
Circle of trust


Fixing her black satin dress, she headed out and hopped on her car; speeding off to her destination. Fixing her sunglasses she recalled her list of chores at the place.


“Pick up the flower bouquets, receive the cake receipt and let them go ahead, call my parents and…”

Her mind halted at ‘parents’. Her parents would never be there…no matter how much she wanted.

They had disowned her 3 years ago…for loving Nayobi.


“You!”     Her mother stopped herself from smacking her hearing the news from her daughter. She was a homoual woman in love with another woman with whom she planned to get married to.


“How dare you speak of that topic in the Lee house? Have you no shame?”

Her father held her mother gently as he barked at her.

Tilting her head sharply at her father; she muttered.


“Would you rather have me getting laid with random men? I assure you that were what all men wanted from me.”


“You shut that mouth of yours…if you have any decency…any concern for your parents…you’ll leave that girl and…marry whoever we choose for you. Not just any man you like; but what we choose.”


“And if I don’t agree?”

Yoori asked menacingly.


“Then consider yourself out of this estate. Your share will go to Changsun and Yami.”

Taking a moment in her mind; she finally answered.


“I care for you two and since I always had been a nuisance; I leave my share of estate to you. Give it to whoever you like. It’s not like I’ll die without your money.”

Her parents’ mouth remained opened for the rest of the minute until she packed her bags and headed out for good.

Out of that house and their lives.


She wiped her cheek sharply; not letting the droplet fall. She hated crying…she hated pitying herself. At least she had people to help her.


On knowing all, the Han family welcomed her with open arms at their place and allowed her to stay as long as she wished. However she didn’t want to impose burden on them. She moved out quickly and asked permission to take Nayobi with her. Although the acceptance was not immediate; she was only allowed to let Nayobi with her after their marriage.


However that would not take place for at least another two more years.



“Just sit granny and let us do the work.”    Hyuna and Hyomin pushed granny down on the couch as noises filled the atmosphere.

Sunny kept directing all the employees to put the decorations on their appropriate places.


“But dear I feel useless at my age. I feel like I can’t do anything useful.”


“Nonsense granny. You have done the most important work of all. You raised all of us.”    Taeyeon stated coming out of the blue.

Granny smiled how well everything turned out to be.

Things have taken a turn for their orphanage which no longer remained as an orphanage and children were no longer orphans. All changed within two years.


Ga-in and Narsha usually did their part in donating to the orphanage to the children however soon many donors came by including Kim Jaejoong and the Park industries. Granny heard this was a huge project undertaken by them to improve all the orphanage systems. Soon many others were included like the Jung, Lee and others and not long after the Flower club came by offering her retirement from her duties by adopting the children and turning the orphanage into a free boarding school for other upcoming orphans.

Granny could never be happier although she was allowed, on her own wish, to stay with them as she had a bond with them.

It seemed like god was finally paying her the rest she needed.


“Well at least you are all with me. I only wished Jessica was alive.”    Granny mumbled sadly; wiping her tears.


“We all do…”

Taeyeon mumbled in a daze as she noticed Taecyeon working with Alexander and Kevin.

She smiled knowing that those two were happy as much as Sunny and Hyomin. These two girls moved in together and she knew that they would never be separated from another.

Although it was sisterly; they would rather be with each other than any man.


Taecyeon gestured her to go to him for something urgent; as she excused herself and went to him. They walked outside holding hands as he asked.


“You seem worried…”


“I am…wondering how long will it be like this. I wonder whether it will be like this at all in the future. Whether we can be together till our death.”

Pecking her lips; Taecyeon mumbled.


“We don’t. That’s the beauty of it. Who knew we’ll be in love for so long…since our childhood. Who knew we’ll confess when you came back from China and who knew we’ll settle here along with our friends. We don’t…”


“I’m scared…”

Taeyeon expressed her worries.

Taking her in his arms he chuckled.


