
Emptiness filled


“Let’s go!” ordered Lawyer Park as he headed for the door quickly. As he reached the door, he was overcome with a strange feeling which prompted him to turn back. He quickly realized that the four brothers hadn’t even moved.

“What are you waiting for? Come on!” yelled Lawyer Park.

“We can’t yet.” sighed Yoochun as he nodded in the Yunho and Junsu’s direction.

The shock of Jaejoong’s sudden disappearance and the ominous text message left by the Chairman, had paralyzed Yunho. Locked in an overwhelming state of shock, he couldn’t move. He could barely breathe. He couldn’t speak. As Junsu shook him slightly, Yunho continued to stare off into space as the memories of the last month spent at Jaejoong’s side chaotically flashed through his mind. Visions of how Jaejoong smiled at him brightly, how he laughed and snickered at all of his jokes, the way he always forgot to dry his hair after a shower, all the delicious meals they shared together, and all the fun they had, flooded his mind as if to deliberately torment him. As tears streamed silently down his once cheerful cheeks, Junsu couldn’t help but sigh and cradle him lovingly.

Changmin and Yoochun rushed to Yunho side in an instant. Kneeling down in front of him, Yoochun reached out his hand apprehensively and cupped Yunho’s chin. Lifting his head up slowly to face him, Yoochun smiled reassuringly and whispered “Look at me Yunnie.” and as their eyes met, Yoochun finally saw the true agony written all over his face.

“Look at me Yunnie.” Yoochun whispered softly “Who do you see?”

Yunho stared at Yoochun’s face blankly and didn’t answer.

“Yunnie, who do you see?” asked Junsu softly into his ear.

“Jae.” stuttered Yunho with a barely audible whisper.

“See me.” said Yoochun with a smile.

“See me.” begged Changmin as he placed his hand on Yunho’s knee.

“And, see me.” whispered Junsu as he tightened his hold on Yunho.

After a few moments of watching Yunho glancing between their faces, Yoochun spoke once more.

“Now, who do you see?” whispered Yoochun slowly.

“My…My family.” sniffled Yunho.

“Let’s go get Jae, Yunnie.” nodded Yoochun “Let’s bring him home.”

“Jae!” yelled Yunho as he shot up to feet with a new sense of urgency and quickly bolted out the door.

“!” screamed Junsu as he chased after him.

Throwing on some more suitable clothes as quickly as they could and grabbing extras for Yunho and Junsu, the three left behind ran outside in order to find them. As they made their way out of the front gate of the retreat, Changmin sighed “Thank God. He caught him.” as his eyes fell upon Junsu restraining Yunho tightly. Yunho, fighting against Junsu’s grip was solely focused on finding his Jaejoong, as if his very life depended on it.

“I have to find him!” pleaded Yunho urgently “Su, let me go!”

“We will find him! Calm down!” fired back Junsu “Just wait a minute!”

“You can’t go running off on your own!” scorned Junsu “You don’t even know where we are going!”

“Wait for the others!” growled Junsu as he gripped Yunho and shook him hard “Get a hold of yourself Yunho!”

Yunho continued to fight Junsu’s hold on him until Junsu looked towards the gate and noticed his brothers and Lawyer Park looking on in complete disbelief at what the side of Yunho they were witnessing.

“Look!” said Junsu as he nodded in the direction of the main gate. Looking back to see his brothers and Lawyer Park smiling back at him, Yunho immediately stopped struggling, flashed a half-hazard smile, and released his grip on Junsu. Junsu reached up and patted Yunho on his shoulder and with a gentle squeeze he said “Now we can bring him home. Come on Yunnie.”



As the Chairman and Manager Kim crested the last few steps of the decrepit stairway and walked onto the overlook, Manager Kim scanned the area frantically hoping that his reinforcements has somehow arrived before they did, even though he knew that was impossible. Looking closer at his surroundings he noticed that the area was desolate and ominously dark –save for the one flickering light post near the top of the stairs. As the rain fell harshly upon the ground and pooled around the latent footprints of past travelers, the cold and unrelenting wind whipped ferociously through the trees. The more Manager Kim witnessed the site, the more ominous and foreboding the overlook became. As the Chairman’s lackey cruelly dropped Jaejoong’s limp and unconscious body into a murky puddle of rain water, Manager Kim cringed at the sound and thought to himself “Where are you guys? Hurry up!”

