chapter 22

Circle of trust


Junsu unable to argue with Jaejoong; had rushed out of the house leaving his aunt alone to discuss things with him. He quickly left the mansion area and had jumped on his jeep; starting it and speeding off. He knew they needed some time alone…and it wasn’t Norma and Jihoon he was thinking about.


He thought he was running out of time even though he knew she will not leave so quickly…she had plenty of things to do like pack and all and he wanted to be there in time to stop her. He knew…yet he thought he might lose her if he didn’t arrive on time.


The sky made thundering noises; warning the man that it will rain and he knew she would not let him in the house so he would have to get soaked in the rain. He didn’t have any other clothes with him. How he knew she will not let him in? Simple…his mother did something similar to this as his father had said.



She sat there having no energy to cry anymore…Jaejoong knew she would never want to see his face again. She was too good to accept his actions. She would never want someone hurt over her wishes but her only regret was that she was the one who made him like this. Had she been stronger; he wouldn’t have felt like this. So in a way she couldn’t blame her son.


Jaejoong aggressively worked in his office to vent off his anger. He knew nothing could ease his mind but work. He was in a way married to his job. He knew he could never give his mother something that she wanted…a family life for himself. He was grateful to his late younger brother who had taken the step that he never wanted to take…but now he even ruined that. Jihoon would never come back here.


He could only blame himself. Had he been softer to the woman…perhaps Jihoon’s mind would have changed.


It’s not my fault that I have no wishes to have a family…


Yoochun had left knowing that there was nothing he could do…but even in his mind he was regretting his actions. Not because of that his ideas had hurt someone but that his actions were not clever enough to cover his friends.

He didn’t care about her getting hurt. Women were no matter to him…he only wanted Jaejoong to feel at ease but now…it made the situations between Junsu and Jaejoong even worse.


But that didn’t make him confess of his crimes…


How can a woman come between two brothers?



Junsu jumped off his jeep and stood in front of the building…and he was out of luck because rain dropped on his like a mad woman. He kept staring at the building knowing he was not allowed to go inside and that it was inappropriate for a man to enter where a lone woman lived with a child.

He inserted his hands in his pockets to warm them…but did him no good. He started shivering…

What was he thinking? That she would see him somehow?


Norma…look out the window…please…


Inside the building Jihoon was surfing into the net when he heard rain falling. He always liked the smell of it; his mother was cooking something but was silent. She would start packing later. Even though they haven’t found a place in another province, she thought it was better to leave first because Jaejoong was everywhere.


“May I sit near the window?”

Norma looked at him and nodded lightly. Jihoon left the net and took a seat beside the window; opening it and letting the wind in. He saw a figure down in the rain getting soaked.


Junsu seeing Jihoon waved at him with a smile. Jihoon shook his head thinking it cheesy. He held his hand out gesturing him to wait however Junsu shook his head as in motioning him not to come down.


But would the boy listen? He wasn’t the boss of him…he stood up and walked to the wardrobe; taking out a raincoat and some money. Norma saw him.


“What’s the matter?”


“Nothing. I will tell you…”


“Where are you going in this weather?”   she asked as she saw him walking to the door.



He closed the door. Norma went to the window just to keep an eye on him to satisfy her mental state. The laundry was just besides the building. She shoved the curtain aside and saw Junsu standing near his jeep getting drenched. She saw Jihoon going to him saying something. She hid herself…she didn’t expect him to be here. Jihoon lied going to the laundry. She peeked out and saw Jihoon taking him to the laundry and getting some clothes and paying him…she saw that Junsu was hesitant coming with Jihoon but Jihoon pulled him getting him in the building.


What is that brat doing?


Nervousness filled her mind. She quickly went to the kitchen and busied herself…she somehow didn’t want Junsu to see her.

The door opened to her horror and she heard them coming in…she tried to calm herself. She heard them talking.


“I don’t think this is a good idea Jihoon…”


“Stop babbling; you aint the boss of me.”


“Why did you have to say that to the laundry man? That I was…”   his voice faded.


“What should I have told him then? You’re my ma’s brother? That’s awkward…change your clothes.”



Norma took up three bowls of ramen and entered the room not once making eye contact with Junsu.


“In the bathroom. Where else? Take a bath while you are at it.”    Jihoon was acting like a boss.

She put the tray on the small table while Junsu quickly went to the shower like Jihoon pointed. She sat and looked at Jihoon wanting an explanation without any words.