“You studied too much law. It ate your brain.”

She smacked him lightly and giggled on his chest.



Alexander and Kevin were working as Kevin was humming. Alexander liked it when he sang and he actually prayed that he would be able to make a career on it. Somehow god listened to his childhood wish. He gave Kevin a chance; on the other hand, not having any ambitions himself he tried out in the agency for modeling. They liked his face and he was soon given a photo shoot contract. He later came to know that Park Yoochun was also under that agency.


“Kevin did you bring the clips I told you from the house.”    Alexander asked.


“Huh? I thought you got them.”

Kevin simply answered.


“What? I didn’t get them it was in your room so I told you not to forget!”


“Whoa! It wasn’t!”


“You stupid! I aint gonna bring it!”

And soon an argument broke out. Jangwoo and Tiffany went to pull them apart but alas; they kept bickering. This was normal between these roommates.

They always fought but somehow always made up.

Both Tiffany and Jangwoo sighed as they looked at each other and smiled.


“Let them be…”

He took her hand and walked away leaving them two.

“They’d make up anyway.”



“Ok baby just be there anyway. I’ll see you. Bye.”

Hanging up she heard the person beside her snort as she glared at him.


“What’s so funny Park?”


“Oh nothing; just feeling a little nauseated.”

Yoochun fanned himself.


“I’ll make sure that all that remains in your stomach. Why are you here anyway?”

Ga-in muttered annoyed by his presence at the shop.


“Just here to help you for decoration pieces. You have horrible choices. I wonder what made that doctor fall for you.”


“You’re lucky he isn’t here or else; he would have operated on you leaving a knife in your stomach. I wonder how he even allowed me talking to you.”


“Because I’m gorgeous. Why are you guys holding this event at the church anyway? It should somewhere glamorous…like a hotel or beach.”


“That’s why.”

She entered her car and shut the door on his face. Yoochun, making a face, went to his car and hopped on following her.


She had no idea how she became acquainted with this bastard.


Holding a charity function by the Son, few companies joined them in fulfilling the honorable duty. As the function was going on Ga-in noticed a familiar figure walking by the door. Excusing herself she barged on him accusing him in a way of trespassing.


“Calm down lady. I’m here to join your ‘noble cause.’”


“Excuse me?”


“I said I’m here to…”


“I heard what you said…but why?”


“Because…”    not knowing what he should say; he nevertheless answered.     “I want to.”


“Really?”    She wasn’t convinced.


“Hey I’m not the only one; Jae is here too.”


“What? Where?”

Looking around she found him taking to the Jung’s heir. Looking back; she mumbled.


“You really are serious.”

Yoochun only flashed a smile and responded.


“Yes…I am.”


“God knows why I agreed.”

Of course everyone knew…she had become the sole owner of Son that night and therefore she had to enter in every business venture. She never thought her parents would hand the company to her; she thought it would go to the shareholders or the board.

She had some huge responsibility and she can never doze off.



Yami rushed out with her husband and Joomi for the event and Joomi was very excited because she’d see Jihoon and Mimi. Yes she had met all the orphaned children who were no longer parentless and she became very close to the deaf and mute Mimi. Although she and Jihoon goes to the same school and Mimi doesn’t; she still visits her once in a while.

They were almost like sisters now.


Mimi was adopted by the tycoon heir Narsha who has been married to Jung Jihoon for 3 years and was finally able to take Mimi. Both her mother and father loved her dearly but she could see that they did not bear feelings towards each other.

Being a child she understood all and although they did not fight or argue; she knew the distance.

She wished, along with everyone else, that they start long each other soon.


Yami on the other hand had joined the Flower club as her business entered the project initiated by the Sons and she was though saddened by Yuri’s disownment. She cheered her nevertheless. As for her cousin in law Changsun, he was still in business and was prospering in it. He recently got engaged to a girl named Sandra but kept little contact to Nayobi, her and Yuri.


