chapter 12

Circle of trust


 This wasn’t anything like she expected. She thought it would be a bit out of place but the insides were a little in class also furnished very well. Well maybe Mrs. Lee’s brother in law must be quite experienced with this. Right now it was empty and she heard the chatters coming from the staff room.


“Hello? Is anybody here?”        Norma called out; immediately a man in his mid-twenties came out looking at the young woman in front of him. He had this stunned expression on his face.


“Are you…Jin Norma?”    he asked and again guessed her name opposite.


“Yes I am. I’m sure Mrs. Lee informed you…”


“Yes my brother’s wife informed me…name’s  Lee Changsun.”     He held out his hand to her. She took it and firmly shook it; pulling away.    “You look awfully familiar.”     He said.

Again the principle of 7 people looking alike came in her mind but decided not to say it.


“Well I get that a lot.”    She instead chose to say.


“Well I have heard about your experience at the Sylvesters and truthfully they will be sorry to lose you. The head chef in the kitchen will be meeting you shortly and the work will be very clear to you. I’m just hopping not to disappoint you with low payments cause I just opened this place and not very experienced. I don’t want to lose all first so I hope…”


“That is fine Mr. Lee; its enough that I have a job after all this.”    She said very casually.


“So have a seat first and we’ll talk till we open for the night today. I’m hoping to find a lot of customers.”    He said as she gestured Norma to a chair.


“Your location is very good considering the police station near. They’ll be coming in all the time.”    She said while taking the seat.


“So I heard you have a son; a foster one.”    Changsun stated.


“Well yes; he’s 7 now.”


“Yes well I heard from my niece that he does very well in school considering having a lot in his mind.”

Norma nodded. He was gaining quite popularity but she could assume that he didn’t know Jihoon being the tycoon’s heir. That was good in a way. She wouldn’t attract attention of it.


Right now she would start working at night when opening ceremony will be held. She had a break of few hours before coming in so she could cover up few of her things.



Norma’s payment was weekly settled and right now she was going to her previous home where she had to pick her things up and get it to the rented place.

She got out of the car and saw her things already outside the house boxed. Beside those the landlady was standing; her face had regret on them. She didn’t smile or show any reaction; she wasn’t that good hearted as to smiling to those who had done unfair to her.


Norma bowed merely.


“Thank you again for packing my things. I’ll be going now.”    She said and picked the boxes filling them up in the backseat. She was done placing the last box in the car and was ready to go when the landlady spoke.


“I’m…really sorry Norma; I really am. God help me I refused evacuating you but he…my girl is studying medical and he…he had…”  


He had been hurting others too.


“I understand more than anything Mrs. Choi that children come first. I love my Jihoon enough to get that otherwise I would have agreed to his reward and given him up.”      Norma said and got into her car. She drove off leaving the landlady behind now getting the point that she wasn’t the only one.



She left her things at the new place before going to pick Jihoon up. Along with the things she picked up; Jihoon’s gifts were also there. She thought he would want them so she didn’t leave them.

She was waiting and recess was 10 minutes away. She was fixing her scarf to cover her chest when she heard a throat clearing very loudly. she looked to see none other than the devil standing at least 3 feet away from her.


She thought of running away at first but she couldn’t leave Jihoon here.


“Still surviving I see. Do you know what survives even after being crushed? Roaches; that’s what I’ve been told.”    

Norma’s mind boiled like lava at that insult but she remained quiet. No matter what he said he was still of Jihoon’s blood.


“Always silent…you just don’t have the pride do you? That makes me want to destroy your life even more but right now…I’ll step back and see how long you can hold. I’ve decided not to take a court order against you knowing Jihoon will come to me anyway. Consider it as a gift Jin.”        Jaejoong smirked darkly at her.

Norma looked at him frowning not liking the statement he had just made. She decided to speak now.


“First of all Mr. Kim its polite to address people properly no matter where they’re from; even Jihoon, being your blood, has manners unlike his blood uncle.  Also it’s ‘Miss Jin’ for you.”


“Are you teaching me manners Jin? You, who comes from no class and background, tells me how to behave myself? Hah! People like you don’t deserve to be addressed properly! You all deserve to be crushed like a roach you all are!”


The bell rang and children’s hurrahs were heard. Norma merely looked at him hinting that it was his time to go. Jaejoong looked at the children running out and looked back at her. He narrowed his eyes once more and walked back to his car. He took off as Jihoon came to his mother. He couldn’t even see his uncle’s face behind the glasses.


“What did he say?”   Jihoon asked looking at his mother.


“Just the usual.”     She looked back at him; then the car going off.


