Signs of adulthood

Circle of trust

Norma was waiting while the policeman was bringing out the information she needed from his desk. He seemed to have lost it and deep down she actually wished it did.


“How about I wait while you check?”   Norma coolly suggested not really caring


“Of course…I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.”    The police was quite embarrassed as he wanted to laugh it off. She merely nodded without smiling and moved aside giving him a lot of space. She walked around looking into the police station passing her time; extremely untouched by the fact that she was about to get the address of her birth mother. Jessica really put her in deep . If she didn’t want her why should Norma bother her? And why would even Jessica ask of this?


“Miss Jin?”   someone called her and it was not the police who was looking for the address, it was the inspector whom she had met earlier with the robber.


“Inspector Kim.”   She responded with obvious tone. He was an inspector so he was supposed to be here. Perhaps he brought the robber before her. A smile appeared on the man’s surprised face and he walked towards her.


“Surprise meeting you here. Are you here to for charging the robber? I’ve already put him in jail…”    Junsu said not wiping that smile off his face.


“No, I’m here for my personal matter.” She answered however…there wasnt a single hint of smile on her face. Most would smile while talking or show interest…but her, nothing.


“Hmm, well if you do need any help please don’t hesitate to ask.”   Junsu happily offered.


“Thank you very much inspector Kim I…”


“Miss Jin?”    the police called before she could finish. She turned to see that the man had the address and looked back at Junsu.


“I’m very sorry but I have to leave.”   Norma let him know of her urgency.


“Its fine, nice meeting you again.”   Junsu smilingly shoved off the topic waving his hand.

Norma shortly bowed her head and went off to the police. She thanked the police and headed out while Junsu turned to his way wondering on his own.


‘That’s two times now.’   



Norma didn’t open the envelope on her way to the orphanage; not that she wanted to. But she wondered whether it would even matter whether she meets the real mother or not. She had everything she wanted- a lovely family, friends, good job and reputation. What else does she need? Family doesn’t need to be blood related; she and Jihoon isn’t; she and Granny isn’t; her and Jessica weren’t. So…she doesn’t need to meet someone who didn’t even consider her as anything but a burden.


After picking up Jihoon; telling Granny everything, she headed home. She decided she would meet the woman someday else…when the time is right. Right now she only requested granny to keep it a secret to the others otherwise her friends; especially Ga-in would push her over to the person.


She started her car, which she had left at the orphanage and didn’t take it to the police station. On the road, she saw Jihoon being lost in his thoughts. She wondered whether he had said anything about Kim Jaejoong visiting her. Maybe not, or else granny would have bombarded her with questions. Good thing he didn’t, still why didn’t he?



After arriving home Jihoon quickly headed to his room to clean up while Norma was preparing snacks knowing granny had fed him too much.

    After making her fruit and syrup salad she headed upstairs with the tray. She knocked on his door and Jihoon opened. his hair was still drenched. She entered and put the salad aside; took up the towel and started rubbing his hair drying it.

   She was slow and taking her time hoping he would ask her how her day went or whether she’s excited about meeting her birth mother. In the end when she was done, he hadn’t asked anything. She sat on his bed while he took up the piece of fruit and started eating it. she even hoped Jihoon would ask why she’s sitting here like a robot. But he didn’t…


“ Jihoon…why didn’t you tell granny about Mr Kim?”   she asked her eyes looking sleepy.


“I don’t know.”   He put another piece in his mouth.


“You could have busted me…”


“I seriously don’t know ma.”   He casually said.


“Please Jihoon…I don’t know what you want so please help me here.”   She pleaded.

Jihoon sighed disappointed on her. He thought she would understand why he doesn’t show any reaction.


“Ok, first you answer my question.”


“Alright, go ahead.”


“Why don’t you seen excited about seeing your mother at all? After all she is your birth mother…”


“Because…she didn’t want me, she stated in that letter that I was a burden to her so…you know.”


“Yes I know yet why did you look for her?”


“Jihoon…you know because your mother asked me so.”


“Exactly ma. Why would you think I should show interest or concern whether positive or negative about someone who never wanted me? The fact that my blood father never wanted me, so why should I be happy or worried about someone like that?   Jihoon stated shocking Norma.


