chapter 19

Circle of trust


“Sir, here are the records you’ve been asking for”    a junior officer just handed a pink file to Junsu; taking his leave, Junsu opened the file to read. He wanted to call Norma first before doing anything like this. After all this was about her personal life…about her mother.


However reading the whole thing; his eyes widened.


My god…no wonder…


He didn’t know whether he should call her or not. Calling her would lead to a confrontation by Naomi that Norma had interfered in her personal records. Failing to let her know would lead Norma to conclude the wrong thing for the rest of her life.


“Oh god…why can’t she just tell her?”



“Principal just informed me that Norma Jin had not complied by his request…she still refused to give him up.”    Jiyoung gulped, as Jaejoong rubbed his temple again. She had again refused to obey him.


“You can go now Jiyoung.”    He sighed dismissing him.


“Yes sir…”     Jiyoung bowed and left leaving Jaejoong to his thoughts. He seemed to have no alternative ways. At times like these, Yoochun would always be the one to give some. He held up his cell and dialed his number.

After three rings he picked up greeting   “Hello…”    sweetly yet menacingly.


“Did I interrupt your dream or something Mickey? You sound pissed.”    Jaejoong remarked earning not so much of a good response.


“It’s nothing…just sleeping, or I was.”


“She yet again did it. She took Jihoon out of school.”


“Damn! That’s bad…”


“I seriously have no ideas now…care to give some?”    Jaejoong genuinely asked.


“Alright, uhh…didn’t you say that she’s an orphan?”




Well you can use them.”


“I can’t, she hasn’t been in contact ever since she was evaded from the house.”


Ok…well isn’t she an illegitimate?”




Use her mother…she must have given her up for some reason…you do have her contacts right?”


“Yes in fact I do.”    An idea sparkled up in his mind.    “Thank you Yoochun; get back to your dreams now. I know what to do.”


Screw yourself.”     He muttered as Jaejoong hung up. He pressed the button calling Yuri.


“Yes sir?”    her monotone was recognized.


“Bring Jiyoung in again.”


“Alright sir…”

Jiyoung walked in within seconds and stood there gulping again as if he was about to squeak anytime.


“We have work to do…”



He was having a candle light dinner with a random woman. Her back was facing him. She was looking at the stars outside while he observed her. She was beautiful…perhaps the most beautiful one in the world and even though he was never the type to believe in love at first sight and true love; this might be both.


He left his chair and walked to the balcony. He wrapped his arms around the woman’s waist and rested his chin on her back.


“Let’s get inside; I can’t wait to make you mine…”

He knew it was too cheesy but it was genuine. He heard he chuckle…it was sweet and nice…not sickly sweet though. She complied and was picked up by him on his hands. Carrying her; he put her on the bed and hovered over her.


“I won’t hurt you.”   He whispered in her ears and started kissing it.


However in midst of the passionate act, he felt a pain in his stomach. Pulling away he saw the girl was kicking his stomach harshly screaming.




He was confused…what the hell happened? One time she was fine the next she was acting like a victim. Taking a good look, he saw the face of the woman changing into someone he knew.


“Oh no…”

She kept kicking and screaming; cursing at him. But he pinned her down with strength and she wasn’t able to move much. He observed her scared face…she was afraid and angry at him…she didn’t fancy him…she didn’t like him. Her eyes were only filled with fear and contempt.


“No…I won’t let you go…I want you.”    He closed down on her wriggling body; closing his eyes.     “I want you…Norma Jin.”


A sudden ringtone ruined everything.


“What?”    Looking at his cell he saw his hyung calling.    “Ugh…”   he kicked the blanket off and picked the cell.




“Did I interrupt your dream or something Mickey? You sound pissed.”       Of course you little bastard.


“It’s nothing…just sleeping, or I was.”   He had to lie; it was too embarrassing.


“She yet again did it. She took Jihoon out of school.”


“Damn! That’s bad…”    


“I seriously have no ideas now…care to give some?”   


“Alright, uhh…didn’t you say that she’s an orphan?”




“Well you can use them.”


“I can’t, she hasn’t been in contact ever since she was evaded from the house.”


“Ok…well isn’t she an illegitimate?”




“Use her mother…she must have given her up for some reason…you do have her contacts right?”


“Yes in fact I do. Thank you Yoochun; get back to your dreams now. I know what to do.”