Ga-in was on the speaker at the orphanage along with Narsha on the other line. Granny was sitting in front of the two telephones listening to them on each line. Besides granny stood Hyuna, Alexander and Eli. The rest three couldn’t make it here.

Granny sighed worried about Norma not contacting them; Hyuna rubbed granny’s hand as consolation.


“I don’t know what she’s playing at. I cant reach her at all. She blocked my number.”    Ga-in muttered on the speaker.


“Not just you Ga-in; I’ve been doing the same and same.”    Narsha responded on the other phone.


“Hyuna, Sunny and Hyomin tried after I told them and it’s the same. She’s blocking our number.”     Granny spoke.


“Its like she’s blocking them on purpose. Should we try calling her from an unknown number? She might pick up and we can ask her.”    Eli suggested.



“No, she doesn’t receive unknown number unless sent a message. In this case we cant even trace her.”     Ga-in said.


“Do you think Kim found them?”     Hyuna asked.


“Don’t say such things. Even if they did she would have told us.”    Alexander stated.


“No…she wouldn’t have…that’s the matter here. They found her and…she’s trying to get away from us.”    Ga-in assumed.


“Why would you say that?”   Granny asked.   “We can help her.”


“She thinks not; she may think that Kim may harm us…but its all just as assumption. I can go to her house and see her.”      Ga-in added.


“You do that. Meanwhile I can get someone to go to her workplace and Jihoon’s school. Even if the assumption is true we can tackle him.”    Narsha said.


“Alright then. Do what you think best.”     Granny finally smiled relieved from her tension.



Norma dropped Jihoon at the hotel and she rode off to the café to prepare food for the opening. Nothing was going bad today and she hoped it stayed like this. Seeing Jaejoong today was bad enough and she didn’t want more of his insults.


“How dare he call me a roach?”    she muttered while parking near the café. She heard beeping seeing her car gas near the E line. She would have to drive to the station with the fuel she had soon otherwise she would stop in the middle of the way.

When she entered the café she saw Changsun speaking on the phone very sweetly to someone. Changsun noticed her coming in and a blush appeared on his face which Norma failed to see. She bowed and went to pick her uniform up along with the mask and entered the kitchen. She saw her head chef and started preparing the foods for the opening.

She knew Mrs. Lee might come with Jumi and if they do, she might consider bringing Jihoon.


While she was working Changsun entered the kitchen queuing about the customers coming in any moment.


“Mr. Changsun is Mrs. Lee coming for the opening?”     Norma asked before Changsun leaving with her mask on.


“Uh no; she wont be able to make it. But few of my friends might.”    He left the kitchen in a hurry.


The opening was about to take place and everything was in set. Many people arrived; specially youngsters of Norma’s age. Of course Changsun was young so his friends filled the place more. Norma peeked out still with her mask on in the room seeing so many people and beside Changsun stood a girl whom Norma knew.


‘Nayobi? So Mr. Changsun is her crush? But he’s too old for her! Does he like her too?’    Norma was horrified by the thought of them together; their age difference was too big. Norma entered in the kitchen again beside her main chef.


“Chef do you know the girl standing beside Mr. Changsun?”    Norma asked.


“Who? Let me see first.”    The older woman peeked outside and came back in.


“Yes I know her. Her name is Nayobi Han and a acquaintance of Mr. Changsun. Why do you ask?”   


“She looks like someone I know…”    Norma lied. She cant risk opening her mask knowing that Nayobi knew her as Nayoung.


The party started and everyone started cheering with music on. The waitresses and waiters started taking the food out and cheering became louder. Norma and the head chef remained in the kitchen in case more food would be needed.


About an hour later with no work a waiter came in.


“Boss told you guys to come out and enjoy.”     He stated and left. The head chef left feeling all giddy but Norma remained there. She cant definitely go out there where her sister was. She peeked out again to see her younger sibling around few men and girls. She was a beauty and all the men seemed like beasts to her; as for the women they seemed like thorn to Norma.


‘Oh Nayobi…I wish I could enjoy with you and protect you from these leeches.’


“Miss Jin come out. Boss is expecting you.”    A waitress interrupted her.


“Huh! Oh…is there anything else needed?”    she asked not taking her mask off at all.


“No just come out and take off the mask Miss Jin.”


Norma sighed after the waitress left. She walked out in the crowded room with the mask and tried to hide herself as much as possible. Along the way she bumped into a man who apologized in a squeaky voice catching her attention.


“Kim Junsu!”     she blurted out.


“Uh…do I know you?”   he asked obviously not recognizing her in the mask.