Jihoon merely looked at her saying nothing. She sighed seeing his silence.


“Why are you doing this?”    she whispered.

Jihoon frowned hearing her question. Why? Because she would die like this…and he wouldn’t want her to die now would he? Who is going to take care of him then?


“I like to annoy you.”

Norma pursed her lips but she knew there was no point arguing with him.


“Oh yeah; he’ll be staying with us tonight…”   he added slurping in the streak of noodle. Norma’s eyes widened…seeing her reaction Jihoon added.     “Spare the lecture later. You don’t have to worry what the people would say; I made a story up which is convincing.”


“What Did you tell them?”


“You don’t need to know now…”

The bathroom door opened and Junsu came out nice and clean. He looked really good in trouser and plain T-shirt. Junsu stood up and went to the kitchen.


“Where are you going?”   Junsu asked drying his hair with the cute looking towel.


“To bring my mug.”   He left Junsu alone with Norma.

Junsu sat down in front of her nervously…he felt absolutely awkward now. Norma felt similar to this so she stood up and was about to leave when Junsu grabbed her elbow sleeve shocking her. She looked at him with that face…the scary face.

Junsu was damn scared of her possible reactions…


“Please sit with us…this is your house…you don’t have to leave the table for me.”    He mumbled not once taking his eyes off her. He let go of her sleeve; she took her seat again.


“I’m sorry for barging in like this.”    He mumbled again…she remained silent. Jihoon soon came in with his favourite mug even though it was gift from them. He took a seat beside Junsu and put the mug on the table catching Junsu’s attention. He knew that mug…but he remained quiet. Norma saw his face and realized it herself. She never knew…


“Where did you get that Jihoon?”


“One of the gifts from him…”


“But you left all of it…”


“Besides this. This is the only one thing he bought according to my taste.”    Jihoon answered.

Norma looked at Junsu who was quiet himself. They both knew…


“Let’s eat!”    Junsu stated out and took his bowl.    “Thanks for the food!”   and started gulping in all the streaks at once despite being hot. Hot food in rain seemed perfect.



Brooke paced outside their room where Naomi was sleeping. Nayobi was changing her inside…she hadn’t woken up. His daughter soon came out and shook her head.


“This is bad…I have to call her doctor…but…it’s been so long.”


“Call her doctor then. I’ll be here.”   Nayobi added.


“But I should be looking for her.”    He said and Nayobi knew who this ‘she’ was.


“Dad…”    she took his sleeve.    “Call the doctor; stay with her. I’ll look for her.”


“How?”   he looked at her.

She narrowed her eyes looking down.


“Brother Joon.”



“Yes dad. Eat well okay? See you tomorrow then…bye.”      Junsu hung up and sat on the floor beside Jihoon who was surfing the net.


“Your father…he is sort of my grandfather isn’t he?”    Jihoon asked not taking his eyes of the screen.


“Yeah…and he’s wonderful; you can trust me on that.”    Junsu was looking aside; thinking a bit.     “Jihoon?”


“Mmm…”     he still didn’t look at him.


“Why aren’t you angry at me? Why did you bring me in?”

Jihoon sighed catching Junsu’s attention; Jihoon set aside the mouse and looked at Junsu.


“I am mad that you’re so cheesy…how can you be so dramatically obvious? Tch…I bet you watch too many dramas for you to ask this.”

Junsu sort of blushed; well he did watch dramas.


“That still doesn’t answer my question.”    Junsu smiled.


“Damn you uncle! Can’t you be satisfied with mystery?”    Jihoon looked at the screen.    “If you’re so curious; you can figure it out yourself.”

Junsu could guess…no he completely understood and knew. Jihoon was no less than a drama queen himself. Jihoon noticed Junsu’s stare at him. He sighed again and muttered.     “Why don’t you go bother maa? You’re ruining my privacy…” 


Junsu ended up chuckling and stood up; leaving his closet like room. He entered the living room where Norma was already looking at the paper…


“Still looking for a place?”    he suddenly said causing her to slightly gasp in surprise.    “Sorry.”

She said nothing and concentrated on the paper. He took a seat in front of her however Norma covered her sight of his face with the paper. She clearly didn’t want to see his face.

Junsu pursed his lips thinking the obvious; he lightly shoved the paper down uncovering their faces to each other but Norma still refused to look at him.


“If you want I can arrange a place where he won’t be able to find you two and you can find a job peacefully.”