While Jaejoong continued to lie on the soaking wet ground, Manager Kim watched the Chairman’s face. The scowl of disgust and hate on his face chilled him to the bone. Venturing further out onto the overlook he notice that, unlike many overlooks he had visited on his daily hikes, this one had no safety rail. He walked out to the edge and glanced into the unrelenting and unforgiving chasm before them. The drop was so vast that even he, a person who had never been afraid of heights, felt terrified.  Looking back in the Chairman’s direction a horrifying thought crossed his mind, “He’s not planning to…” he whispered before he was interrupted by the Chairman barking “Get over here!” Manager Kim did as he was ordered and quickly scurried back to the Chairman’s side.

“Wake him up!” ordered the Chairman.

“What are you planning?” questioned Manager Kim with a new sense of courage.

“Don’t argue!” growled the Chairman “Wake him up!”

“Not until you tell me exactly what you’re planning!” fired back Manager Kim defiantly.

“You! Did you forget who you’re talking to?” yelled the Chairman angrily “Do as you were told!”

Manager Kim stood firmly and defiantly without twitching a muscle in the direction of Jaejoong.

“You’re defying me over this little ?” growled the Chairman angrily “I guess he’s more important than your mother. If that’s true then, I just stop paying for her medical treatment and be done with it.”

“NO!” screamed Manager Kim.

“Oh? You object? Then if you don’t want her treatments to stop and you don’t want her to die, stick to our deal and do as you’re commanded, DOG!” ordered the Chairman.

“Yes…Yes sir.” stammered Manager Kim as his once determined resolve faltered at the idea of his sick mother dying crossed his mind.

Walking over to Jaejoong, he knelt down and produced a pack of smelling salts from his jacket pocket. Breaking it open and waving it under his nose, he then called to Jaejoong softly “Jae, wake up.” As Jaejoong began to stir, he added “Don’t be shocked, help is on its way.” Jaejoong opened his eyes and looked up at Manager Kim in complete shock and whispered through the throbbing pain in his head, “What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry help is coming.” whispered Manager Kim “Try to stall as much as you can.”

“What?” whispered a confused Jaejoong.

Stepping out from in front of him to allow full view of the situation, Jaejoong looked in horror as his eye fell upon the Chairman staring at him from under his black umbrella with a sinister grin.  Jaejoong felt an overwhelming since of panic building inside of him at the realization of exactly where he was settled in his mind. He quickly scanned the overlook praying that his brothers weren’t sharing his fate. When he realized that he was alone, he released a relieved sigh and brought his eyes back to meet the Chairman’s malicious gaze and glared at him in a state of pure contempt and anger.

“Good Morning.” said the Chairman sarcastically as he adjusted his glasses.

Jaejoong slowly pushed himself up off the cold and muddy ground and attempted to stand, before the Chairman’s henchman pushed him back down hard. “Stay down dog.” growled the man. Jaejoong looked up at the henchman and glared for a moment before turning his gaze back towards the Chairman.  Soaking wet from the unrelenting rain that still fell from the heavens, Jaejoong shivered as the cold wind blew across his shoulders.

“What the hell is this?” questioned Jaejoong. “What do you want now?”

“You and I have something to settle, you little .” growled the Chairman.

“There’s nothing to settle old man.” spat Jaejoong “You lost!”

“Oh the game is not over, I assure you.” chuckled the Chairman.

“Why are you doing this?” questioned Jaejoong as he shook he head in disbelief. “Why can’t you just let us go?”

“Let you all go?” questioned the Chairman sarcastically “I have.”

“Then why the hell am I here?” questioned Jaejoong angrily.

“We’ve passed the part of this being about business.” informed the Chairman “This is personal.”

“Did you honestly think I would let you get away with what all you’ve done?” chuckled the Chairman maniacally “Foolish boy.”

“You have to be kidding Me.” grumbled Jaejoong as he shook his head in disbelief once more “You made our lives a living hell! You destroyed our family and kept us apart for four years! You try to ruin our careers every step of the way and now even have gone to the length of kidnapping me.”

“Why?” begged Jaejoong angrily “What the hell could I have done to deserve all the chaos you have inflicted on my brothers and I?”

“You dared to disobey him.”  mumbled Manager Kim softly.

“Is that really it?” questioned Jaejoong angrily as he glanced at Manager Kim and back to the Chairman “Is this all because we wouldn’t obey?”

“Not we, you Jaejoong.” mumbled Manager Kim.

“Enough!” shouted the Chairman as he flashed a hateful look at Manager Kim who instantly stepped back away from Jaejoong and stood beside the Chairman’s henchman a few feet away.