“Huh? No of course not! My boss said you’d be coming!”   she made up a lie.


“I didn’t know the owner of this place knew me.”     He stated.


“Uh…enjoy the food!”    she squirted off back to the kitchen leaving Junsu dumbfounded. Somehow the voice was familiar to him.


Norma thought it would be best staying here until the party ended and she cant leave as per rules except in urgent situations. She cant fake a situation on her first day creating a bad impression.


Meeting two people who might get her into trouble.


Junsu shrugged off the weird encounter and got back to his friends. His colleagues Rain and 2nd Junsu was here along with Ae.


“One of the employees thinks I know the owner of this place.”    Junsu/Xiah stated looking at the group.


“Seriously? This place? You know the owner of the Kim corp and the celeb Yoochun not this place.”    Rain snorted not too loud.


“Hey this isn’t that bad. In fact its quite homey.”     Ae defended


“I like this place much better. I’m sick of those expensive types…”    Xiah huffed.


“Cause you have the fortune. Most people die to go there.”    2nd Junsu stated.


“Whatever…”      Xiah took up a drink and had a sip.   “I’m hungry. What’s special here?”


“All of it. Try them.”    Ae encouraged handing him a chicken soya sauce dumpling with lemon mayonnaise crème. Xiah put a piece into his mouth after dipping into the crème; chewing it slowly. Gulping it quickly he took up another one and chugged into his mouth


“I cant tell which ones more good.”    He stated full mouthed.


“Slow down. No ones gonna believe you’re a bloodline to the Kim Corp.”     Rain pointed out.


“Mmm keep talking to yourself. I’ve to leave early for gas.”    Xiah munched on more.


“Too bad you cant, cause it’ll be packed now. Try at the last hour, you’ll find it empty and you’ll find some thugs if you get lucky to fill the cell in with.”     2nd Junsu spoke.


“Maybe I wont need thugs. You all are enough.”    Xiah muttered finishing at last.


Norma kept herself hidden for few hours and she had her evening nap. She was suddenly woken up by a waiter realizing the party would be over any minute as it was midnight. It was very late. She stood up and went out to see many of the people gone and only the employees were cheering for their first success. She saw that Nayobi was gone and in relief she opened her mask.


“Miss Jin! Where were you?”   Mr. Changsun asked with a happy smile on his face


“Resting. Sorry, congratulations on your success Mr. Changsun.”


“Oh call me Joon from now on everyone. Even boss would do fine.”


Everyone raised their drinks except Norma who was only clapping. Her life was going to be better now.


Mr. Changsun would be the last one to leave so the employees were bowing before leaving. He was thanking each and every one of them for their hard work.


“You all worked hard today so you’ll get enough rest for tomorrow. We’ll open at 10 instead of 8. So goodnight and rest.”


“Thank you boss!”    they all cheered.


Norma left with the pack of employees; few of them walked to one way and half of them to another way. The rest took their cycles or bike. Norma bowed before nearing her car and entering it. She waved at the remaining employees before driving off the petrol station.


She stopped her car near the station and got out looking for any man to fill her car up. She found no one so she took up the filling and started filling her car with gas. After filling it up she saw a man just entered his reception box. She went to pay the man; the man was very slow and lazy making changes. She tapped on her feet until she got her changes.


 A car came in as she turned back to see few men at least 3 were coming out of the expensive car laughing and playing with knives and chains. She knew very well they were here to rob. But they wore very expensive clothing for petty robbery; black leather jeans and jacket.


She thought to leave without notice but she’s the only customer here. Any movement on her part may gain attention. She slowly dialed 911.


“Look what we have here. A treat with snack.”    they sniggered altogether checking Norma out. She frowned and back away while the man in the box took out a paper with numbers on it. It looked like card numbers.


“How about you come with us? We’re going for a long drive…”     one of them smiled which looked so innocent. He was about to touch Norma’s hair when she stepped back.


“Come on. We’re no little thieves. Just one night and forget everything.”     He sneered while the other two was stuffing the paper in their leather pants’ pockets.


“Take all the money you have but don’t touch me.”    She warned.


“Hear that? She thinks we’re here for money.”    The other two laughed.    “Sweetie we’re called the black hawks and we have a big reputation. Don’t insult us with mere thing like money.”


“Let me go or I’ll call the police!”


“And what? You’ll be crying in your room by then or if you’re lucky you’ll be dead. Take her.”    He ordered and the rest two marched towards her; she staggered back and turned to run when they grabbed her arms back.


She screamed in response and the man in the box hid in fear not helping her. The two of them pulled her while their leader watched as they were having a bit of problem struggling with her.