“Screw yourself.”     He muttered as Jaejoong hung up. Falling onto the bed he huffed…his dream was incomplete. But what he didn’t get it was…why would he even want to kiss her?



“So He finally decided to take the big step.”    Jihoon mumbled.

Norma nodded.


“I’m sorry ma.”


“Why are you sorry? There’s nothing to be sorry of. We can go somewhere else. Let’s leave Seoul.”

Jihoon looked at her quite surprised. She was still determined about keeping him.


“Alright ma. We’ll leave as soon as possible.”

She smiled hearing his answer; she knew it was genuine and they both had no regrets. Yet Jihoon looked down.


“Hmm what’s the matter?”

Looking up at his ma, he replied.


“We haven’t seen them in a very long time. I want to see them and tell them about our situation but I know what he will do and I can’t let other kids to suffer…I don’t know what to do. I know I should resist…but ma…”    his eyes showed despair even though no tears formed.    “I miss them…”

Norma knew how he felt…she had to leave her family because of the bastard who shared the same blood with Jihoon.


“I know we can’t see them…and I miss them too but as you said…its better for them. No everyone had the luck like Ga-in and Narsha.”   That completely ruined the mood.     “How about we go somewhere? Just you and me? What do you say?”

Jihoon lightly smiled and nodded.

They both stood up and got ready for somewhere. They knew they wouldn’t be able to go anywhere fancy but they didn’t care as long as they enjoyed their time. Although Norma had made sure she took enough to give him what he wants.


Junsu was walking outside Norma’s house. He didn’t know how to tell her about it. He was pacing around when he saw her coming out with her kid. She looked skinnier and seemed like suffering from malnutrition.


“Norma.”   He called her. She stopped and looked at him surprised to see him here.


“Junsu?”    She took Jihoon’s hand and walked to him.   “What are you doing here?”


“Looking for you. Where were you? Why did you leave that job? Why haven’t you contacted me?”    The last statement hit some realization into him. The boy was here and what if he didn’t know of this?    “I’m sorry…I’m Junsu; your mother’s friend.”    He held out his hand.


“Jin Jihoon, nice to meet you Mr. Junsu.”    He smartly answered taking his hand surprising the man. He was too formal.

He chuckled hearing Mr.


“There’s no need to call me Mr. you can address me as Junsu or uncle Junsu if you want.”

Jihoon smiled for some reason…at least he didn’t say ‘call me daddy’. Norma looked at Junsu happy inside that Jihoon was getting along with him.


“Uh…well a lot of things have been going on…so I had no time to tell you…sorry.”


“You guys were heading out somewhere weren’t you? Sorry I came without telling was something rather urgent.”    Junsu smiled knowing it was time for him to go.


“Join us uncle Junsu.”    Both Norma and Junsu were astonished to hear that from Jihoon.


“Seriously?”   Junsu asked.


“Yes; although we weren’t going anywhere specific. Just for a walk in the park. You can talk to her while I can play.”    Jihoon suggested.


“Thank you but I know you two want to spend some time so I will talk to her later I’ll….”


“Please uncle Junsu; we don’t have any visitors or friends over. It’s nice for someone like you to visit us. She doesn’t bring anyone.”

Norma kept gaping at the bickering people…they were acting stupid as if she was missing. It was quite off that Jihoon was himself inviting Junsu.


“Oh no; it’s mother and son time. I should not be a bone.”


“Maybe you just don’t want to buy me an ice cream.”    Jihoon teased more like…pinched.

Norma seriously had no idea that he could speak like that.


“Oh, so its ice cream…hmm…I’ll buy you the cheapest one.”    Junsu showed him the evil eyes. Jihoon smirked.


“You must be stingy uncle Junsu.”


“Alright! Let’s go!”    He hooked arms with Jihoon and Norma and started walking. None of them shut up and Norma was feeling like the bone herself.


Arriving in the park, Jihoon run off to the swing and slides and Junsu chased him. It was Norma’s job to chase him…she felt like an old hag…

So she chased after them…


And they played all day forgetting their worries. Both chased Norma on sand and tickled her. Jihoon admitted that this man was not a bad one to be around with and that he is his ma’s friend.


At least…she can share her worries with someone…


Naomi was suddenly pushed off by a stranger who didn’t bother helping. She bent down cursing; picking her things up when a hand came in. Raising her head she saw a beautiful man helping her.