He was still embarrassed about before.



The new handler of the Kim and Mrs. Kim were getting ready for the event as Jihoon was fixing his own tie. He looked around the mansion and asked Jihoon.


“Where the hell are your uncles?”


“Don’t know. They both went out.”


Mrs. Kim looked at him wondering where they went and he could only shrug. Although he had taken over the company along with Mrs. Kim; Jaejoong still visited every meetings and attended all the important occasions and he was happy but taking pressures from both sides could be hazardous.


He was at his last year at the music university and then he might have to come back. He didn’t know which was better.

But he was happy to help his nephew.

As for the place he lived; he decided to vacant it; giving it to his son permanently. He decided to live with Jaejoong and his sister in law and Jihoon.


Meanwhile Mrs. Kim was happy to see such a change but she totally gave up for the hope of his marriage. She knew it was no longer possible now that he was 30!


Jihoon on the other hand; 9 years now, was scared of the close relationship between Mimi and Jumi. He doesn’t know why. But he was no longer living with his mother but he did visit her and called hi ‘ma’ and now he has to call someone ‘dad’ too. Maybe he’ll call him ‘pa.’



The place was quiet but the sounds of birds chirping were present. The stones were intact and fresh as the name of his younger brother brought tears to his eyes.


“Why are you crying Junsu?”


“No matter what; he was still my cousin. He wasn’t as cold hearted as you are.”


“Come on mate; today is your day! You finally get to make her yours. You should be happy.”


“I am…more than you can imagine.”


“I can’t…I don’t know what the feeling is like.”

Jaejoong mumbled; inhaling out a laugh.

Looking at him desperately; Junsu pleaded.


“Please hyung…find someone for yourself. I still love you enough to care about you. You can’t be alone for the rest of your life.”

Looking away from the stone; Jaejoong mumbled.


“I’m not the type to make a woman happy. Now let’s go; we have to get you ready.”

They proceeded to the car one with hope and the other without.



Looking at the mirror Naomi patted on her shoulder whispering gently.


“You look beautiful.”


“Really? Doesn’t it show a bit too much?”

Smacking on her shoulders; Naomi shouted.


“Nonsense! This shows less than any other! That’s why I gave my wedding dress with a bit of improvement!”    Leaning a bit on her she muttered.

“If you don’t show much how will you attract him?”

Norma could only gasp in her mind hearing her talk like that. She heard Nayobi giggle as Naomi hushed her up.


“You should consider yourself; lucky because she won’t let me wear a revealing wedding dress when I get married.”

Nayobi combed her hair which looked perfect with her aqua blue dress.


“I’ll make you wear a suit if I have to.”

Naomi interrupted.

Norma wondered how she came to good terms with her mother.


After being discharged; she continued her life in the broken apartment with her work. Kim Jaejoong had offered her a job in his hotel but only received refusal as usual. Also she had openly admitted not forgiving Yoochun at all although the poor guy tried his very best to amend all of it.

She had to give Jihoon back…she had known that Jessica’s fears were not true. Jihoon had every right to the luxury Kim Jaejoong had.

And Junsu…well; things were different between them. They had taken one whole day with each other as they had some serious decisions in life.


“I want to be with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you but…love isn’t the only thing that is required.”

His words were quite diplomatic.


“I learned from my parents that if there is understanding; care and love will automatically come into play therefore…we need to understand few things about each other.”

And what could that be?


“I will be busy setting my life and so will you so…we will not be one unless we are both on our feet. So I don’t have to think other things apart from care and love. I want you to be independent. I want you to set your life.”

He sounded like her mother in a way.


She had set aside of jobs in hotels or cafes. Leaving the contractual job, she took up a teaching job in a culinary institution. She would be a cooking teacher.

Commotions soon knocked her door as her mother had asked her to come home regarding issues between Yuri and Nayobi. Yuri’s parents were there bickering with her parents; they were calling Nayobi and Naomi with bad names and condemning them to ‘hell’.

