Chapter 4: Escaping B.A.P Is Impossible



As CL and I walked out of class into the mass mob of people, Yong Guk and the other B.A.P boys that were enrolled in the university stood outside of the class.

“Eww it seems like we just can’t seem to get rid of them, its like they are following us.” CL said, with a disgusted look on her face.

“What? I thought you would be use to them being almost everywhere.”

“Ha! You’re kidding right? I’ve never run into them so much in one day until now! We just finished our second class, we’re now even halfway through the day.”

“Huh? You’re right. But I wouldn’t know the difference today is a whole new experience for me.” I said, looking toward the three boys. Daehyun stood there quietly, as Yong Guk said something to them. Then Himchan nodded and looked our way. I had looked down at my schedule to see where to go for my next class. I felt their eyes on me, and it made me uncomfortable.

“Where’s your next class?” CL had asked me as we began to walk down the hall.

“Umm, it’s biology. The schedule says room LS 270, but I have no idea where that would be.”  I said nervously, “I don’t want to be late to another class.” Making a pouting face toward CL.

She laughed, “I’m not going to let you be late to another class.” She said comforting me, “LS stands for Life Sciences, and that hall way is on the way to my class I’ll walk you to it.” CL gave me a reassuring smile and we continued on our way. I could hear Daehyun’s voice behind me, as well as Himchan’s. But I never heard Yong Guk speak, or at least I didn’t know what his voice sounded like. After the struggle to get around CL and I had arrived outside of my class.  We talked for a little bit, and right before she left to go to her class she said, “Hey I’ll meet you here for lunch. Have fun in class.” She then turned and walked away.

 I then proceeded into my class, the professor looked up to me with a smile. “Ah a new face” he said, “come, come introduce yourself.” I walked over to him. The class was practically empty. There were two students seated next to each other eyeing me closely. “What might your name be?” The professor asked.

“Jung Jeo Jeo imida” I said shyly.

“Ah you might have been asked this all day, but I’m quite curious.” He said with a grin. He was a tall man that had to be in his forties. He had dark hair and glasses.

“What? What have I been asked all day?” I said confused. I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Your name, it’s Korean isn’t it?” he asked


“But you aren’t”

“Ne….” I began to understand where he was going with this. “Oh, your probably wondering why I have a name like this.” I said shyly.

“Why yes, I am quite intrigued by it.”

“I was adopted, my parents are Korean. So thus my name.” I said looking down towards my shoes.

“Very interesting…” he said, looked at me once again. “What brings you here to South Korea and this University?” he asked. More students began to fill the room.

“My cousin. She and I are best friends and my parents wanted me to experience school here as well as living here.”

“Hmm… So you have never lived here?” he asked as if he was studying me like an experiment.

“Ne, I’ve only visited my cousin for short periods of time. We both use to live in America, and then she moved back here with her parents. So now I’m here staying with her so I could go to school here.” It began to become very uncomfortable standing in front of the class talking to the professor. I glanced up at the clock and class was about to start.

“Well you can take a seat,” gesturing to the only open seat near the back, “it was nice talking to you.” He said giving me a smile.

I smiled sheepishly and started to walk to the open seat. I thought to my self “I cant believe I have to sit in the back again.” I looked up and saw why it was the only seat. It was right next to Yong Guk. He stared at me with intense eyes. My heart felt like it was going to break through my chest from pounding so hard. I began to feel uneasy as I made my way to the seat. He watched my every move. I put my stuff down on the lab table and sat quietly next to him. I never felt this uncomfortable around someone before.  The professor began class introducing himself as Professor Kim. I began to take notes, when he announced that he had a lab planned to see where our microscope skills are.  He then proceeded to say that we would work in the groups of two that we were already sitting in, and that this person would be our lab partner for the semester. My heart began to pound harder and faster when he said that. I felt my face get hot. I prayed that my face wasn’t red. I began to fidget with my pen and looked down at my notebook with doodles on the page instead of notes.

The professor then began to pass out the lab manuals. When I received mine I put my name on it right away. I felt Yong Guk’s eyes on me. I tried hard not to anger him, or at least not make him even angrier than he already was, so I thought.

“Are you going to help?” I heard a deep booming voice ask.

“Huh?” I looked up

“I said are you going to help?” Yong Guk said, staring at me with hard eyes.

