Hell's Stairway

Emptiness filled


Scurrying in from the falling rain, the five brothers made their way through the darkened hallway towards Junsu’s room. Opening the door quickly, Changmin bolted through the door first and jumped on the overly large king sized bed in the middle of the room. Bouncing playfully like a small child, he carried a look on his face of absolute joy and giggled incoherently.

“Yah! Lets watch a movie together just like the old days!” giggled Changmin.

“Like the old days?” laughed Jaejoong “Ok!”

“Everyone, go grab your pillows and blankets and meet back here!” ordered Yunho playfully.

In an instant, Changmin, Yunho, Jaejoong, and Yoochun shot out the door and ran to their individual rooms, laughing and smiling like kids at their first sleep over. In mere moments, everyone reassembled in Junsu’s room with their pillows and blankets. Junsu, smiling brightly, watched as his four brothers set to the task of getting ready for the movie. Changmin ran across the room and cut in front of Yunho, who was headed for the bathroom. “Me first!” squealed Changmin and he darted in the bathroom and began to shut the door. “You big kid!” giggled Yunho as he shook his head. After ten minutes or so, the brothers were all set up in their night clothes and fighting over who was going to sleep where, on the bed. Changmin wanted to lie next to Yunho but Jaejoong had that spot and Yoochun wanted to lie next to Jaejoong but Junsu had already claimed the other spot.  “This isn’t fair. You all have to share Jae!” whined Yoochun which caused the brothers to erupt in a fit of laughter.

 “Ok. Ok.” said Yunho “I’ll take the left side in the back, Jae in the middle, Su on the right in the back, Minnie goes between me and Jae, and Chunnie goes between Jae and Su further down on the bed.”

“How does that sound?” giggled Yunho.

“Awe.” pouted Yoochun “I guess.”

“Even after all these years, we are still having this argument?” laughed Junsu.

“Some things will never change.” giggled Jaejoong as they all began to settle in on the bed. “Everyone set?”

Getting nods from everyone, Jaejoong the movie and smiled brightly as he looked around at his family once again together and smiling. No matter what they have had to endure over the past four years, this moment was all that mattered. Yunho reached over and turned off the bed side lamp and turned to Jaejoong. “Happy?” whispered Yunho. “Now and forever.” answered Jaejoong. Glancing at the window, Jaejoong smiled brightly at the rain pouring down outside. “Thank you.” he whispered before he leaned his head on Yunho’s shoulder and looked back at the TV.


Over two hours had passed before the man sitting in the back seat of the car even made a sound. Dressed in a black suit, gold-rimmed reading glasses, and a black fedora, the man sat in silence with a contemptible scowl on his face. Gripping tightly to the silver tipped black cane in his hand, the man looked at the unrelenting rain and sighed in disgust.

“Go!” ordered the man angrily without even a sideways glance at his passenger.

“In this, Sir?” asked Manager Kim.

“I said go check!” growled the Chairman.

“Yes Sir.” stuttered Manager Kim, fearfully.

Manager Kim grabbed the umbrella from the seat, opened the car door, and stepped out into the pouring rain. Opening the umbrella and walking around the back of the car, he nodded to the driver sitting in the parked black sedan behind them. Making his way to the gate and realizing that it was locked up tight, Manager Kim shook his head in disappointment.  “I guess I’m going to have to find a way over the fence.” thought Manager Kim as he turned away from the gate and looked down the fence line. He worked his way down the fence, rounded the corner, and found a gardener’s work bench up against the fence. Placing his foot carefully on the bench to test its stability, he then quickly stepped up and climbed over. As his feet landed in a puddle of water, Manager Kim swore under his breath “I’m so sick of this .”

Crouching down, Manager Kim looked across the yard and through the patio doors. Noticing that this room was dark and empty, he slowly made his way towards the gate that connected this room’s private garden to the next one. Opening the gate, sneaking quietly through, and closing it behind him, Manager Kim scurried up to the side of the building and peaked through the patio doors of the next room. “Empty.” he thought.  Making his way through then next three gardens, and finding each adjoining room empty, Manager Kim was beginning to think that they were in the wrong place. “I have to keep looking.” he thought as he made his way through the next gate that led to the communal bath.  Realizing that this area had a lot of windows and doors, and that he could be easily spotted by any hotel guest walking through the lobby, he bolted for the next gate. Stopping as soon as he made it through the gate and checking to make sure there was no alarm, he quickly realized that this room wasn’t empty as he saw a flickering light from the room beaming throughout the small garden. Running up to wall and leaning against it, he let out a sigh of relief and slowly inched his way towards the patio doors. Coming to the corner, he slowly peaked around, looked into the room, and quickly snapped his head back.

