The Little One

Emptiness filled


Warning: This Chapter is rated NC-17 for langauage]



As Changmin propped his feet up on the coffee table and leaned back on the spacious couch, he closed his eyes and sighed a deep sigh. The last few days had been so busy with their new album coming up that he barely had time to sleep. He and Yunho were so all over the place that they really hadn’t had time to spend time with one another as a family. It was always about work. Yunho was still in his odd mood and had become even friendlier with strangers of the last few days. Changmin was at a loss for words when it came to Yunho’s behavior.

“What in the world has gotten into him?” whispered Changmin.

“Gotten in to who?” answered Yunho as he walked into the living room.

“Oh nothing Hyung.” stammered Changmin “I was just thinking of something else.”

“Oh? Ok.” said Yunho “I’m going to make us some lunch. Are you hungry?”

“Not really.” answered Changmin.

“Really?” asked a shocked Yunho. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” answered Changmin.

A few moments later the two friends heard a knock on the front door. Changmin got up, walked to the door, opened it, and saw Kim Hyun Joong smiling back at him. Surprised to see him, Changmin smiled and hugged him tightly.

“Hyung! It’s been a long time.” whispered Changmin in his ear.

“It has.” said Hyun Joong “I need to borrow you for a little while. So go along with what I tell Yunnie ok?”

“Oh?” questioned Changmin as he pulled away and looked at Hyun Joong’s face.

“Trust me. Ok?” whispered Hyun Joong with a wink.

“Ok…” nodded Changmin.

“Who’s there?” questioned Yunho.

“It’s me.” stated Hyun Joong as he and Changmin walked into the living room.

“Oh! Joongie!” said a surprised Yunho “It’s been a long time. What brings you here.”

“I came to borrow Minnie for a little while.” said Hyun Joong.

“Oh? What for?” questioned Yunho.

“Well. I made a new lady friend.” started Hyun Joong “And, well, she’s a big fan of Minnie’s. She wants to meet him. I really want this girl to like me so can I borrow him?”

“Umm…” said Yunho hesitantly.

“Don’t worry, I totally vouch for her.” said Hyun Joong “Minnie will be absolutely safe, I promise.”

“Minnie do you want to go?” asked Yunho.

“Yes! Joongie has told me a lot about her.” said Changmin “I want to meet her.”

“Alright.” agreed Yunho.

“Great!” stated Hyun Joong “We’ll be back in a few hours.”

“What about security?” asked a concerned Yunho.

“Don’t worry!” answered Hyun Joong “We’re just going to my house.”

“Alright.” answered Yunho “Have fun Minnie.”

Changmin grabbed his coat, phone, and keys and followed Hyun Joong out to his car. As they pulled out of the driveway a smile creped across Hyun Joong’s face. Thirty minutes went by without either one of them uttering a word. As the car came to stop in the parking lot of a large park, Changmin spoke up.

“Don’t you think it’s about time you tell me what’s going on?” questioned Changmin.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” stated Hyun Joong “Come on.”

Hyun Joong got out of the car and walked around to the front. Looking back, he realized that Changmin hadn’t moved. Walking to his side of the car, Hyun Joong opened the door and smiled at Changmin.

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you Minnie.” reassured Hyun Joong. “Trust me and come on.”

“Someone wants to see you.” continued Hyung Joong “You don’t want to keep ‘em waiting.”

As they walked through the oddly vacant park, Changmin began to feel uneasy. He knew that Hyun Joong would never do anything to hurt him but this situation was making him feel awkward. What was so important that he asked Changmin to lie to Yunho? Who was it that they were going to meet? Why was he being so secretive? These thoughts and more swam through Changmin’s mind as they quietly walked. A few moments later they stopped by a bench in a secluded part of the park. The bench sat under a large, beautiful Japanese maple tree.

“Have a seat.” said Hyun Joong.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” asked Changmin as he sat down. “Who are we going to meet?”

“You’ll see.” stated Hyun Joong as he glanced over Changmin’s shoulder and nodded to seemingly no one.

“Just understand that I’m doing this because I love all of you.” whispered Hyun Joong.

“They’ll be here in a minute.” said Hyun Joong.

“Who?” questioned Changmin.

As he uttered those words Changmin felt a soft hand touch his shoulder. Startled, he turned to see the smiling faces of Junsu and Yoochun staring back at him. Happily surprised Changmin shot up from the bench, jumped into Junsu's arms, and hugged him as hard as he could. Clinging onto Junsu for dear life, Changmin cried out “SU! I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too Minnie.” whispered Junsu lovingly as he ran his hand through Changmin’s hair and hugged him tightly.

