The End in Sight?

Emptiness filled




“Understood.” said the Chairman as he hung up the phone.

Leaning back and rubbing his eyes, the Chairman seemed to be quite exhausted and frustrated. Dropping his elbows onto the chair’s arms and lacing his fingers together, he released a deep sigh and glanced out the window at the foggy Seoul skyline. The last few weeks had been a financial nightmare for him and his company. His biggest act had totally disappeared without a word and he had to cancel six appearances and thirty appointments. He had been fielding angry calls all day from sponsors, magazine photographers, press, and event coordinators. The firestorm from all the cancellations seemed to come to their peak today and the Chairman was hanging on by a thread. This disaster was all icing on the proverbial cake; his main problem was tracking down Changmin and Yunho. Orchestrating a country wide manhunt, event to the point of putting out press releases that they were missing, was not only draining his professional standing but draining him of his personal strength. Even with the hiring of private investigators and getting the police and Interpol involved, still there were no leads as to where the two had disappeared to.

“Where the hell did those brats go?” grumbled the Chairman.

Hearing a knock on his office door the Chairman stood up and answered “Yes?”

In walked a petite woman in her mid forties wearing a soft white and pale pink business suit. Looking quite uncomfortable and uneasy the woman bowed slightly and looked up at the Chairman.

“Yes Secretary Yang?” said the Chairman.

“Sir… Sir…” said Mrs. Yang.

“What it is?” asked the Chairman in an irritated tone.

“You… You have some visitors.” stuttered Mrs. Yang.

“Who?” questioned the Chairman.

“Well…” started Mrs. Yang before she was startled by the sound of the office door swinging open and slamming against the wall. Frightened she jumped at the sound and turned to see the Chairman’s visitors standing in the doorway. The Chairman glared at the men with an evil smirk on his face and let out a huff before he dismissed his secretary with a wave.

“Well… Look who we have here.” laughed the Chairman.

“I wouldn’t laugh if I were you.” mumbled Mrs. Yang as she quickly exited the room.

The two men walked into the room and casually took a seat on the chairs surrounding a small coffee table in the middle of the Chairman’s office. Continuing to sit quietly without a word uttered, the two men waited for the Chairman to join them and occasionally flashed glances and smiles at one another.

“How audacious of them.” thought the Chairman as he stood there watching them.

“Don’t you think you should join us?” said the first man.

“We didn’t come here for a social visit.” added the second man.

“What kind of game are you playing here?” questioned the Chairman with a sly smirk of contempt.

“No game, just business.” said the first man as he nodded and motioned towards the Chairman to take a seat.

The Chairman confidently walked around his large desk, walked up to his leather bound chair, and sat down slowly. Both of the two men sighed softly and gave each other a sheepish smile.

“I’m sure your aware of who I am, right?” asked the first man.

“Lead Seoul Prosecutor Kim.” stated the Chairman.

“Correct.” answered Prosecutor Kim “And this of course is Lawyer Park from CJeS Entertainment.”

“Yes.” acknowledged the Chairman. “What brings you two to barge into my office without an appointment this morning?”

“We’ve come today to do you a little courtesy.” declared Lawyer Park.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” scoffed the Chairman.

“No need to play coy.” said Prosecutor Kim.

“We are all very well aware of what’s been going on between your company and Lawyer Park’s clients, so shall we dispense with the formalities and patronizing remarks, and  just get straight to the point?” said Prosecutor Kim as he nodded at Lawyer Park.

“Very well.” laughed the Chairman.

Reaching into his briefcase, Lawyer Park removed a file filled with a large amount of documents contained within. Laying the file on his lap, he then looked at the Chairman and smiled coyly.

“We have been at each other’s throats legally for far too long.” started Lawyer Park “it’s time we ended this.”

“Not likely.” scoffed the Chairman “Unless you intend to give in?”

“Hardly.” laughed Lawyer Park loudly.

“I’m busy so you can just leave then.” grumbled the Chairman.

“We can’t do that.” stated Prosecutor Kim “This is official business.”

“Decorum Mr. Park.” scolded Prosecutor Kim.

“Very well.” nodded Lawyer Park.

“Well get on with it then.” growled the Chairman.

“We had hoped to settle the matter of the lawsuit and contract disputes peacefully.” started Lawyer Park “However, as you seem to be unwilling to bend in your position, we’ve had to switch to our backup plan.”

“Backup plan?” laughed the Chairman.

“These documents…” continued Lawyer Park as he put his hand on the file in his lap “detail charges that will officially be filed against you personally in two days. In them, Mr. Kim Jaejoong, along with signed testimony and affidavits from Mr. Kim Junsu, Mr. Shim Changmin, Mr. Park Yoochun, Mr. Jung Yunho and countless witnesses have claimed that you have perpetrated a laundry list of illegal actions.”

“Preposterous.” laughed the Chairman “Stupid kids.”

“I’m afraid this is no laughing matter.” advised Prosecutor Kim “Their evidence is quite overwhelming and extensive.”

“What are those brats accusing me of this time?” laughed the Chairman “Did I steal their puppy? Did I hit someone’s mother? Oh wait! I got it! I made them worship Satan.”

“Why you…” growled Lawyer Park.

“Enough!” scolded Prosecutor Kim “Get on with it.”

“You are being accused of extortion, coercion, theft, blackmail…” continued Lawyer Park “And… attempted murder.”

“That’s a new one.” laughed the Chairman manically.

“Mr. Chairman.” started Prosecutor Kim “We have you dead bang. We have Mr. Kim Jaejoong’s medical records and sworn affidavits from all four of the security guards that were on duty the night of the incident.”