“Got Ya!” whispered Manager Kim with a smile.

Raising an eyebrow at the scene he just glimpsed, Manager Kim dared to venture one more look. Looking through the patio doors once more he noticed that Junsu, Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, and Changmin were all cuddled up together on the large bed in the middle of the room and fast asleep.  He couldn’t help but stop and stare for a moment at such a heartwarming site.

“They look so happy together.” he thought. “Too bad it won’t last.”

Manager Kim immediately began to feel very guilty for even being there. He may be the Chairman’s lackey, but before all that, he was their Manager and friend. As he continued to watch them, tears began well up in his tired eyes. No matter how much they hated him, he hated himself more for betraying them. His reasons for what he had done, and was about to do, could never be justified in their eyes and he knew that. Deep down inside he still loved them like they were his real family.   

“I’m sorry kids.” whispered Manager Kim as a tear fell slowly down his cheek “I have no choice.”

After stealing a few more glimpses at the sleeping brothers, Manager Kim turned and darted back through gate and made his way back to where he had come over the fence. Reluctantly making his way back over the fence, Manager Kim scurried to the Chairman’s black sedan and got in. Closing the door behind him and shaking off the cold and rain that seemed to have seeped into his very bones, he looked up at the scowling Chairman with a half-hazard smile and let out a long sigh.

“Well?” growled the Chairman.

“Yes.” huffed Manager Kim “They’re together.”

“Very well.” said the Chairman “You know what to do.”

“Yes sir.” stammered Manager Kim.

Rolling down the window just enough to reach his arm out, Manager Kim motioned to the waiting men in the other sedans. Catching the signal, the twelve men exited their vehicles, fanned out around the property, and began to climb the fence. At the muffled sound of breaking glass a few moments later, the Chairman growled quietly to himself “Ok Jaejoong, let’s play.”


“Yah! What are you going?” whined Yunho softly as he felt Jaejoong crawl over him in attempt to get out of bed.

“Shhh.” whispered Jaejoong as his feet hit the cold floor “I left my phone in my room.”

“Forget it and come back to bed.” moaned Yunho as he felt Junsu already reaching out for the missing Jaejoong and whining softly.

“Su is going to wake up any minute.” whined Yunho softly.

“Stand in for me. I will be right back.” whispered Jaejoong with a reassuring pat on Yunho’s head “Go back to sleep.”

 “Hurry up.” whispered Yunho as his eyes began to close.

Jaejoong tip-toed quietly to the door and opened it. After stealing one last glimpse at his sleeping brothers and smiling brightly, he snuck out of the room. Closing the door softly behind him, as to not wake them, Jaejoong turned and headed down the dark hallway towards his room at the end. Fumbling through the dark, and occasionally bumping into decorative tables and a couple of potted plants, Jaejoong finally reached his room. Opening the door, he headed in and flipped on the nearby table lamp. Scanning the room for his cellphone, Jaejoong thought “Where did I put it last?” Walking across the room to the bed side table near the patio doors, he glanced at its surface. “Not here.” he whispered. Opening the top drawer, he pulled out the large envelope that was sitting on top and tossed it on the bed. Looking back into the drawer, he smiled sheepishly as he said “There you are.” Grabbing his cellphone and looking at the screen, his eyes widened as he saw a prompt that said he had a new text message. Unlocking the phone and looking at the screen once more, Jaejoong’s hands began to shake violently as he read the message.

New Text Message From:
“Let’s Play.”


Jaejoong instantly panicked, dropping his cellphone onto the ground. As the phone hit the floor, he suddenly felt an ominous presence in the room with him. Before he could react, he was immediately struck on the back of the head. As he hit the floor, his eyes quickly began to dim and with the last bit of his mental strength he whispered “Yunnie” before the darkness overtook him. The man standing over Jaejoong smirked coyly as he looked at him. Reaching up to tap his earpiece, he muttered “Target captured.” before he reached down, picked up Jaejoong’s lifeless body, and flung him over his shoulder.


Breathing heavily, Yunho shot up in bed in a fit of pure panic. Frantically scanning the bed for Jaejoong, and finding him missing, he yelled “Where’s Jae?” as he jumped out of bed. His yell immediately woke up all his brothers and they looked at him in confusion.

