The Protective Heart.

Emptiness filled

Engulfed by endless darkness, Yunho stood perfectly still as he breathed heavily. His head was throbbing, his body was racked with pain and he felt as if his heart was going to burst from his chest at any moment. He frantically scanned his seemily unfamiliar surroundings. He searched in hopes to find even the smallest glimmer of light, but saw none. Suddenly, he sensed a dark figure coming towards him. He felt a shiver crawl across his shoulders as the figure got closer and closer. Yunho felt a slight tinge of  fear well up inside of him when the figure stopped only a few feet in front him.

"Are you ready?" said the figure in a low voice. "It's time."

"For what?" asked Yunho.

The figure sighed.

"Minnie, is that you?" asked Yunho with a frightened tone.

The figure's voice, althought ominous, felt strangely familiar. He glanced over the figures shoulder and noticed a faint light appearing in the distance and heard a faint murmur. As the light began to grow slowly brighter, the murmer grew louder as if they were somehow in sync with one another. That ever persistant light continue to grow as Yunho slowly watched his surroundings began to take form. 

"It's about to start." mumble the figure.

The once incomprihensable murmur, slowly began to take the form of voices as it grew. Yunho quickly recongnized what he was hearing. The voices turned into chants that continued to grow louder until he could clearly hear "TOHOSHINKI! TOHOSHINKI! TOHOSHINKI!" coming from tens of thousands of fans in the utter darkness. A smile crawled across his face at the realization of where he was and what was going on finally struck him. The lights grew brighter until he could make out the face of Changmin standing before him brandishing a devilish smile.

"Last one." Changmin whispered with a nod.

Yunho nodded back as the first notes of one of their most beloved ballads "She" filled the air. As they began to sing a feeling of serenity washed over him. He was where he belonged. As they hit the middle of the song, Yunho and Changmin found themselves standing near the edge of the stage singing to their adoring fans.Yunho scanned the crowd, making direct eye contact with the fans and flashing carefree smiles. Out of the corner of his eye, within the sea of fans that stretched before him, he saw a very familiar figure. Turning to see it clearly, he scanned frantically to find the person once more, but the figure was gone. With a mental sigh of disappointment he slowly brought his attention back to the fans standing closer to the stage and continued singing. He took great delight in seeing the happiness on their fan's faces.

He continued on smiling and singing to the fans when he suddenly locked eyes with a fan who looked quite angry. She was wearing all black with raven hair and brandishing a dagger like stare. Her face was pale and weathered with a hint of smeared mascara around her eyes as if she had been crying. He flashed her a smile and gave her a wink, yet the fan didn't budge in her glaring. Yunho felt unsettled by the woman looking so intently at him, that he dropped his eyes from her glare.

The last few notes rang out and the fans errupted into deafening cheers. Breathless and exhausted, Yunho and Changmin relished the love the fans were showing them and after a few blissful moments they thanked the crowd for all their support and bowed respectfully as the stage lights dimmed into darkness. They turned and  quickly headed off the stage,  where they were met with a round of applause from their manager and the event staff. 

"Well done you two!" said Manager Kim as he handed them bottles of water and towels. "The fans loved it!"

"Thank you!" they both said in unison.

"Go get cleaned up relax for a little while." ordered Manager Kim. 

The both nodded and headed their dressing room. When they arrived, Changmin sat down on a plush recliner, curled up in a ball, and closed his eyes. "Hyung, wake me up in five minutes." he said. Yunho plopped down on the couch, leaned back, and threw his feet up on the coffee table and sighed. "Alright" he said as he closed his eyes. "That was a great show. I'm glad the fans had fun." thought Yunho as he began to dose off. An hour later they were awakened buy a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Yunho moaned as he sat up.

"It's me. Can I come in?" said Manager Kim as he opened the door. 

"Aye" Changmin said sleepily.

"Are you guys ready to head home?" asked the manager. 

"Yeah. Where's our security?" asked Yunho.

"Well.. umm." stammered Manager Kim "There's a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Changmin asked.

"Well, You see...There was a riot outside the venue twenty minutes ago between some fans." stammered Manager Kim "We had to send some of your guards to help."

"A RIOT?" questioned Changmin.

"We don't know what started it but they needed every available security guard to help." explained the manager "I don't know how long it will be before the mess is all cleared up."

"Do you want to wait for them or do you guys want to try your luck in sneaking out of here unnoticed?" asked Manager Kim.

Both the manager and Changmin stared intently at Yunho waiting for his descision. They all knew the risk they would be taking if they tried to leave without a full . Changmin shivered as the thought of what could happen crossed his mind.Yunho knew all to well what dangers laid ahead if he chose this route, but he was so exhausted that the thought of waiting hours to get home made him roll his eyes in disgust.  

"Let's give it a shot. I want to go home." Yunho stated selfishly.

"Are you serious?" asked Manager Kim in a shocked tone.

"Yeah. I'm beat. I just want to go home." answered Yunho. "What does the back entrance look like right now?"

"At last check, there are about fifteen fans and a few reporters out there. We have them behind a barricade with three security guards stationed there as well." answered Manager Kim.

"Let's go then." said Yunho as he stood up and grabbed his bag and coat. "Come on Minnie grab your gear."

Yunho threw on his jacket and sunglasses and head for the dressing room door. They traveled through the bowls of the venue, being careful to avoid any lingering fans when Changmin spotted a bathroom. "Hyung I got to go." he stated. "Ok" replied Yunho.  As Yunho was waiting on his brother to return he leaned against the wall. Closing his eyes once more he heard the faint sound of rain falling. He looked at his manager standing beside him. "Is it raining outside?" he asked. "Oh, yeah its been raining for about 3 hours now. Pretty hard, too," he replied. "I love the rain." Yunho stated. A few moments later Changmin returned and said "Ok, lets go." They continued through the venue until they came to a steel door. Mr. Kim motioned for them to stop.