“No thanks, I don’t wanna be a burden on you.”     she muttered not looking at him. She turned the newspaper page.

Sighing Junsu added.


“You can kick me out if you want.”    A sudden smile appeared on his face as he suggested. Norma looked at him menacingly that should scare anyone except Jihoon and that did scare Junsu.


“You…”    she wanted to say that he should do the favour himself but didn’t…somehow she chose to ignore him.


“You can kick me, punch me, slap me and butcher me; I deserve it seriously but, don’t ignore me please. It just frustrates me.”    He added with a serious tone. She ignored again…     “Norma…”    he whined.      “Seriously….?”


“What do you want?”     she put the paper down and asked annoyingly.


“Make up what else? I’m sorry and I wanna fix this.”


“There is nothing to fix. You never did anything wrong. You just didn’t know that it was your brother from whom we were hiding. I never once mentioned his name and neither did you. So you did nothing.”      She stated dispassionately.


“Then why are you ignoring me? Why are you mad at me?”


“I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at my luck. My luck just has all the bad things from the beginning. From my mother who calls me a rat to your brother who calls me a cockroach! How am I not supposed to be mad at all?”    Though she wasn’t shouting; it was loud enough for the room.

Junsu remained silent.       “So I’m not mad at you…”


“So let me help. I am sure I can protect you both.”


“Why will you? Why should you? You should be helping your brother and that celebrity friend of yours. Leave me alone…you have nothing to do with me.”


“Of course I do. You’re my friend and Jihoon is my nephew, I wanna help him too and helping him will include to help his mother which is you. If I have to arrest my brother for civil crimes, I will.”

Norma whacked his forehead earning a whimper.      “What the hell was that for?!”


“You are stupid! Why will you go against your family for a woman? Nothing should beat blood relation and remember that well!”


“Oh please woman now you’re speaking like those…”


“Don’t even say the word. I know what I’m speaking of and I know well. I just don’t know why you are so eager to help me besides the excuse of friend and Jihoon.”


“You really wanna know?”


“What? There are other reasons now?”    she asked looking at Junsu.

Looking down Junsu mumbled.


“I don’t know whether this would be a compliment or an insult or any advantage to you but I know that this is surely a disadvantage for you.”


“What?”    she snapped urging him to go on.

He looked at her with a concerned face.


“The reason I am so eager to help you is because…you remind me of my mother.”

Norma was no doubt surprised to hear that…her expression changed back to her cool self.


“So there are seven people with similar face. What’s so new about that? I resemble my mother that means she reminds you of your mother as well.”


“That serves as your disadvantage. You see, he is eager to bring you down because of the similarity…he hates my mother; even I didn’t know that.”


“That’s preposterous! I have my mother’s face so he hates her too?”


“No…you both somehow have the same personality in the same circumstances. My father said that mother refused to go into the Kim Corp because they were never blessed from our grandfather…she chose my father over money…you chose Jihoon’s guardianship over money. That’s what made him hunt you so low.”    He looked down thinking to himself.     “But I never knew this side of him…”


“Who would?”    she looked outside the window.    “He’s a tycoon owner…no one would believe that a gentleman like him would be so stuck up.”    

Junsu looked back at her. She was tensed more than anything…


“Let me help. Please.”    He imposed.


“No.”    she turned to him.    “You shouldn’t help me…you must remain good to your family. At least for my reputation’s sake.”     She quieted down and mumbled.      “I have enough people to curse and talk bad of me…”


“It’s too hard isn’t it? People cursing you in front? Including your mother?”


“Well a child pays for their parents’ mistake…in this case for my father’s mistake. Its karma…”   she muttered unwilling to talk about it.


“You believe in that?”


“No…I have to believe in that…so I could remind myself not to do anything causing Jihoon to suffer.”

Junsu looked outside the window this time…wondering how this all started.


“What did hyung do to you? Tell me…”    he asked.


“It’s better if you ask him. I suppose he has this least bit of dignity..”   she looked away from him.


“But I want to know from you…”


“No…he will tell you; not just him, it’s your celebrity friend too…”


“Yoochun? He’s also in this? Wait…I am sure hyung didn’t get all the ideas himself…if anyone has the time and brains to provide stupid ideas it would be him.”


He wanted to know everything about her.


“Now that we finally know…can you tell me everything? As in ‘everything’ everything…”


“What do you want to know?”