“Oh, yeah sorry I was thinking about something…”

He cut me off. “This is why I don’t like working with girls. They always are day dreaming.” He said with what sounded like disgust in his voice.

“I wasn’t day dreaming!” I said with an angry look on my face.

“Oh well how was I supposed to know what you’re thinking.”

“You shouldn’t assume then.”

“Humph, if you say so. You’re not my mother.” I wanted to say, “Well I’d hate to be your mother,” but decided not to say it.

“Let’s just get the lab done like the professor said.”

“Yeah then I can leave.” He said,  “I don’t want to be in here that long.”

I just started working on the lab. I thought to myself “Geez this guy is an arrogant jerk. Who does he think he is?”

In the middle of the lab he broke the awkward silence with an angry sigh.

“What?” I glared at him

“It shouldn’t be taking this long, you move to slow.” He said glaring back.

“Well if you think you can do it better and faster then you do it!”

“Fine! I will.” He said grabbing the pen, and microscope from me.

He then began to write on the lab manual, filling in all the blanks. I just watched him getting angrier.

He then turned of the microscope, placing my pen down.

“Done.” He said packing up his things. I just glared at him. “What are you glaring at?” he said with and angry look on his face.

“You didn’t let me do any of It.” he just stared at me, and I stared back.

“Pfff. You were taking to long, it’s like your stupid or something.”

“I am not stupid! I actually happen to be quite intelligent.”

“Sure you are, and you can’t even do a basic lab?” He started to walk away

“YAH! Don’t you dare walk away from me!” I scolded. He stopped in his tracks and chuckled.

With his back turned to me he said, “Do you think I’m going to listen to you. I don’t even know you, your just a kid.” He started to walk away again. 

“Like your friends…” I stated, he stopped again and turned around staring at me. “At least I have friends my own age.” Crossing my arms.

“Don’t talk about my friends that way!”

“Why you don’t like it when someone tells you the truth.” His hands clenched into a fist. “They are all younger than you! If anyone is still a child it’s you!”

“At least I have friends.” He said with his booming voice “All you do is hang around with your cousin. I feel bad, that she has to deal with you all the time.” He said walking out.
“YAH! She happens to be my best friend!” I yelled. The room was completely empty. “Wait… how does he know that CL is my cousin? He wasn’t even in the room when I was talking to the professor.” I said to my self.

“Hey, who were you yelling at?’ CL asked from the doorway.

“You don’t want to know.” I said as I grabbed my things and headed toward her.

“What’s wrong? Why are you angry?”

“GAHH! One name… Yong Guk.” I said with disgust

“Oh my God! What happened?” she asked with a worried look on her face. “What did he do? Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine, he just made me angry. He’s so arrogant! Who does he think he is?”

“Well he pretty much rules the school with the other B.A.P boys.”

“I don’t know why, he’s a jerk.”



We went to lunch together, and I noticed that a lot of the high school students were at lunch with us.

“The high school has the same lunch break as we do.” CL explained, “it’s so that the students can get to know each other, and build unity between the levels.”

“Odd, this would never happen in the states.”

“Haha I know right. It’s interesting here.” She said as we took our seats next to some other girls she knew. One of them had short black hair, the other had long brown wavy hair, and the third one had long straight red hair. “Hey ladies!” CL greeted. “This is my cousin Jeo Jeo, she’s new here.”  The girls looked up with smiles on their faces.

“Hello” they all greeted

“Hi” I said

“This is Bom” CL introduced to me pointing at the girl with the red hair. “Dara, she and Bom are graduate students.” Dara was the girl with the long brown wavy hair. “And lastly this is Minzy, she’s a freshman that has sick dance moves” pointing at the girl with the short black hair.

“It’s nice to meet all of you.” I said with a smile on my face. 

“Oh look what the cat dragged in.” Minzy said

“MINZY!” Bom scolded, “That’s no way to treat CL’s cousin.” I was in complete and total shock.

“No not her! Them!” Minzy then pointed to the B.A.P boys.

“Why are you being that way?” Dara asked

“Because they really annoy me! That Youngjae person is in my class and he’s annoying.” She said

“Why what did he do?” CL asked, all our eyes were on Minzy.

“He’s not even in college and all the girls are like ‘oh he’s so cute.’ ‘He’s such a good singer’ ‘he’s blah blah blah.’ You name it he’s it,” she said making fan girl like voices imitating the other girls.

