him all for himself and cant live without him but you are not realizing that you are depriving him of his luxury with his blood family. If you love him…you let him go.”    Jaejoong’s face softened when he saw Norma’s face fading.


The emotional words were affecting her.


“I can provide him better. Don’t you want that?”   he dramatically asked.


“I…I…I have never heard more dramatic lines before.”     Her face suddenly changed.    “Did you actually think that these talks would work on me? I may not watch soap opera but Jihoon does and I hear them every time beating my eardrums. I know what they refer to…”    Norma looked at him while Jaejoong’s face totally crunched.


Never in his life had he been so angry. She directly insulted him…


“I love Jihoon Mr. Kim and I would never want him to be deprived of his rights but when he isn’t comfortable with it I cant let him fall into the maze. He wants to be with me…and all I said was for you to not to go to his school not ever meet him. You can still meet him and…”


“Who are you to say what I can do or not?”    Jaejoong cut her off; his face filled with anguish.

Norma looked at him.


“He’s my nephew, my blood…who are you to say? You’re just a woman who had the privilege to raise my nephew and nothing else! You shouldn’t think yourself that high as you’re nothing but a caretaker!”    he angrily threw those words.


“I am his mother. I raised him. He calls me mother, he knows me as his family unlike your brother who didn’t even want him.”      she had to say that…otherwise he wouldn’t be provoked and never leave them alone.


“Don’t. Dare. Speak. Of. Him. You have no right…you mere poor illegitimate woman!”    he cursed shocking Norma. How did he know that? She instead composed herself with the insult.


“Don’t forget that Jihoon is illegitimate too…”


Jaejoong’s beautiful face whitened with it. He turned and opened the door and left it shut behind him. Norma stood there stupidly.


He knew everything about her.


Norma was working at Sylvester’s early today. She sprayed lemon on the spicy fried lobster then designed it on the dish. She covered the food and went to the sink; washing her hands off above the polythin. She opened her apron and hanged aside when a junior cook entered the room panting and was trying to catch his breath.


“The boss is looking for you, also there’s a man waiting for you in the lounge Miss Norma.”    He said


“A man? Does he have blonde hair?”  


“Uh…no in fact a pretty beautiful one…like a female. He said he wants to meet you.”


“How come men are here looking for you?”     one of the female chefs said in a mocking tone. Norma indeed felt humiliated also pissed. She wiped her hands dry and headed out leaving giggling females behind.


She walked out in the lounge to see none other than Kim Jaejoong and the main chef laughing with him. she stood there stunned looking at them. The boss noticed her.


“Norma, come here. Why are you standing there?”     he asked positively and she slowly walked to him.  Jaejoong looked at her with a beautiful smile on his face but beneath that smile Norma could see the cold hate gaze at her.


“Norma how come you never told me that Mr. Jaejoong was your son’s uncle?…oh I mean your foster son.”

Norma was shocked in her head. Not once in her work her boss or anyone addressed her son as her foster son. She put on a poker face.


“Sorry boss I didn’t want to boast of it.”   


“Isn’t she lovely? Always the modest one.”    Jaejoong smilingly stated.      “That’s why Jihoon loves her…”

Norma just stared at his fakeness.


“Of course Mr. Jaejoong. I’ll leave you two for matters.”      The boss winked at her before leaving. She knew what meant…keep Mr. Kim interested for the sake of the hotel.


Norma looked Jaejoong who had his head high not really giving the atmosphere a care.


“You wanted to discuss something.”     She pointed out.


“Why would I have to discuss anything with you?”      he asked looking elsewhere.


“You didn’t come here to chat with my boss.”    She pointed out.

He looked at Norma boring his eyes on hers. He slipped his hands into his pockets.


“I came here to give you a final warning.”    His stare turned into a piercing glare.    “If you don’t hand him over…you’ll everything. Your job, your house and everything…so this is your final chance.”     He said.


“You are mad.”   Norma calmly stated.     “I have legal guardianship and you cant be breach it. I can sue you for that.”


“Sue me? For breach? You have no idea what my power is. The law works for me and you’ll go nowhere in court.”    He smirked.


“For a man like you, you sure don’t have any dignity. I’ll definitely go to court.”    She said seeming a little disappointed at his smug attitude.


“Dignity need not be presented for the likes of you. As for court, who’ll be your lawyer? it…Kim Taeyeon?”    Norma widened her eyes.


“How do you know of her?”    Norma asked.


“She’ll help you out definitely but…she isn’t even in Korea? Oh yes she works under the chamber belonging to one of my mother’s friend…if I say…he can take back his recommendation and she might have to come back losing her dream job…maybe then she’ll be able to help you however she may not stand in court for you…”      Jaejoong’s smirk widened.        “You would like that wouldn’t you?”     he asked


“Stay away from her…or anyone close to me.”    She muttered angrily.


“Or what? Hand me over to the police? My brother works there.”

Norma lowered her gaze…she really wanted to murder him.


“All you have to do…is giving him up. Give him to me…”     he said softly.


“Please…give me some time…I have to convince him.”    she sounded vulnerable.


“Alright…24 hours…I’ll visit myself to receive your answer. Till then goodbye.”

Jaejoong walked off. Norma stood there unable to think.


“I really don’t know what to do anymore.”



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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that