“Where you come from and all?”

She sighed…maybe nothing will happen to him if she says all. She then started saying her side of the story including Jessica and Hyunjoong however she still did not say anything about Jaejoong’s and Yoochun’s conducts.



“Nayobi, how wonderful for you to come here? Just in time to meet my soon-to-be fiancée.”    Bringing a woman beside him he introduced.    “This is Sandra and this is my sister like sister Nayobi whom I told you about.”    Both the woman bowed to each other. However Nayobi was in a hurry.


“Brother Changsun, I’m not actually here to eat anything; I’m here to ask something and I was hoping we could talk alone for a bit.”


“Uh whatever you have to say, you can say in front of her; I tell her everything.”    He squeezed Sandra’s arm a little earning a giggle from her.


“Well it’s about one of your recent employees, I believe she told you her name as Norma Jin?”

Both of them froze…they both knew and seeing their reaction Nayobi could guess.


“Where is she?”    Nayobi asked.


“Why do you want to know about her?”    Changsun asked.


“Brother it’s kind of a family matter.”


“Nayobi don’t get yourself in trouble for her…she has dangers following her and…”


“She’s my sister…”    Nayobi spilled out unable to hear any explanation.

That shut both up…they gazed at each other and looked back at her.


“Brother please, tell me where she is…I need to find her…tell me where she is.”    She showed extreme desperation in her voice.


“Changsun…”   Sandra held his hand.

Changsun sighed and looked at Nayobi.


“I’m sorry but…I had to fire her…”



The doctor was checking Naomi’s pulse and Brooke sat there looking at her. He sighed every minute trying to vent off his tiredness. The doctor attached a bag of saline to her vein and turned to him.


“There is nothing to be afraid of; she should wake up by night but make sure she does not face anything relating to her past again…I would suggest that…her daughter…the first born…does not come and meet her again unless she wants it.”

Brooke nodded.

He led out the doctor and soon received a call from his daughter.


“Nayobi, have you found anything?”


“She was fired resulting from a threat from none other than Kim Jaejoong…Sister Norma had been in custody of his nephew Jihoon whom he wants custody over…I am going there.”


To the Kims? No you can’t go there! And…doctor said she cannot see Norma again or else…another episode might occur.”


“Don’t worry dad, it won’t be causing any trouble if we just keep track of Sister Norma and I’m not going to Kim corp to meet the boss…I’m going there to meet Yoori…”


“Who is that?”


“Someone I know…”



Kwon Jiyoung was enjoying himself a cup of coffee while walking when he noticed the robotic receptionist Lee Yoori, working nonstop. He fixed his coat and front brushed his blond hair and approached the woman. He weighed his elbow on the table and spoke out a cheesy line.


“Did it hurt?”


“What?”    she didn’t looked at him.


“When you fell from heaven?”

She stopped her hands and looked at him without emotions…


“That proves that blonds are really dumb.”

Jiyoung straightened up and cleared his throat.


“I wonder why boss put you here to work. You’re so rude and blunt. You don’t talk unless someone talks to you and you converse with no one. Look at me, I am very popular and nice to people. People line up to talk to me. You should learn something from your senior.”    He made a smug face speaking those.

Yoori started typing again looking away from him.


“With those skills I wonder why boss hired you.”


“Speaking of which, I haven’t heard anything from boss for further orders…hope he’s alright.”   He completely ignored what Yoori said.

Bell rang indicating that lunch time had started and staffs had lined up to leave the building for lunch. Jiyoung noticed that Yoori didn’t budge.


“Aren’t you going for lunch?”    he asked but as usual she refused to answer. He turned and left the building. Yoori kept typing when her phone rang. She received and hearing the other side made her heart skip a beat.


“Yes…okay…outside my building now? Of course…yes.”   She hung up and immediately put up the sign ‘leave for lunch’.


She went down the elevator and walked through main gate catching Jiyoung’s attention who had been flirting with some other female staffs.  He followed her out of the building and saw her crossing the road.

His eyes narrowed for a better vision…and he saw meeting another girl. They both held hands in a…weird sort of way.


“What are they doing?”

Then he saw them walking away…hand in hand. He crossed the road and followed them without their notice. They walked in to an empty restaurant…he walked in and saw them taking a table covered with a curtain…this restaurant wasn’t empty…it was just covered with curtains for privacy. A waitress came and took his light order and…he waited.


