Beyond the Horizon.

Emptiness filled


As the crisp autumn morning breeze blew through the trees before him, Junsu stood on the balcony of his family home and sighed deeply. With his heart full of sorrow and longing to see Jaejoong and Yunho, he shivered as the thought of never seeing them again crossed his mind. He felt useless and pathetic. No matter how he tried or what he did, he couldn’t seem to find out anything about where the two had disappeared to. Spending endless nights wallowing in his own sadness, his face looked weathered and pale and he felt physically and emotionally drained. The toll of the events in the past few weeks was noticeable to everyone around him, and even he began to notice that he had become frail. With all that was playing on his mind, he had become quick to anger and overly emotional. No matter what Changmin or Yoochun tried to do to ease his suffering, it seemed that he would be forever trapped in this uncontrollable nightmare.  Reaching up his hand and gently rubbing his eyes, Junsu thought “I can’t take much more of this.” Quickly awakened from his internal monolog by the sound of Changmin’s voice, Junsu scoffed softly to himself. “I was wondering when he was going to check on Me.” thought Junsu.

“Su?” asked Changmin again, while standing in the door way.

Turning his head around to see his weary looking little brother softly smiling back at him, Junsu smiled back, nodded softly, and ce again to glance at the leaves blowing in the nearby tree.

“It’s getting cool out here.” said Changmin as he felt a slight shiver cross his shoulders “Why don’t you come inside and rest a bit?”

“I will.” answered Junsu “Just give me a minute.”

“Alright.” whispered Changmin as he slowly turned around and headed back inside. Looking across the room to see Yoochun sprawled out in the recliner, Changmin hung his head low and sighed. Making his way across the room and plopping onto the long couch next to Yoochun’s recliner, he threw up his feet onto the coffee table and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Don’t pout.” whispered Yoochun.

“I’m not pouting. I’m angry.” retorted Changmin.

“What is it this time?” asked Yoochun.

“Jae and Yunnie.” grumbled Changmin as he leaned his head back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling “There has been no word for weeks now. Do they honestly not know what they are putting us through right now? Do they even care what state you or I are in? Or how lost Su is right now? This is ridiculous!”

“Don’t worry. They will return home soon.” reassured Yoochun.

“How can you be so sure?” asked Changmin with a tinge of contempt in his voice.

“You know they would never abandon us.” retorted Yoochun in a soft voice “We just need to be patient.”

“Patient?” scoffed Changmin in a severely irritated tone “We’ve BEEN patient and still no word.”

“If we just knew that they were truly safe, that would make this easier, but we don’t have any clue if they are even still alive, let alone safe.”

“You’re over thinking this Minnie.” said Yoochun as he finally opened his eyes and glared at Changmin “You know Yunnie and Jaejoong! You know that they would never disappear like this without a good reason. You KNOW that they wouldn’t cut off all communication with us unless there was no other choice.”

“You can be angry with them all you want, but you know in your heart that they have their reasons, and we will eventually find out why they have been gone so long.” continued Yoochun “What’s more important right now is that we wholeheartedly support whatever they decide to do and be patient.”

“You act like you already know.” Changmin said sarcastically.

“It’s not that I know, it’s that I know where they are coming from right now.” answered Yoochun “And, I trust them. You should too.”

“I do. But…” stammered Changmin “I just miss them so much and it’s killing me to see Su in such a state.”

“I know but all we can do now is help Su deal with this and hope that they come home soon.” said Yoochun “He feels lost without Jae, even more so than we do.”

“We just have to be there for him and try and keep his mind off this whole situation as best as we can.” added Yoochun.

“Yeah, I know.” agreed Changmin.

As Changmin and Yoochun glanced up in unison they both immediately stopped at the realization that Junsu was standing in the doorway, watching them. The look on Junsu’s face at that moment tore at their hearts. The both thought “How long has he been standing there?” and immediately stood up and walked over to him. Yoochun put his arm around Junsu’s shoulders and squeezed lightly as his notice tears beginning to form in Junsu’s eyes again. Changmin put his arms around Junsu neck and hugged him softly. As Changmin’s embrace sunk in Junsu buried his head onto Changmin’s shoulder and began to cry softly. Through the almost silent tears, Junsu mumbled “I’m sorry I’m such a burden.”

“No, you’re not!” sighed Changmin.

“You could never be a burden to us Su, we love you.” said Yoochun as he wrapped his other arm around Changmin and hugged them both tightly. “It’s alright.”

“We know how you feel.” added Changmin “Don’t worry. Jae will be home before you know it.”

“I’m sorry.” whispered Junsu as he gently pulled away from his brothers after a few minutes. “I’m ok now.”

As Changmin and Yoochun let go of Junsu, they heard a knock on the door. Changmin walked over and peeked through the doors eyepiece to see who it was and then quickly opened the door.

“Hey Minnie.” said Lawyer Park “Can I come in?”

“Of course.” said Changmin as he stepped aside to let the man in.

“Hey guys.” said Lawyer Park “Are you all ok?”

“Yeah.” nodded Yoochun as he patted Junsu gently on the back and smiled. “We’re ok.”

“What brings you here?” asked Junsu.

“I came to check on you three, to make sure you were all safe and to see if you needed any supplies.” answered Lawyer Park as he headed towards the kitchen. After a few moments of searching through the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, Lawyer Park returned to living room.

“Looks like you're still good on supplies.” said Lawyer Park. “Do you guys need anything?”

“No.” answered Yoochun “Is there any word from Jae and Yunnie?”