“It’s time to end this once and for all.” growled the Chairman and he slowly walked up to Jaejoong and reached inside his jacket. A few seconds later, he brandished a small caliber revolver from a hidden holster under his finely tailored suit coat. Pointing at Jaejoong, he smiled with a sinister expression that sent a wave of unadulterated panic quaking through Jaejoong.  His fear and panic instantly transformed into rage as he looked down the barrel of the weapon.

“Is this all you can do?” asked Jaejoong with pure contempt “You can’t beat me at your own game so you result to this?”

“Fine!” yelled Jaejoong “Do it! Get it over with and seal your own fate.”

As seconds stretch into an endless void and time stood still, Jaejoong softly prayed “I love you all. Live well.” before he heard the Chairman chuckle in triumph. As a cold breeze whipped past him, Jaejoong closed his eyes, raised his face to the heavens, reveled in the feel of the rain falling upon his face, and waited for the inevitable.

As the Chairman slowly pulled back on the trigger he was instant knocked to the ground by the force of Yunho tackling him with all his might. Hitting the ground hard, the Chairman looked up in shock as Yunho landed on him. Pinning the arm that still held the pistol to the ground, Yunho wrestled it from the Chairman’s grip and threw it as hard as he could away. Looking down at the Chairman beneath him, Yunho glared with an unfathomable hate that seemed to have been summoned from the fires of hell. Before he could stop himself, Yunho's fear and rage overtook his reason as he reached back and unleashed his fury upon the Chairman. As punch after punch landed, Yunho’s fury flared and he yelled “I’ll kill you, you son-of-a-!”

At the sound of Yunho’s threat, Jaejoong opened his eyes in shock and saw Junsu, Yoochun, Changmin, and Lawyer Park cresting the top of the stairs and running towards him.  Changmin and Yoochun went right for the henchman, tackling him to the ground, and wailing on him as hard as they could while Junsu darted to Jaejoong’s side.  Grabbing and hugging Jaejoong harshly, Junsu’s fear and worry for his beloved brother was evident, as his voiced cracked “Are you ok?”  Jaejoong looked at Junsu, flashed a soft smile and nodded “Yeah.”  As Manager Kim headed for the stairs,attempted to flee the overlook, Lawyer Kim grabbed him by the arm. "Don't you move." growled Lawyer Park.

“Stay down!” yelled Yoochun as his last punch landed and the henchman passed out.  Changmin and Yoochun turned and looked in Jaejoong and Junsu’s direction, with a concerned look, and were met with a nod from Junsu as he said “He’s ok.” They then turned their attention to Yunho, who was still wailing on the Chairman as hard as he could.

“Yunnie, STOP!” yelled Changmin.

“You’re going to kill him!” screamed Lawyer Park.

“SHUT UP!” fired back Yunho “This monster deserved to die!”

“How dare you lay your hands on my brother!” growled Yunho at the Chairman before he threw another punch.

“Yunho, STOP!” yelled Yoochun as he darted to Yunho’s side and tried to pull him away. Yunho immediately shrugged him off.

“Stay out of this Chunnie!” growled Yunho.

“Yunho...” said Jaejoong softly “That’s enough.”

Jaejoong, shivering from the bitter cold, gently pushed himself free of Junsu’s grip, pulled himself up to his feet, and staggered to Yunho’s side. Reaching out his shaking hand, Jaejoong grabbed Yunho gently by the arm and sighed softly. Yunho immediately stopped and glanced up at Jaejoong. Brandishing a soft and appreciative smile, Jaejoong whispered “That’s enough Yunnie. Stop.” as tears began to form in his eyes.

“Let him go.” Jaejoong pleaded softly. “He’s not worth it.”

“But…” started Yunho “He…”

“Please?” softly begged Jaejoong “I don’t want to lose you because of him.”

Jaejoong pulled Yunho to his feet and away from the Chairman. He gently placed his hand on Yunho's shoulder and whispered gently with a nod “It’s over. Let’s go home, Yunnie.” Walking towards his brothers with Yunho under his arm, Jaejoong looked up at Lawyer Park and Manager Kim.

“Joon, let Manager Kim go.” said Jaejoong. It had been the first time in over four years that Jaejoong had ever called Lawyer Park by his first name and he knew what that meant. Releasing his hold on Manager Kim and looking back at Jaejoong, he just nodded with a respectful smile. Jaejoong walked up to face Manager Kim and with a reassuring smile he said “Now I understand why you did what you did all those years ago, Seungho.”

“All this time I only thought that you hated us, when in reality you had no other choice.” acknowledged Jaejoong as Manager Kim dropped his gaze in shame.