“Oh thank you so much sir.”


“Please madam, don’t call me sir. I should be as young as your son.”     He stated finally done picking with her things and standing up.


“Thank you nevertheless. I wouldn’t like to owe a debt so I should give you something.”


“Please madam, don’t praise me which I simply don’t deserve. I am Kim Jaejoong.”


“Kim Jaejoong? The Kim Jaejoong! Oh my! I should be honoured to be helped by you.”

Laughing sweetly Jaejoong stated.


“Of course not but you could address me as son and tell me your name. I don’t like someone as sweet as you madam.


“Oh where are my manners? I am Naomi Han.”


“Naomi Han? The Naomi Han?”    Jaejoong asked again.


“Uh…I am not sure whether there is another Naomi Han.”


“You’re Norma Jin’s mother.”    Jaejoong smilingly and excitingly stated.

Her eyes widened hearing that. How did this man know of me and Norma?


“How…how do you?”    She left off her statement. Jaejoong’s face showed no form of awareness whatsoever.


“Norma told me about you. She is a friend of mine.”


“What did she say about me?”    Naomi nervously said.


“Hmm let’s see. How about we sit somewhere and talk? I’m sure I’ll have plenty to catch up. I’ll just call my assistant and tell him what he has to do in my absence.”

He stepped away dialing Jiyoung and as soon as he picked up.


“Well done…”



Sun had set and Jihoon was sleeping on the bench on his ma’s lap. Junsu was Jihoon’s hair…it was soft.


“He sure had fun today…”     Junsu yawned saying afterwards.


“Thank you for joining us Junsu. But you had something important to say.”


“Oh yeah…you know what…I’ll be giving it to you some other day; but tell me though, why did you suddenly leave work?”

Norma was unsure whether she should tell him anything because what Jaejoong might do and Junsu is the type to jump off to help. She knew she couldn’t say anything yet.


“Do you trust me Junsu?”


“What? Why you ask that?”


“Just answer me…”

Looking another side he sighed; he wanted to lie but…he shouldn’t.


“No actually…because you never tell the whole thing.”

She smiled hearing the honest answer; she wasn’t expecting any lies from him.


“Then you must wait. A lot of things had been going on. His family…wants him back.”


“Jihoon’s family? Now? But why now?”


“It’s kind of like a long story but the issue is, his mother never wanted him to go to his father’s family so…I must abide by the wish. However…his family has been hunting me down like a prey for its food. I tried to negotiate but they didn’t agree. They wanted his entire guardianship and so…”


“You hid from them…quitting jobs, one after another.”

She nodded; although there was more…she couldn’t tell him everything.


“These people must be really powerful…so you’re on another job hunt.”


“Yes…but I was thinking to leave Seoul. They wouldn’t leave me alone.”


“Please don’t! Don’t leave the city! I’ll help you out.”    Junsu’s voice clearly showed panic which she wasnot expecting however.


“That’s what I want to avoid: you helping me. You have no idea what they’ll do…they can go very far.”


“No, I get it…I won’t do anything stupid to immobilize me; otherwise I wouldn’t be able to help anyone. Norma you’re my friend, at least let me find a job for you.”


“Junsu, we already decided…”


“Just try one last time; if this doesn’t work out, you can leave Seoul and I’ll be carrying your luggage myself.”

He seemed very determined about this. She had no other choice in this matter so she sighed.


“Alright but I better get home now.”


“I’ll carry him.”    He stood up and pulled Jihoon on his back and started walking while Norma tagged along.    “Are you free tomorrow?”


“Well having no job means I’m always free.”    She answered calmly yet smilingly.


“Then you’ll be going out with me tomorrow. I may not look like it but my family is very rich. I might be able to refer you to them and…I…hmm I never really had your cooking did I?”   he asked himself rather than her.


“I don’t know. Didn’t you visit the café?”


“Yeah at the opening when I had dumplings.”


“Ah…and at at Sylvester?”


“Well I had roti canai there…”

She doubted whether he really had her cooking…the dumplings for sure hers but the roti…when was it? Well it was too far-fetched to ask now.


“I will cook for you if I get this job. How about that?”

Junsu’s eyes beamed up even with the weight on him.


“It’s a deal!”   his eyes sent off millions of sparks.


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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that