Goodbye is Another word for Love.

Emptiness filled

[Warning: This chapter is rated NC-17 for language]


“LIAR!” screamed Jaejoong.

Jaejoong looked down at Yunho with the fierceness of a vengeful god and panted heavily as if he was going to explode at any moment. Yunho, confused and shocked, could do nothing but stare. The person who stood before him was no longer the kind and gentle angel he once knew four years ago. “What happened to him?” thought Yunho as he continued to gaze upon his most beloved friend “Did I do this to him? Is this my fault?”

“What have I done?” screamed Yunho in his mind.

Jaejoong, glaring at Yunho with his fists clenched, was physically struggling to control his rage. With every passing second, he became more and more enraged. “How dare he say that to me?” thought Jaejoong as he watched Yunho struggling to pull himself up to his feet again and fail. Yunho looked up from the ground at Jaejoong and flashed a cautious smile trying to lighten the dark and ominous mood that surrounded the two friends on the rooftop. With that look, Jaejoong’s rage flared and took over his senses. He took three hastened steps towards Yunho, reached down and grabbed him by his jacket with both hands, and jerked him up to face him eye-to-eye violently.

 As Jaejoong glared at the person he loved the most in this world, he couldn’t help but feel that it was finally time. It was time to end it all, right there and right now. Four years of separation, pain, and loneliness, paired with anger, heartbreak and mistrust manifested on Jaejoong’s face as Yunho raised his shaking hands up and grabbed those delicate hands that now gripped him in a fit of fury.

“Jae?” whispered Yunho in a pleading tone.

Looking into Yunho’s imploring eyes became too much for Jaejoong to stand. In a fit of pure frustration and disgust, Jaejoong released him with a defiant push, causing Yunho to stumble back from him a few steps. Thoughts of the events that he had suffered through the last four years flashed across Jaejoong’s mind. The heartache manifested itself in a single tear that streaked slowly down his cheek. Angered by his sudden show of emotion in front of Yunho, Jaejoong turned his back, wiped the tear away and began to slowly walk away.

“DON’T GO!” pleaded Yunho. “Jae? PLEASE?!”

Seemingly un-phased by Yunho’s incessant pleading, Jaejoong continued to make his way towards the rooftop exit.

“If you leave me now…” continued Yunho “How can I protect you?”

Yunho’s question caused Jaejoong to stop dead in his tracks, and without turning around, he answered back harshly.

“Protect me?” scoffed Jaejoong “How can you protect me? How can you claim that you will protect the person who you deliberately betrayed?”

“Betrayed?” confusingly asked Yunho in a low whisper.

After a long pause, Jaejoong finally turned around to look at his beloved Yunnie.

“Good-bye Jung Yunho-ssi.” said Jaejoong as he gave a shallow bow. Turning around back towards the exit, Jaejoong resumed his course. As tears began to flow down Jaejoong’s face once more, he knew that what he had to do now was not to turn back. No matter how bad he wanted to, he couldn’t. Not again.

This is the only way they both could live in peace. Being attached to someone, who had betrayed him and left him behind, was doing nothing but harming him mentally and emotionally. Leaving any speck of hope left for Yunho would only hurt them both in the long run, and he knew it. It was time to end it once and for all and move on. “This is all I can do, for both of us.” thought Jaejoong as he continued to walk away. “It’s time to let him go.” cried Jaejoong in his mind as he stopped in front of the roof top door and stretched out his hand for the doorknob.

In a flash, and without warning, Jaejoong felt a strong hand reach for him and grab him by the arm. Spinning him around, he was crushed under the weight of two strong arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders. Surprised, Jaejoong eyes widened as he heard Yunho speak up.

“Don’t leave me Jae!” begged Yunho “I’m so sorry.”

Jaejoong reached up with his shaking hands and grabbed Yunho by his arms.

“Let go!” commanded Jaejoong but Yunho gripped him tighter.

“Please, just let me go.” begged Jaejoong with a heartbroken sigh “Please…”

“NEVER!” declared Yunho “I have never let you go and I never will!”

“I will keep my promise to you!” pledged Yunho “Please Jae!”

 “I will tell you everything.” continued Yunho “This is all my fault. Please let me explain.”

“You didn’t do this.” confessed Jaejoong after a long pause “This was all me.”

Shocked by Jaejoong’s sudden confession, and utterly confused, Yunho released his grip on him and took a step back in disbelief.

“What are you talking about?” questioned Yunho “What are keeping from me? What are you hiding? Is it about that night?”

“Please tell me.” begged Yunho.

Jaejoong nodded softly in agreement and then turned his back to Yunho. As he began to spin the tale of that fateful night, Jaejoong knew that he wouldn’t be able to bear, saying what he had to say, to Yunho’s face. As the story began to unfold before Yunho, he could do nothing but stare at his beloved angel as he began to feel completely helpless, responsible for it all, and furious at himself for what he had done. How could he have purposefully abandoned his most precious brother to suffer through such a traumatic event alone? The guilt was too much for Yunho to bear, as he collapsed to his knees instantly and stared at the floor beneath him. 

As Jaejoong started to relive the conversation with the Chairman, he turned his head to look over the Seoul skyline. Tears began to fall once again from Jaejoong’s eyes and the sight of them, caused Yunho’s disbelief and guilt to transform into pure unadulterated anger. Upon hearing that the Chairman’s guards dared to lay a hand on his Jaejoong, Yunho’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as his thoughts instantly turned to revenge. “I will kill them, I swear it!” thought Yunho “They dared to lay a hand on my Jae. Those bastards!” The anger began to manifest itself on Yunho’s face as he opened his eyes and glared furiously at the ground below. As the story reached its height, and Jaejoong uttered the words “To protect Yunnie, I have no choice. I will take Chunnie and Su only.” Yunho clinched his fist and scowled.

“And, that’s It.” stated Jaejoong “I had a choice and I made it.”

“It was the only way I could protect you.” whispered Jaejoong.

“THAT SON OF A !” yelled Yunho as he clenched his fist tighter and punched the ground as hard as he could, causing  his knuckles to bleed instantly from the impact.

Yunho’s outburst caught Jaejoong off guard. He turned to look at him and was stunned to see that Yunho was on his knees. Glancing down at Yunho’s now bleeding hand; Jaejoong could no longer fight the urge to go to his beloved friend. Kneeling down before him, Jaejoong removed a white handkerchief from his pocket with one hand and gently grabbed Yunho’s injured hand with his other. Dabbing the soft cloth against the cuts on his hands, Jaejoong couldn’t stop the pain in his heart and begged for forgiveness.

“I’m sorry.” pleaded Jaejoong “This is entirely my fault. Please forgive me Yunnie.”  

“NO!” declared Yunho as he looked up at the confused face of Jaejoong “You didn’t do this.”

“The Chairman did this.” continued Yunho “That bastard set us all up.”

“What?” asked Jaejoong “What are you talking about?”

“Well…” sniffled Yunho. 



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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)