In between

In Love With Zhang Yixing

"T-t-that's not funny Kris." You blabbered. That was strange. It felt like your tongue didn't even belong in your mouth when you were saying those words. 

"It's not meant to be funny, Bommie. I like you. And I like you a lot." 

"Wa-wait Kris, calm down. Are you okay?" You touched his forehead and he grabbed your han.

"Stop changing the subject. I'm professing my true feelings here."

*. , ! What the heck am I supposed to do in these situations?! Kris f-freaking likes me! This better be a nightmare because if it isn't, I'm seriously going to flip out. Oh my god what the heck do I say back?!* 

Your face showed a mixture of emotions and Kris could tell you were so confused. 

"I don't know if you may still like Yixing or not, but he doesn't like you back. Bommie, be more realistic. He rejected you once, he won't be afraid to reject you again."

"Woah, how did you know- ?! Wait.." 

"I'll give you time to think about it Bommie. I can wait as long as it takes. I'm willing to wait an eternity for your heart." 

You gulped and opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. There was too much going on at once. 

"I'm sorry if I made you confused." Kris pressed your head lightly against his chest. 

You were just dazed for a couple of seconds, and then you pushed yourself away from him. 

*This is wrong. So very wrong!* Your brain was warning you from all over. 

"Time." You spoke hastily. 

Kris tilted his head in confused.

"I need time." 

Kris nodded. "As I said, I'm willing to wait."

You smiled bitterly. "I-I'll catch you later. I have stuff back at the dorms to get done." And like that, you ran off.


You run into the dorm room and slam the door, all sweaty like it was above 100 degrees fahrenheit on a summer day.

Hyoyeon isn't back yet, which is great because you just needed alone time to think. Your head hurted from thinking and putting puzzle pieces together. Oh, how you hated puzzles. You headed to the bathroom and locked it. You slid down onto the floor that matched what you were feeling- cold. Even though you were sweating, you felt cold all over.

You grabbed your hair in frustration and cursed.  You wanted to feel happy, this was the first time someone ever told you straight up that they liked you. From someone that was seriously attractive also! But there was no way in hell you could feel happy. The person who likes you is your best friend's crush! The guy you had a crush on was the person that likes you's best friend. This was so messed up. If Danbi ever found out, she'll probably commit suicide or something! You couldn't let that happen over your dead body!

The almighty president of EXO-M that has eyebrows like angry bird but a heart like  pudding. (soft and sweet lolol i'm so corny) The man who made so many girls fall in love and drool over him. The man who nearly single-handedly functions half the school. 

You decided not to tell anyone about this. It was going to be a secret between you and Kris, and you hoped Kris wouldn't tell the other members too. He wouldn't possibly do that right? He is the president of EXO-M after all. You wanted to escape to the White side.  You wanted to escape from reality. You laid on the cold bathroom wall and closed your eyes. The quietness and coldness made you feel at peace. 


You hadn't seen Kris for the whole day, except for lunch. You sat at your usual spot and laid your head down. The last person you wanted to see was Kris. To make it worse, all of EXO-M was here, eating away at their lunch. Not to mention, they were only a table away!

"You're not eating today?" Shin asked.

"No. I'm not feeling too well." You lied. 

"Are you alright?" Danbi and Hyoyeon asked, concerned. 

"I'll be fine." You gave a light smile. Since you had your head down, you didn't realize that Kris kept glancing over at you.

"Hey hey Danbi, I think Kris is giving you the looks." Shin cooed.

"Oh my gosh, stop it!" Danbi squealed. 

Hyoyeon and Shin chuckled at her embarrasment. You just wished you could shut off all the sounds in the room. Just when you decide to put your head up, you see a girl approaching Kris. 

"Kris..." You hear her mutter. 

"Incoming rival, Danbi!" Hyoyeon nudged Danbi's elbow, staring at the direction you were looking at. You four all had your attention on the girl. So did the majority of the lunchrooom.

"How can I help you?" Kris stops eating and says politely.

"Could y-you .... um .... g-go out with me?!" She bites her lower lip, scared of the obvious answer. 

There's a cough from their table and a majority of the girls in the lunchroom gasp, including your table. You turned your head to Xiu Min who covered his mouth. "Sorry!" He yells.

"Uhm, I'm really sorry.. I'm a busy person." Kris replies apologetically. You scoff silently. The girl runs away crying.  You heard some girls near your table laughing at her while everyone made sounds of pity. Everyone transitioned back to eating.

Kris takes off his glasses and sighs.

"That was harsh." Lu Han says, next to him.

"I am busy."

"Yeah yeah, our almighty leader has too much pride to accept anyone..." 

You silently groan and put your head down.

"Danbi, I think you should stay away from him..." Shin warns. 

"I-I don't know..." 

Your pops right up. "I agree with Shin! He could be a very dangerous man for all we know. I mean, you only know his name, Danbi!" 

"I guess you're right..." She mutters. 

*Danbi is giving in already?! This is a record! Just some more convincing and ---* 

"No no that's not right!" Hyoyeon butts in. "Love isn't something that should be given up so soon." 

"But Danbi, you only like him right?" You fought back.

"I don't know... I do find him attractive though!"

Shin facepalmed herself. "Danbi-ah. There's a difference between finding someone attractive and being attracted to them, you know?!" 


The three of you guys sigh hopelessly.

"Oh umma! If you would've just told us earlier that you only found Kris attractive, and not liked him. Gosh!" A ton of weight was lifted of your shoulders. Now you wouldn't feel guilty anymore!


You wanted to tell her. You wanted to tell all of them so badly. That Kris liked you, but you liked Yixing. But you couldn't bring yourself to it. A part of you wanted to be heroic for once and solve this puzzle by yourself. You couldn't rely on your best friends forever, right? 

