Emptiness Filled

Emptiness filled


Pulling his hands slowly away from his face and looking towards the dark and dismal horizon, Junsu sheepishly grinned and sighed “If only you were really here.” As his tears continued to stream down his face, Junsu thought that he had truly began to lose his mind. All the sadness and longing to see Jaejoong had finally turned him from the strong and proud man he used to be, into a hallucinating mental case. His heart longed to see Jaejoong so much that he was now hearing things. Disbelieving that he had let himself fall to such as state, to honestly feel as if he was really being embraced by Jaejoong, Junsu shook his head as he thought “I must be crazy.” Rubbing his eyes gently, trying to get a grip on himself again, he whispered “Where are you?” with a heavily drawn out sigh.

“I’m here.” whispered Jaejoong as he tightened his grip around Junsu’s waist “I’m sorry.”

As Jaejoong uttered those words, Junsu’s eyes snapped open suddenly. Was he hallucinating? Was this all a dream? Was Jaejoong really holding him right now? These thoughts flashed through Junsu’s mind as he sat there in utter shock.  Unbelieving what he was experiencing, Junsu slowly reached down with his now shaking hands and grabbed for the arms that held him tightly. Gasping at the sudden realization that this was indeed not a dream, Junsu immediately tried to turn to face Jaejoong when suddenly Jaejoong grasped him even tighter and cried “Not yet.”

“Why?” softly asked Junsu.

“Please don’t look at me.” whispered Jaejoong as Junsu felt a tear land on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry Su.” cried Jaejoong “Please forgive me.”

“I should have never left.” cried Jaejoong “But…”

“I know.” interrupted Junsu “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

Junsu tightened his grip on Jaejoong’s arms and gently pulled them apart. Turning to face Jaejoong, Junsu smile softly as his eyes beheld the distraught sight of his most precious angel.

“What matters is you’re finally home.” whispered Junsu softly as he reached out and hugged Jaejoong as if his life depended on it. Burying his head in Jaejoong’s neck, Junsu quietly sobbed “Jae, I missed you so much.” Junsu’s words broke Jaejoong’s heart as the thought of the pain that he had caused him bubbled up to the surface and slowly began to stream down his face once more. Wrapping his arms around Junsu and carefully running his hand through Junsu’s hair, Jaejoong hugged him once more and whispered “I missed you too, my Su.”

Holding each other with all their might, Junsu and Jaejoong felt as wave of relief and serenity wash over them as the realization that they were finally together again took hold. After a few precious moments, Junsu released his hold on Jaejoong and pulled away slowly. Looking at Jaejoong with a bright and joyous smile, Junsu reveled in his new found bliss. Scoffing gently at all that he had endured while they were separated; Junsu nodded gently at Jaejoong and said “We have to tell everyone you’re home.”

“Later.” Whispered Jaejoong as he reached out and wiped the last latent tear that streamed down Junsu’s cheek.

“Later.” confirmed Junsu with a nod as Jaejoong softly dropped his head on his shoulder. “Later”

"He's home. He's finally home." thought Junsu happily "But where is Yunho?"


“Hey! Where are you going?” asked Lawyer Park “The movie isn’t even over yet.”

“I think I ate too much at dinner.” answered Changmin “I need some air.”

“Are you feeling sick?” asked Yoochun as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

“A little.” answered Changmin “I’ll be ok.”

“Are you sure?” probed Yoochun.

“Yeah.” answered Changmin with a smile and a nod. “I’ll be back soon.”

Changmin headed out the door of the small private viewing room and made his was down the hall towards the double glass doors that over looked the small coy pond and garden. As he walked outside he was gently hit with a soft breeze that carried the smell of the nearby blooming Jasmine. Looking up at the star filled sky to see it being slowly engulfed in a sea of the ever-creeping dark storm clouds from the horizon, Changmin sighed and thought about the fun that he had today.

“It was great to see Su smiling again.” he thought as he made his way to the small stone bench beside the water’s edge. Looking down at the fish swimming so happily among the blooming lotus blossoms in the crystal clear water, he felt as if their world was finally starting to get back to normal. The weight of his fears grew heavily in his heart every passing day and even though he was outwardly charismatic and cheerful, internally he was just as distraught as Junsu. He missed Yunho, his brother and friend that had always been by his side through thick and thin. The longer Yunho continued to be gone the more and more Changmin felt empty. Junsu was empty without Jaejoong, he was empty without Yunho, and all of them felt the incomplete without one another. Their family had been destroyed all those years ago and even now with the possibility of their reunion growing ever more real, they still longed for the time when thier only concerns were getting to a performance on time or singing in the right key. To be together again and never having to fear that they would be parted again was a dream they all shared, and to have that now within their grasp seemed almost unreal to Changmin.

“They need to come home.” whispered Changmin softly to himself as he looked up at the nearby tree swaying softly in the wind “They should be here with us.”

“You came out for some air and I find you moping.” chuckled Yoochun softly.

“I’m not moping…” said Changmin defiantly as he glanced over his shoulder at Yoochun “…just thinking.”

“You do more thinking these days than talking.” muttered Yoochun as he sat down on the bench beside Changmin. “You know you can talk to me about what you’re feeling. You don’t have to keep it to yourself and you certainly don’t have to hide it with jokes and a fake smile.”