I began to laugh, “I know what you mean.” I said, “The only nice one is Daehyun. He was friendly. Himchan is creepy, and as for Yong Guk, he’s and arrogant jerk.”

The girls then laughed “It makes me sick how everyone idolizes them.” Minzy said, “It’s gross.”

We continued to eat our lunch, laughing and getting to know each other better. The girls were extremely fun and sweet. I was happy to have met them. After lunch had finished I had to go to my vocal class, which Minzy happened to be in. So after we parted ways Minzy and I walked to class together. We talked about our favorite artist, and what type of dance we liked. When we got to class she grimaced.

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“It’s here.” She said


“Youngjae.” She made a face, “I can’t seem to escape him.”

“Yeah I can’t seem to escape any of those boys.” I said as we walked in and took a seat. I could hear all the girls giggling and whispering about him. I looked over to him, and it looked as if he didn’t know they were talking about him. He had no reaction to what they were saying. It would have been impossible for him not to hear them. Either it was he wasn’t paying attention, or he was deaf, but I find that hard to believe.


The class went by fast, and it was time for me to be on my way to my dance class. Minzy and I walked out of the music building and she pointed me in the direction of the dance building and told me that my class would be in the last room on the left of the hall. I thanked her and headed to class.


Once reaching class, the professor asked all of us to change into clothes we could get sweaty in. After we all did, she began class. She said that we would be working on a semester long project. Which she was going to assign us to groups, then two young boys walked into class. I turned to see who they were. “Just my luck” I thought, it was the two youngest B.A.P boys, Jongup and Zelo. They both were in uniforms. The tall one with blonde hair that somehow reminded me of ramen noodles said, “Sorry we got lost.” Bowing to the teacher and class.

“I’ll let it slide for today, since it’s the first day and you are high school students.” She said, “Hurry up and change.” The boys walked out to change. We all waited in silence. When they came back we went in a circle introducing ourselves.

“Now that we all know each other’s names,” the professor said, “My name is Professor Chae, and I will be assigning you into groups for the dance project.” She got up and walked over to her notebook. “I had already randomly assigned you into groups before hand.” She began to read off the names. I listened quietly for my name to be called.  “Zelo, Jongup, and Jeo Jeo. You will be our final group.” She said, “Now get to know each other and start creating art.” She said as she left the studio.  I looked at the two boys who were snickering about something. I thought to myself, “Please be laughing at something else.” The young boy named Zelo stood up and walked over to me, as Jongup began to stretch.

“Hi” he said.


“Your in our group, so we should start working.” She gave me a smile. When he stood in front of me he towered over me. He was cute in a little brother like way. He then said, “How old are you Jeo Jeo?” I was baffled at how he knew my name, and then I remembered that we all had to introduce ourselves at the beginning of class.

“I’m twenty years old.”

“Oh… I’m Fifteen and Jongup is seventeen, so that makes you a noona to us.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Noona, shouldn’t we start?” Jongup called from the other side of the room.

“Ne” I said, wondering how he heard what Zelo and I talked about without us telling him.

We worked on the concept and theme of the project. We had to have three full songs, which each of us had one to choreograph.  We also had to have three different styles of dance.

“I’m Doing hip-hop” Jongup said

“OH you always get first pick! What if noona wanted to do that? You didn’t even ask her?” Zelo said angrily.

“She doesn’t want to choreograph a Hip Hop dance.” Jongup said, confidently.

“You don’t know that you didn’t ask.” Zelo argued.

“She doesn’t look like the type that’s how I knew.” Jongup looking at me, “Do you want to choreograph a hip-hop dance?”

“No it’s fine you can do it, I’m not very creative with hip hop, it’s not in my comfort zone.”  I said looking at Zelo

“Then we shouldn’t do hip-hop Jongup if it makes her feel uncomfortable.” Zelo said teasing him. Jongup just glared at him.

“Then what do you suppose I choreograph?” he asked with a growl.

“Something else.”

“Will you guys stop arguing?” I exclaimed, “We’re not getting anywhere. Jongup can choreograph whatever he wants; I just don’t want to choreograph hip-hop because it would be awkward. Like I said I’m not creative with that genre.” They blankly stared at me. Zelo’s mouth hung open and he looked at Jongup and then back to me.

