Ch. 15


okayyyy here's the next chapter


"So are you going to tell us or not," Changjo asked, looking straight into Ricky's eyes.

"Ummm....." he tried to avoid the piercing gaze, "I dont really see..... why you guys need to know. I mean you guys barely know Chunji and uh..... there's no point in telling you, it's really nothing, really! It's not important," he got up and headed to the living room.

They followed him, "Well you got me curious, and I can tell that you at keeping secrets, so just spill," L.joe sat down at the couch.

Ricky blushed and turned to face him, "I am sooooo..... not good at keeping secrets, you're right," he couldnt defend himself, he knew that L.joe was right.

Cap sat down, "We're his friends, and if there's a problem, then we can help."

"That's right," Changjo agreed, "right L.joe," but he just shruggrd his shoulders.

Ricky stood there thinking, "Hey, why does Niel hate me?"

Changjo gave a nervous laugh, "W-what makes you think that?"

"He doesnt hate you," Cap said, "he just..... he's a bit grumpy."

L.joe laughed, "Are you kidding, blowfish totally hates you." Changjo and Cap glared at him.

"You call Niel blowfish," Ricky stared at L.joe.

"Have you seen his lips," L.joe couldnt stop laughing.

"Oh," Ricky sat down, "but why does he hate me?"

Cap sighed, "He doesnt hate you, he just needs to get used to you."

"Yea," Changjo agreed, "let him get to know you."

Ricky stared at those two then turned his head to L.joe, "Why does he hate me?"

"Blowfish is just jealous that you're hanging around Chunji too much."

"Oh, so that's why. They must be best friends or something, okay... thanks."

"FIne, now that you know," Changjo butted in, "tell us, who really are you?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh......." Ricky was speechless.

"And what do you mean by that," they all were startled as Shiki-san walked in.

"Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shiki-san........w-w-w-what are you doing here, um.... how are you?" Ricky literally facepalmed himself for stuttering and being stupid.

"Ricky, did you by any chance say or think something stupid and completely ignored my warning of how to react," Shiki stared at Ricky who was fidgeting.

"Um, well..... I forgot, didnt ignore......forgot," Ricky corrected him.

"Shiki-san," Changjo started, "what's going on here, what are you guys hiding from us?" 

"This doesnt concern any of you, and Changjo, I give you credit... you are unbelievably smart, but this matter doesnt concern you."

"Dont you think if you have a problem, we can help," Cap said, "I mean, you're right. This doesnt concern us, but if you would trust us a little, I'm pretty sure things would get easier."

"Cap, I'm pleased with your offer, but things would be a lot easier if you people dont get involve, now your previous rooms, you can have them back. There is a no need for you to stay in your temporary rooms anymore. Ricky, I would like to have a talk with you, in private please," Ricky groaned.

"Wait," Changjo said, "I still disagree with you, I mean and please dont kill me for this Shiki-san, but if this is about Chunji and he's in trouble, we really can help you, we're his friends. Does this involve his past or-" 

Shiki cut him off, "I will say this again, I dont want any of you to get involve. Chunji's past stays in the past," his tone of voice sounded deadly, "Ricky, please follow me and all of you, keep this discussion a secret."

"S-sure, I'll see you guys later," Ricky followed Shiki out the door and soon they were both out of sight. 

Changjo sighed, "He's one scary guy."

"That's true," L.joe agreed, "guess no one can get through to him."

"Except Chunji," Changjo said, "he can stand up against him."

"Guess you're right," Cap agreed, "but do you think Ricky is going to be alright."

"He'll be fine," Changjo sounded so sure.

"How do you know," L.joe asked.