"Now, Once we go through these doors we have about thirty feet till we hit the main exit. If your up to it and since the crowd is quite small, you can stop for quick photos for the press people and sign autographs too. Or you can just give the fans a wave and keep moving. It's your choice." said Mr. Kim

Yunho thought for a minute and said "Since its raining pretty hard out there and the fans have been waiting patiently, we can at least pose for a few photos, but no autographs".

"How much time should we give them" Changmin asked.

"About ten mintues. Does that sound good to you Minnie?"  Changmin nodded in agreement. Mr. Kim swung the door open. They saw their three bodyguards waiting near the exit. Noticing that their clients had arrived the three men went out the double doors to secure the crowd and reporters.

"Ok lets go" said Mr. Kim.

They stepped through the main doors and the fans began to cheer. Phrases like "Oppa, I love you." and  "Marry Me Oppa" rung out from the small crowd of fan girls standing under red umbrellas. The three bodyguards had their hands full trying to keep the girls as bay. They stopped under the awning just outside the doors and posed for photographs. The sound of clicking shutters fluttered like the wings of humming birds as Yunho and Changmin stood their smiling. After a few minutes had passed, Yunho noticed a familiar looking figure standing off to the side near the wall. The figure seemed to be hiding behind the corner of the building. The blonde headed figure had his back to Yunho. Thinking that is was somewhat odd for a fan to be ignoring him, he quickly dismissed it as an embarrassed fan and continued to pose for the cameras. 

As it neared the time for them to leave, they heard a commotion in the crowd of fans. Taken back a little, Changmin whispered "What's going on?" Yunho shook his head "I dunno." he said. Suddenly, without warning, a thuderous yell came screeching out of the group of fans. 

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" the voice screamed.

Yunho and Changmin looked intently at the group of fans and noticed a woman pushing her way through them. She came to the barricade and glared at Yunho. It was the fan he saw in the crowd earlier. Seeing her up so close, still brandishing that sadistic look, Yunho felt uneasy. He looked at her and forced a smile but she just glared. In a flash the woman yelled out "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!"  as she pulled out a gun from her coat pocked and pulled the trigger. Yunho reacted fast. He closed his eyes, turned his body to the side, and threw his arms up trying to shield himself from the shot. Waiting what seemed like an eternity, he braced himself for the oncoming bullet. He knew he was done for.He felt the splash of something warm and wet hit his face. "The bodyguard!" he thought as deafening screams permeated the air.

Yunho opened his eyes and stood in horror as he saw someone facing him he never expected. It wasn't the bodyguard. 

"Jae?" he screamed in fit of pure terror.

Standing before him was his most beloved angel Jaejoong with blood over his pristine white jacket. Jaejoong looked up at Yunho, smiled slyly and immediately coughed up blood. The minutes streached on endlessly as Yunho looked at Jaejoong. Without warning Jaejoong collapse onto Yunho and began to fall to the ground. Yunho grabbed him tightly and kneeled down. Holding his most precious friend, Yunho began crying histerically as everyone around them were screaming for help. 

"Jae... Jae... Why?" Yunho sobbed. 

Jaejoong moaned in agony as the pain of what he had done finally hit him. Fighting back his own tears, Jaejoong looked up at Yunho and flashed a smile and then suddenly coughed up more blood. 

"Jae? Why? WHY?" Yunho pleaded.

Jaejoong, with tears in his eyes, reached up with his shaking hand a cupped Yunho's face. Yunho laid his hand on his and whispered softly "Why"

"This... this ..this is all I could do for you." Jaejoong stammered as his eyes began to close.

"Stay with me Jae.....Don't do this.....You can't leave me! NOT AGAIN." Yunho pleaded as he shook Jaejoong violently. "Please!"

"I'm... I'm sorry...for everything." Jaejoong whispered as he closed his eyes for the final time.

"JAE NO!" Yunho screamed horrified as his vision began to go dim. "COME BACK!"



Yunho shot up from the couch where he was sleeping, clutching his head and shaking it violently, he screamed "NO!" Opening his eyes to see that he was at home, he began to sobbed uncontrollably and buried his head in his knees. Changmin who standing in the kitchen dropped the pitcher of water he was holding and as it shattered on the floor beside him he looked at Yunho, horrified. Instantly running to the side of his big brother, Changmin wrapped his arms around Yunho, hugged him tightly and said "Hyung, calm down."

"What happened? Are you in pain? Tell me!" Changmin pleaded.

Yunho continue to sob and panting heavily.

"HYUNG??" TELL ME!" Changmin exclaimed impatiently. "Was it the dream again?"

"Aye." Yunho murmered softly.

"You've never reacted this way. What happened? Was something different this time?" probed Changmin lovingly.

"Aye." Yunho answered as he buried his head deeper in his knees and continued to cry.

"Did the bodyguard not save you?" Changmin asked.

"It... wasn't .. the bodyguard. It.. It...was..." Yunho uttered before he bursted out in more uncontrollable sobs.

"WHO WAS IT HYUNG??" questioned Changmin loudly.

"It.. It.. It..." stuttered Yunho "It.. was.. Jae."

Changmin hugged Yunho tighter and buried his head in Yunho's neck. "It's alright Hyung, it's just a nightmare. It doesn't mean anything, you know that."

"You haven't had that dream in three months, What in the world brought it on and why was Jae in it this time?" questioned Changmin as Yunho continued to sob.

"Wait, You didnt see him did you?" asked Changmin "Hyung, tell me you didn't see him!"

"I ...I did." Yunho whispered softly. 

Changmin sighed.




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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)