“Okay so I’m going to do hip-hop.” Jongup said making his decision official.

“Okay then what do you want to do noona?” Zelo asked.

“Um… Well you probably don’t know what it is, but I was thinking a color guard routine.” They both just stared at me blankly.

“What’s that?” Jongup asked

“Its pretty much the same as a dance routine, but incorporates the use of props such as a flag, and ribbon.”

“Why that?” Zelo asked, “Wouldn’t it be weird looking?”

“No it wouldn’t be weird looking, you have to trust me. I was on the color guard team in high school.”

“So.” They both said

“So, it would make our performance stick out from the rest of the class’.”

“And?” Jongup said, questioning my idea

“And that means it will be different, thus a better grade.”

“Ohh, I get it now.” Zelo said nodding.

“But we don’t know how to color guard.” Jongup said, “I think we should do something we all can.” I pouted after he said that.

“If she want’s to do it we should do it! Besides it cant be that hard.” The fifteen-year-old boy said.

“It won’t be really hard, I will do all the hard moves with the color guard props, and you guys can dance if it makes you feel better.”

“Yah! That’s sounds good to me.” The brown haired one said.

“Zelo what are you planning on doing?” I asked him.

“Hmmmmmm….” He looked up, and was deep in thought. Both Jongup and I watched him as he tried to make a decision.  “I got it!” Zelo said snapping his fingers, “What about a electronic, modern dance?” Jongup and I exchanged looks and then nodded.

“It’s different so it should work.” I said, smiling.

“We should thing of costuming.” Jongup replied, “For hip-hop, we should do the oversized sweats, t-shirts, and hoodies.”

“And for the mine we should do chrome, or silver colored to make it look futuristic.” Zelo added.

“For mine we can do a Michael Jackson style attire.” I replied, and they nodded. I had already decided that my routine would be to the song “The Way You Make Me Feel”.  We finished up with our ideas and headed for the locker rooms to change. Once I was changed, I walked out of the locker room to find Zelo, and Jongup waiting for me. “This is odd” I thought to myself

“Hey we should exchange phone numbers so we can get together outside of class to work on the project. Jongup said pulling his phone out of his pocket. Zelo did the same, and I dug in my bag for my phone. We exchanged our numbers with each other, and went on our separate ways.



I finally reached CL by the fountain in the middle of campus, and headed to her car.

“So how was the rest of the day?” She asked with curiosity.

“Well its official I have at least one of the B.A.P boys in all of my classes, two in my dance class.”

“Lucky you… so was it alright?”

“Yeah, Youngjae doesn’t talk. Jongup and Zelo are my dance project partners.”

“Wow you really lucked out.” She said sarcastically, “You got the two troublemakers.”

“They didn’t seem like troublemakers to me.”

“Yet.” She said unlocking her car, and we put out things in the trunk.

“I guess time will tell.”

We looked up and saw all the boys getting into the car across from us.

“Yah! What’s he staring at?” CL grimaced

“Probably me, he hates me and doesn’t even know me.” I said, “Arrogant jerk.”

She laughed, “You got that right.”

I was about to climb into her Land Rover when I saw a wave. It was coming from the masked boy with the light brown hair. I looked over and I waved back, once again I couldn’t tell if he was smiling or not. “Stupid Mask” I muttered to myself. I saw Yong Guk Give him a death glare, and he looked toward me again, and then climbed into the massive SUV. I felt like eyes were on me, but when I looked back over toward them, Yong Guk’s eyes met mine.  I quickly looked away, and got into the car.

“Creep.” CL said, as she started the car. “Lets get out of here.”

“Yeah I’m worn out from the day.”

We left school, and headed home. I couldn’t get Yong Guk’s stare out of my head. It scared me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I questioned myself, wondering why he’s so angry all the time.


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PaRRaP #1
Chapter 36: That was the best Yongguk one I've read! I wish it ddin't have to end though. :(
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 36: that story was great!!
Thank you everyone! This means a lot to me, i will start on my new stories this weekend. Yes i don't have a life too much on the weekends in college, but oh well... It keeps me company, me and my imagination.
georginasfan #4
I loved the ending please write both of your ideas you mentioned in the final chapter
georginasfan #5
Please write more soon!
123suni #6
muhahaha!! the pics really made me laugh!!!
please update sooon!!!!!!!
asia_lor01 #7
Aww!! So cute!!