Meanwhile…they were sitting silently until Nayobi decided to speak up and tell her everything.


“So my boss did all those. I am sure he did a lot more than you know and…only Kwon Jiyoung would know since he does most of his dirty work.”    Yoori spoke obviously.


“Brother Changsun did say that…a blond guy came and offered it.”


“Blond he said? That’s Kwon Jiyoung alright…”


“Also he said that his cousin in law suggested her…”


“Yami? We could ask her…she is our cousin in law.”


“Thanks Yoori…you know you could lose your job.”    Nayobi smiled.


“I have plenty to retire.”    Yoori for the first time it seemed smiled. At that moment the waitress moved the curtain to bring in the order and Jiyoung got to see that smile of hers. He stunned right there; she could actually smile like that.


“So how have you been?”    Nayobi asked.


“Bored at work, bored at home. Frustrated inside that I cant tell anyone about the person I love except Changsun. No one else would accept it. Your parents are nice enough to accept you except your mother freaked out seeing her child.”


“It’s been a while eh?”     Nayobi smiled seeing her under pressure.


“Well getting fired from this job is the first thing I want so I can move out of my place an invite you…then we can…go to USA for our…”    Yoori left off wondering whether it would happen at all.


“We haven’t…kissed in a long time have we?”    Nayobi asked out of blue and red shades appeared on her cheeks…Yoori gaped at her not expecting it at all. Nayobi leaned in and pressed her lips over hers ignoring Yoori’s shock…she wanted to kiss her so she did. What could Yoori do? She wanted the kiss herself so she just closed her eyes feeling. A waitress had entered but soon apologized and left them alone but not once they broke the kiss and looked at her. They were unaware of her entrance at all.


But they didn’t know that…Jiyoung…had seen it all…



Night had fallen and Norma was preparing dinner…nothing special though. She had limited amount of groceries at home so she was cooking what she could with those. Jihoon was reading one of his old books and Junsu was working on net. He kept reading recent news…

Soon dinner was done and she served them on the table and called them both. They both sat for food and had raised their forks…she didn’t have chopsticks.


“So where will I sleep tonight? With Jihoon?”    Junsu asked.


“What me? No.”    Jihoon immediately refused.


“Why not? Where would he sleep then?”    Norma asked.


“In the dining room, we could give him a sleeping bag…”    Jihoon suggested.


“What’s wrong with sleeping with him? He’s your uncle…”


“Exactly; sleeping with my uncle seems wrong…”   Jihoon stuffed in more food.


“That’s stupid; he won’t take much space on your bed. Tell him Junsu.”    She looked at him who was eating hungrily.


“Uhh…”    he chewed and looked at both.   “I don’t mind sleeping in this room.”


“Of course you don’t…”   she muttered.   “Well then I can sleep with you and Junsu can sleep in my room.”    She said looking at Jihoon.


“That’s not necessary Norma; you sleep in your room and get me a sleeping bag; that’s it.”    Junsu tried o reason.


“We don’t have a sleeping bag.”    She murmured without looking at him.


“Then why didn’t you just say it before?”    Junsu asked looking at her.


“Ma has issues telling other people what she lacks.”    Jihoon answered.


“Shut up…well?”


“Fine…”   he kept on eating…    


“By the way…what did you tell the laundry man?”    Norma asked choking Junsu on his food. She handed him a glass of water while eyeing him suspiciously.


“Something, that is convincing.”     Jihoon answered.


“Jihoon stop giving me stories with your smartass mouth and tell me the truth.”    She glared at him.


“Ma…you said . That’s a bad word.”


“Don’t deviate. I know you didn’t say that he’s my brother.”


“Alright…I said, he’s my biological father and your husband who came to take you back after a long fight.”


“You what?”


“There’s nothing to be angry about; plus it’s not like he’s embarrassing to be your husband.”


“I am not of course!”    Junsu exclaimed looking at Norma.    “Am I?”


“No, Junsu you’re fine looking but that’s not the point…”


“That is, otherwise you wouldn’t be uptight about it.”    Jihoon added more salt in the conversation.


“Norma? Am I embarrassing to you?”    Junsu pouted at her.


“Junsu, please don’t give me that look.”   She pleaded annoyingly.   “And you, young man stop trying to save your …”


“You said it again…”   Jihoon mumbled…


“Eat…please just eat.”   Junsu whined and chomped back on his food.


