Nightmare and Worries

Just Another Fairytale

AN: *yawn* Here is a new chap I guess xD I hope you like it.. x333


Kibum walked around in his new home, following Jongyhun like a lost puppy. His 'mate' was showing him everything that hew needed to know. He had already seen the dining room of course and most of the bedrooms, so know they were just walking around aimlessly. Kibum was holding Jonghyun's hand shyly. Suddenly, he yawned widely. Jonghyun chuckled softly and let the small boy to their bedroom. 'You should sleep, you look tired..' he said, worry evident in his eyes .

Kibum shook his head. 'I don't wanna sleep yet Jongie..' he mumbled, pouting. 

'Bummie, you have to..' Jonghyun sighed, looking at the boy, He looked exhausted and paler than he should. 'I don't want you to get sick, you look like you'd collapse in any minute..' he said. Kibum sighed. The other was right. He felt extremely tired also, he was still shocked slightly. His life had just changed for the better, but he was still afraid that this was just a dream. This was just too perfect. He lay on the bed and curled up into the fluffy pillow, letting out a content sigh. Jonghuyn chuckled as he leaned down and kissed the top of the boy's head. 'Sleep well..' he whispered. Kibum nodded into the pillow slightly and fell asleep before he could feel the fluffy covers being laid on him.

Jonghyun walked up to his mother with a sad sigh. Something about Kibum was still bothering him. It wasn't the boy himself, he knew that Kibum would grow to love him, because even know he could feel that he was starting to like him. It was something serious. 

'Umma..' he started and his always understanding mother looked up from her letter.

'What is it, baby boy?' she asked though she already knew what her son wanted to say. She had noticed how frail and pale looking Kibum was, also how he got exhausted easily. 

'I am worried about Kibum.. He.. he looks so.. ' Jonghyun started, his eyes full of worry. His mother nodded.

'I know sweetie, but I think he is just tired. You've seen how hard his life used to be, haven't you?' she asked and her son nodded.

'Yes, but I am still worried. What if it's not only that. What if he is sick, what if something is seriously wrong with him?' Jonghyun asked as he sat down,.

'Jongie, he'll be fine. If anything's wrong, we'll help him to get through it..' The queen said. Jonghyun sighed and nodded.

'I know, I can't help worrying about him though.. I.. I finally have him here and I am afraid of loosing him..' he admitted, making his mother smile at him warmly.

'And it's alright to worry. But trust me, he just needs some care and rest, and you two will have a long, happy life..' she said and beamed at her son, then pulled him into a warm hug. ' Just be there with him when he needs you..' she smiled. Jonghyun returned her hug and smiled. 

After the little talk with his mother about his worries, he went back to their room. Kibum was sleeping peacefully, hugging a pillow close. Jonghyun smiled affectionately. The boy looked adorable. Suddenly Kibum let out a small sound of discomfort. It was a tiny whimper, but Jonghyn was already leaning above him.

Kibum sniffed in his sleep, whispering a soft 'No..' he seemed to be having a nightmare. Jonghyun sat next to him and put a gentle hand on his cheek.

'Shh, I am here..' he whispered. Kibum whimpered again.

'D.. don't leave.:' he whispered brokenly. Jonghyun lay next to him and pulled him into his strong, protecting hold. 'I am here and I won't leave you..' he promised. Kibum seemed to calm down, but his pain and sadness was still written all over his face. He didn't look peaceful now at all.

'Oh my little Bummie. I am so sorry for letting you suffer this much..' Jonghyun whispered and kissed the boy's forehead. 'You won't suffer anymore..' 

Kibum seemed to sleep deeply after this little episode, but Jonghyun hadn't left him since then. He just held the boy close, protecting him from everything. After some time, he fell asleep as well, smiling softly.

When Kibum woke up, it was already in the late afternoon. At first he thought that he was at 'home' and had slept in since he hadn't feel this fresh for a long time. He wanted to get up, but something didn't let him. This something, or someone as he realized later pulled him closer. Kibum looked at the strong arms embracing him and blushed, remembering where he was. He smiled and relaxed in the familiar arms, closing his eyes. He loved the way how close Jonghyun had hold him, it seemed like only like this was he safe. Soon, Jonghyun started to stir and finally, he let go of Kibum.

'Hi there, sleepyhead..' Kibum whispered softly. Jonghyun smiled and kissed the boy's forehead.

'Morning, Bummie..' he said, still a bit sleepily. Kibum giggled, Jonghyun looked like a sleepy puppy. 

'Oh~ Do you think I am funny? Well I found THIS funny..'  the prince mumbled and he started to tickle Kibum gently, careful on not to hurt him. Kibum giggled and soon he was laughing, pushing the other's hands away. 'Noo~' he whined. Jonghyun chuckled and kissed his forehead. 'Want to get some food? ' he asked. 

Kibum shook his head. 'I'm not hungry yet, Jongie..' he explained. Jonghyun sighed softly, again, worry was in his eyes as he looked at Kibum's thin form.

'You should eat, Bummie..' he said, but Kibum refused to give in. After some time, Jonghyun sighed. 'Fine, but we'll have a huge dinner. 

Kibum rolled his feline eyes. 'Ok..' Jonghyun pulled him into another hug. 

'You don't know how much I waited for this..' he whispered. 'But you are here finally, and I.. I just want you to know that I am going to do everything in order to make you happy.. 'he added. Kibum sniffed, but smiled at the elder.

'Thank you.. But.. I am already happy..' he said with a teary smile.

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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
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ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((