“Also, we have an audio recording provided by one of those security guards that has you clearly ordering them to ... What was it?” said Lawyer Park before he began shuffling through the documents again “Ah ha here it is. You said and I quote – When Jaejoong gets here, bring him to my office. If he resists even the slightest bit, I want you to beat him within an inch of his life. You are to bring him here immediately and make it as painful as possible. Breathing or not breathing makes no difference. Understand?”

“So you can now understand why I’m here.” said Prosecutor Kim

 “You have painted yourself into a corner. The judge is ready to sign the warrant for your arrest the moment I call him.” Added Prosecutor Kim as his removed his cellphone from his pocket and showed it to the Chairman.  “I don’t see any good way out of this for you.”

“I will fight this in court, you know that.” advised the Chairman.

“Well, that’s your choice.” agreed Lawyer Park “However, do you think your company will be able to survive when the media gets a hold of this? How will your customers feel about this? How will all of their fans feel when the news breaks that you’re charged with the attempted murder of Mr. Kim Jaejoong?”

“Your relationship with the public is already hanging on by a thread with the contract dispute, lawsuit, and the alleged black balling surrounding the performances of Lawyer Park’s clients. What will you do when the Board of Directors finds out? When your investors pull out completely? Think clearly Chairman.” added Prosecutor Kim.

“If this sees the light of day, not only will your career be over but so will be your company.” advised Prosecutor Kim “If not for your company, think about all your artists and employees that will be out of job if this goes public. I’d hate to see our economy take another hit because you are being stubborn and prideful.”

The words of the prosecutor struck a chord with the Chairman. It was true that if this went public and the fans and media got wind of it, there would be a media firestorm, boycotts, and demonstrations worldwide. With that kind of media frenzy the Board of Directors would have to take action, the investors would pull out, the company’s stock would plummet, and he’d be finished for sure.

“Get to the point.” growled the Chairman “What do I need to do to make this all go away?”

“Its simple.” giggled Lawyer Park under his breath “We drop all the lawsuits, mutually, and you keep your hands and influence off of my clients and their careers.”

“Sounds pretty simple to me.” scoffed Prosecutor Kim. “If you can agree to Lawyer Park’s terms, those documents will not be filed. Otherwise, we’ll have to go forward.”

“That’s it?” questioned the Chairman “Seems a little too simple if you ask me.”

“Well there is one more thing.” started Prosecutor Kim “You have to agree to and sign a Cease and Desist order that states that you will no longer hinder Mr. Jung Yunho or Mr. Shim Changmin from contacting Lawyer Park’s clients. You will also not influence or deny those two gentlemen the right to allow their current contract with your company to end when the contract term concludes, if they choose to. You will also refrain from limiting or regulating their movements. In other words, you will have no legal right to influence what they do with their personal life and will be limited to their professional careers only, and only with their expressed written consent.”

“If you can agree to those terms, then I’ll see to it that those documents never see the light of day.” continued Prosecutor Kim “However, I will caution you. If you break our agreement in any way, those documents will be filled immediately and without hesitation.”

“What if I report this conversation to your superior?” scoffed the Chairman.

“What good would that do when I’m only doing what he ordered me to.” laughed Prosecutor Kim “The D.A.’s office along with most of the officials in Seoul’s government want to see this situation resolved quickly. Korea has been given a public black eye because of this whole situation.”

“Your behavior towards Lawyer Park’s clients have caused enough of a ruckus in countries all over the world to even get the attention of the President himself.” added Prosecutor Kim “It’s time to settle this now and for good.”

After a few minutes of silence, the Chairman looked up at the two men.

“I’ll think about it.” answered the Chairman calmly. “Now if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I have a meeting to attend.”

“Very well.” stated Lawyer Park “However let me inform you that you should make your decision in the next twenty-four hours. My clients have made it perfectly clear that they will not allow you time to try and wiggle your way out of this and they asked me to relay a simple message.”

“What do they have to say.” asked the Chairman.

“This is, in no way, a bluff.” answered Lawyer Park “That was their message.”

With that the two men stood up, bowed respectfully, and walked out of the office. Closing the door behind him, Lawyer Park glanced up at the prosecutor and then at the two uniformed officers that had been waiting outside the whole time.

“He’ll deal.” stated Lawyer Park with a nod.

The four men parted ways and Lawyer Park headed for the parking garage on the basement level. Reaching his car, he pulled out his cell phone, leaned up against the car and dialed the phone.

“Hello?” answered Jaejoong.

“It’s me.” said Lawyer Park.

“How did he take it?” laughed Jaejoong.

“Not well.” laughed Lawyer Park “Your US lawyers did a hell of a job putting all of this together.”

“Yeah.” said Jaejoong. “So what are we looking at?”

“He’ll deal. He didn’t give a definite answer but he knows he’s got no way out now.” answered Lawyer Park.

“You two should be safe to return in a week or so.” added Lawyer Park “How’s Yunho feeling? Is he still sick?”

“He’s better.” answered Jaejoong “He’ll be right as rain in a day or two.”

“Don’t you think it’s about time we call the others?” asked Lawyer Park “They are extremely worried about you two. Junsu … he’s… been a mess since you disappeared.”

“I know.” sighed Jaejoong “But, we can’t tell them yet. Not till the Cease and Desist order is signed. We won’t be safe until then.”

“True.” acknowledged Lawyer Park “You have to make sure you two stay hidden until then.”

“I know.” said Jaejoong “This needs to be over with soon. I’m going a little stir crazy in this hotel. I miss them so much.”

“And they miss you.” comforted Lawyer Park. “I’m headed to the safe house in a few minutes to check on them. I will make sure to comfort them for you.”

“Thank you for everything.” sighed Jaejoong.

“You can thank me by staying safe.” scolded Lawyer Park softly.



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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)