As soon as they finished their dinner, Norma started cleaning the dishes while Jihoon cleaned up his ma’s bed along with Junsu. He didn’t want them to do everything. After she was done she came to her room to check on him.


“Are you leaving early in the morning?”     she asked.


“Yeah so don’t bother getting up to make something. I’ll have something on the way.”   Junsu answered and slumped on the bed.


“Well I made a box for you, take that in the morning.”


“You didn’t have to do that…”   Junsu said.


“Sure she did; what kind of wife she’s be now if she didn’t make you tiffin?”    Jihoon jumped off her bed.   “Well I’m off…”    he left the room.


“That brat; he’s being so cocky now…”    she mumbled.    “Well goodnight…”


“Maaaa!!!!!”      they both heard a shout from Jihoon. Not wasting any time they sprinted off to his room. They saw Jihoon standing infront of his bed with a frown on his face…the ceiling was leaking and half of his bed was no drenched.


“I’m gonna have to tell our landlord about this and fix the ceiling…”    Norma mumbled.    “Help me out Jihoon, we’re gonna pull this to the living room to dry it.”


“Now where are we going to sleep?”   Jihoon mumbled.


“No choice Jihoon; you’ll sleep with Junsu nevertheless. I’ll manage something.”


“What? No, that’s the very first reason I refused to give him my room…”    Jihoon whined.


“What’s wrong with you today? You’re whining awful a lot.”   She complained.


“How about you both sleep with me?”   Junsu said shocking Norma…and he saw her reaction.   “With Jihoon in the middle.”


“Alright.”    Jihoon agreed annoyingly before Norma could say anything.    “At least I’ll not be sleeping with him alone…but no hugging me at night.”     He warned both of them and headed out to Norma’s room. Junsu looked at her who seemed uncomfortable…


“Come on…I won’t fart at night.”    He stated almost making her laugh but she resisted; then they proceeded to her room.

Jihoon and Junsu first took the bed while Norma turned the lights out in all rooms and took out an extra blanket. She went to her room and turned off the light and gave the blanket to Junsu in the dark.




“You’re welcome…”    she tried not to sound grateful. She went near the window and moved the curtains…only the dim light of the street light came in making their faces blue. She lied down beside Jihoon near the table…feeling slightly uncomfortable…she could already hear Jihoon snoring lightly.


“He sure sleeps quickly…”    Junsu whispered causing Norma to be even more nervous…


“…Yes…he does.”    She responded and heard Junsu’s yawn. She closed her eyes and not very soon drifted off to sleep.



A touch woke Jihoon up…he saw his ma embracing his waist in her sleep…he looked at the clock and saw the time around 4 am. Then he realized that his uncle’s hand was over his. He felt something…something that he should do. He didn’t know why he should but he just thought it would be right. He took his ma’s hand and pulled it up on his chest and he slowly held up Junsu’s hand. He placed his ma’s hand on the bed and put his uncle’s over his ma’s hand…it seemed like Junsu had embraced his ma’s hand in sleep.


I must be crazy…


Leaving it like that he closed his eyes again and this time falling asleep really quickly.



A sudden vibration woke Junsu up; he realized that he had set a soundless alarm at 6…he was about to touch his pocket when he noticed where his hand was…over Norma’s…he wasn’t aware when he took her hand but a sudden heat flash spread his body.

Increasing his heartbeat he slowly removed his hand and got of the bed slowly. He walked to the bathroom and closed the door without noise. After freshening up he came out looking for a towel when he was handed one. He looked up and saw Norma.


“You’re up already?”   Junsu asked nervous whether she realized.


“Yeah…right after I heard the water running…”    she answered hazily…she was still sleepy.    “So you’ll be leaving now?”    she asked.

He nodded smiling lightly.    “Ok…take the lunch though…I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”    She went to the refrigerator and took out the box; coming back and handed it to him.


“Alright; thanks Norma…”    He silently answered and went to the door.    “I’ll see you later…”


“Ok and Junsu?”     she asked when he was wearing his shoes. He looked at her questioningly.    “Thanks for everything…”

He smiled and nodded briefly; heading out, Norma closed the door.


She didn’t know what she would have done yesterday if he hadn’t arrived…she went to the window and saw him going out and jumping onto his jeep. He looked at the window one last time and waved before starting the jeep and driving off. she waved back and looked at Jihoon’s sleeping figure…he was something.


Junsu was actually having an eruption in his stomach while driving and that was not because of the food last night.

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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that