Delicately grabbing Manager Kim’s chin and lifting it up so his eyes could meet his, Jaejoong whispered “Don’t drop your head anymore, I forgive you.”

“Thank you for looking out for me once again.” said Jaejoong as he reached out and hugged Manager Kim tightly “Thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome.” stuttered Manager Kim as everyone looked on.

“What are we going to do about them?” questioned Lawyer Park hurriedly as pointed towards the Chairman “Assault, Kidnapping, and Criminal Possession of a handgun…”

“Let the law deal with him.” interrupted Jaejoong “We’re done here.”

“Let’s go home.” sighed Jaejoong. “I just want to go home.”


The Chairman had assaulted, kidnapped, a threatened to murder Jaejoong that night and in doing so he violated the agreement he had with Lawyer Park and the district attorney’s office. Two days after that night, the Chairman was arrested at the hospital under the watchful eye of twenty local reporters who consequently plastered the story in every newspaper. Broadcasting stations in Korea covered the Chairman’s arrest extensively and it quickly became national news. The Chairman’s indictment then caught the attention of the international news and was reported on multiple broadcasting stations worldwide. As the fallout from his arrest began to snowball, artists signed under his entertainment company followed suit and filed lawsuit after lawsuit accusing him of a myriad of crimes and requesting dissolutions of their exclusive contracts. Within four months, he had lost everything and his company had no choice but to file for bankruptcy.

The chaos that ensued, simply from the Chairman’s uncontrollable hate towards Jaejoong, had turned the music industry upside down. Artists employed under the Chairman’s company were scrambling to find new representation and the fans were in a panic. Fearing that this could be the end of industry, fans from around the world gathered to show their support for those artists and held a worldwide sit-in prayer event which caught the attention of the international media in a big way. Afterwards, their fears were quickly settled when the heads of three major labels stepped up together at a formal press conference and announced that every artist from the Chairman’s company would have a new contract by the end of the day.  Three days after the press conference, the Chairman was sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole by a Seoul district court judge.



[ Six Months Later ]


“Jae! We didn’t fly all the way to Los Angeles to sit around and do nothing!” growled Junsu “Hurry up we have to get ready for the show.”

“I know, I know.” quipped Jaejoong “I’m moving.”

“Chunnie how’s crowd?” asked Junsu.

“Packed.” answered Yoochun as he grabbed his jacket “This is going to be a hot crowd.”

Looking at the time, they rushed out of their dressing room and headed backstage. After checking in with their PD, they walked over to their pre-stage area and got the once over from their stylist just as the intro cinematic began to play on the big screen above the stage. The arena instantly erupted in a wave of screams and cheers as the cinematic flashed a photo of Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun.  At the sound, Jaejoong looked over his shoulder at his brothers and smiled brightly.

“Boy, are they going to be surprised.” laughed Yunho.

“Let’s do this!” cheered Changmin.



The End.

*Authors Note: Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read "Emptiness Filled"  I really hope you enjoyed the story. Please remember to add me as a friend as soon as you can as I will be starting my next story "The Five Promises" very soon. 

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Ch. 24 [Final Chapter] is now live


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Chapter 25: reading done! i hope the epilogue's gonna be true someday. iam such a AKTF believer and holding to it no matter what! thank you for the wonderful story authornim!
Chapter 4: so they both recognized each other! huhuhu! it's too painful to see them hurt like that! imagine the control both exerted just to "ignore" each other!
Chapter 2: omg! first, i thought both yunho and jaejoong didn't recognize each other. turned out jae knew it was yunho but did yunho really missed jae? and then, what about that relapse? next chap!
bluesavanna #4
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
bluesavanna #5
Chapter 1: I'm done with chap 1 and now, I'm so curious about the next chapter
Chapter 25: Justice was served at long last and a family was reunited, things are as they should be. They traversed a long and winding path and for that they are stronger and changed the industry for the better.
Thank you!
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 24: LOL! You placed them in the old line up while they watched the movie! Junsu, Yuchun, Jae, Max, Yunho. Did you think us old Cassies wouldn't catch that??
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 25: You just scored #1 in my faves category! As a long patient Cassie, I loved this tale and sincerely wish that the family in it would indeed get back together. I would LOVE to be in the crowd when the final surprise was revealed! Always keeping the Faith in you my oppas! Saranghaeo Dong Bang Shin Ki! Waiting for your happiness!
Chapter 25: Ooooh... This was such a riveting read! You captured the anguish of the members and the strength of their bond so well! I love it! Definitely going to read it all over again soon!
ichiruki #10
Chapter 25: Always keep the faith:)