"It's nothing." You smiled. "So what were you guys talking about before?" 


New message from Danbi umma~- 'Meet in library ASAP!' A new text message flashed across your screen. 

You immediately headed out the room and headed for the main building where the library was at. You left your jacket in your room thinking it wasn't going to be cold. That was a dumb idea. You decided to run since that was going to keep you warm.

You were out of breath when you got to the library.

"Bommie! Over here!" You heard someone whisper. 

"Oh! Umma and appa! What are we doing here?" 

"Shin's got some news." Danbi whispered.

You gasped. "NOOOOO! Please don't tell me.... Please don't say that you're pregnant! I trusted you, Shin shin!" You cried.

"Pabo! It's not that... This is related to EXO-K!"

"Oh my, what is it?!" 

"Well... you should read some of my texts..." Shin handed you her phone and the whole screen was filled with 'Message from Kai'.

"Start from the beginning." 

text color= kai // text color= shin

The first message read, ' Hey y :) '

Who the heck is this? 

Kai, of course!

How'd you get my number?

I'm a vice president, is there anything  I possibly can't get?


You're right. I can't get you... Sadly :(


So, how are you today? :)

Great until you came along and got my number.

That's so cruel! D: Hey, do you hear that?

Hear what?

The sound of my heart breaking.... 

Um, cheesy much?

Only cheesy for you, hun ;)

Go flirt with someone else. K bye. 

Noooo! Ok, I'll stop. Pinky promise!  

-1 min later-

Hey, are you free? 

-2 minutes later-

Hello?! D: 

WHAT! -.-

Just seeing is you were alive ^_^ Sooo, are you free? 


Could you squeeze in some time for me? :) I really want to get to know you more. 

Aren't you a very busy person? 

I finished everything earlier just to make free time for you! So, how about it? I'll take you out for dinner tonight if you'd let me :)

I have my own things to do, you know? 

I'll be there in front of your dorm in 10 minutes. Get ready! :D 

-3 mins later-

P.S. My car's the red ferrari f430 spider (: Do you see me outside? 

... May I ask why a college student has such an expensive car? 

And it's only been 3 minutes! You said in 10 minutes.

Sorry, I couldn't wait to see you! Take however long you need! It's not like I'm going anywhere :) I'm going to stay glued right in my spot! 

"Oh my gosh, so did you end up going?!"

Shin nodded. "Sadly, I had to. He even bought me flowers."

"Ahhhh! How cute~! He soooo loves you." You squealed.  

"He told me that it was love at first sight."

"WHAT? HE DID?!" You screamed. 

"SHHHH!" The librian hissed from across the room.

" Sorry!" You whisper-yelled back. "So what did you say?!" 

"I rejected of course! I don't even know this guy." 

"But h-he took you out for dinner, Shin! That's a dateee!"

"It was just a friendly action." Shin crossed her arms. 

You and Danbi scoffed. "FRIENDLY MY ." 

"But he still texts me everyday. I don't think he's going to back down easily."

Shin and Kai's love story was farcuter than the love triangle between you, Yixing, and Kris. You sighed thinking about it. 

"Bommie." Shin whispered.

"Yeah?" You said, exhausted mentally. 

"Is something wrong? You look so distorted these days." 

You nodded your head. "Something's terribly wrong, not just wrong."

"What is it?!" Danbi asked. 

You began. 

"Believe it or not, Kris likes me." 

The reactions you got were gasps and wide eyes. 

"KRIS, AS IN EXO-M'S KRIS?!" Danbi yelled. 

"SHHHH!" The librarian hissed again. 

You nodded. "I don't even know it happened. I wasn't planning to tell you since I thought you liked Kris and all but today you said you only found him attractive so...." 

"How do you know?!" Shin asked. 

"He confessed to me. He said he knows I like Yixing, but he's willing to wait for me." 

"Oh my god, this is exactly what happens in dramas!" Danbi gasped.

You nodded sadly. "Someone's always going to get hurt." 

"What are you doing to do, Bommie?"

"I-I... Really don't know... I can't say yes, but I also can't say no."

"Poor you...  Being stuck in between."

"But Hyoyeon told me the other day that Yixing likes me. I don't even know if she was kidding or not, but she sounded serious." 

"Ladies, we've got cases to solve!" Danbi make a detective-like pose. 

"I-I don't know..." 

"Come on Bommie, you need to put in more energy! We're going to get to the bottom of this mystery." 

Shin nodded. "Detectives need plans.... Plan A, start!"


Next update may be in two weeks... Sorry guys. :/

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changed the title! originally 'i'm in love with my worker' :)


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love this
thank you very much
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 29: I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rachel507 #3
Chapter 29: Love it!!!!!!!! I was beautiful really!!!
Elfyuanching #4
Chapter 18: Hyoyeon is my ultimate bias too!
Love this story too! <3
Chapter 29: Cheers to the wonderful story that made me stay up way past my bed time for like 3 hours straight or so. to the sequel~~~
TiaraNur #6
Chapter 29: ASDFGHJKL OH. MY. GOD. I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. VERY. MUCH!! >__< more yixing-bommie's stories pls author-nim~~ TT^TT HUWEEE~ or maybe some sequel? :3 about jongin-shin relationship or yixing-bommie getting married?? kkk xD
babysehuuuuun #7
Chapter 29: I really love your story! :"> Please make a sequel. XD :)
Chapter 29: OMG I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH~~~~~ thanx a lot for sharing!!!!
fckyeahkaisoo #9
Chapter 29: so sweeeet i can't all these yixing feels rn
Kwon0497 #10
wow this is nice! but after all i'm so curious about shin's and jongin's relationship could you pls make a sequel for it? thankkkss