She had only one thing to say.


“Both of you should consider yourself lucky for having a daughter like Yuri. I would be very lucky to have a sister in law like her. She is better than any man.”

Times were tough for her sister but the Han family welcomed Yuri like their own.

She kept her side of the bargain though. She kept giving Naomi half of her salary every week to pay of the surgery bills she had been provided with but Naomi was not willing to take them. Norma provided nonetheless.


Her pride was similar to Naomi.

Soon after a year Naomi and Brooke invited her to live with them permanently and although she was hesitant; she agreed.


Since then things changed for good.

Jessica was wrong.


She missed Jessica…




Long aisle, few guests, beautiful flowers and dresses.

The atmosphere was beautiful but not so glamorous.

The best man and bridesmaid both looked dashing.

Kim Jaejoong and Nayobi were waiting impatiently.


Flowers spread on the carpet by Jihoon, Mimi and Jumi.

Bride brought by her father.

Groom stood there with a smile as father handed his future partner.

Long vows by the priest as held hands.

Exchanging of ‘I do’ brought claps on all hands.

Rings were slid down their ring finger and;

A kiss sealed the bond.


He was the man who had been a friend; a family and now finally a man.

People say that you may find a husband in a friend but you can never find a friend in a husband.

He was that man.


A small wedding but brought peace to their minds.


The father and daughter dance made their hearts heavy as if he was no longer the knight in shining armour.

Father in law and the bride danced; bringing much closeness.

The brother in law and bride had to dance out of custom…she wasn’t all too happy about it.


“I am not enjoying this Kim.”


“Isn’t it time that you call me ‘brother’?”


“Over my dead body.”


“Oh how I wish to see that.”

A bitter relationship they both had to tolerate.


Junsu could laugh his off seeing them; sending fiery glares at each other.

The dance continued until it was time for their departure and Jaejoong just in time handed two tickets to Belgium.

Throwing the bouquet at back; it landed on…Jaejoong’s hand somehow and all stared awkwardly at him.

Norma finally embraced Jihoon.


“Prove your mother wrong. Prove that your paternal side is capable of bringing the good side to you.”

He nodded and Junsu soon hugged him whispering.


“Come back to us. We want you.”


“Sorry pa…but I like it with uncle Jaejoong and grandma. But you better take care of her.”


“I don’t need to brat. She is tough enough taking care of you.”

Pulling away; exchanging smiles to all and glares to Jaejoong and Yoochun they both rode off leaving the rest to party.



“Oh man…she didn’t dance with me…”

Yoochun mumbled as he saw couples dancing even after the main people left.

Ga-in and Joongki, Narsha and Alexander, Jangwoo and Tiffany, Taeyeon and Taecyeon, even Jiyoung was dancing with Hyuna. Kevin was with the children playing.

Nayobi and Yuri were outside in the garden…

Officer Jung Jihoon and his daughter Mimi was dancing as Narsha was watching them deeply with a smile.

He may not have a woman but at least he has his mother and brother here.

They were back for good and his mother; with whom he could be dancing with; was dancing with Junsu’s father.


Then his eyes fell on the two girls giggling. He knew them…Hyomin and Sunny. He fixed his coat approached them…but it is obvious that they will refuse.

After all…best friends are forever and boys are whatever.


Few more guests arrived along with some workmates as Ga-in was attending with Joongki. Jaejoong walked around asking whether all was good. His behavior had changed for the better. All of a sudden his ears perked up hearing a name give to Gain.


“This is our newest employee at the NGO; Yuki Nakama.”


Nakama…Yuki Nakama?

The girl who had an equal brain as his.




He mumbled as they all looked at him. The woman turned around and saw him as her eyes widened. The rest were confused how he knew her.


11 years had passed since they last saw each other.



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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: Awww..it was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt story...am I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood girl-friends..LoL..it would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that