At the sound of Junsu saying his nickname so softly, Changmin squeezed Junsu tighter, buried his head in Junsu’s neck and cried softly. A few moments later Changmin felt another familiar touch on his shoulder, looking up to see Yoochun smiling at him with tears in his eyes. “What about me Minnie?” Yoochun asked softly. Changmin immediately let loose of Junsu and pounced on Yoochun hugging him tightly. “I’d never forget you, Chunnie.” cried Changmin.

“Don’t cry Minnie.” comforted Yoochun “You know I can’t take it when you cry.

”Everything will be alright.” said Yoochun as he hugged Changmin and patted him on the back.

Releasing the little one after a few moments, Yoochun looked at Hyun Joong who was standing next to them. “Thank You.” said Yoochun. Hyun Joong nodded “Anything for Jae. I will let you three talk in private. Meet me at the car when you’re ready to go back Minnie.”

“Jae?” panicked Changmin “What’s wrong with Jae?”

“Is he alright?” questioned Changmin frantically “TELL ME!”

“Please calm down little one.” said Yoochun “We’ll tell you everything.”

“Yes! It’s time for you two tell me why I’m here.” agreed Changmin. “All of us being together, it’s risky as hell and you both know that!”

“It must be something major for you two to go to these lengths.” stated Changmin.

“We had no choice.” stated Yoochun “We can’t handle this on our own anymore.”

“Tell me.” said Changmin as he sat down on the nearby bench and hung his head.

“Its Jae…” started Junsu “he’s … started down that road again.”

“What?” asked a shocked Changmin as he quickly raised his head in surprise.

“How bad is it?” panicked Changmin.

“It’s pretty bad and steadily getting worse.” added Yoochun.

“It’s because they saw each other isn’t it?” questioned Changmin.

“What? How did you know?” asked a shocked Junsu. “Is Yunnie…?”

“Yeah.” answered Changmin “Ever since Yunnie came home from the states, he’s been acting really weird.”

“One minute he’s cold and standoff-ish, the next minute he’s kind and outwardly nice to everyone.” continued Changmin “It’s scary.”

“He’s been having nightmares too.” said Changmin “Really scary ones. He wakes up screaming every night.”

“He won’t talk about it.” cried Changmin “I’m so worried about him. He started drinking recently too.

“WAIT!” interjected Yoochun “He’s been having nightmares too?”

Changmin and Junsu looked up at Yoochun in pure shock.

“What do you mean by ‘TOO’?” questioned Junsu dumbfounded. “Is Jae having nightmares about Yunnie? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know if it really is about Yunnie or not, but he’s been having nightmares for the last few weeks.” informed Yoochun “I’ve checked on him a couple of times, in the middle of the night, and found him in the midst of a nightmare. I can’t say for sure if they are about Yunnie but I have caught Jae saying his name while he was having them.”

“I’ve woke him up ever time and he always wakes up in a fit of sheer panic.” continued Yoochun “So it has to be about Yunnie. From what I can tell, by watching him, it’s like Yunnie is in danger or something.”

“So that’s how it is?” whispered Changmin to himself.

“What do you mean?” questioned Junsu “Are you trying to say that Jae and Yunnie are having the same dream?”

“It certainly sounds that way.” answered Changmin.  “We can’t let this go on anymore. We have to do something.”

“Agreed.” answered Yoochun and Junsu in unison.

“Minnie?” asked Junsu “What do you know about that night at the company? Do you know why Yunnie called Jae there? What happened?”

“Jae won’t tell us anything about it.” stated Yoochun “Do you know? Did Yunnie tell you anything?”

“I don’t know much.” stated Changmin “Yunnie called me to the company. When I got there, security told me to go to the Chairman’s office. So I went up stairs. When I got there Yunnie was getting yelled at by the Chairman. When I asked him about it, he said it was nothing, and then told me to go play video games in Manager Kim’s office while he finished up a few things.”


[Flashback: July 2009]


Changmin had been playing video games for about two hours when he looked up at the clock and sighed “What’s taking Yunnie so long?” Worried because of the fight he overheard earlier, Changmin decided to go look for Yunho. Turning off the computer and hitting the light switch, he closed the office door behind him and headed towards the nearby stairwell.

Slowly heading upstairs, he cleared one flight of stairs before his saw Yunho sitting in the landing’s window staring out at the falling rain. Happy to find him so quickly, Changmin took two steps and stopped dead when he realized that his Hyung was crying.

“What’s wrong with him?” Changmin thought. “Why is he crying?”

At that moment they were both surprised by the sound of the landing’s door swinging open. Standing there was Manager Kim with an angry look. The manager walked over to Yunho and put his hand on his shoulder. Yunho quickly brushed his hand away and growled, “Leave me be!”

The manager took a step back and sighed.

“Is it done?” asked Yunho after a few moments of silence between them.

