From One Nightmare To Another

Just Another Fairytale

AN: Well..another chapter of this..fanfic.. Actually I think this is my 2nd idea that I really ever o.o


  Kibum sniffed as a taller boy pushed him into the wall. He hated how he would always be pushed around for looking a bit more girlish than most. He didn't understand why anyone would hate the other when all of them shared a fate. He had long given up. He knew that he would never get adopted. There was one time when a beautiful lady had almost brought him home, but one of the other boys lit the lady's skirt on fire and told everyone that it had been Kibum. Kibum tried to tell them that it wasn't him. He yelled and screamed until the lady slapped him. She didn't want such a noisy kid, after all. From that day, Kibum was  wary of everything that happened around him. He knew that the boys there hated him and he had to fight if he wanted to survive. So he would fight back weakly, but he would always be the only one that was punished. 

At some point, the other boys had taken almost everything from him. His stuffed bear and necklace from his parents, He managed to save something. A small mirror. The frame was golden and there was a strange writing around the mirror itself but Kibum could never read it. He would always keep the mirror close and when he looked into it, he felt like he wasn't alone. And he wasn't.

On the other side of the mirror, Jonhyun would shout at Kibum's attackers-even though they never heard it, He would sing softly to Kibum while he was asleep. Sometimes he would just look into the mirror and wish that he could be there with Kibum. His wish never came true. He asked his father once. The answer was quite short and something that the boy hadn't understood at that time.

'It's not time your time yet, son..' the king said.

Jongyhun didn't understand. Kibum got hurt and punished almost daily. He would cry himself to sleep, and Jonghyun couldn't do anything. Why wasn't it 'his time' yet? So he stared into the mirror. When Kibum would cry, he would whisper soothing things that never got through. Jonghyun was desperate to do something, but he couldn't do anything. The mirror would let him hear what was happening on the other side, but Kibum, who should have at least seen him never did. Jongyhun would have given up anything to see Kibum's smile.. Just once.. But ever since his parents died, he hadn't smiled. Jonghyun wondered if he could ever smile again. He hoped that he could. He wanted Kibum to be happy. 

Kibum was feeling like giving up again. The boys had chased him through the garden until he fell into a rosebush. His clothes were torn by the sharp thorns. His cheek had a longer scratch on the side, and his hands were bruised as well from trying to get out of the bush. At first, he failed which resulted in even more scratches on his backside. When he finally managed to get out, he looked at his hands and saw blood. Not to much, but there was blood. He felt a bit sick, but it was maybe from hitting his head earlier. He walked back to the room he shared with many other boys and stumbled to his bed. Tears had clouded his vision. He looked for his mirror and when he found it, he jumped back slightly. He looked horrible. He was skinny and pale. He had a few bruises and cuts on his face and a few on his neck as well. He put the mirror away and went to the bathroom. It was lunchtime by now he knew that no one would be there. Quickly washing off the blood, he sniffed. His hair was a bit longer than most boy's and tangled. His hairbrush was broken from when of the boys decided to  throw it on the ground until it broke. He didn't care about his appearance, but he wanted to look nice. He just couldn't, because he was living in that place. 'Will I ever have my happy ending?' he asked himself sadly. 

As the years went buy, the bullying got worse. Kibum was already seventeen, soon he would be allowed to leave. He smiled to himself at the thought. He had the tiny apartment of his parent's to live in, and even if he had some things to sell, he would make it. He was much more confident than he used to be. He was much taller than before, even if most boys had still towered over him, but his feminineness hadn't left him. His face could be mistaken as a female's and his body looked like one's as well. But he didn't care. He knew that he was pretty and he decided against believing other people 

Of course, his happiness didn't last long. One day, one of the older boys were sitting in the tiny library. Key was there as well, reading about other countries. He was always curious of them. Suddenly, he could hear a tearing sound. He looked up. The other boy was tearing books apart . Key jumped up and ran at him to stop him. The boy smirked, knocking the already unstable shelf he was standing under. The books fell. Key managed to get out of the way, but the boy landed himself like he had been his by the shelf, even if he wasn't. A female caretaker ran in. 'What happened?! 'she shouted. The boy let out a painful cry and told her about how Kibum had knocked the shelf over because he had caught him on tearing the books. Kibum paled and he started to sweat. It was a lie, but the caretaker was already yelling at him to pack his things and go. No one wanted a troublesome child like him, as she said. And Kibum did so. He  grabbed all of his belonging - a few clothes and his mirror - and ran. He knew where his old apartment was. The  spare key was still under the flower pot his mother loved so much. No one had bought the house, it was kept for Kibum. He stepped into the dusty house, coughing loudly. 'I guess this is my home from now on..' he whispered and clutched his mirror close.

Jonghyun glared at the mirror. His Kibum was miserable and he still couldn't so anything against it. 'I will come for you..' he whispered, but of course, the other didn't hear him. He seemed to be sorting the furniture out. Jonghyun knew that he didn't have money, but the fact that Kibum was selling almost everything had angered him. 'He should have everything he wants.. 'he whispered, clenching his fists. He could see that Kibum was crying as he was putting the stuff that he kept into his room. An old, dusty bed, a wardrobe and a desk. That was all. He also left a table and a chair in the kitchen, along with the fridge and microwave oven, everything else was sold.

But suddenly, Kibum smiled sadly. 'A new life..' he whispered.

'Your new life will be much brighter..' Jonghyun whispered into the mirror.

Suddenly, Kibum picked his head up, hearing the soft, reassuring words. 'Is anyone there?' he asked weakly.

Jonghyun grinned. Kibum had heard him. 'Shh..go to sleep..' he whispered and strangely, the boy obeyed. 'I will take you away from this hell soon.. 'he promised. And in his sleep, Kibun smiled.

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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
Hello, if you need a Poster, Background, CC or Banner, please don't hesitate and request from S&M Pleasure Graphics.
ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((