She elbowed on their stomachs and bit their hands. They had to let her go but the leader seemed amused by her. He did nothing but watched as if she was an entertainment. She took up the gas filler and raised it at them. The duo backed off but the leader smirked.


“Get away from me or I’ll burn you all!!”     she screamed. The leader walked forward and took out a lighter.


“Do it. I’ll burn all of us myself.”    He deeply stated as if he actually meant it. Norma was shocked and stunned to hear that. She didn’t know what to do. He looked serious and quite suicidal as if looking for a challenge like this.


“Well…do it.”    He encouraged.

Norma was shaking and was out of her mind; the man caught her offguard and kicked the filler out of her hand and wrapped her closer to him. His arm was choking her; she tried stepping on his foot and kicking in the stomach and joint. He was wearing something hard on the joints.


“You’re making my night dear.”    He grunted in her ears.    “I will pay back nicely.”


She struggled more and let out a raging scream. Their eyes were blocked by an incoming light of a jeep coming in with full speed at their direction. The leader’s eyes went wide as the other two ran off leaving him. He didn’t let her go shocked himself. The man came out of his jeep with a gun aiming at them but got shocked himself.


“You called the police!!!”      he growled in anger; Norma couldn’t answer to that.


“Miss Norma?”    he asked.


“Inspector Junsu!”    she choked out in the hold of the criminal.


“And I’m Mary Sue! Back off inspector! She must pay caring to call you!”    his hold tightened around Norma’s neck. She was having trouble breathing. Norma was herself surprised that only he came instead of with few.


“She didn’t! Let her go or I’ll shoot you.”    He warned.


“You shoot me I’ll twist her neck! Or…”     she took out a knife from somewhere and pointed on her neck    “Becomes bloody.”


“What do you want?”    Junsu asked cautiously     “For her safety.”


“Let me go now!”   he barked.


“You had your chance when I warned bastard! Shoot him in the head!”      she angrily yelled struggling more.

Junsu knew this man was half insane and looked from a known family.


“Norma please don’t say anything to anger him. I’ll let you go. Go now…”    he calmly stated.


“Not like this! First put your gun down. Down now!”

Junsu put his gun on the ground; his hands moved away from the weapon.


“Now kick it to me.”    The man ordered and Junsu complied kicking it to him.


“Now move away while I walk to my car. Move along.”    

Junsu walked while the man moved with Norma in his hold to his car. Norma was serious hating the position she was in as damsel in distress.


The man opened his car’s door quickly. Junsu thought that he will shove Norma  away from him but that was not the man’s idea tonight. He planned to take her.

He was about to push Norma in the car when Norma screamed as a response and throwing her hands over the man’s face. Junsu took his gun up and rushed to them; he pulled Norma away from the man but the knife got in the way and sliced under Norma’s eye. She fell aside with her hand on her face while Junsu and the man were struggling with two of their weapons.


Junsu didn’t dare pull the trigger instead he tried to get the knife out of his hands. Norma overcoming the slight burn on her face took up the filler again but this time she hit the man’s head with the metallic mouth.


The man fell unconscious and Junsu quickly jerked away.


“You okay Norma?! Your face!”    he asked anxiously.


“Yes I…your hand. You injured your hand.”   She stated and Junsu looked at his hand seeing it had been cut.


“Its nothing…”   Junsu quickly cuffed the man aside and called for backup. On the other hand Norma took out a lot of tissues from her car and handed it to him. 


“You need to go to the hospital inspector.”    She stated while dabbing some tissues on her face.


“It’ll be fine. You face needs treatment.”    He stated otherwise.


“Its just a scratch inspector; I’m fine anyway. But if I didn’t call you how did you come here?”    she asked


“I was coming to fill my jeep but then I saw you two. I assumed he was trying to hurt you.”     He gulped    “ I just addressed you informally! I’m so sorry.”      He squeaked out. Norma looked at him dumbfounded. How come a person with voice like him ended up as a police?


That just doesn’t match up.


“How about we visit the hospital nearby? Then you can go home.”    Junsu suggested.


“I’m late anyway. My son will be worried.”    Norma threw the bloody tissues away.


“Your son will be more worried seeing you with that scar. Let him know your condition; I’m sure he’s a smart kid and will understand.” 

Norma nodded agreeing with him.     




 Lee Yuri an important part of the story. This isnt Yuri from snsd just to let you all know. she is a robotic receptionist at Kim corp who has attained a lot of attention from men. she has whatsoever no interest in men at all. no one knows yet what she is interested in.

few picture of minor characters will be posted here.

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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that