
Just Another Fairytale

AN: Aaaand after a long wait since I was too lazy to rewrite the lost chapters, they are here^^ 

Old AN: Drama.drama.drama.. a lot of it :D That's the keyword for today's chapter.. or not? Well. you'll find out soon :P 

​Oh and, please, if you like this story, read my other stories too.. x33333 

​And one other thing, English isn't my first language, and describing pain isn't taught in school lessons, so this chapter might be extremely awkward.. I am sorry for that T.T

 When Key woke up, he was in his and Jonghyun's bed once again. He could feel it, because it was too hard to open his eyes. It was like an unknown force had glued them together. He tried to move his hand to rub his eyes, but he couldn't. His arms felt like they were chained to the bed. He couldn't feel Jonghyun's protective arms around him, so he knew that he was alone. He let out a weak whimper as he once again tried to open his eyes. Finally, they opened. He didn't actually feel pain when they did so, but he felt like he could barely keep them open. He wasn't exactly tired, but weak. Weaker than he had ever been before. He didn't know how much he had slept, but he was sure that it was a lot. After a few minutes of lying on the bed practically motionlessly, he could move again. He moved his fingers and cracked a small smile when they weren't as heavy as they were. He still felt like he was under a huge stone though. After the numbness went away, he started to feel pain. At first it had been his fingers, then the pain traveled through his body. Suddenly, everything hurt. Even breathing came with a huge amount of pain. He could feel tears slide down his cheeks, but he didn't care, everything hurt to much to care. He wanted Jonghyun to come and soothe him, but the older didn't seem to be even close to him. 'Where is he..?' Key asked himself weakly, trying to sit up. As he fell back immediately, a new pain rushed through his body. He screamed, not being able to bear the pain anymore. 

Jonghyun was walking to their room with Key's breakfast when he heard the scream. It was filled with agony. He dropped the plate and ran to their room. As he threw the door open, he met with a terrifying sight. His lover was lying on their bed completely still. His eyes were open slightly, but he didn't seem to be aware of what was happening around him. 'Bummie?' Jonghyun asked very softly as he fell on his knees next to the barely breathing boy. 'What happened? Please tell me..' he begged, taking the younger's hand in his.

'H..hurts..' Key whimpered as he squeezed Jonghyun's hand weakly. He could barely see the other, but he was already glad that he was there.

'Where? Bummie, tell me, ok? I'll make the pain go away..' Jonghyun whispered, worry lacing his tone. 

'Every..where..' Key gasped as he could feel the pain getting worse. The older caressed his hair gently, trying to soothe him as much as he could.

Jonghyun's eyes widened as he noticed a tiny, needle-like mark on Key's arm. He could think of many things that could have been injected into the boy's blood to make him like this. Now he knew why it was so easy to get him out of there. 'Don't worry Bummie, you'll be fine soon..' he whispered as he kissed the boy's sweaty forehead. He looked like a broken angel as he lay there, his eyes barely open. And still, he was so beautiful..

Key seemed to believe Jonghyun as he nodded weakly. Trying to voice how thankful he was, only a few pitiful whimpers came out of his parted lips. He couldn't move, but he still tried to. He wanted to show Jonghyun that he knew that it was going to be Ok. As he tried to sit up once again, he let out another ear-shattering scream. His whole upper body seemed to be on fire suddenly. 'Help..' he whispered weakly.

Tears gathered in Jonghyun's eyes as he watched the suffering boy. He had already called for an ambulance, and they were on their way. Gently brushing some hair out of Key's eyes, Jonghyun begged him to get better silently. As the medical staff rushed into the room, Jonghyun was pushed away gently. Key seemed to grew nervous as the unfamiliar people crowded him. Seeing that they were dealing with royalty, one of the paramedics went over to Jonghyun, bowing slightly.

'Your highness, could you please tell us what happened to him?' he asked as his staff members were putting Key on a stretcher. Jonghyun nodded, barely seeing through his tears.

'He..he was kidnapped yesterday by an 'old friend' of our family. He seemed to be fine because he just fell asleep when we found him, he didn't say if he was hurt or not..' he whispered, and the paramedic took notes, nodding. 'Then when I woke up, he was still sleeping peacefully, so I decided to surprise him  with his favorite for breakfast, but then I heard his scream. He was completely still when I arrived, and he said that he was in pain. I noticed a strange mark on his arm, he might have been poisoned..' he finished brokenly. The paramedic nodded, and tried to smile at Jonghyun reassuringly.

'Don't worry, your highness, we will do everything we can.' he said. Jonghyun just nodded as Key was rolled outside. He followed the people, and relieved when he was told that he could go to the hospital with them. 

He took Key's hand in his, and kissed it gently. The boy's eyes fluttered open once again. He couldn't really speak because there was on oxygen mask placed on his face to help him breathe. Once again, he looked like a broken angel.

'I am sorry for letting them do this to you Bummie..' Jonghyun whispered, but Key just smiled at him weakly. 'But they won't touch you again, I promise..'

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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
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ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((