Finally Happy..

Just Another Fairytale

AN: Hello there readers~ I am just telling this because I might not be able to update on tomorrow (or Friday). From Sunday, this story will be on hiatus for a week or so, because I am going away. I have no plans for tomorrow, so I might type down a few chapters and add them before I leave, but I'm not sure cause my aunt and uncle are coming from Australia. And I won't be home on Friday so I'll  have to spend some time with them (of course).(plus my bday party is on Saturday and Sunday xDD)And I haven't done the packing or anything yet.. So yeah, I'm just saying that I'll update-I just don't know when.. 

Jonghyun had suggested to do something after dinner. After convincing Kibum that he couldn't see the horses now (since it was a bit cold outside and he didn't want his Bummie to catch a cold) they decided to watch a  movie together. Kibum seemed to be content with that idea as well as he was already heading to the living room before Jonghyun could offer something else. Jonghyun smiled to himself and followed the boy

In ten minutes,  Kibum was curled up on the huge couch in the living room. Jonghyun had left to make some popcorn, because the two decided to watch a movie. Kibum was pretty excited, he felt kinda giddy. Jonghyun finally arrived with the popcorn, and something else.

'Hey, Bummie! ' he said and sat down, pulling the small boy on his lap. He put the popcorn away and put something on his Bummie's neck. 'I don't want to say anything cheesy, but I think this just.. fits you..' he said and Kibum looked down at the Key shaped medal on his neck. He blushed and touched it gently. 

'T..thank you.. I.. I think I used to have one like this when I was younger..' he mumbled and smiled at Jonghyun. He the elders lap and hugged him tightly. 'T..thank you for everything..' he said again. Jonghyun smiled and kissed his forehead. 

'I should thank you, for being my little Key..' he whispered into the other's ears, hugging him back tightly. 'And now, let's watch that movie, Bummie!' he suggested. Kibum nodded and turned to face the Tv. Jonghyun put some romantic comedy on, he didn't really care about the movie itself, he was more interested in Key's reactions as he watched the movie. He would giggle cutely at the funnier parts, but through the whole movie, he was staring at the screen intently, his back pressed to Jonghyun's chest tightly. Sometimes he would reach out for a few pieces of popcorns, still staring at the screen. He seemed to be truly interested in the movie. 

Jonghyun just stared at how.. unique and beautiful his Kibum was. He was absolutely adorably when he giggled and just a bit amusing when he stared at the Tv as he didn't want to miss anything. Jonghyun smiled to himself as the boy reached for another handful of popcorn. He ate a few pieces, and kept staring at the screen. Jonghyun chuckled softly and caressed his hair gently. They sat there, comfortable in each other's presence. They couldn't have wished for anything at that moment.

​The movie finished soon and Kibum giggled to himself at the bloopers. He slowly got off Jonghyun's lap and stretched out. 'This movie was funny..' he exclaimed.

​ 'It sure was.' Jonghyun agreed even though he didn't even know what the movie was about. He grinned and got up, pulling Key into his tight embrace. ' I am glad that you enjoyed it, Bummie..' he said and smiled as the small boy nodded into his chest.

​Suddenly, Key's stomach growled loudly. The small boy blushed deeply and looked away. Jonghyun chuckled and ruffled the other's hair gently. 'I think we'll be able to have some dinner now..' he commented and lead Kibum to the dining room. As they entered, the young boy felt intimated by the huge room and classiness and practically everything again, but he raised his head and smiled. He wanted to enjoy his new life. He had been given a huge gift from fate, and he wasn't going to be scared now. Jonghyun smiled as he pulled the chair our for the younger, who smiled at him widely and thanked it cutely. 

The kind and the queen were already there, eating slowly. They were chatting about something unimportant softly. As they noticed their son and the small boy, they smiled and waved in their direction. Key waved back shyly while Jonghyun talked to them for a few minutes. 

Their food was served soon, and the two started eating slowly. Key didn't eat a lot, which made Jonghyun worried. Earlier when Key was sitting on his lap, he could feel how light he was. So Jonghyun sighed and picked up a forkful of food, telling Key to open his mouth. The smaller looked at him like he was crazy. 'I am already finished..' he wanted to say, but the food was stuck into his mouth. He glared at Jonghyun, but swallowed the food and sighed. Jonghyun fed the remaining food to the boy, he in the end felt fuller than even. 'I gonna get fat..' he pouted but Jonghyun just rolled his eyes.

'You won't, Bummie.. ' he ruffled the small boy's hair again. Jonghyun finished his dinner. Suddenly, Key got up as he noticed that the queen was going to leave the room. 

'Uhm..Sorry but may I speak to you?' he asked softly. He couldn't look in the woman's eyes, she reminded him of his own mother too much.

'Sure, little Kibummie..' the queen smiled and led Key to a small room where they could speak. He looked really scared but determined.

'I.. I don't want to look bad in your eyes or anything, but you look and.. act like my umma.. and I miss her really much and I.. I just wanted to ask you if sometimes, I could call you Umma too.. 'Key looked at the floor, as if the patterns were fascinating him. He seemed really sad when he spoke about his mother, but he looked really hopeful.

'Oh, little boy..' the queen let out a soft laugh and pulled the boy close. 'Of course you can call me Umma.. I've known you for a long time, and I already look at you as my baby boy.. 'she said, her eyes a bit teary. Key smiled and hugged the woman, clinging to her like he wanted to cling to his real mother. At teh moment, he felt like nothing could go wrong. Oh, how wrong he was..



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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
Hello, if you need a Poster, Background, CC or Banner, please don't hesitate and request from S&M Pleasure Graphics.
ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((