You're the xing xing that lights up my world

In Love With Zhang Yixing

“Good morning xing xing.” You smiled at Yixing.

“There’s no stars out in the morning… Unless, you’re talking to me?” Yixing pointed at himself.

You nodded. “Of course, who else could I be talking to?”

“You could be delusional, you know. Seeing stars in front of you.” Yixing shrugged.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny.” You had a poker face on.

“I’m glad you think so.” Yixing smiled. 

"Bleh." You stuck your tongue out at him.

"Let's go, we have another long day ahead." 

"Yeah yeah." 

Yixing watched you race out the door. He smiled to himself. *Xing xing... That's a nice nickname.* 


"There's no stars out tonight!" You pouted as you looked up at the huge dark spotless sky. 

"There's one over there." Yixing pointed somewhere and you followed where he was pointing at. 

"That's no star! That's a helicopter!" 


*He's so adorable when he gets something wrong.* A smile crept up your face while thinking about that.

"Earth to Bommie~" Yixing waved a hand in front of your blanked out face. 

"O-oh huh??" You gave him a stupid dazed look. 

"What were you thinking of?" Yixing asked, full of suspicious looks.

"N-nothing! I was thinking that it's sad that no stars are out tonight!" 

"If it's sad, could you explain why you were smiling like a creepo?" 

"I WAS?!" 

Yixing nodded. *Fudge, I need to stop spacing out before he thinks I'm an idiot. Oh wait, I think he already thinks I am one.* You smacked your forehead. 

"Now you're hitting yourself? Are you okay, Bommie? I'm worried for you." 

"Of course I'm fine! I'm always like this--" You covered your mouth. * WHAT DID I JUST SAY?*

"Oh. I guess I'll have to get used to it." Yixing smiled.

*Even though he's smiling, he probably thinks I'm a freak! My image has gone down the drain...* Your insides were crying. You let out a deep sigh. 

"Why so sad all of a sudden?" 

"Nothing. I'm bipolar, okay?" You made up another excuse. But it was sort of true. 

"Oh I see..." 

You sighed again. *The night always feels gloomier when there's no stars out... Oh well, I still have the brightest star in my world. The only star I'll ever need.... The adorable "xing-xing" Yixing.*

You sneaked a glance at Yixing and smiled. He tilted his head to the side with a confused look on his face.

You laughed. "It's nothing."


As more time passed, you and Yixing started getting really close. Just like best friends, but you always saw him as something more than that. Yixing could tell, and he wished he hadn't. He couldn't see you as anything more than a little sister and friend. Even though he was thankful you were so amiable and helpful to him, he was afraid to hurt you in the end. He tried to avoid you but that didn't work because you were too oblivious to the fact. You were too head over heels in love to care about anything. You even forgot about Danbi and Shin Yoeng sometimes because you were too caught up in your mini world of Yixing, Yixing, and more Yixing. 

Danbi and Shin were actually really worried about you. Danbi had told Shin about Yixing, and they both knew you were probably in that now-i'm-in-love-nothing-can-stop-me mode again. Even though Danbi couldn't hide the fact that Yixing was cute, she couldn't trust him. What if he was like the other guys you fell in love before that just turned out to be badasses? They've never seen you this in love. They knew how hurt you would get if things didn't turn out good. They knew that this love could break you if it didn't go well. Shin and Danbi cared about you so much. They just wished this time, things could finally go the way you wanted it to. 

The next time you had the day off, Danbi and Shin immediately booked you for the whole day. 

"We've got a ton of catching up to do, Bommie. It's been ages since we've talked!" Shin yelled over the phone.

"Meet up in 30 minutes at the usual place. See ya there." Danbi said. 

"Got it, got it..." You closed the phone and sighed. *Usually I would be so happy to hang out with them because I rarely get a chance... But why do I not feel excited at all toady?* 

You got changed quickly and took the bus to the 'usual place'. You saw that Danbi and Shin were already there. 

"Am I late?" You asked, running over to them. 

Shin shook her head. "Right on time." 

"Phew. Thank goodness." 

"Sit, sit." Shin patted the empty seat next to hers. You nodded and took a seat. Danbi sat on the opposite side. 

"How's everything lately, Bommie?" Danbi asked. 

"Mmmm... Everything has been perfect! I couldn't be happier." You smiled.

"That's great to hear Bommie. But have you ever thought, what if he doesn't like you back?" Shin straightfowardly asked.