“How did you know that Jihoon? I didn’t tell you any of this…”


“I have heard you talking, so tell me, arent we on the same boat? But I am only calm or talking about this because of you, just like you’re looking your mother for my mother’s request. Other than that I don’t even care about them.”     Jihoon pointed out calmly.


“So…you don’t want to…”


“No, I want to be…with you…please don’t…send me off to them. In fact I don’t even want to meet them but I will out of consciousness. However…even if it costs us something big, even if it causes you to lose everything but your strength and life…I would still want to be with you ma. Give him a straight answer next time you see him because…I’m still a kid.”


 It seemed like for the first time that Norma smiled. She looked like a caring mother now…


“Can I…hug you?”    Norma silently asked. Jihoon sighed in response. Norma knelt down and hugged the smaller figure.


“The next time I see him, I’m gonna play for some while then…I’ll let you do the rest. How does that sound?”   Jihoon silently asked.


“Sounds devious…”   she smilingly answered.


Jihoon slowly hugged his mother back.


Jaejoong drove around Jihoon’s school for some while now; he knew when Jihoon will come out yet he couldn’t wait. He wanted to take him to all the toy stores and buy him everything he wants…no everything in the store.


He tapped his wheel until he heard the school bell lightly. He looked closely to the school and saw a bunch of kids coming out followed by a huge crowd. Parents were picking up their children. He stepped out of the car and walked ahead towards the building.

He noticed Jihoon walking slowly as if waiting for his mother. She must have been late which the perfect opportunity was for him. he walked to his nephew standing in front of him. Jihoon looked up to his uncle looking at him smilingly.


“I have no plans now; ma gave me the permission to go with you; she also talked to principal about it.”   Jihoon let him know causing Jaejoong to smile.


“Is that so? Then shall we be going?”    Jaejoong asked optimistically; walking with Jihoon following behind.


Both of them stepped into his car and drove off to his first targeted toy store. After reaching, Jaejoong looked at Jihoon hoping him to be excited.


“Now I know you may hesitate, but I am your uncle and there are no formalities so ask for anything you want. I can buy you everything.”   He said to the not-so-6 years old boy.


They entered the huge store which almost seemed like a mall only for toys. Jihoon looked around hoping to find something interesting while Jaejoong waited for Jihoon to choose anything. Jihoon walked to the racing toys department and looked at the shiny expensive toys however his face showed no excitement or any sort of interest. He was rather thinking that Ma bought him everything however he does something in return to pay back like…he makes top grades or buys her something with his pocket money also experiments new dishes in kitchen. But what can he do to earn these? He felt useless and that these seemed of no value to him.


“Jihoon, choose anything you like. If you’re not sure I’ll buy everything.”    Jaejoong suggested like a kid.


“Hmm…I don’t know…”    Jihoon mumbled with no emotion.

Jaejoong pouted at his obliviousness.


“Aww you’re no fun.”    Jaejoong whined with the same tone and pout. Jihoon looked at him and for once his uncle seemed cute. If only his father wasn’t an unlike him then he would have lived with him and share all the things together.

Jaejoong saw Jihoon was still thinking which one to take but he wasn’t liking the silence so he decided to converse.


“Jihoon, what do you call your foster mother?”




“Why don’t you call her omma?”


“I call my biological mother ‘omma’. She said its more appropriate.”    He answered expressionless.


“Do you…want to call her omma?”   Jaejoong slowly asked not trying to rush the boy.


“No, in fact it preserves the priority-ship.”    Jihoon answered


“Oh is that so? Can I ask you something else? I’m sure you have wondered too.”

Jihoon looked at him giving a response to continue.


“Why didn’t your mother marry or date anyone? She is allowed to. Do you think it’s because of you? I’m not saying it is bad but think about it. Could it be that fact?”    Jaejoong asked normally but Jihoon got the hint of ‘sting’. Jaejoong was taking the ‘emotional’ approach.


“Maybe, maybe not. The fact is we’re both happy the way we are.”    Jihoon answered monotone.           


“Is that so? But do you want to call anyone ‘dad’?”   he asked informally.


“I don’t know.”  He uncaringly answered not really wanting to talk about it. he wanted to distract himself from this.