"Trust me, I have a feeling that things are gonna go fine. But one thing that kinda tipped me off is that.... when Shiki-san said to Ricky if he completely ignored of the warning he gave him. It sounded as if that Shiki-san didnt know that'll happen. So Ricky probably knows Chunji more, and Shiki-san knows little about Ricky. But Ricky knows how Shiki-san and Chunji get into little fights like that, so if Shiki-san and Ricky knew each well, then Shiki-san should've known that Ricky is bad with keeping secrets, and it's obvious that Ricky knows alot about," Changjo stood there thinking, "Ugh.... I'm confused, this doesnt add up at all.... i'm just confusing myself!" he plopped himself on the sofa.

Cap and L.joe just stared at him, "You're already confusing me, but how do you know though," Cap asked.

Changjo sighed, "It's just my conclusion."

L.joe raised an eyebrow, "How did you conclude all that in just today?"

"I dont know, this is just my thing. You guys should know, I mean we've been together for years. That's why they always count on me to stratagize, my conclusion are mostly right."

L.joe scoffed, "When have you ever been wrong?"

Cap laughed, "That's true....."

Changjo looked at them, "What do we do?" they both looked at him, and they came up with nothing.


Niel and Chunji went to the park in the human world. "You know," Niel started, "I'm soo glad that Shiki-san allows us to go to the human world."

Chunji laughed, "So am I. When we get back..... I'm going to apologize, I can never win against him."

Niel smiled, "Okay, but right now, it's supposed to release our troubles, so lets just have fun," he grabbed Chunji's arm and headed to the swings. t

They were on the swings, swinging back and forth. The wind blowing through their hair.The sun was shining really bright, and it made things hot. Niel looked over at Chunji, he was wearing long pants and shirt which covered his.....neck? Now that was suspicious. Chunji noticed that Niel was staring at him, "What's wrong Niel?"

"Arent you hot wearing that," Niel pointed at his clothes.

"Oh, uhhh..... no not really. It's comfortable," Chunji looked down, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Uh-huh... sure, I can so tell you are not lying," his voice had a hint of sarcasim. Chunji looked up at him, and he stared back. They burst in to laughter for no apparent reason.

"Why are we laughing," Chunji tried to catch his breathe.

"I dont know," Niel was holding onto the swing to keep himself from falling.

They caught their breathe and stopped laughing. There was silence, a good silence. Chunji turned his head to look at Niel, "Hey, Niel?"

"Hmm?" he turned to him.

"Do you have someone you like?"

Niel turned red and looked away, "W-wha....what kind of question is that?"

"Do you?"

"No! Of course not! I-I hope not...." Niel's heart started beating fast, and Cap came across his mind.

Chunji raised an eyebrow, "You hope not?"

"I-I dont.... do you?"

"No, I dont," he looked down and bit his lips. L.joe popped in his mind, and the things that happenes last night and this morning came flashing back.


"Huh, oh sorry. Um, no... I dont," he didnt understand what this feeling was and why his heart was beating so fast.

Niel sighed, 'Do I like him?' They sat there in silence for a while, niether of them wanting to talk. They liked this silence, it was relaxing, and nice. Niel turned his head and saw a ice cream truck, "Hey Chunji, come on. Let's get some ice cream," Niel stood up and pointed to the ice cream truck near to the sand box.

"Okay," Chunji stood up and they walked to the truck.

"I'll pay okay?"

"What," Chunji didnt want Niel to pay, "No it's okay, I'll pay. Since you brought the bracelets."

"What will it be," the guy from the truck said.

"What do you want Chunji," Niel asked.

"Um, can I have a strawberry cone," Chunji noticed that Niel is still wearing that hello kitty charm friendship bracelets, he was too, but he didnt expect Niel to have it on him.

"And you sir," the guy turned to Niel.

"A vinilla cone please," the guy nodded his head. Chunji kept staring at the bracelets, he smiled. But then frowned when he noticed that the bracelets did look too girly.

"Here you go," the guy gave them their ice cream and Niel payed without Chunji noticing. They walked away until Chunji stopped.

"What happened Chunji?"

"Wait, I was suppose to pay," he looked at Niel.

