Ch. 16


it got deleted soo mad hate rewriting things.......


Shiki walked to the kitchen where he found his breakfast along with a note. 'Here's your breakfast like I promised. Sorry I'm not going to have it with you, but I'll join you for dinner......pinky swear      -Chunji ^_^

Shiki placed the note on the fridge. He sat down and stared at his breakfast. He took a bite out of his breakfast, it was indeed delicious. "Hyori and Hyo-jin," Shiki sighed, "where are the others."


Chunji went to the cafeteria, and found them at their usual table. He sat between Niel and Ricky, basically his usual spot, "Morning."

They were surprised to see him. "Morning," Changjo said.

"Good morning Chunji," Ricky took a bite out of his bacon, "did you fix things with Shiki-san?"

Chunji nodded his head, "Yea, we got together."

Niel blushed at the thought of Chunji being together with Shiki. He still couldnt believe that Shiki and Chunji are a.....pair. "You okay Niel," Chunji waved his hand in front of his face.

"Uh yea, aha ha," he grabbed his drink trying to avoid Chunji eyes.

"You sure," Niel nodded his head.

Chunji wasnt convinced, he was going to continue to pester him, but Changjo spoke, "So, what are going to do today? Dont tell me we're going to train? Honestly, I have been training enough already."

"Okay, how bout we go hunting," Cap suggested.

"Ugh," Changjo whined, "noooooo, not that, lets do something......not work like."

L.joe sighed, "What do you want to do?"

"Um," Changjo thought for a while, "how bout a game?"

"Yea," Ricky exclaimed, "lets play a game!"

L.joe and Cap stared at those two. "A game," L.joe stared in disbelief, "you're kidding right?"

"No, we should play a game," Chnagjo said.

"Playing a game sounds nice, why not," Niel agreed.

Chunji nodded his head, "Yea, we should play a game."

"Alright, what game do you want to play," Cap asked. He stood up to take their trays to throw away. 

Ricky smirked, "How bout we play, spin the bottle."

"Truth or dare? Okay, I'm fine with it," Niel grabbed his bottle of juice.

Ricky laughed, "No not like that, I mean when you spin the bottle and whoever it lands onto, that person has to kiss him.

Niel spit out the juice he was drinking. "NO!!!" Niel and Chunji said simultaneously. They were very loud so people from other tables turned around to look at them.

They were blushing very hard. The other three strared at them. "A-a-are you s-serious?! No way, I'm defitnetly not gonna play if it's that way!!" Chunji stuttered.

"Why not, dont tell that you guys are chickens, it'll be fun, right guys," Ricky turned his head to the other three.

L.joe shrugged his shoulders, "I could care less."

Cap decided to say nothing and turned his head away. Ricky turned towards Changjo, "Umm....I wasnt really.....I was thinking more.....hide and seekish," his  face was alillte pink.

"But you dont mind right," Ricky said.

"Uh...o-okay..." Changjo wondered if what he said was a wrong thing.

"See," Ricky turned his head towards the two red tomatoes, "they agree." Niel glared at him.

"Hey Niel," Chunji faced him, "do you want to go somewhere?"

"Awwwww," Ricky pouted, "come on, what's the harm. It's either that or we play seven minutes in heaven," he smirked.

Niel and Chunji looked at him in confusion, while L.joe and Cap stared at him with wide eyes. "Wh-where do you get these games," Changjo was now officially red.

Ricky chuckled, "I have my ways."

"What's seven.....whatever, is it fun," Niel asked.

"Trust me, spin the bottle is much....safer," Changjo practically shouted it at Niel.

"Yea, I wouldnt recommend it," Cap agreed.

"Why, how do you play," Chunji turned to Changjo.

"Umm.....uh....well..." he was completely speechless.

"Oh it's when you-" Ricky started but he was cut off by Changjo.

" what are we gonna play, spin the bottle.... okay," Changjo grabbed Niel's empty juce bottle, "f-found a bottle!"

"Yay," Ricky was obviously happy, "lets go to my room!"

"Wait," Chunji said, "I never even agreed to it."

"Yea," Niel agreed.

"Ugh stop being wussies," Ricky grabbed Chunji wrist and dragged him, "Come on guys."

Niel stared at those two, 'Poor Shiki-san.'

The other three looked at Niel in confusion, "Poor Shiki-san?" Changjo said.

Niel groaned, "Can I have my privacy please," he got up and started following the other two.

Changjo caught up to him, "Wait, what do you mean by that?" the other two followed closly behind.

"Well," Niel bit his lips, "remember yeaterday when Chunji was wearing all those clothes and how he was mad at Shiki-san?"

"Yea," Changjo nodded, "but they made up."

"That's the point. When we were at the park hanging out-"

"You went to the park?"

"Yea, and when we got ice cream-"

"Ooh, what kind," Niel stared at him, "sorry, keep going?"

"As I was saying, when we were eating ice cream, some dropped on his neck a-"

"His neck?"



"Let me finish, and I was wiped it off for him. But I also noticed..." Niel's voice got softer, "a hickey."

Changjo's face was red, "Wh-wha.... so you're saying him and Shiki-san are...." Niel nodded his head. Changjo was absolutely speechless.

Cap and L.joe heard that and L.joe was trying so hard not to laugh. Cap sighed, "Did it with...Chunji?"

L.joe smirked, "Took you long enough. I'm surprised that you haven done it yet."

"I'm taking it slow, but...dont you think you should clear up the misunderstanding."

"No," he chuckled, "let them think that way. Changjo is smart enough to figure it out."

Cap looked at him, "What are you going to do with him?"

"Nothing, it was just a one time thing. I told you, I'm not planning on getting attached."

Cap sighed, "You shouldnt play with people. Especially him, Shiki-san cares alot about him, so be careful."

L.joe laughed, "Who do you think allowed me to do that to him, if not.. he would have stopped me."

Cap eyes widened, "Y-you....okay I am confused. What is Shiki-san thinkng?"

"I dont know. But you... when are you thinking to blowfish."

Cap sighed, "I dont want to force him, and I dont want to hurt him. He doesnt even like me back."

"Okay, Cap.. I know you are not that dence or stupid. Of course blowfish likes you, you should see his expression when he looks at you. He's like a school girl."

Cap laughed, "We'll see....and is that Shiki-san?"

Shiki walked up to L.joe and Cap, "Cap, this is for you. You will need this in the future, more likely soon," Shiki walked away, leaving the bag in Cap's hand.

"What's in there," L.joe asked.

"I dont know," he opened it and took out the item that was in there. 

Their eyes widen and L.joe couldnt hold in his laughter, "That's some gift!"

Cap stood there speechless, his face red, "L-lube?" Why would he...."

"Probably to avoid using ice cream."

Cap faced L.joe, confused, "Why cream?"

"Nothing, lets go," L.joe started to walk. Cap placed the lube back in the bag, and put it in his pocket.

"Now I understand, why L.joe says Shiki-san is a ert."


okayyyy i am done..........

so glad it didnt delete

well i hope you like it!!!!


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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^