“What would you have called my brother if he was alive? And if you do have a foster father what would you call him?”    Jaejoong asked and Jihoon didn’t wish to answer. He hated Hyungjoon and he would never like to address him as his father, but if he says that…his uncle would call his foster mother incompetent as a mother which she wasn’t.


“…I don’t know what to call my foster father. That would be in the future…”    Jihoon purposely avoided Hyungjoon’s topic.


“Ok…hey I’ll ask this, even though I’m your uncle, will you address me as your dad?”

Jihoon seriously wanted to choke out now but his face remained poker.


“I like that car…”   he mumbled and walked towards the toy and just looking at it without interest.


“Oh? Then I’ll buy it.”   Jaejoong hastily took out his wallet. He was trying to fill up the gaps Jihoon just had him made. Jaejoong picked out his card while Jihoon looked elsewhere not really into the toy he was bought. Jaejoong held the box of the toy out to Jihoon energetically with a wide smile on his face.


“Thank you…”    Jihoon took the box out of his hand.


“What else?”    Jaejoong asked with excitement that he was getting closer to his nephew.


“Uhh…I don’t want anything from here…”   he let his intentions know.


“Oh? Then how about the park? You may have gone there but you might not have had enough time to try on all the rides.”

Jihoon merely nodded. To be honest Norma always asked him whether he wanted to go to amusement parks however Jihoon always refused. He didn’t like it for some reason unlike other children. Norma had only asked three times when Norma realized and told Jihoon that…Jessica always like it so this wasn’t from her side…it must have been from Hyungjoon. It could be or not since he had never seen him but this time he didn’t want something from his father’s side. If Hyungjoon really hated amusement parks then Jihoon was gonna make sure he loved it.


They headed out of the store and stepped into the car; rode off.


Jaejoong was walking along with Jihoon within the park in the crowd. The little tyke as Yoochun addressed was unusually quiet for a kid which Hyungjoon wasn’t at all. They are opposite in this matter. Jaejoong observed Jihoon, his face was similar as he noticed before except his nose. His hair colour was similar to Hyungjoon no doubt about that but…his way of speaking…was different. He was emotionless for a kid. He wondered whether Jessica was like that. she must have been robot like.


“Jihoon what was your mother Jung Jessica like?”   Jaejoong asked sweetly.


“Omma? I was told that she was very jolly, outgoing but very hot headed. She never liked bullies but did anything to fit in.”     Jihoon answered not really into the conversation. That got Jaejoong thinking because Jihoon didn’t get the being emotionless’ part from Hyungjoon also not from Jessica so…where did her get this trait? Did Norma’s attitude influence him?


“She was eh…then..oh nevermind lets get on the cups.”  Jaejoong took Jihoon’s hand and pulled him along. Jihoon felt like an adult. Not that he was bad but…he was just…two faced. How could he threat his ma while being so nice to him? this is definitely two faced.


They rode the twirling cups, the booster car, and merry go round and so on. However they couldn’t ride the roller coaster cause he was way too young.

Time passed as they tried on maximum rides and Jaejoong would offer to buy him something after each ride but Jihoon refuses. Nevertheless Jaejoong bought him three gun models, two teddy bears and two game DVDs.


“I don’t have a game consol. What would these do?”    Jihoon asked holding up the DVds.


“You’re gonna need it and trust me on it.”   Jaejoong smiled smartly looking smug.

Jihoon merely raised an eyebrow not really sure of it. he noticed his uncle’s watch seeing the time.


“Its late. I should go home now.”


“Oh?...ok. I’ll drop you.”

Jihoon nodded and they walked to the car.


Jaejoong stopped the car on the other side of the road opposite of the side where Her house was. Jihoon stepped down and looked carefully both sides and then crossed the road while Jaejoong kept watch from his window. Jihoon rang the bell and Jaejoong waited until that woman opened.


Norma opened the door and saw Jihoon; letting him inside. Jaejoong was just looking at the scenario thinking why she didn’t smile seeing her son. Mothers would and should but she was just…plain…expressionless as if…a zombie. Norma closed the door without noticing Jaejoong on the other side.


Jaejoong rode off quickly and on half of his way he realized…Jihoon had forgotten to take his toys.






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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that