Niel just laughed, "Come on, our ice cream is gonna melt," he dragged Chunji at a bench. They sat their and ate their ice cream. 

Niel noticed that Chunji's ice cream was melting and it dripped down to his neck, "Crap," Chunji said.

"Let me help," Niel took his napkin and wiped the ice cream off but stopped when he noticed something. Niel's eyes widen, 'That's a....hickey!'


"Huh? Oh sorry," he wiped it off. 'Oh my god! That's a hickey.... b-but...Chunji? No way....I mean who...' Niel gasped, 'Shiki-san!!! Oh my god, Shiki-san gave hickeys to Chunji!!! No wonder Chunji's mad, I mean he's been complaining that Shiki-san does things he doesnt like and..... oh god!!!! How can I not realize it?!?! Chunji even confessed, he loves Shiki-san, no wonder he said he cant win against Shiki-san, so he's gonna apologize. Wait, then Chunji is the bottom?!' Niel's face turned red, 'Chunji...the bottom? But Shiki-san is sooo short, well I guess this does make sence, Chunji is not the But, then he lied about not liking anyone, well I cant blame him. So that's why he brought up that question..... but...Shiki-san and Ch-Chunji?'

Chunji looked at him, "Are you okay Niel?"

Niel snapped out of his thoughts, "Uh...sorry."

"Your um, ice cream is dripping," he pointed his finger at Niel's hands.

"Oh," he it off. After they finished their ice cream they stood up, "We better get back."

"Sure," they started to walk back but Chunji bumped into someone who was carrying lots of things and dropped them. "Oh I'm so sorry."

He helped to pick it up, the girl bent down too, "Oh it's okay, it happens."

"No really I'm so"

"Oh," she giggled, "my name is Hyori."

"Oh I'm Chunji, and again I'm sorry," they stood and Chunji handed the things back, "Um, do you need help?"

"Oh no it's okay, my older sister Hyo-jin is coming to help me."

"Oh ok, then see you, and again, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, well see you."

Niel and Chunji walked, "You are so clumsy Chunji."

"I know, lets just hurry."

The girl's eyes turned dark and stared at them, "Hyori, was that him," a older girl came and helped her carry.

"Thanks Hyo-jin, and yea... that's him."


"Um, Shiki-san I am so so sorry! Really, and Changjo.... he's so freakin smart!" Ricky wanted to say more but Shiki cut him off.

"We will deal with that later.... but right now, I think I know who is after Chunji."

"Who," Ricky got intrested.

Shiki stared at him and Ricky's eyes widen when he knew what Shiki was talking about,"But how? That's immpossible!!! Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure it's them."

"What do you want to do," Ricky was getting worried.

"We'll just have to wait until something happens, and if I can, I'll try to find where they are."

"Okay, and I'll protect Chunji in the meantime," they both nodded their head in agreement.


It was around nighttime and Shiki was in the living room. He heard the door open and Shiki stopped what he was doing. "You're back Chunji."

He sat down next to him, then decided to lay down on Shiki's lap,  "I'm borrowing your lap."

"Alright," he started to Chunji's hair.

"Shiki-san, I'm sorry.... and I'll make you your meals extra special tomorrow, promise," he looked up at Shiki's expressionless eyes.

"I know, and thank you." Chunji smiled, he never heard Shiki thank someone before, he would be happy if he was the first to be thanked by Shiki.

Shiki stopped his hair, "Chunji, why do you smell like...... who did you meet when you went to the human world with Niel."

"How did you... never mind. I accidently bumped into a girl, why?"

"Did you find out her name?"

"Yea, umm....Hyori I think. And she has a older sister named....Hyo-jin? Why?" Chunji looked up, confused.

"It's nothing Chunji, nothing," Shiki was panicking inside, 'They already found him...'


kk i am done with this chapter.......

i am writing this on the laptop which is annoying

so please comment and suscribe

thank you.....^_^

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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^