"Shin! We weren't supposed to ask that you dumbutt!" Danbi spat through her teeth. 

"I'm asking because I'm worried about you. Both Danbi and me are. We know how happy you are now, but what if life decides to be unfair again and leave you broken once again? We hate to you see depressed." Shin ignores Danbi. You sit there dumbfounded. Danbi sighs. 

"We do wish the best for you, Bommie. But... I just have my doubts." Danbi says.

"Do you too, Shin?" You asked quietly. 

Shin looked around awkwardly. "Yes." She sighed.

"I'll be fine. If life decides to be unfair again... then that's that. I'm just going with the flow. But, Yixing is definetely not one of those druggies and badasses I previously liked! He's so innocent and pure. 101% full of humbleness and kindness. (A\N: is humbleness even a word? lol)  You don't have to worry about that!" 

"Well... If you say so." Danbi said. 

"Look guys, let today be a boy-free day okay? I mean, how often do we get days like this? Let's not talk about things we don't want to talk about. I mean, Shin completely hates the topic of boys."

Danbi let out a laugh. "So true." 

Shin crossed her arms and blew a rasberry. "Hey!" 

You smiled at your two best friends. "Let's head off!" You linked your arms with theirs. 

Danbi and Shin smiled to each other. *She's still the same old Bommie.*

"Let's go into Hollister! Hot guys!" Danbi teased. Shin's face was full of disgust. 

"I'm in!" You joined in. You and Danbi began pulling Shin towards Hollister. 

"Noooooo!" Shin yelled. 


Girls day out had to come to an end. *Boy-free days aren't so bad.*

"Text us more often." Danbi said. "You rarely do so nowadays!" 

"Woopsie daisy." You said. 

"Calls won't hurt either." Shin added. 

"I got it! I'll try to text you guys every night." 

"Promise." Danbi stuck out her pinky. You linked your pinky with hers and pressed your thumb against hers. 

"You too, Shin?"

"Why not?" Shin smiled and stuck out her pinky too. 

"Don't be too caught up in love to forget about your best friends!" Danbi said.

"We make time for you, you have to make time for us too! Best friends are for a reason." Shin said. 

You nodded. "Of course!" 

"Till next time then!" Danbi gave you and Shin hugs. She waved cheerfully at you guys before setting off for home.

Shin walked you to the bus stop. 



"Never change your originality for the sake of others. Because no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself. You are the best." She said. (I found this quote online. I have no idea who created this though, sorry!) 

*The best piece of advice I've probably ever gotten. I won't ever forget that.* 

You nodded and smiled at Shin. "Thanks a lot."

"Tell me whenever you have a problem okay? You know I'll always be here for you." Shin placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"Thanks again." You patted her hand. 

You two heard a car honking in your direction. 

"It's my brother. I'll see you soon, okay? Get back home safely." Shin hugged you and stepped into the car. Shin waved to you from the passenger seat. Shin's brother also waved to you. You waved back to both of them. 

*Her brother's so hot.* You thought as the car sped out of your view. *Wait, I only need xing xing in my life. Other guys are irrelevant!*

You looked up at the sky and hummed 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' as you waited. The bus shortly came. You took a seat at the way back. You liked being alone sometimes. No one was there to disturb you. It was just you and your thoughts. You let your thoughts take over you. 


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changed the title! originally 'i'm in love with my worker' :)


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love this
thank you very much
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 29: I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rachel507 #3
Chapter 29: Love it!!!!!!!! I was beautiful really!!!
Elfyuanching #4
Chapter 18: Hyoyeon is my ultimate bias too!
Love this story too! <3
Chapter 29: Cheers to the wonderful story that made me stay up way past my bed time for like 3 hours straight or so. to the sequel~~~
TiaraNur #6
Chapter 29: ASDFGHJKL OH. MY. GOD. I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. VERY. MUCH!! >__< more yixing-bommie's stories pls author-nim~~ TT^TT HUWEEE~ or maybe some sequel? :3 about jongin-shin relationship or yixing-bommie getting married?? kkk xD
babysehuuuuun #7
Chapter 29: I really love your story! :"> Please make a sequel. XD :)
Chapter 29: OMG I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH~~~~~ thanx a lot for sharing!!!!
fckyeahkaisoo #9
Chapter 29: so sweeeet i can't all these yixing feels rn
Kwon0497 #10
wow this is nice! but after all i'm so curious about shin's and jongin's relationship could you pls make a sequel for it? thankkkss