
Just Another Fairytale


AN: Well.. after the previous chapter's drama, here comes some fluffier stuff..or not.. I was planning to make this fluffy but I failed.. So bear with another mostly sad chapter please T.T.

  And yeah, check out my other fics to x3333 *yawn* 

 As they arrived to the hospital, Key was rolled away into the Intensive Care Unit quickly. Jonghyun was lead to a waiting room and told to sit down. He told as he was, his eyes teary. He couldn't bear seeing the pain in his beloved eyes. He was blaming himself for letting Key be kidnapped, for not bringing him to the hospital immediately. But only a few hours ago, the boy looked perfectly healthy, just tired. As he was wrapped in his thoughts, he barely noticed his mother sitting down next to him. The woman's small frame was shaking, but she tried to put on a strong facade, as always. The king was there as well, trying to comfort his wife. Though he barely talked to Kibum, he had started to like the boy as well. He knew how hard his past had been, and he wanted to be a father figure to the young boy, but Key seemed to attract criminals, and just trouble like a magnet. The king had to admit though, that for happiness, they had to fight. And he knew that Jonghyun and Key loved each other more than to give up. 

After a few minutes, Minho and Taemin arrived as well. Once Taemin heard what happened, he begged Minho to go the Hospital (which was not easy since he didn't even know where to go). To Minho, Taemin described Key as his Umma. Minho knew how much Taeming cared for his 'umma', so he agreed to go to the hospital. But for Taemin, even Minho's car wasn't quick enough. He wanted to confirm that his Umma was Ok. He even wondered if it was just a big joke at one point. But as they saw the sorrowful look on Jonghyun's face, they knew that something was really wrong. 

Minho tried to comfort his friend with patting his shoulder, but Jonghyun just brushed the comforting hand off. He didn't feel like he deserved the comforting.

Soon, a doctor stepped out of the room Key was in. He sighed as he bowed to the royal people there, now knowing exactly who he was treating. 'Well, the boy seemed to be injected ​by a very rare poison. It makes the victims slow down at first, they get very sleepy. After that, they get paralyzed temporary. As they can move finally, they start to feel the pain that the poison causes. It is more than unbearable. In the end, the victims either kill themselves or die from the pain, if the antidote isn't given to them in a short period of time..' he explained.

Jonghyun was crying once again. He was sure that if he had taken Key to the hospital, he would be fine. He could barely breath through his never ending tears, but as he looked at his mother, he could see that her facade had broken. Her whole form was shaking as she grasping her husband's shoulder for support. Her pitiful sobs echoed in the hallway.

'My baby..' she whispered through her tears. ', please.. He will be fine right? You gave him to antidote in time, right?' she asked, her voice shaky.

The doctor looked at the floor, but then looked at the people in the room once again. 'He will, your Highness. But he needs plenty of rest and he can't be stressed emotionally for now. He might 'break'. He is sleeping right now.' he said. 

'So.. Umma's Ok?' Taemin asked quietly as he was sitting on Minho's lap, his back pressed into the elder's chest tightly. He cracked a tired smile, as it dawned on him.

'Umma?' Jonghyun asked as he let out a relieved sigh. Taemin nodded with a slightly brighter smile on his face.

'He is my Umma cause he took care of me back at the orphanage. He was like my real Umma had been..' Taeming explained. Jonghyun nodded, understanding what Taemin meant.

'Yes, he will be fine.' The doctor said. 'You can visit him now, if you'd like, but please try to not wake him up. And only one visitor at a time.' Everyone nodded as the doctor motioned for the door. As his parents and friends looked at Jonghyun, he stood up slowly and went into the room.

The sight in front of him was much worse than he had imagined. Key was lying on a hospital bed, hooked up to many machined. But still, his face was eerily peaceful. Jonghyun wiped away the tears that threatened to slide down his cheek quickly as he stepped to Key bed and took his hand in his gently, as if he was touching a feather. 'Princess..'he whispered the nickname tearfully as he caressed the back of Key's hand with his thumb gently. 'Please, get better soon..' he begged the boy. 'We will ride the horses again, ok? And after that.. after that we will go to the amusement park. We can take Taemin and Minho too. I know how much you love your 'son'. Wait, if he is your son, then he is mine too.' here he cracked a gently smile. 'Just get better, please..' he said once again. Suddenly, Key's eyes fluttered open. Jonghyun knew that the boy shouldn't be awake yet, but he felt relieved, it was a sign that Key was better. Key opened his mouth to say Jonghyun's name, but Jonghyun put his finger on the younger's lips gently. 'Shh, don't speak yet, Bummie.. Just rest,' he said with a gently smile as he kissed Key's forehead. Key nodded slightly as he closed his eyes once again falling into a peaceful sleep.

Jonghyun decided to leave the boy to rest peacefully for now. He kissed his forehead one last time, and walked out of the dull hospital room. He was relieved, but he knew that only when he had Key in his arms, healthy and happy, would he be fully relieved. 

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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
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ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((