“Its done.” answered Manager Kim.

“How is he?” questioned a worried Yunho.

“Don’t worry about him anymore.” said Manager Kim “Everything went as planned. You did well.”

“DID WELL?” scoffed Yunho “The Chairman, that bastard, he made me do something I would never do, even if my life depended on it, and you dare say it went well?”

“That son of a !” yelled a frustrated and angry Yunho.

“That’s enough Yunho!” ordered Manager Kim “You know what we have to do now.”

“Yeah.”  Yunho sighed.

“You should have known this was going to happen. The Chairman isn’t stupid.” added Manager Kim “Did you honestly think you would get away with that plan of yours, without the Chairman finding out?”

“I’ve betrayed my family, and for what?” questioned Yunho “To cover up that isn’t even ing true!”

"Why did I have to do that to him?" yelled Yunho at Manager Kim. "Why did you make me...?"

"You had no choice!" declared Manager Kim "He'll be fine."

"I will never ing forgive the company for this. I PROMISE YOU!" screamed Yunho.

"You have to calm down." ordered Manager Kim "You know this is the only choice you have."

In a flash, Yunho grabbed Manager Kim, by his coat and slammed him up against the nearby wall.

"Was it you?" growled Yunho with a dagger-like stare "Did you cause all of this?"

"NO!" yelled Manager Kim as he reached up and grabbed Yunho's hands "I'm just doing my job!"

"Your JOB?" said Yunho in pure unadulterated disgust.

"Right! Your job." scoffed Yunho as he let go of Manager Kim with a shove.

"They will all understand in time." reassured Manager Kim as he fixed his sport coat. 

"What you need to do is, do as you're told and they will all be safe." added Manager Kim as Yunho turned his back to him and looked out the window.

"I will protect them till the end!" declared Yunho as he stared at the rain falling from the heavens outside "Even if I have to go to hell for it!"



“After that, Mr. Choi came out onto the landing and they left. I walked downstairs and got stopped by security. They said that the Chairman ordered me to go with them. They threw me in the car outside and they took me to some hotel where Yunnie was waiting for Me.” continued Changmin “I never got any explanation as to what was going on and then everything with the lawsuit hit the next morning.”

“That’s all I know.” stated Changmin.

“I remember some of that.” stated Junsu “I was there for the last part. I was standing on the staircase above them.”

“Did you get any explanation from Yunnie after you got to the hotel?” asked Yoochun.

“You know Yunnie.” Started Changmin “All he said was that this was the only way to protect all of us.”

“Always trying to protect us.” scoffed Junsu.

“When our lives are stake…” started Changmin “He’ll do anything to keep us safe. Even if that means breaking us up in the process. I guess.”

“But, something tells me that’s not the whole story.” continued Changmin “Something else must have happened.  And, it had to be something major.”

“The Chairman had to have forced him into It.” whispered Changmin “But how and why?”

“We really need to fix this once and for all.” declared Changmin “I really can’t take working for the company anymore and I miss you guys so much.”

“I’m on pins and needles as it is, with Yunnie in the state he’s in, and the company has been watching us like hawks for week’s now.” moaned Changmin.

“We need to get these two in a room together and get this straight.” stated a frustrated Yoochun. “Something tells me there are two stories here, and an even bigger misunderstanding.”

“Yeah, Jae thinks Yunnie betrayed us for the money that he could earn from the company and that Yunnie hates him for some reason.” stated Junsu.  “Or something like that.”

“I really don’t know what’s going on in his head anymore.” sniffled Junsu.

“How are we going to get them together?” asked Changmin “You know what will happen if the company gets wind of all this.

“I got beat up by the Chairman and his security guards last time I snuck out to see you guys.” sniffled Changmin “That hurt.”

“We know.” sighed Yoochun “We’re so sorry about that.”

“That’s why we stopped trying to get a hold of you little one.” added Junsu “And Hyun Joong was catching flack from the Company for helping us too.”

“Don’t be sorry about It.” said Changmin “It was worth the price just to see you two.”

“So how are we going to get them together?” asked Changmin “Do you have a plan?”

“Yes.” said Yoochun “You’re going to have to help us Minnie.”

“Of course.” agreed Changmin.

After a few minutes spent talking amongst themselves, the three brothers stood up, hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity. As Changmin let go of Junsu for the final time, Changmin said “I love you both. I will see you soon.” to which Junsu and Yoochun answered in unison “Love You Minnie.” As Junsu and Yoochun watched the little one walk away, Junsu sighed.

“This has to work.” said Junsu “I don’t know how many more times I can take saying goodbye to him.”

“It will.” answered Yoochun “No matter what happens, Yunnie still loves Jae, and us.”

“He will come.” whispered Yoochun. 

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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)