“I know I shouldn’t…” said Changmin “…but, that’s how I am.”

“I know.” confirmed Yoochun “Su, is too much to handle right now as it is. Keep yourself together, for not only your sake, but ours as well."

“I know you miss Yunnie as much as we do. Maybe even more so…” acknowledged Yoochun “…but you have to have faith in both of them. They won’t stay gone forever, you know?”

“You’re right. I know you’re right.” answered Changmin “but still…”

“But what?” asked Yoochun “What is it?”

“We don’t know where they are or even if they’re ok. We have no idea when we will see them again. We keep having to hide because of the Chairman and if the Chairman does find us, what will happen to all of us?  I miss everyone. I’m worried all the time and there’s nothing I can do about it.” rambled Changmin before he began to trail off. "I mean we're supposed to be here to relax and take our minds off everything but I just can't seem to do it."

“For the first time in my life, I’m really scared Chunnie.” sighed Changmin as he hung his head and stared at his feet.

“I don’t know what I should do. Yunnie was always there to help me when I felt lost, and now he’s gone.” whispered Changmin.

“He’ll be back before you know It.” answered Yoochun as he glanced over his shoulder towards the door and smiled. “You just have to be patient and talk to us when you need to, promise?”

“I will.” answered Changmin with a sigh “I promise.”

“Ok.” said Yoochun with a smile “Will you be ok out here by yourself?”

“You’re leaving me?” questioned Changmin.

“I forgot. I have something for you in my room.” coyly answered Yoochun “Stay here. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Ok?”

“Go.” answered Changmin “I’ll be here.”

“Ok.” acknowledged Yoochun as he began to walk away. Making it to the double glass doors, Yoochun looked up at Yunho who had been standing there listening for quite some time. With a smile, Yoochun placed his hand on Yunho’s shoulder and squeeze it gently.

“Welcome back bro.” whispered Yoochun as he leaned his head on Yunho’s shoulder.

 “Thank you for taking care of them.” whispered Yunho as he patted Yoochun on the back softly.

Yoochun lifted his head from Yunho’s shoulder and without looking up to face his brother he whispered, “Go see the little one. He’s had a hard time without you.”

“Ok.” said Yunho as he grabbed Yoochun’s shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. Yunho watched Yoochun disappear into the darkness of the quiet lobby and then turned his gaze to his Minnie and sighed deeply. “He’s taken this harder than I thought he would.” thought Yunho as he slowly made his way towards where Changmin was sitting. As he got closer and closer to Changmin, Yunho quickly noticed the faint sound of him crying. The sound of his sweet little brother crying hurt Yunho to no end. He never wanted to ever make him cry and he had. When he finally reached Changmin, the heartbreak he felt from seeing his little brother in so much pain was already streaming down his own cheeks. Without a word Yunho reached out for Changmin and hugged him as hard as he could.

“Don’t cry Minnie.” sniffled Yunho “I’m home.”

Changmin sighed deeply at the sound of his beloved brother’s voice and whispered “You’re finally home?”

“Yes, we both are.” whispered Yunho “And we’ll never leave you again.”

Changmin quickly reached up and grabbed Yunho’s arm. Squeezing it tightly, he let out a deep sigh and said, “Promise?”

“I promise.” answered Yunho.

“Thank God.” sighed Changmin.


"Have you two made up yet?" jokingly asked Yoochun as he looked out the door at Junsu and Jaejoong sitting side by side on the edge of the pool. "Is it safe to interuppt?"

Junsu and Jaejoong both turned to see Yoochun standing there smiling brightly and answered "Yes." in unison. 

"Good." giggled Yoochun as he quickly sprinted to Jaejoong's side and gave him a big hug "Welcome home Jae!"

"Woah." said Jaejoong as the sudden attack from Yoochun startled him.

"I haven't been gone that long." laughed Jaejoong "You guys act like I was never coming back."

"For a moment there, we really thought you weren't." sighed Junsu.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much." sighed Jaejoong "I promise I'll never disappear on you again!"

"We'll hold you to that!" interjected Junsu as he reached out and hugged Jaejoong and Yoochun. 

"Enough of this love dovey stuff." declared Yoochun after a few moments "Let's go see Minnie and Yunnie."

"Are they together?" asked Jaejoong.

"Yeah!" answered Yoochun "I think its time our family becomes whole again. Don't you?"

"YES!" cheered Junsu and Jaejoong in unison. 

Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun quickly made their way from the baths to the garden. Reaching the double glass doors and swingly them softly open, they all stopped and stared at the scene that played out before them. Yunho and Changmin were sitting side by side on the small stone bench as Changmin rested his head on Yunho shoulder. With their arms around one another, the three brothers smiled in unison and cried out "DONG BANG SHIN KI!" causing Yunho and Changmin to turn around quickly at the surprise. Changmin and Yunho stood up, smiled brightly at their three long lost brothers, and ran to them. Hugging each other tightly, the five brothers were finally together again. Their family was whole again. 


They were happy once again, but for how long? Unaware of the world around them, the five brothers reveled in their reunion, and would have never guessed that an unannounced visitor had been making his way to their mountain retreat all this time. As the rain began to fall from the heavens, five black cars with tinted window pulled up infront of the retreats main gate bringing with them an evil that would destroy thier peaceful future with one swift blow. 



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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)