“He’s probably in the bathroom.” moaned Changmin.

Yunho sprinted for the bathroom door and flung it open hard. As he looked into the small room, his mind flashed to the earlier conversation he had with Jaejoong. Realizing that Jaejoong never came back after going to his room for his cellphone, Yunho bolted for the door. Opening up the door ferociously and sprinting out of the room, he began to fear the worst. Yunho’s panicked actions, caused Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin to look at each other in utter confusion.

“What’s going on?” questioned Yoochun as he got out of bed.

“Something is wrong.” said Junsu as he placed his hand on his chest and closed his eyes.

“Jae’s in trouble!” screamed Junsu a few seconds later.

“!” yelled Changmin “Let’s go.”

The three brothers ran out the door and frantically scanned the hallway looking for Yunho. Turning in the direction of Jaejoong’s room, they saw Yunho stopped in the hallway and staring into his room. As Yunho took a step into Jaejoong’s room, the three brothers darted down the hallway in his direction. When they reached Jaejoong’s room they stepped into to find Yunho standing near the bedside table with Jaejoong’s cellphone in his hand. Yunho was pale, as if all the color had drained out of him, and his hands were shaking. He glanced back at this brothers standing near the door and as tears streamed down his face he cried “He took him.”

“Who?” Junsu urged.

“The Chairman, that son of a .” yelled Yoochun as he punched the wall.

Junsu ran around the room to catch Yunho, who suddenly felt weak in the knees and collapsed. Looking at Yunho, who was trapped in a state of pure shock, Junsu sighed deeply and cradled him gently. “Don’t worry Yunnie, we’ll find him.” cried Junsu softly. Grabbing Jaejoong’s cellphone from Yunho’s hand, Junsu quickly dialed Lawyer Park’s number, waking him out of dead sleep.  Moments after Junsu explained the situation to Lawyer Park, he arrived at Jaejoong’s room completely disheveled. He had not even bothered to change from his t-shirt and pajama pants that he had been sleeping in. Running across the room and kneeling down to check on Yunho, he gently placed his hand on Yunho’s shoulder and looked up at Yoochun.

“What do we know?” asked Lawyer Park.

“Nothing.” sighed Yoochun.

“Jae went to get his cellphone and never came back.” cried Yunho.

“There’s a text message from the Chairman on Jae’s phone.” said Yunho as he began to sob heavily.

“WHAT?” yelled everyone in unison.

“Let me see.” said Lawyer Park as he snatch the phone from Junsu.

“Damn it.” growled Lawyer Park as he looked at the message. “This isn’t good.”

“Why would he come for Jae now?” questioned Yoochun as stared intently at Lawyer Park “I thought you guys took care of him for good.”

“What are you talking about?” questioned Junsu with a confused look as he looked back a forth between Yoochun and Lawyer Park.

“What the hell is going on?” asked Changmin angrily as he glared at Yoochun.

Suddenly, Jaejoong’s phone began to ring in Lawyer Park’s hand. Looking down at the caller ID, his eyes widened. “Why the hell is Manager Kim calling?” he growled.

“Why the hell are you calling this number.” spat Lawyer Park in disgust as he answered the phone without even a hello.

“To redeem myself.” said Manger Kim just before the line went dead.

Pulling the phone from ear and looking utterly confused by the call, he jumped when Jaejoong’s phone beeped again signaling a new text message. After opening the message and reading is slowly, he suddenly shot up and gripped the phone in a fit of rage, squeezing it hard.

“I know where he is!” yelled Lawyer Park as he looked at Yoochun with a dark and determined look “The Chairman took him up the mountain, to the overlook.”

“You don’t think…” started Yoochun before his voice trailed off as the sentence stuck in his throat like a stone. “We have to go NOW!”


As Manager Kim and the Chairman made their way up the partially-rotted and winding makeshift stairs towards the overlook, Manager Kim looked physically nervous and struggled to avoid the gaze of the Chairman at all cost. Fumbling with his cellphone in his pocket, he sighed deeply and prayed “Please let them get here in time.” in his head. Glancing over his shoulder to look behind them every few seconds, he worried about Jaejoong’s fate. Looking at the Chairman’s henchman, who still carried the unconscious Jaejoong on his shoulder, his heart broke to even think about what the Chairman was going to do to his little Jae.

“They have to come. I can’t save him on my own.” he thought as he averted his eyes back towards the now visible overlook on the horizon.

“Please." he begged silently.





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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)