“Unfortunately, no.” lied Lawyer Park “I still haven’t heard anything yet.”

Yoochun the nearby television and sat back down in his recliner. Flipping through the channels until he found a movie to watch, he leaned back into his chair and gave a contented smile.”Let’s watch this. We haven’t seen it in a while.” said Yoochun. Changmin and Junsu both headed to the couch and sat down.

“You guys go ahead. I have a few errands to make and I will be back.” said Lawyer Park as he nodded and then turned around and headed out the front door.

Three hours has passed before Lawyer Park returned. He entered the house without so much as a knock on the door and made his way into the living room. As his eyes fell upon Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin he brightly smiled and scoffed gently. “How cute.” he mumbled as he looked at Junsu and Changmin who were cuddle up together on the couch, sound asleep.  The sound of closing front door had woken up Yoochun who was gently rubbing his face. Pulling his hand down from his face, Yoochun finally noticed Lawyer Park looking back at him.

“Hello again” whispered Yoochun with a soft nod.

“Hi.” said Lawyer Park “How long have they been out.”

“Since about half way through the movie.” giggled Yoochun softly.  “Is everything alright?”

“Aye.” answered Lawyer Park. “Can I talk to you in private?”

“Sure.” said Yoochun as he slowly got out of his chair and quietly headed for one of the back bedrooms. As they entered Yoochun’s room, Lawyer Park’s expression changed from a bright smile to one of concern.

“Yoochun.” started Lawyer Park “I know you got a phone call from Jaejoong. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I … just…” stammered Yoochun “thought that I should keep it to myself for now.”

“And, you thought right.” commended Lawyer Park.

“They don’t want Junsu and Changmin to lose their sensibilities and do something stupid in an act to find them.” said Lawyer Park. “That’s what is worrying them the most right now.”

“Wait! You’ve spoken to Jae and Yunnie?” questioned Yoochun loudly.

“Shh.” said Lawyer Park as he quickly put his finger to his lips “I’ve been in contact with Jaejoong for a while now.”

“Although he knows that they are worrying you three to death right now, they couldn’t take the chance and come back just yet.” continued Lawyer Park “Jaejoong begged me not to say anything to you three about their whereabouts. However, since you are somewhat in the loop already, I can tell you a little about what’s going on right now. So, you will better equipped to handle taking care of Junsu and Changmin till this is all over.”

“Alright.” acknowledged Yoochun.

As Lawyer Park began to spin the tale of the plan they had put in place and everything that had been going on in the previous weeks, Yoochun began to fully realize that this wasn’t simply about avoiding the Chairman. It was more about saving the entire family. Everything that Jaejoong and Yunho had been up to, plotting, planning, and executing over the time they’ve been gone, left Yoochun seriously impressed with his two brothers. He had always thought that they were just hiding. He never thought that this was all for their future.

“Now we’re just waiting on the Chairman’s phone call.” said Lawyer Park “After that, they can come home.”

“I got the phone call from the Seoul Prosecutors office while I was running errands.” continued Lawyer Park “They informed me that the lawsuits from the Chairman’s company were pulled this morning. So we pulled ours as well. He needs only to call me to concede and this is finally over.”

“I see.”  said Yoochun.

“That’s why I’m here.” continued Lawyer Park “I felt it only appropriate to be here, with all of you, when we finally got the news.”

“Do you intend to tell Su and Minnie the second you know for sure?” asked Yoochun eagerly.

“No.” stated Lawyer Park flatly.

“Why not?” questioned Yoochun with a deeply puzzled look.

“Jaejoong’s orders.” sighed Lawyer Park “I guess he doesn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up. Perhaps he’s still a bit paranoid that this won’t completely work out.”

“I understand.” said Yoochun “If we told them that Jae and Yunnie were coming home, and then they didn’t…”

“Exactly, they would be devastated.” interrupted Lawyer Park.

“We should get back before they realize I’m missing.” said Yoochun as he motioned towards the bedroom door.

As they quietly re-entered the living room, Yoochun snuck over and peaked over the back of the couch to check on his brothers. The sight caused Yoochun to smile brightly. They were still comfortably and peacefully cuddle up together and sleeping soundly. As he reached down to brush aside the hair that sheepishly covered Junsu’s eyes; Yoochun thought “He always smiles in his sleep. I wonder what he’s dreaming about.” After brushing the hair aside, Yoochun began to pull his hand back from his beloved brother’s face when he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist. Junsu peaked out of one eye at his surprised brother and whispered “I’m ok.” before slowly letting go, closing his eyes, and falling back to sleep.

Standing back up and releasing one more sigh, Yoochun turned to look at Lawyer Park. Shrugging his shoulders, he whispered “I’m hungry.” as he patted his stomach. “Lawyer Park, do you want some ramen?” asked Yoochun. “Aye.” answered Lawyer Park with a nod. Yoochun set to his task while Lawyer Park sat down on the nearby stool. The frustration in his face was quite obvious as he continued to check his phone every few minutes.

“Calm down.” advised Yoochun as he stirred the pot in front of him “He’ll call.”

“I know.” sighed Lawyer Park “It’s just.”

“And how can you be so calm right now?” asked Lawyer Park.

“Always keep the faith.” answered Yoochun.   

At that moment, Lawyer Park phone began to ring and buzz across the table. Picking up quickly and looking at the caller ID he said with a sigh “Here we go.” and answered the call.

“Hello.” said Lawyer Park.

“Its done.” said The Chairman.

"Understood." said Lawyer Park.

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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)